Modern world: Arc 1.6

Lu's entertainment company had signed more than a dozen artists under its name in the past few years, among whom only two artists were promoted: Wang Sisi and another male artist.

Wang Sisi could be said to be at the first tier level, while the male artist was a bit lower, only between the second and third tier.

After sending off the general manager of Vision TV, Bai Lixin called this male artist into his office and went directly to the point.

"You should know by now that I fired Wang Sisi. Xu Haoran also left with a group of artists a few days ago. Our entertainment company is now in turmoil, and people can only watch out for themselves. If you want to leave, I will not stop you, and I will not sue you for breach of contract. I will, like for Wang Sisi, unilaterally offer to terminate the contract in the name of the company."

Artist Haisheng froze at his words.

In fact, his relationship with Wang Sisi was quite good, and she had approached him privately a few days after she left, saying that she was going to open a studio and hoped that he would come and help her if there was a chance.

It would be a lie to say that he was not tempted. After all, under Xu Haoran's push, Wang Sisi had risen rapidly and burst into the eyes of everyone like a national goddess.

Her popularity was so high that he may not have been able to reach it in another five years of struggle. They were both signed at the same time, but Wang Sisi was already a first-tier actress, while he was still in the second or third tier.

But he still turned down Wang Sisi. One cannot be so thin-skinned and forgetful. He just made his debut two years ago and is already in the second or third tier, which is already a very good achievement compared to other actors.

In addition to his own hard work, he also has to rely on the opportunities and resources provided by his company. If you look around the country, there are really not many actors who can achieve fame as fast as Wang Sisi.

Although he didn't know why Mr. Lu dismissed Wang Sisi, he couldn't abandon his family since they hadn't treated him badly. When he heard Wang Sisi talk about opening a studio, he didn't think she was inspiring; he thought she was too scheming.

It takes at least three months to open a studio, from having an idea, to choosing a location, to raising funds, to renovating and recruiting people. However, she had done it all within a month of leaving the company. He believed she had planned it ahead.

But if she had negotiated with Mr. Lu a long time ago, she either would not have signed so many advertising contracts, or just insisted on filming even after the termination of the contract. But Wang Sisi left, never set foot in the company again, leaving a pile of mess here and did not care.

A few days ago, even General Manager Xu jumped ship with a group of people and left. He now suspects Manager Xu and Wang Sisi collaborated to fix President Lu.If she is not scheming, then who is?

If the president really wanted to discard Wang Sisi, he could just stop all her notices. Why would he go through this trouble? The entertainment industry is a place that changes like lightning. You may be a big star right now, but no one will remember you in two years if you don't get any exposure.

Hearing the president's tone of expulsion, Hai Sheng shrugged his shoulders and let out a bitter smile: "Where am I going to go, Mr. Lu? You've treated me well. I can't just abandon you like this. "

Bai Lixin smiled gratefully. Lu Xuefei had a good eye. Lu's entertainment company had signed two artists; Xu Haoran picked Wang Sisi and Lu Xuefei picked Hai Sheng. Wang Sisi is a vengeful person, but Hai Sheng is a person who knows how to repay kindness.

In Lu Xuefei's memories, Hai Sheng had repeatedly stood up for Lu's entertainment company, all out of gratitude to his proprietor.

In fact, Lu Xuefei had never expected anything from him in return, as the company and the artist were only bound by interests.

The artistes rely on the company to build up their popularity and use the company as a springboard to a better platform when they have built up enough popularity, while the company in turn only squeezes the youth of the artistes and relies on them to make money.

Because of Haisheng's honesty and sincerity, Lu Xuefei felt warm and fuzzy, which kept him from becoming cold-hearted until the end, and he persevered in the difficult days that followed.

After sending Haisheng away, Bai Lixin didn't rest and gathered all the staff together for a general meeting.

Within a few minutes of the meeting, three people came out, looking like they were breathing a sigh of relief.

They had seen Mr. Xu and a group of people leave one after another over the past two days and figured that the company would be finished sooner or later. After Wang Sisi left, she left the company in a mess, and the staff had not been paid for a month.

Today, they saw the manager of Luo's group leave with a smile on his face after bringing his lawyer to see Mr. Lu, and were afraid that he had claimed compensation.

Those who should have left had left, and the few of them who stayed until now only hesitated to do so because they were afraid of the liquidation damage fee.

As soon as the meeting started just now, Mr. Lu gave everyone a resignation contract. saying that whoever wanted to leave was free to do so and he would not pursue their compensation. The three of them hurriedly signed their names and left.

The assholes were all cleaned up, and Bai Lixin looked at the thirty or so people who had stuck around, and only then did the meeting, which lasted a mere half an hour, proceed without haste.

Once the meeting was over, everyone swarmed out. The heads that had been drooping were raised again, and they were all energetic and full of fighting spirit. They went about their business in their own way, hurriedly completing the tasks arranged by Mr. Lu.

For the next few days, Bai Lixin locked himself away in his house, isolated from the world.

Early in the morning of the fourth day, Bai Lixin finally finished his last job and emerged from his computer screen.

As soon as he broke away from his work, he heard an ear-splitting, sharp system warning tone in his head that kept on repeating, sounding like it was piercing through his head.

[Ding! Warning Warning! The physical attributes of the host body have reached the threshold of collapse. Please use your dimensional points to strengthen your body immediately! Otherwise, the body will die.

This will be considered a failure of the mission, and you will need to accept the punishment of consuming 5000 dimensional points! In order to protect the host, the system will forcefully use the dimensional points to strengthen the host's physical body.]

[Ding! Warning Warning! The physical attributes of the host body have reached the threshold of collapse. Please use your dimensional points to strengthen your body immediately! Otherwise, the body will die.

This will be considered a failure of the mission, and you will need to accept the punishment of consuming 5000 dimensional points! In order to protect the host, the system will forcefully use the dimensional points to strengthen the host's physical body.]

Bai Lixin covered his head and secretly screamed a curse. He was the kind of person who, once he put his energy into his work, would put his whole heart and soul into it, not listening to anything outside the window and not knowing anything about the outside world.

So when he was burying his head in his work, he didn't hear the warning signal from the system at all.

He covered his forehead with one hand and slowly stood up with one hand on the corner of the table. Only now did he realise that his body was actually so weak that even walking was laborious.

Walking with difficulty, Bai Lixin leaned back and threw his entire body onto the sofa before he said in his mind: [S419M, strengthen my body's physical attributes to C.]

After a short while, S419M's voice resounded in his head: [Yes, Lord Host, the system will use 500 realm points to strengthen the host's physical attributes from F to C. The strengthening process will be accompanied by severe pain. Please bear with it. The strengthening process will begin at the end of the countdown: 3,2,1, strengthening begins!

A sharp pain struck as soon as S419M's voice fell.

Bai Lixin clenched his teeth and curled his entire body up. It was as if his limbs were being cut and twisted by a sharp instrument. His bones were being viciously cracked piece by piece; even his heart was convulsing violently, and with every breath he took, his heart, liver, and lungs were in severe pain.

The pain of the body strengthening was ten times greater than the pain suffered during the soul fusion.

Bai Lixin knew that this body was being transformed and strengthened by every meridian in it.

And the greater the span of levels, the greater the pain endured. In fact, to put it bluntly, body strengthening was a means to counter the rules of the world; if you wanted to gain some kind of benefit beyond the rules, you had to pay the price opposite to it.

It took almost twenty minutes for the pain to subside. His face was miserable white and his head was covered in cold sweat. He tilted his head back and let out a deep breath, opening his limbs to rest casually on the sofa.

[Warning: Due to the high consumption of the host's mental energy while resisting the pain, the system will force the host into hibernation in order to restore the host's mental energy. Forced hibernation begins after the countdown: 3,2,1, forced hibernation begins]

Bai Lixin only had time to curse in his heart before his eyes went black and he fell into a deep sleep.


That morning, Mr. Luo of the Luo Group personally came to Lu's entertainment company, saying that he had a business problem to discuss with Lu Xuefei.

The company's secretary, Wang, saw Mr. Luo's vaguely angry face and was afraid that something had gone wrong with the advertising contract, so she hurriedly knocked on the president's office to ask Lu Xuefei for instructions.

But no matter how much she knocked on the door, there was no answer from inside. Secretary Wang then called President Lu's phone, and then a pleasant ringing sound came through the door of the office.

Mr. Lu had locked himself in after a meeting four days ago and locked the door behind him. He had only asked her to bring in a lunch that afternoon and had never come out again.

She didn't think much of it because his office was attached to a suite that included a bed, bath, and toilet.But today, when she couldn't get an answer after calling and knocking on the door, Secretary Wang vaguely realised that something was wrong.

Luo Qintian, who was following behind her, turned a shade darker. He pursed his lips tightly, his handsome face condensing into ice, a touch of anxiety in his eyes; "Has he been in there the whole time?"

Secretary Wang stomped her foot and said worriedly, "After the meeting four days ago, Mr. Lu said he wanted to design your company's advertisement urgently, so he locked himself in his office and never came out again ..." Her voice was getting lower and lower, and at the end of the sentence, she even shrank and took two steps backwards. The expression on Mr. Luo's face now was really scary.

Luo Qintian glanced at Secretary Wang, and without saying anything, he stepped forward and lifted his foot.

With a "bang," the door opened, and secretary Wang, who was at the side, was startled by his sudden movement. Her glasses fell off, and she was frozen on the spot for awhile.

"Mr.Luo, Mr. Luo, let's first have a good talk, you don't get angry…. don't get angry….." Luo Qintian walked in a few seconds before she reacted, and she followed him as she tried to persuade him.

"Still think I shouldn't have opened it?" As soon as she entered, she saw Luo Qintian picking up her own president in a princess hug position, striding away and heading out without a second glance.

Her heart skipped a beat when she saw it. Her boss had actually fainted and she hadn't realised it!


The system forced Bai Lixin to slowly wake up from hibernation. What came to his eyes was a pure white quilt, milky white walls, and a dripping medicine infusion device.

He froze for a moment. Was he in a hospital?

That's right, if she found him unconscious and half-dead on the sofa, Secretary Wang must have called 120.

"Awake?" A low, hoarse, and magnetic voice came from the side of the bed, and Bai Lixin's heart jumped. This voice was Luo Qintian's.

Only now did he remember what he had done in the past few days. They parted after sharing the same blanket. But after that, he never contacted the other again, just after the other party had said "no one-night stands". His attitude was clearly wringing out the other to dry.

Swallowing quietly, Bai Lixin took a deep breath and looked with weak eyes at the handsome man sitting peacefully on the edge of the bed and whispered, "Hi, long time no see."

Luo Qintian's clean chin was now covered in a ring of scruff, which, instead of looking unkempt, accentuated the man's sensuality.

He sneered, "It's been a long time indeed."

"We separated six days ago, and you never contacted me after you signed the contract the next day. I called you three times in the following four days, but you didn't answer any of them. "

"Did you think that after the contract was amended, you wouldn't have to pay for the breach of contract so I wouldn't be of any use anymore? "