Modern world: Arc 1.7

"Six days ago? But I clearly remember it was four days when I last contacted you. " Bai Lixin asked, taking a deep breath and blinking his dark grape-like eyes in confusion.

"Yeah, six days. You locked yourself in the office for four days and were in a coma for two days. Isn't that six days? " Luo Qintian's face was gloomy as he stood up and said in a condescending manner, "Mr. Lu was in a coma due to overexertion. Since Mr. Lu has woken up, I, who is of no use to him, can go now.

Seeing Luo Qintian turn his head to leave, Bai Lixin's heart trembled. Aside from his guilt, there were also some feelings mixed in that he himself could not even express in words.

This feeling prompted Bai Lixin to act one step ahead of reason. He got up from the hospital bed and tugged Luo Qintian's sleeve with his right hand from behind, whispering, "Don't go."

Luo Qintian stopped in his tracks, turned around and took hold of Bai Lixin's wrist and lifted it up, frowning with worry, "They're still pumping nutrients through this hand. Why are you moving it?"

Only then did Bai Lixin notice that he still had a needle in his right hand and that a bubble had bulged near the needle point.

Just then, the system beep sounded: [Ding! Lord host, minor emotional fluctuations have been detected in the other party; please continue your efforts, host.

Huh, emotional fluctuation? Bai Lixin then remembered his mission: there would be double rewards and the activation of new exchange items if he made Lu Xuefei's love and career a success.

Bai Lixin gritted his teeth and hugged him around the waist. His head pressed against Luo Qintian's sturdy chest, "I have a problem. Once I concentrate on a certain kind of work, I'll put my whole body and soul into it, and I'm completely oblivious to everything outside."

"I'm too low-esteemed, too timid. I was afraid that you disliked me when you didn't touch me that night and then left without saying goodbye the next morning. I was so desperate because I wanted to get the ad out to you quickly. I wanted your compliments, I wanted your praise, I wanted your approval. I… I even wanted your hugs and caresses. "

"I never wanted to use you, how could I possibly use you. I obviously liked you more than I thought."

"I'm sorry, I was wrong. I shouldn't have dived into work without telling you first, but I was afraid of being self-indulgent. I was also afraid that when I called you, I would get a perfunctory answer from you."

Bai Lixin was in tears and hugged Luo Qintian tighter, afraid that he would leave.

Luo Qintian looked down at Bai Lixin's flaxen, short, curly hair for a long time before he sighed and wrapped his arms around Bai Lixin. He kissed Bai Lixin's hair and said, "You don't have to be so presumptuous. I left that day because I had a meeting in the morning, and I left without saying goodbye because I couldn't bear to wake you up. So, don't say such things about yourself or have such thoughts."

Bai Lixin buried his head deep in Luo Qintian's arms, feeling the warmth of his body and his strong heartbeat, and the guilt and unease in his heart deepened.

He had approached Luo Qintian for the sake of his mission. His feelings were impure and full of purpose, but Luo Qintian's was not.

The better Luo Qintian treated him, the more guilt he felt.

"I'm sorry I'm deceiving you, and although I may not fall in love with you, I will definitely grow old with you in this life." Bai Lixin said, silently and secretly in his heart as he sniffed at Luo Qintian's masculine scent.

With Bai Lixin's intentional guidance, the "misunderstanding" was cleared up, but his hand was completely bulging and swollen at this point.

Luo Qintian smiled helplessly and lovingly rubbed Bai Lixin's soft hair, "Does your hand hurt? It's swollen like a pig's foot."

"It doesn't hurt, it's numb." Bai Lixin's eyes were teary, looking at Luo Qintian with a harmless gaze, making his heart melt.

"Fortunately, the nutrient solution is almost finished," Luo Qintian helped Bai Lixin back to the bed and removed the needle,"You lie here, I'll go find a doctor to come and take a look." He said and rubbed Bai Lixin's soft hair before leaving.

As he walked away, he rubbed his index and middle fingers with his thumb. The feeling of hair in his fingers felt so good, he couldn't help but love it.

As soon as Luo Qintian stepped outside, he saw the fruit basket sitting next to the door.

His eyes darkened, and he asked the bodyguards who had been guarding the outside, "Who came by just now?"

Bodyguard A: "The former Vice President of Lu's Entertainment, Xu Haoran. You were still in the ward, so I didn't let him in. He only looked in from the window for a while, then put down the fruit basket and left. "

The darkness in Luo Qintian's eyes instantly dissipated as he nodded and said, "Well done. Send this fruit tray to the elderly lady in the next ward, and say it's from a kind person." He said and left with light footsteps.

Wang Sisi Entertainment Media Studio

Wang Sisi's eyes were fixed on the script, but her hand was tapping on the table once or twice.

"Why? Why?! Almost a week had passed, but no one from the Luo Group had come looking for her? It was only logical that they should have been eager to come the day they terminated the advertising contract with Lu's Entertainment."

She narrowed her eyes, the light in her eyes flickering.

As she was thinking, she heard the door open with a bang. Wang Sisi looked back and saw a slightly downcast Xu Haoran.

"Haoran, you're back," Wang Sisi smiled as she got up to greet Xu Haoran, "where were you?"

She walked to Xu Haoran's side and spread her arms to embrace him. However, Xu Haoran avoided her and staggered away without even looking at her, heading straight for the washroom.

Wang Sisi was slightly stunned and looked towards the washroom with some disbelief. The sound of rushing water came from the washroom, mixed with the sound of Xu Haoran's dry heaving and low growling.

She sank her eyes, which were shining just now, and took a deep look at the bathroom before turning away.

After a while, Xu Haoran came out of the washroom and sat on the sofa with his clothes in disarray and a dishevelled look on his face.

The sight of Lu Xuefei and Luo Qintian hugging this morning was still fresh in his mind, and their conversation was like a steel thorn piercing his heart. Lu Xuefei and Luo Qintian were really ... in that kind of relationship?

Is Xuefei gay? The friend who had been laughing and talking with him about everything was actually gay?

When he thought of this, Xu Haoran wanted to retch again. He covered his mouth and looked fixedly at the glass table top on the coffee table.

At that moment, a white and soft hand reached out to Xu Haoran, and in that hand was a cup of hot water.

Looking over that pretty hand, a young and delicate face, blooming with a youthful warm smile, was looking at him. Her eyes were full of loving tenderness. He lost himself and murmured, "Sisi?"

Wang Sisi smiled, sat down beside Xu Haoran and caressed his back with her empty hand, "What's wrong with you, Haoran? You're so lost in thought. Have you run into any trouble? "

Xu Haoran's stomach, which had been a little queasy just now, settled when he saw Wang Sisi, who always looked at him so tenderly, as if he was her whole world. She was so pure, innocent, and understanding, always knowing what he needed, which was why he loved her so much.

Xu Haoran was embarrassed when he thought of his action of pushing Sisi away when he came back just now. He smiled apologetically and took the hot water from Sisi's hand, "Sorry for pushing you just now."

Wang Sisi laughed, "It's okay, I know you didn't mean it. What's wrong?"

Xu Haoran took a sip and said, after a moment's hesitation, "I heard that Xuefei had fallen ill and went to visit him in the hospital this morning after finding out where he was. I didn't expect to find any bodyguards outside the door when I reached the end of the corridor. The bouncers didn't let me in, but through the window I saw ... Xuefei and Luo Qintian hugging each other."

Wang Sisi smiled meaningfully and she covered her mouth in surprise, "You mean Mr. Lu is gay? And with Luo Qintian... "

Xu Haoran let out a bitter laugh, but still shook his head, "I just thought about it. There must be a hidden agenda in this matter! It was Luo Qintian who seduced Xuefei. Xuefei is clearly obsessed with cleanliness and doesn't even touch women. I must save Xuefei. He is the only child in the Lu family, and I must not watch him go astray. "

Wang Sisi's eyes suddenly sank. Xu Haoran's current behavior was too strange. He was obviously very homophobic, but after knowing that Lu Xuefei was gay, he was actually willing to accept him. If he knew that Lu Xuefei liked him, the consequences were uncertain.

Wang Sisi's heart was anxious, her mouth became a bit unpredictable: "But you can't be sure that Lu Xuefei is not gay, can you? You can't impose your own thoughts on him. Maybe this is the original him. He doesn't touch women, maybe not because he has a cleanliness problem, but because he was originally gay. "

Wang Sisi added silently in her heart: "And one who likes you."

Hearing Wang Sisi's words, Xu Haoran's body shook, and the hand holding the cup was trembling. Wang Sisi's words were not without merit, but he grew up with Xuefei, so how could he accept this reality?

Seeing this, Wang Sisi hugged Xu Haoran and pressed her head against his leg, "Haoran, I've been having insomnia for the past two days and my head hurts a bit. Why don't you go with me to sleep for a while?"

"Are you not feeling well? Come on, let's go home first. I'll call a doctor for you to go home and take a look." As soon as Xu Haoran heard that Wang Sisi was not feeling well, he no longer had time to think about Lu Xuefei, and without saying a word, he helped Wang Sisi go home.

Bai Lixin's coma was caused by the activation of the protection program automatically determined by the system, and he could not wake up until his spiritual power was restored. All of the tests performed after waking up were perfectly normal. The doctor's review was clean, so Bai Lixin was discharged from the hospital.

Not long after sending Bai Lixin home, Luo Qintian left in a hurry because he had some business to attend to at work. When he saw Luo Qintian leave, Bai Lixin opened his computer and searched for topics that were related to him and Wang Sisi.

When he typed in the words Wang Sisi, the webpage instantly listed the topics about her by the number of hits.

"Wisdom and beauty coexist; Li Sisi left the company and set up a studio alone."

"The employer was unkind; talented actress Wang Sisi sets up her own studio."

and "It is confirmed that Wang Sisi will join director Zhang Li's , she will be the youngest female lead in the national treasure director's film!"

The list went on and on, trying to shape Wang Sisi into an all-round actress.

Searching for Lu's Entertainment, the company has also been on the top of the charts for a while, but its reputation is not so good, and it is basically full of scorn;

"The company's president was unkind and unjust, suppressing the vice president and forcing a number of senior members to leave the company."

"Love breeds hate. Lu's president failed to force unspoken rules on the goddess Wang Sisi and terminated her contract in anger." and so on.

If Lu Xuefei really wanted to threaten one of his artists, all he would have had to do was bench her. He would not have had to do anything, and time would have made her fade away and become a worthless star.

Bai Lixin navigated to the most popular Chinese forum with a flick of his finger.

The four beauties of the pond: "Wang Sisi has a great future. Lu's entertainment company has no eyes. They gave up on such a talented actress."

Ship of Friendship: "In addition to that, Wang Sisi is going to sign an advertising contract with the Luo Group. I have seen all the raw films, and the acting is so explosive. The Luo Group used to invite big international stars. I think this time she is really going to be popular."

Superwomen: "Is that the one in the top 50 global group, the Luo Group? Upstairs, I also want such resources."

I love you, baby: "I'm begging for resources too. But don't you think it's inconsistent? If Lu's was really suppressing her, they could have just benched Wang Sisi. Why did they have to terminate her contract?

Four beauties of the pond: "That Lu Xuefei is just stupid, but thanks to his stupidity, the goddess was able to benefit from misfortune and set up her own studio."

Almost all netizens sided with Wang Sisi. The cohesive power of an idols was extremely frightening. The reputation of Lu Xuefei and Lu's Entertainment Group was now at its lowest point since the company was founded.

Bai Lixin looked at these comments, laughing more and more, and finally laid down on the table, still laughing out loud.

He slapped the table and spat out in his mind, [No matter what world one is in, human opinion is extremely frightening. They obviously don't know the truth, yet they speak as if it had happened right next to them.]

[These people may be businessmen, office workers, or civil servants, but now they are gathered on the internet, using their verbal violence to do so-called justice. s419M, do you think their faces would hurt if the truth came to light?]

S419M replied after a while: [ Lord Host, I have carefully analysed human nature. People have a sense of shame, and when they find out that they have wronged others, they will be ashamed. However, the possibility of face pain you mentioned should be 0.01% because no one would ever hit them in the face in reality because of the truth.]

When Bai Lixin heard S419M's serious reply, he laughed out loud again, [S419M, although you are a super artificial intelligence, you don't understand human nature after all. Today, the lord host will teach you one more lesson about being human. There are some punches to the face that do not require contact through the skin, but the pain is several times or even tens of times greater than physical contact].

After saying this to S419M, Bai Lixin narrowed his eyes and "crackled" on his keyboard.

The next day, a new thread was posted on the front page of the forum.

If the previous post was just a spiteful and popular post, then this post was a rigorous analysis post.

This post elaborated on four separate aspects of Wang Sisi's leaving the company with a purpose.

The owner of this post scattered thousands of words, analyzing all the inconsistencies of the whole incident.

The first is that Wang Sisi's studio was set up so quickly that it was suspicious. The poster rigorously analyzed the time spent on site selection, rent, contract, decoration, and personnel, and finally came to the conclusion that even the fastest entertainment studios need three months of preparation time.

The second was the timing of the termination of the contract. Even if Lu's president is stupid, he should have known that Wang Sisi had signed so many advertising contracts, and that once he cancelled the contract, he would definitely face problems of liquidation damages for breach of contract, and by then he would definitely be left with no money. So why is he so stupid?

The third is the motive, Lu's Entertainment has no motive at all to terminate Wang Sisi's contract and doing so would only harm the company. They would rather bench her than terminate Wang Sisi's contract.

The fourth is the real reason. The poster boldly stated that Lu Xuefei was in fact the victim. He had to terminate the contract because he was threatened. As for the evidence of the threat, it will be released later.

The fifth clarification is that Luo's Group's advertising contract for Vision TV is still with Lu's Entertainment and has not changed.

This post instantly took over the front page, with countless people clicking in. The post was so rigorous that Wang Sisi's fans wanted to refute it, but felt that it was so reasonable that they were unable to do so.

But there were so many die-hard fans, they couldn't come up with an objective theory to defeat this post, so they could only put posts all over the place to defend her brainlessly.

"My Wang Sisi is working so hard with no time for these games, how can you be such a conspiracy theorist."

"Is it possible that Lu Xuefei hired a water army? Please don't change the rhythm, okay?"

"If the ads are really still Lu's responsibility, I will definitely not watch them, let alone buy a Vision TV! If I do, I'll come and eat the keyboard live! "

This post was soon filled with countless layers of people saying they would not buy a Vision TV.

Bai Lixin read the post and shrugged his shoulders. Should he give a heads-up to keyboard manufacturers to stock more keyboards?

Otherwise, with so many people eating keyboards live, these manufacturers would really be in short supply ah.