Modern world: Arc 1.9

Bai Lixin glanced at the clock hanging on the wall out of the corner of his eye; it was already six o'clock in the afternoon.

In order to celebrate the big sales volume of the Vision TV set, Luo Qintian had asked him to have dinner tonight, and the time was set for seven o'clock. It was rush hour, so if he didn't leave soon, he would be delayed by traffic.

He has been through dozens of worlds and has long lost his sense of propriety and has no principles. But when it comes to what he promised Luo Qiantan, he never wants to make any mistakes or be hypocritical.

When he saw that Wei Xinyi really wanted to get involved, he smiled coyly and said, with a slight embarrassment, "I'm not going to lie, Miss Wei, our 3D film doesn't need hundreds of millions; a few tens of millions is enough. So, with our current capital, the company can still be self-sufficient and does not intend to look for investors. "

When had Wei Xinyi ever met a closed door before, her face suddenly turned a bit ugly. She didn't say anything and just took a big gulp of coffee.

Seeing this, Bai Lixin said, "I thank you for your kindness. I will personally come and apologise for the poor hospitality today. So, please don't blame me, miss Wei. " Bai Lixin was a keen human being. How could he not see Wei Xinyi's fancy?

Wei Xinyi was angry, but when she heard Bai Lixin's words, she couldn't be angry anymore.

Since Bai Lixin had said so, she had achieved half of her purpose today. The other half was Zhou Yun's lack of fortune, so she could only find him a suitable film.

It was Zhou Yun who had begged her for help with this 3D film, but since Bai Lixin had already said that there was no male lead in that film, she would have to look for another film to make it up to Zhou Yun, the little demon.

She recently heard that the national treasure director, Zhang, is preparing a film that intends to enter the Academy Awards. This was the only higher gold content other than this 3D film. By the time he wins that role, won't her baby Zhou Yun still be grateful and obedient to her?

When she thought of this, Wei Xinyi lost her anger.

She stood up and ruffled her bangs, coquettishly smiling, "In that case, I'll wait for Mr. Lu to come and make amends with me. It's getting late. I won't interrupt any further, so I'll leave first. "

Bai Lixin got up and opened the door for Wei Xinyi, smiling, "Take care of yourself, Miss Wei."

Seeing Wei Xinyi walking away, Bai Lixin's face changed, revealing a mocking smile.

Wei Xinyi was conceited and foolish, unable to see the situation truly.

She was soaring high in the sky, looking down on all beings, but she did not know that she was just a fluttering kite and her father was the one holding the string, now flying this exciting kite on the edge of the cliff.

He was flying the kite high, so high that the string would break soon. By then, due to the rebound force, not only would the kite be swept to pieces in the strong wind, but even the person who flew it would have a hard time escaping.

In the original plot of this world, Wang Si Si was the one who cut the kite.

He did not intend to strike out against either side now; his striking out against any side would only help the other side in the end. He was already fond of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, so he would not let anyone else get the better of him. He was just going to be a spectator and sit back and reap the benefits.

After Wei Xinyi left, Bai Lixin immediately went into the room attached to his office and found a plain white suit to change into. After making himself look handsome, he walked out of the office and headed to Luo Qintian's restaurant reservation.

As soon as Bai Lixin stepped into the private room, Luo Qintian's eyes lit up instantly.

The young man smiled back sincerely, and his two black grape-like eyes were now curved into the shape of a crescent moon, making him unspeakably cute. The pure white suit made Bai Lixin even more handsome, as noble and holy as a prince from the fairy tale world.

When Bai Lixin saw Luo Qintian, his face, which was just smiling, suddenly became chagrined: "Oh my God, you are first again. I arrived fifteen minutes early and thought I would be the one waiting for you this time, but I didn't expect you to already be here. "

Luo Qintian smiled lightly and poured wine for the other party. "Between you and me, we don't need to worry about that." He said this in a casual manner, but only the heavens knew how many crucial appointments had to be cancelled to get here early, just to see the amazing moment when Bai Lixin walked through the door.

Bai Lixin was not polite and raised the glass and said, "Congratulations on the success of your company's TV sales. Cheers!"

Luo Qiantan raised his glass and clinked it with Bai Lixin's, smiling, "Cheers!"

Both of them took a shallow sip before Luo Qintian said, "I should be the one to raise a glass to you. It's thanks to your help this time. Without your two commercials, it would not have been possible for the TV set to sell so well. "

"In fact, the quality of the Vision TV sets is very good, and even without our advertisements, the sales would have been substantial."

"You can't say that. I agree with you that sales would be very good. But the market is changing rapidly, and an ill-timed product promotion will also affect the product. Without your advertising, it would have taken two years for the TV to be launched. "

" By then, maybe we would have taken over the majority of the market, but because it was left unprompted for two years, other companies could have taken advantage of the situation. This will not only increase the uncertainty of the product, but also add unnecessary costs."

"This time, because of your advertising, Vision TV has been rolled out to the world at an unprecedented rate, saving us not only time but also effort. You're a genius, Xuefei. "

"Not bad for the baby I have my eye on," Luo Qintian added secretly.

Luo Qintian's words were spoken with great sincerity, without the slightest hint of perfunctory politeness.

Bai Lixin was a little embarrassed by the compliment. He wasn't a genius, he was just an academic.

Coughing twice, he changed the subject, "I might be out of touch occasionally in a couple of days again. I announced two days ago that I would be making a 3D movie, and I plan to start working on it in soon. "

Luo Qintian sank his eyes for a moment before saying, "I'm also going to country M in a couple of days to take care of some things for about three months. I have no objection to you working, but I have a request. Talk to me on the phone at least once every three days. "

" If I call you more than twice and you don't answer, I will simply have my bodyguards break down the door and drag you out of your work." He knew Bai Lixin's work mode was unhealthy and was naturally a little uneasy.

Bai Lixin shrugged, "Okay, okay, I promise you that I will report work to the leader in a timely manner."

Luo Qintian nodded, "Haha okay. Do you have enough money for the 3D film this time? Do you need my investment? "

"No, it's enough." Bai Lixin shook his head, "Speaking of which, this afternoon…"

He gave a sudden lurch and peered back through the curtain.

"What's wrong?" Noticing Bai Lixin's abnormality, Luo Qintian asked.

Bai Lixin rubbed his temples and laughed, "Nothing. I guess I've had too much to drink and I keep feeling like someone is staring this side."

" This Michelin restaurant maintains privacy very well, and we are also in a separate private room. No one should be paying attention to this side. Don't think too much about it. Anyway, what did you want to say about this afternoon? " Luo Qintian reassured Bai Lixin, but his own eyes narrowed and he looked out through the door frame as if he could see through it.

"Oh, I made a budget this afternoon, and now the company has enough money for me to make 2 3D movies, so don't worry." Bai Lixin hesitated for a moment and frowned, "But if Mr. Luo can settle the advertising fees with my company earlier, I think my company's funds will be more generous." It was better not to tell Luo Qintian about Wei Xinyi, lest he also be dragged down into the water.

Luo Qintian laughed and said, "After all this, it turns out that you are here to collect a debt from me. Fine, fine, I'll have the finance department settle the expenses for you first thing in the morning. "

Bai Lixin then smiled and raised his glass, "Then I will thank the generous Mr. Luo in advance."

The two of them ate less and talked more, their minds on each other, not on the meal. It was only when Luo Qintian answered a phone call that the two had to end their meeting early.

Both of them had drunk a lot of wine, so Bai Lixin left his car at the restaurant and took Luo Qintian's, asking the driver to take him home first.

It seemed that Luo Qiantian had something to take care of, so he dropped Bai Lixin off at the door and left.

As he watched Luo Qiant's back, Bai Lixin suddenly had a fluttering feeling in his heart. He stumbled after Luo Qiant and hugged him from behind, pouting, "You're just going to leave without a goodbye kiss?"

When he heard Bai Lixin's words, Luo Qintian turned around fiercely and took the other man's soft, warm lips.

He had restrained himself from kissing or hugging him for as long as he could. He was only afraid that once he started, he would lose control and have no choice but to take him.

But he didn't expect this little guy to come forward and ask for a kiss, so don't blame him for not being polite.

Luo Qintian's tongue forced its way into Bai Lixin's mouth, hooking his little tongue and wiggling it around in his mouth.

Bai Lixin groaned. He was not mistaken that day; kissing Luo Qintian really felt good.

His body felt like a puddle of mud, and he wanted to lean into his arms. His body trembled, and even his heart was beating wildly, as if it was about to pop out of his throat.

After a long time of intertwining lips and tongues, Luo Qiantan let go of Bai Lixin and brought him to the door again, "Go inside, you have drunk a lot of wine and should have a good sleep."

Bai Lixin nodded and opened the door. He suddenly remembered something and once again took Luo Qintian's hand, saying, "Ah, you should put your fingerprints in too."

Luo Qintian froze for a moment, then smiled. He rubbed Bai Lixin's soft hair vigorously and entered his fingerprints from the inside before striding away.

As soon as the door closed, it separated the two men.

Before Bai Lixin could remember to reflect on all this, S419M spoke up: [Lord host, someone has been following us just now].

Bai Lixin stood up, his eyes were clear, and there was no trace of his drunken and silly appearance. Bai Lixin had always been a great drinker, so how could he get drunk just by saying that he was drunk. This being "drunk" was just a pretext for being intimate with Luo Qintian.[Did you find out who it was?] He asked.

[Lord Host, I did. It's a private detective under Wei Xinyi.]

Bai Lixin's eyes narrowed, [Intercept all Wei Xinyi's electronic calls and video images. I want to see what she really wants.]

"Wei Xinyi, Wei Xinyi, you'd better not run yourself to the front of the gun's barrel. If you don't touch my bottom line, you can still live happily for another year and a half; if you do, I don't care about my previous theory of waiting to reap benefits."