Modern world: Arc 1.10

Luo Qintian took the investigation information handed over by his men, holding the paper in one hand and cupping the corner of the paper with the other, his eyes looking through it carefully.

The person who followed Lu Xuefei last night was actually Wei Xinyi's private detective.

Wei Xinyi was also famous in the upper class business circles, not because of how smart she was in business, but because of her large appetite.

She not only enjoys getting something for nothing, but she is also extremely lustful and has no reservations about eating meat or fish.

Luo Qintian's sixth sense has been particularly strong since he was a child, and he has an extremely keen and unusual instinct for his surroundings.

Last night, when Bai Lixin stepped into the room, he was amazed by the white-clad man and ignored the surroundings, but once he sat down, long before Bai Lixin noticed that someone was there, he had already sensed that someone was watching and observing.

Someone was stalking him?

There was a video conference with the board of directors of the M Group headquarters scheduled for 9 p.m, a meeting to discuss the next new project, and he had to finish their meal in a hurry.

On the way to drop Bai Lixin off, a nondescript silver-grey car had been following, not too far or too close, like a skillful stalker who was a veteran. Not wanting to involve Bai Lixin, he had to resist the urge to hug and kiss him goodbye as he left.

But he hadn't expected Bai Lixin to be so enthusiastic after drinking, and he indulged himself in the excitement for a while.

When he drove away from the Lu residence, Luo Qintian noticed that the man was no longer following him, but going in another direction.

Could it be that he was not the one being followed? Then was he following Bai Lixin?

Luo Qintian pursed his lips. The Luo Group had underworld origins, and his father was also killed for personal grievances back then. After he took over the company, he was not only questioned and rejected by insiders, but also faced repeated assassination attempts.

More than a decade had passed and the Luo Group had been successfully whitewashed by him and had become a group with no ties to the underworld. And those dissidents were also eradicated and uprooted by him. The assassinations never happened again, and everything seems to have gotten better.

But the memories of those years of struggle on the knife's edge were burned into the marrow of his bones and would never go away. He never relaxed, because he knew that the dissidents he had eliminated were still watching him from the shadows.

He hadn't looked for a lover over the years either. For one thing, he didn't have anyone that caught his eye, so he settled for short-term lovers, as he was also busy with the transformation and expansion of his company to have the energy to spare.

It was only when Bai Lixin appeared that he began to think it was time to manage a relationship properly.

The night Xu Haoran stopped him and told him to give up on Bai Lixin, saying that Bai Lixin "has a cleanliness problem and has never even touched a woman". Although Luo Qintian's face did not move, his heart was a little happy. He had never known that he cared so much about what others thought.

He cared for Bai Lixin more than anything else. To use an analogy, if he gave up a large orderdeal of tens of billions, he would only be sorry for a few days. But if he had to give up Bai Lixin, he would be depressed for a long time.

How could he bear it now that someone he cared so much about was actually being followed? If the other party was in the dark, wouldn't it be bad if it was those who were watching him intently?

As soon as he left the Lu residence, Luo Qintian sent someone to track down that person.

But the results of the investigation seemed to be somewhat unexpected, for the culprit was not his enemy, but a woman who was known in his circle for her lecherous appetite and treated "meat" like her life.

If she wanted to stalk someone, there was no need to think about it, as in all probability, there was only one reason.

Luo Qintian lowered his eyes. The Luo Group has a wide range of businesses, some of which overlap with Wei Xinyi's, and she has lost many business battles to them. Therefore, he did not care about Wei Xinyi's small tricks. But this time, Wei Xinyi actually set her eyes on Bai Lixin. Then it's time to teach her the truth about life.


Bai Lixin supported his head, and tapped the desk with his fingers. The computer was playing a call intercepted by S419M.

"Baby, come over to my house tonight and I'll tell you the good news."

"Okay, what's the good news? Okay, Xinyi, tell me quickly. Is it that Lu company has agreed to make me the lead actor in their 3D movie?"

"Hmph, not at all. That movie doesn't have a male lead at all. Do you want to enter the Academy awards? I've got you in touch with director Zhang to make you the male lead in his movie. How about that? "

"Really?! That's great, Xinyi. I'm so happy. Wait, I'll drive to your place right away and we'll celebrate. "

Bai Lixin rubbed his chin.

Director Zhang? Academy awards? Isn't it the same film that Wang Sisi is shooting as a female lead? It was really a coincidence that Zhou Yun and Wang Sisi were in a bad relationship, but fate kept putting them together.

When one audio segment ended, Bai Lixin clicked on the next one. When this one played, Bai Lixin's original casual expression was suddenly withdrawn, and his face was slightly tinged with anger.

"Dad, can't Luo's group be brought down yet? If you give the word now, I can immediately fabricate a bunch of scandals for it."

"Why do you want to move in on Luo's group again, Xinyi?"

"Nothing, I just don't like him. He steals our business every time. Which company dare not give up the projects that Wei Group likes, but this Luo's is always against me. "

"Xingyi, it's not that dad doesn't want to clear the way for you, but this Luo has deep roots, has always had good relations with the government, and is based abroad."

"It's not the kind of company we can just defeat. It's a thorn and will actually hurt you if you attack it. Be a good girl and listen to your father. Bear with it, a hero does suffer immediate losses. Just because we can't touch it now doesn't mean we can't do it in the future, Daddy promises you that he will help you."

"Tihehe, I knew Daddy cared for me the most. Good, then I will endure it for a while. "

Wei Xinyi had actually set her eyes on Luo Qintian's head?

Bai Lixin tapped his fingers hard on the table. He wasn't worried that Luo Qintian couldn't handle this matter. Luo Qintian's headquarters were in M country, and he wouldn't care about this small piece of meat in China. He had only come back to China to cleanse his family and answer the government's call.

It was just that when he thought of someone trying to deal with Luo Qintian, a nameless fire rushed straight to the back of his mind, more furious than anyone even dealing with him.

"You can deal with me if you want to, I'll play with you. But if you want to do harm to Luo Qiantan, then you will have to bear the consequences! "

Bai Lixin had not noticed that he had begun to involuntarily defend Luo Qintian's interests. This was clearly a mentality of protecting the calf.


Wang Sisi hung up the phone with a gloomy face. After days of preparation, the news of the opening of director Zhang's new film finally arrived. However, she just received a call saying that the male lead had been changed to Zhou Yun. They would be in the same cast!

Zhou Yun? How could it be Zhou Yun?

At that time, Xu Haoran had shown her two scripts, and the reason she picked this film was for two purposes.

One was to avoid Zhou Yun, whose current status in show business had not yet been fully consolidated.

Zhou Yun started out as a singer and later transitioned to doing dramas and movies. He should have just gotten close to Wei Xinyi, the golden master. After that, Wei Xingyi started to promote him, and after three years of promotion, he finally took his place as the first brother in the acting circle and dominated the screen for a long time.

According to the memory from her previous life, Zhou Yun should have picked the other script that she had given up on, but how did he come to choose this one by director Zhang in this life?

Is it because her own life has been disrupted and the butterfly effect has caused the lives of those around her to change as well?

The other reason she chose the movie was for gold-plating.

The film industry in China has just taken off, and Director Zhang is very famous today, but his fame will be even greater afterwards. Because this film was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Picture, although it was shortlisted and ultimately did not win the award, it was the first film from China to be nominated.

At the time, the two leads of the film were both unknown newcomers, but once they finished the film, they were offered numerous film contracts and became an overnight success. Even if Xu Haoran hadn't given her a script, she would have strongly requested this film, but coincidentally, Xu Haoran chose this film.

It is evident that Xu Haoran has a unique vision and can see the value of this film at a glance. Moreover, he was also in tune with herself, so he is obviously the lover she has to grow old with.

Thinking of Xu Haoran, Wang Sisi's gloomy face only slightly improved.

Rubbing her brow, she switched on the television, which was showing a TV commercial for Vision TV. Her face, which had just improved, suddenly turned gloomy again, and she turned off the TV in annoyance and threw the remote control away.

It turned out that the Luo Group had not only failed to claim compensation that day, but had also revised its cooperation proposal.

It's no wonder. Such a well-made advertisement was more expository and shaping than her own. Although she hated Lu Xuefei, she had to admit this.

But how on earth had Lu Xuefei produced such an ad? In her previous life, she had been with the company for five years, Xu Haoran had handled almost all the company's affairs, and Lu Xuefei was just the president in title.

Could it be that he was hiding behind his clumsiness? It seemed that she had underestimated him.

Although Wang Sisi was a little unwilling, she still had to admit that this advertisement was indeed unprecedented.

But when she thought of Xu Haoran's joy and pleasure when he saw the ad yesterday, Wang Sisi felt an infinitely magnified sense of worry and fear.

Now that she had been reborn to a new life, she had a pleasant temperament, and everything has gone well for her so far. But only she knows that her heart has long since deteriorated, with low self-esteem, fear, and insecurity.

She has nightmares about her past life. She is always afraid that if she is not careful, she will experience the pain and despair again. That's why she has been so calculating this time, planning ahead for everything and taking precautions.

If she waited until after Xu Haoran was snatched away by Lu Xuefei before she came to her senses, wouldn't she be repeating the same mistake?

She was in love with Xu Haoran. She could give up Zhou Yun, but she could not live without Xu Haoran! So anyone who thinks of her man is her opponent!

Wang Sisi has long been psychologically twisted, and once a certain worry arises, she will fall deeply into it and cannot extricate herself. She would magnify the fear to infinity, so much so that she would not hesitate to snuff it out early.

Now caught in it, Wang Sisi's expression was twisted like an evil spirit from hell.


A sudden text message alert tone pulled Wang Sisi out of this treacherous state. Gathering her hair, Wang Sisi picked up her phone, only to see a few short words on it:

"Want to get Wei Xinyi and Zhou Yun ended? I'll help you–good God of Death."

Wang Sisi shuddered and flipped it open seriously. The sender was actually the word "unknown," and there was no phone number at all!

Gulping, Wang Sisi shivered and replied, "I have no enmity with them. Why should I harm them?"

Half a minute later, Wang Sisi's phone rang again.

"Heh, no grudge? Have you forgotten how you died? "

When she saw these words, Wang Sisi's mind exploded and her surroundings went blank.

This person knew her! He knew her whole life! Who was this man? Was he also a reborn person?

Wang Sisi bit her lip, her face pale as she continued to ask by text message, "Who are you?"

This time, after another twenty seconds, the phone rang again.

"I'm the good God of Death. I'll send you a little something interesting to your email later. I think you'll thank me. Bye."