Modern world: Arc 1.11

After the other party sent this message, he never appeared again. Later, Wang Sisi went to the communication customer service to check his information, but she found nothing. But within two days, Wang Sisi did receive a few audio and video clips as promised, as well as a compressed package in her email inbox.

After thinking about it, Wang Sisi downloaded them.

The moment she opened one of the audiosà, Wang Sisi's eyes widened slightly.

In the audio was none other than a conversation between Wei Xinyi and Zhou Yun, the conversation was about Wei Xinyi promising Zhou Yun to help him get the role through special means.

After listening to the conversation, Wang Sisi was a little disappointed. The audio was private, but not too out of the ordinary. It was a known thing in the entertainment industry for a gold master to use means to help the lover get a role, and everyone knew it by heart. At best, this video will put a bit of dust on the good image Zhou Yun has created.

It might even backfire, in case he used the topic to build momentum and write a nice love story between a strong woman and a male artiste, wouldn't all her efforts be a dowry for others?

Shaking her head, Wang Sisi clicked on another video without hope.

The moment it opened, a gunshot sounded in her headphones and a man fell to the ground with a loud bang.

"Boss, the man is dead." A man dressed in black ran up to a black SUV and bowed respectfully to the window.

The video appeared to have been taken on a mobile phone, the image was shaky and not very high resolution, but one could still make out the person's face.

A slightly older male voice came out of the car window, "Good, dispose of the body like you did before, I want his bones gone, completely gone from this world."

The man in black nodded, "Don't worry boss."

The SUV slowly started to turn the corner and the camera finally caught the man sitting in the car, it was Wei Xinyi's father, the old man in politics – Wei Qi Yun.

Wang Sisi was so frightened that she snapped her notebook shut and her pretty face lost its colour.

This was, this was Wei Qi Yun's murder scene. God, how did the "good God of Death" get these things.

It took about ten minutes for Wang Sisi to get over it. She reopened her computer and closed the video. She then created a new folder on her E drive and carefully placed the videos, audio and zip files in it, hiding them.

What else was in the audio and video? Wang Sisi was both curious and scared. She held back her excitement and began to open the files in turn.

An hour later, Wang Sisi finished reading the files. All of the videos and audios were actually evidence of the Wei father and daughter's scandals as well as their crimes.

She opened the decompressed package again, which contained a total of a hundred or so photos.

Scanned copies of bank records, scanned copies of communication records, and even scanned copies of account books. In addition to these there were photos of Wei Qi Yun with the different mistresses, as well as photos of Wei Xinyi having promiscuous sex with many men.

Any one of these pieces of evidence could bring down Wei Xinyi and her father!

But ... Wang Sisi clenched her fists and frowned tightly.

The thin camel was stronger than the horse. If she gave this evidence to the Public Security Bureau, when the time came for the father and daughter to be investigated, she would definitely be attacked to the best of their abilities. But if it is put on the internet….

Wang Sisi gave an evil laugh, her expression twisted.

"Wei Xinyi, in my previous life, you smeared me on the Internet, and I was like a rat in the street, it was worse than death. Now I will return the favour by doing the same to you. But that time, you were just framing me, but now what I will put on the internet, was only done by you."

With this in mind, Wang Sisi dialed a phone number.

"Hello, Lucas, it's been a long time since I've been in touch. It's like this, I have a matter that I need to trouble you a little."

Lucas was a hacker friend she had met by chance not long after her rebirth. Wang Sisi had never met Lucas before, even though she had exchanged phone numbers with him and a few calls were made to each other.

She had earlier found that the phone number Lucas had given her was actually an empty number when she went to the communication company to check.

Wang Sisi was sure that Lucas would help with this, as the man is very righteous and cynical. As far as she knew, he had already exposed many shady and dirty things about powerful people on the internet, but he had never been found and his IP address could never be located.

Sure enough, after hearing Wang Sisi's words, he said, "You send these files to my email, and remember to keep an eye on the internet tomorrow."

Wang Sisi's eyebrows arched slightly and she smiled with a happy face.


Not long after Wang Sisi hung up the phone, her mobile phone text message rang, she hurriedly opened it, but it was "The Good God of Death" again: "Have you seen the stuff, are you still unsatisfied? :)"

Wang Sisi hesitated for a moment. Since the "Good God of Death" dared to give her these things, it meant that he was already a grasshopper on the same rope with her. After thinking about this, Wang Sisi replied: "Am satisfied, thank you. But since you have collected so much evidence, why don't you post it on the internet yourself? With your ability, you can do it without being found out."

Half a minute later, the text message rang again.

"You have misunderstood, I am only trying to help you, I have no grudge against the Wei father and daughter nor Zhou Yun, it is you who has a grudge."

Wang Sisi asked. "Then why are you helping me?"

After another half minute, the "Good God of Death" replied.

"Because the Good God of Death can't bear to see a beautiful Cinderella having such a hard time in her new life, so consider it a gift from fate :)"

Wang Sisi stood up abruptly, looking horrified. Bringing this up again, he must know he was reborn! Wang Sisi's fingers were tapping rapidly on her mobile phone keyboard: "who the hell are you? What is your purpose? I want to meet with you, answer me!"

But no matter how much Wang Sisi sent the text messages, she did not get any alert again.


Wei Xinyi kicked away Zhou Yun, who was approaching, and took a sip of red wine.

In the past half month, she had been unlucky. She had planned to take down Lu Xuefei in a few days, but before she could do so, things happened frequently.

The internet was constantly revealing scandals about her private life; promiscuity, drink-driving and even sexual affairs.

She had someone rush to solve the matter, but once these posts are deleted, they'd be revived again. Not only did the topic not get weaker, but it was becoming viral. She alone had made the headlines on news sites three times.

There must be someone behind the scenes pushing for this, but having hackers check IP addresses has turned up nothing, no one can be found.

"Damn it, a bunch of losers, all losers. They can't even solve this little thing!"

Because of this scandal, the Wei Group's stock price had already fallen one after another, suffering from a Waterloo, if this continues, the company will definitely be hit hard.

The matter on the Internet had not yet been resolved, and there was already another problem in reality.

The Wei Group had taken its business abroad over the years, and the results had always been good. However, in just half a month's time, the partner companies in countries M, F, L and E sent emails one after another, saying that there were serious quality problems with the products they were working with, asking the Wei Group to solve the matter urgently, or else they would take the Wei Group to the international court for fraud.

How was it possible? How is it possible for a partner company from four countries to have the same sudden situation within half a month in a row? Someone must be out to get her!

Wei Xinyi bit her lips tightly.

"Who dares to bite me, Wei Xinyi? I will definitely make your life worse than death!"

After listening to S419M's report, Bai Lixin fell into deep thought.

The matter on the internet was definitely Wang Sisi's doing, there was no escape from this. The reason he dared to send those files to Wang Sisi was because he knew she had an acquaintance with a hacker and would not have held such tempting evidence in her hands and not done anything about it.

But the business bit of this play, Bai Lixin laughed out out loud, it must be Luo Qintian. It seems he knows Wei Xinyi was interested in him.

He didn't expect the international giant would have the time to use the business world for personal revenge. Is this jealousy?

Bai Lixin was still thinking when the phone suddenly rang. He picked it up and raised his eyebrows when he saw the caller number. Really, speak of the devil and he will appear.

The corners of his lips curled up in pleasure as Bai Lixin picked up the phone, "Hello, Mr Luo, it's already 1am and you're still awake?"

Luo Qintian's familiar and sexy voice rang out from the other end of the line, "I just finished a meeting, and I calculated that it should be 8pm in China, so I guessed you were still awake and called."

"I am still awake, I was just watching the news, Wei's stock has plummeted, do you know?"

"I'm abroad, but I know a little about it."

Bai Lixin grinned. Still playing dumb with me?

"Speaking of which, Wei Xinyi even came to see me half a month ago."

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line, "What did she tell you?"

"Nothing more than that she saw my 3D film and was very optimistic about my talent and so on, saying that she must invest in it no matter what."

Luo Qintian's voice was a little unhappy: "Why do you need her investment? If you have a problem with your capital chain, just ask me for it, ignore that woman."

Bai Lixin's mouth widened: "Then who are you to me? Why should I use your money and not use hers if I'm not allowed to?"

The other side was speechless for a moment, and after a long time, Luo Qintian said, "Xuefei, don't torture me, you know it very well, I ..."

Luo Qintian was just about to speak when Bai Lixin interrupted him in time, "You don't say it. I don't want to hear this over the phone, wait until next time when you come back and tell me in person."

After a moment's thought, Bai Lixin continued, "Also, I miss you."

Without waiting for Luo Qintian's reply, he hung up the phone as soon as he said that, covering his hot cheeks and laughing.

He had never said love or romantic words before, and was really a bit embarrassed to say them all of a sudden.

S419M made a tsk-tsk sound, imitating a human: [Lord host, you have fallen hard].

Bai Lixin sent a blank stare: [So what if I've fallen? I have travelled through dozens of worlds and have never met someone I love. Life is not easy, now that I have met one, do I have to continue to be some kind of hard working puritan?]

S419M gave a cheeky laugh that echoed in his head and made no more sound.

Bai Lixin also ignored it and started planning for the start of the new movie.

He had originally planned to make a 120-minute film with computer effects, without even casting actors. But then he thought it would be too flashy, as if the film had appeared out of thin air, too unexplainable.

So after thinking about it, he decided to get some motion capture actors for the film, and his favorite, Haisheng, was one of the main ones. He spoke to Haisheng about it in the morning, and even though he couldn't show him in the film after post-processing, he agreed to do it.

For him, who had never done motion capture before, the technique was new and amazing and he was very happy to be involved. It would also be a great work on his portfolio.

In this way, Bai Lixin was scheduled to officially start tomorrow. He was the director, the producer and he also post-processor. This is a film that he is solely responsible for, a film that was bound to go international.