Modern world: Arc 2.9

Looking at the young boy crying in his arms, small and soft, Qu Yasong felt his heart melting with him.

Bai Lixin had let out enough of his frustration and grievances before he lifted his red and swollen eyes from Qu Yasong's arms with a hiccup.

He looked at Qu Yasong's concerned face, swept his eyes over the bloodied shoulder, and remembered his discomfort from the body strengthening, and burst out laughing.

As soon as he laughed, the somber atmosphere in the room dissipated.

Qu Yasong looked at the young man who had laughed for no reason, and then looked around at the suddenly colorful room, his eyes flashing with amazement.

Bai Lixin hiccupped and asked with a voice still choked with laughter, "Why didn't you push me away when I bit you so painfully?"

Qu Yasong looked at the youth and shook his head, "It's okay, it doesn't hurt. It's good that your anger is relieved. "

"Hmph, that's how you want me to relieve my anger?" Bai Lixin pursed his lips and glared, "Do you think this is an idol drama, letting me bite you and forgive you? Do you know that what you did last night was a crime? "

Angel Qu Yasong smiled lightly at these words. He had accused the demon Qu Yasong of "thinking this is an idol drama" outside the door, but as soon as he entered, he was mocked in return. teenager had actually thought of the same thing as him.

The smile and warmth in his eyes made Bai Lixin, who had been peeking from the corner of his eyes, freeze for a moment.

Bai Lixin coughed twice and hiccupped again, turning around and poking Qu Yasong in the chest with his index finger, "What are you laughing at? Do you get the point? "

Qu Yasong laughed again and couldn't help but raise his hand to rub the boy's straight black hair, "It's all my fault. I'm at your mercy if you want to kill me, but please don't be upset anymore. What happened last night was my fault, not yours, and you need not punish yourself for my mistakes at all. "

"At my mercy?" Bai Lixin's dark eyes turned and, with a clench of his teeth, he said, "Good, then from today until my brother returns, you will teach me painting yourself. I want to learn to paint."

Painting? Didn't the young man claim to like dancing? Why did he want to learn to paint now?

Noticing Qu Yasong's surprise, Bai Lixin bowed his head and said, "This time, something happened to Yunhai's company. If it wasn't for my brother's knowledge of painting to help out, I don't know what would have happened to Yunhai's business. I also want to help Yunhai one day, so that if I encounter such things again in the future, I hope that I will be the one standing by his side, and not my brother. "

Yunhai usually admires my brother's work and often praises him in front of me. My leg was intact, and all I did was dance all day long, not being able to be still at all. Now that my leg and foot are injured, I want to learn how to paint in the meantime. I want to know what kind of mindset people who know how to paint have when they look at this painting. I think we have a common language with Yunhai. "

Hearing the young man call out "Yunhai" over and over again, Qu Yasong clenched the material in his hand tightly, a dark tide in his eyes.

Zhao Yunhai, how can you get the attention of this young man?

Bai Lixin swept the corner of his eyes over the material in QuYasong's hand, and then looked at his cold, frosty face. Hooking his lips into a smile, he revealed an innocent expression: "What, you don't agree?"

Angel Qu Yasong suppressed the malice in his heart and smiled, "Naturally I am happy to. If you want to learn, you can learn whenever you want. You are even welcome to the school. "

Bai Lixin shook his head and said, "No, I don't want them to know. It is my business that I am willing to do so for Yunhai, but I will not use this as a bargaining chip or a means to morally kidnap him so that he can be good to me. "

Angel Qu Yasong's heart twitched again. He took a deep breath and said, in a deep voice, "Fine, whatever makes you happy."

He had never been so disgusted with someone as he was now. Zhao Yunhai, I will remember you.

"I know you were in a bad state last night too. You seem to have a dual personality, right?" Bai Lixin sat on the bed and leaned towards Qu Yasong, "I don't know if my brother knows, but I won't take the initiative to mention it to him. You're my brother's boyfriend. I don't want to hurt my brother, and you love my brother too, so let's pretend that last night's mistake never happened, okay? "

Listening to the teenager forcefully tie him to Su Ruo, Qu Yazong's breath caught and his heart throbbed as if it was being clutched by someone else.

How he wanted to tell the teenager at this moment that he didn't love Su Ruo, please don't tie them together, and that he didn't want to pretend that last night hadn't happened at all!

God knows how good he felt last night!

But reason told him that once he explained it to the teenager, it would only provoke him into another fit of resentment.

Qu Yasong only felt a sourness in his throat as he nodded stiffly and said back, in a dry voice, "Okay."

Hearing Qu Yasong's promise, Bai Lixin breathed a sigh of relief and smiled, "That's good. Brother won't be upset if he doesn't know. What happened between us must rot in our stomachs; we must never tell him! "

Qu Yasong stood up, looked deeply at Bai Lixin, and said, "I know. I will ask the housekeeper to bring the meal to your room later. After eating, you should rest well."

After saying this, Qu Yasong walked out of the door with difficult steps.

On the way back to the study, demon Qu Yasong mocked him madly: "Stupid. What made you promise to Su Ruo in the first place."

Angel Qu Yazong swallowed his saliva. His tone was breathless: "I made my own mistakes, but didn't you do the same? We took fifty of a hundred steps and celebrated. In the end, haven't we shot ourselves in the foot, and aren't Zhao Yunhai and Su Ruo the ones having the last laugh?

Devil Qu Yazong suddenly lost his voice. Angel Qu Yasong's words recently are a bit slippery, with a gun, and drawing a pinch of blood, too unlike him.

After walking down two corridors and turning a corner, Qu Yazong arrived at the study. As soon as he entered, he sat down in a chair, unbuttoning his shirt twice and breathing heavily.

The information from the investigation was casually spread out on the desk. They had been clutched tightly in Qu Yasong's hand and now looked tattered and rubbed beyond recognition.

Demon Qui Yasong thought for a moment and said: "Give me control. I need Joey for something."

This time, angel Qu Yasong thought just a little and actually nodded: "Okay, go ahead."

Angel Qu Yasong had already guessed what the latter was going to do, so let him. It was something he wanted to do anyway.

In a trance, Qu Yasong closed his eyes. And when he opened his eyes again, they were full of coldness.

After sweeping a glance at the information crumpled into scraps of paper, the demon Qu Yasong sneered, picked up the mobile phone on his desk and dialed it.

Joey was holding a cat-like boy at this time. He was about to undress the boy when the phone rang suddenly.

Cursing, Joey reluctantly got up, his reluctant expression turning into a dog-legged look as soon as he saw the phone display.

The nimble boy lying on the bed glanced up, deflated, and put on his half-undressed clothes. He took a few notes from Joey's wallet and left with a wave of his hand.

Joey watched the meat in his mouth fly away, and had to painfully endure the swelling pain and respond honestly to the young master's questions.

As Qu Yasong flipped through the investigation, he heard Joey's ragged gasp on the other end of the line and said, "I'll just say one thing, and then you can carry on."

Joey gulped and thought, "Then you must hurry, young master, or that little fairy will be reaching downstairs and leaving."

Qu Yasong couldn't hear Joey's heart, but he was still kind enough to go straight to the point and say, "I'm a rather warm and hospitable person. Have the two people I asked you to investigate served well, and help them have a memorable trip to S country, especially Zhao Yunhai. "

Joey listened to Qu Yasong's toneless order and sighed in his heart, " Dear children, since you have offended the young master, be prepared to bear the devil's wrath."

With those words, young master Qu Yasong hung up the phone. Joey immediately took a long breath of relief before grabbing the door and carrying back the boy who was waiting for the lift….

Demon Qu Yasong hung up the phone and didn't really know what to do next.

He thought for a moment, and turned on the monitor to see what the young man was doing.

The screen slowly lit up, but the room was empty, and the teenager was unexpectedly nowhere to be found. Qu Yasong froze and adjusted to another camera to continue watching.

But after looking at the cameras around the teenager's room, they all came up empty. He stood up and hurried out to look for the boy.

Could he still be thinking about what happened yesterday?

From the moment he first appeared, the demon Qu Yasong had never looked for anyone, let alone cared about them, but now he was at a loss because the young man had disappeared.

At that moment, the bathroom door opened.

The young man emerged from the bathroom like a white egg in its shell. Water dripped from beneath his dark hair, and his wet eyes were dazed and innocent.

Bai Lixin hadn't washed too thoroughly because of the cast on his leg. He just scooped up a basin of water and wiped his body with a towel before washing his hair.

Qu Yasong had also cleaned him up last night, avoiding the leg that was in a cast, so his cast leg was not a big deal.

Bai Lixin was wiping his head when he suddenly heard an alert from s419m: [Warning! Warning! Lord host is being watched.]

Bai Lixin gave a shallow laugh from where the camera's blind spot was and asked, [Is it Qu Yasong?]

[Yes Lord host. Is it necessary to turn on the illusion protection mode?]

The so-called illusion protection mode is to create an illusion in front of the camera to confuse the eyes and ears. The surveillance will monitor everything it's supposed to monitor through the camera, but in fact, it's just an illusion.

Bai Lixin shook his head: [No, just let him watch. I'll show him whatever he wants to see].

With these words in his mind, he deliberately opened the bathrobe wide and rubbed his hair while facing the hidden camera.

Demin Qu Yasong's heart jumped when he saw the young man suddenly facing him directly. He even saw the boy glance at the camera, but then he found the boy continuing to rub his hair as if nothing had happened, and he let out a long breath.

Qu Yasong felt guilty and wanted to turn off the screen, but he also didn't want to turn it off.

He looked at the young man in the footage and thought to himself: "One more minute, just one last minute to make sure he is fine."

But minute after minute passed, and the screen was still on. It was only when Bai Lixin slowly pulled on a knee-length payjama that the show ended for good.

The demon sighed regretfully and smiled helplessly as he felt the swelling in his pants.

But he didn't try to relieve it with his hands; instead, he took a cigarette out of the drawer and lit it. He took a deep drag on the cigarette and then let the heat travel through his abdomen.

He longed for the beauty of the young man, but at the same time, he let the swelling in his pants stand there without firing. Like a masochist, he allowed the sensation of millions of ants to gnaw at his limbs, which was unbearable.

As time passed, the painful bulge did not ease, but became increasingly hot and uncomfortable. Qu Yasong let out a long sigh and planned to go into the bathroom to relieve himself.

But at that moment, there was a sudden knock on the study door.

Qu Yasong said in an unpleasant voice: "Go away."

There was a pause outside the door before a cool, youthful voice rang out, "I want to study painting now. Do you have something to do and we can't do it now?"

Demon Qu Yasong's heart stuttered. Looking at the closed door and then between his legs, he couldn't help but clutch his head and frown.

With a groan, demon Qu Yasong sighed, "It's all right now. Come in."

The teenager was still wearing the pajamas he had just worn in the video footage, the pajamas wrapping him up so tightly that they would not allow anyone to get a half-hearted peek.

Seeing the boy's fresh and harmless appearance, the demon Qu Yasong let out another silent groan and said to the angel Qu Yasong: "Hey, the little one is looking for you, change over."

Before angel Qu Yasong could say anything, he sank into the depths of his soul and his consciousness.

Angel Qu Yasong was forcibly given control, with a cold sweat on his face.

As soon as he took control of the body, the mess left by the demon Qu Yasong was transferred to him. The itch in his pants was unbearable, and the angel gave a bitter smile: "Go to the studio and wait for me. Go out from here, turn left at the fork, and the second room is the studio. The door is unlocked, so you can go in yourself. "

Bai Lixin gave a quick glance at Qu Yasong, nodded obediently, and went out.

As soon as Bai Lixin left the room, angel Qu Yasong stood up, locking the door and cursing in his heart: "You are a coward. You dare not do what you started. What the hell were you doing, leaving me with this mess? "

The demon's voice came from deep within: "Nothing, just spying on someone getting dressed."

Angel Qu Yasong was speechless: "You are hopeless!"

Angel Qu Yasong then went into the bathroom attached to the study and relieved himself vigorously.

Thirty minutes later, he emerged refreshed. After looking in the mirror and tidying up his clothes, Qu Yasong opened the door and hurriedly headed for the studio room.

He gently pushed open the door and found the young man sitting in front of his drawing board. The young man's back was slightly bowed, and he was not sitting straight.

He looked relaxed, his leg in the cast resting on his other, and he was staring at the painting in front of him with one hand on his cheek in fascination.

Qu Yasong could not bear to disturb him abruptly, so he slowed his steps and walked gently to his side. When he was almost there, the boy was still staring at the painting.

Only then did Qu Yasong's pace quicken and he coughed twice gently.

Bai Lixin broke free from the painting, tilted his head to look at Qu Yasong, and marveled, "Your painting is simply too beautiful."

Qu Yasong smiled lightly and said in his heart: "No, it is you who is beautiful. You are the one who inspired me. You are the one in the painting! "

After praising the painting, Bai Lixin continued to look at it again, the astonishment in his eyes overflowing.

This time it was still an oil painting, but the style was very different from that of "Serenity".

"Serenity" was done with very smooth strokes, giving the painting a peaceful and serene feeling that would warm anyone's heart.

This painting, however, was like a running revolution. A young man is running freely across a large sea, his toes pointing at the surface of a clear blue lake, the water reflecting his fair skin.

The youth is wearing a flowing outfit with long sleeves that flutter in the wind. He ran across the surface of the sea with an expression.

The teenager is running across the sea with a relaxed and free expression, the sleeves and hem of the garment stretching backwards with the wind, stretching wide across the scene.

If to look at "Serenity" is to see the warmth of peace and tranquility, to look at this painting is to fly freely; one is extremely still, the other extremely moving.

But the painting was not yet complete. Qu Yasong had only painted the general outline of the young man and the lower part of the scene. In the upper part of the canvas, there is still a large empty space on the top of the young man's head, which means Qu Yasong had probably not yet finished his work, and the outline of the young man's face can only be vaguely seen, and the more delicate features have not yet been outlined.

Qu Yasong saw the amazement in Bai Lixin's eyes and was flattered.

His works had been praised by countless people, including national treasure-level masters, royalty, and commoners, but he had never been as moved as he was now.

Qu Yazong drew a chair from one side and placed it next to Bai Lixin, and he took out a new easel from the other side. After adjusting the easel to the right height and clamping on the appropriate paper, he sat down next to Bai Lixin and said, "The painting is not yet finished. I will show it to you when it is."

Bai Lixin nodded and sighed, "It's already so impressive even before it's finished. If it were, it would be heavenly. "

"Qu Yasong, you are a miracle sent to this world from the heavens. People call you the "reincarnation of Leonardo da Vinci," but I didn't think it was a big deal before. However, after seeing your painting today, I can see why. What a strong heart and strength of painting you must have to be able to make people resonate just by looking at a painting. Those who say that you have lost your talent are simply talking nonsense. You are not losing your talent, you are clearly hiding it, right? "

Hearing Bai Lixin's generous words of praise, a blush crept up on Qu Yasong's cheeks, and his eyes drifted slightly as he said, "Don't you want to learn to paint? I'll teach you the basic skills first.

Qu Yasong was a serious teacher. Although he didn't teach at the private art university, he couldn't stop himself from teaching and nurturing others.

Once he entered the teaching mode, his whole person became serious. When Bai Lixin saw Qu Yasong's sudden change in aura, he also followed suit and listened carefully.

Time passed very quickly, and Qu Yasong spoke for a full two hours before he stopped.

Putting the brush on the drawing board, Qu Yasong said gently, "Although what I have said is introductory knowledge, it is still a bit obscure and difficult for beginners to understand. So you can digest it when you go back, and I will teach you how to do it tomorrow. "

Bai Lixin let out an "mmm" and picked up the paintbrush that Qu Yasong put on the drawing plate, dabbed some paint and drew on a blank piece of paper, saying as he painted, "You said earlier that painting does not need to be formal, but that the most important thing is to be able to convey what is in your mind through the paper."

Bai Lixin dipped the brush in the painting tray and dabbed another colour, continuing to draw.

Qu Yasong sat aside, quietly watching Bai Lixin's painting. It was late, and he originally intended to let Bai Lixin go back to rest, but unexpectedly, the boy listened attentively to his lesson and actually moved his hands.

As he tried to do it, Qu Yasong could not bear to interrupt, so he sat on the side and watched quietly.

As he watched, angel Qu Yasong grew a bit dazed.

He glanced at Bai Lixin suspiciously, wanting to say something, but then he hesitated. Seeing that the young man had not finished painting, he could not bear to interrupt him, so he had to hold back his doubts and planned to wait until the young man finished before asking him.