Modern world: Arc 2.10

The autumn breeze blew in, not too slowly, not too fast, bringing in a fragrance from the garden, and the curtains swung with the wind in a casual and dashing manner.

Angel Qu Yasong enjoyed the breeze, and the sound of Bai Lixin's brush tip rubbing against the paper was in his ears, as if heaven and earth had fallen asleep, extraordinarily quiet and peaceful.

He couldn't help but close his eyes. His whole body and mind relaxed. Even his breathing calmed to a crawl.

After a while, the young man put away his brush.

Qu Yasong heard the sound of the boy blowing gently into the painting, and he smiled heartily as he slowly opened his eyes.

He had just seen the beginning of the young man's painting and had been prepared for it, but when he saw the completed painting, a kind of amazement still hit his heart.

The young man's drawing was of a dancing ballet dancer.

Her arms were naturally stretched out, one hand raised, the other flat. Her long, slender arms were like two beautiful ribbons, boneless and soft. Her legs were long and straight, with one foot pointing to the ground and the other leg raised high in the back in a rising and soaring motion.

The woman is relaxed and smiling, looking straight ahead, proud and confident, as if she were a beautiful swan.

The whole picture was unadorned with color; the dancer is dressed in a grey, feathery dance costume and the whole painting is grey, except for the dancing shoes, which are highlighted by the young man with red paint.

This one red accent instantly drew Qu Yasong's eyes back to the ballet dancer's shoes. He had thought that it was just a pair of red dancing shoes, but when he took a second look, he found that it was actually a pair of white dancing shoes stained red with blood.

Qu Yasong was easily moved by the painting. He could feel the confidence and pride of the ballet dancer in the woman's expression, and he could also feel the persistence and patience of the woman in the red dancing shoes.

The ballet dancer's perfect display of face and form comes from the constant practice of getting up and dancing, thus wearing out her feet. But even though her feet were bleeding, she still danced, maintaining her dignity with a smile and flawless dance moves, a dignity that a dancer holds for herself and cannot be shaken by others.

Qu Yasong covered his chest, which was beating wildly, deeply moved by this painting.

The proportions of the whole painting were well controlled by the teenager. Generally, learning to paint starts with sketching, before color matching and display of mood.

But just now, he had only told the young man what to pay attention to and the origins of the painting, and he was able to produce such a work. He is a true genius!

Qu Yasong's breathing quickened and his eyes showed his appreciation as he said excitedly, "Little Qing, is this really your first time learning to paint? Have you learned to paint from your brother before? "

The strength displayed by the young man was a height that many painters would not be able to reach in their lifetime.

Bai Lixin tilted his head and said without pause, "No, I am too active. Unlike my brother, who likes to be quiet, if I were to sit still in front of the drawing board like I did just now, it would be worse than killing me. It is even still uncomfortable."

"Xiao Qing, you're a genius."

Qu Yasong couldn't help but pull Bai Lixin's hand to his face. He examined these slender, powerful hands and said lovingly, "I'm afraid you yourself don't even realise how outstanding the paintings that will be created from these hands of yours will be. Su Qing, you will be a rising star in the world of painting. "

Bai Lixin smiled and drew back his hand without a trace: "I won't enter the painting world. I am learning to paint just to know more about the sea of ​​clouds. My dream is to dance. I want to become a world class dancer. "

Qu Yasong smiled, but the ecstasy in his eyes slowly cooled. He looked at the work Bai Lixin had just finished, and then at the teenager's determined expression, and he said regretfully, "In that case, I respect your choice."

He was reluctant to force the teenager. Even if he was a painting genius, but did not like it, then all this talent would just be a burden to him.

When he heard that Qu Yasong would not force him, Bai Lixin's heart rejoiced. Although angel Qu Yasong had a crazy obsession with painting, even so, he still considered his feelings. Sure enough, Qu Yasong's favorite thing is still him, not painting!

It was getting late, and Bai Lixin had a class the next day, so he couldn't stay in the studio much longer. They both went back to their rooms to rest, regretful but unable to show it on their faces.

From that day onwards, Bai Lixin made it a habit to go to the studio to see Qu Yasong as soon as school was over.

Later on, the two of them went to and from school together in the car, and angel Qu Yasong never mentioned letting Bai Lixin go back to the Su house.

Time flew by in a flash. The two felt that in the blink of an eye, more than a month had passed, and it was time for Bai Lixin to have his cast removed.

Today happened to be the day when the demon Qu Yasong was hogging the body, and when he heard that Bai Lixin was going to have his cast removed, he picked him up without saying a word, accompanying him to the hospital.

Bai Lixin was very excited. He kept tugging on the demon's sleeve, laughing and saying that he would be able to break dance, street dance, and even folk and tap dance after his leg was removed from its bandage.

Qu Yasong felt a warmth in his own body as he felt the laughter emanating from the boy.

He narrowed his eyes and ran his hand unobtrusively over the boy's lean waist as he tugged at his sleeve. After a few moments of touching, the demon's face froze, and he casually pulled his leg over to cover his unspeakable lower abdomen and continued to smile as if nothing was wrong, as he listened to the teenager's vision of the future.

As the RV slowly drove down the tarmac, the demon Qu Yasong took two deep breaths and squeezed his legs tighter.

The moment the car came to a halt at the hospital entrance, Bai Lixin let go of Qu Yasong's arm and, like a fluttering bird, stepped out sharply on his crutches.

Qu Yasong smiled awkwardly, "You go in first and wait for me. I'll make a phone call and be right there."

Bai Lixin nodded and turned around to walk towards the hospital.

The moment he turned around, Bai Lixin untraceably glanced between the man's legs and laughed in his heart, "Pervert, he shouldn't be in estrus, could he?"

He hummed a tune in his heart, leaning on his crutches leisurely towards the hospital.

s419m's voice rang out in his mind: [Master, is it time to use the dimensional points to repair the leg ailment?]

Bai Lixin snorted twice and said, [Never, it's not the right time yet. Since it's broken, let it remain broken for now.]

[Yes, Lord Host, all at your command.] After answering, s419m paused for a moment and added, [Lord host, I have one more thing to tell you.]

At this time, Bai Lixin had already walked to the hospital entrance, and just as he stood at the entrance, the electronic sensor door opened.

As he walked inside, Bai Lixin said, [Speak.]

[I can feel the fluctuation of the Lord God's soul fragment now.]

Bai Lixin's raised foot gave a slight pause and fell again naturally: [You felt it? Isn't there a boundary wrapped around the Lord God's soul fragment? How could you feel it?]

[The boundary has cracked, and I don't know the reason for it yet, but I secretly scanned Qu Yasong's soul and found that a slight aura of the Lord God's soul leaked out from inside both of his souls. It seems that your previous guesses were correct. Mr. Qu Yasong's two souls are both Lord God soul fragments. Not only that, but I discovered that these two souls are gradually fusing into one.]

Bai Lixin's body stopped, [Fusing?]

[In fact, although there are two souls within Lord Qu Yasong, they are both Lord God's souls and were originally one, so fusion is only natural. But because the attributes of these two soul fragments happen to be divergent, the two souls were incompatible with each other when we first arrived.]

[They were like two parallel lines that never intersected. But after contact with you, these two souls began to fuse, only that their fusion speed is too slow. I think if it were you, Lord Host, you could definitely make these two souls fuse into one.]

[What about the memories of Qu Yasong after fusing into one?] Bai Lixin asked, [And how do I make them fuse?]

s419m replied, [In theory, the memories should be shared, but the Lord God's soul is not something that an intelligence like me can guess, and we will not know how it will be until after it is fused. I can only tell you my observations and guesses as to how the fusion took place.]

[The first time these two souls started fusing was the night they made love to you, and the second time they fused further was after learning that Zhao Yunhai was cheating on you with Su Ruo. I think they fused because they share a common point of perception, either an abnormal fondness for something or someone, or a strong antipathy towards something or someone.]

Bai Lixin rolled his eyes; the previous sentence shouldn't have been said. It was like asking a weather expert "Is it a cold or warm winter this year?" only to have the expert come back and say, "We won't know if it's a cold or warm winter until this year is over."

But he paid attention to the second bit of s419M's statement. He thought about his leg, which was about to be removed from its cast, and about Zhao Yunhai and Su Ruo, who were far away, and came up with a plan.

Since you guys are having such a good time abroad, why don't you do something that will help my Qu Yasong?

He was still thinking about how to arouse the shared senses of demon and angel Qu Yasong, when he suddenly felt a sinking feeling on his shoulder. He turned his head to look beside him. It was Qu Yasong.

He had just changed in the car, taking off the black suit jacket and replacing it with a light trench coat.

The trench coat just covered Qu Yasong's lower abdomen, and when Bai Lixin swept the corner of his eyes, he could only vaguely see the slight bulge there, but it was not obvious.

Bai Lixin smirked and hurriedly turned his head away.

Qu Yasong did not suspect him, so he took Bai Lixin and went to the doctor.

Since he had already made an appointment, Bai Lixin arrived just in time for his turn, and they didn't have to wait.

It was not a difficult procedure. The doctor used a plaster knife to carefully cut an opening, followed the incision to cut the cast in half and then carefully removed the cast.

Bai Lixin tried to move his ankle, but he did not feel any pain and seemed to be recovering well.

He smiled and slowly stood up from the bed and took a tentative step forward.

But as soon as he did so, his whole face changed.

Bai Lixin's face changed dramatically, and he took a few more steps forward, stumbling and nearly falling to the ground. He held onto the wall, panting heavily while looking at his feet incredulously.

Qu Yasong was angry when he saw this. He took two steps towards Bai Lixin and gathered him into his arms, asking the doctor in a cold voice, "What is going on here?"

The doctor felt his hair stand up. He shivered and said, "His left sole was deformed after he broke his leg. Although we did the surgery on time, there were still sequelae and it was not completely repaired….I had already told his family about this at that time."

Bai Lixin buried his head in Qu Ya Song's arms and cried out in despair, "Do you mean I'll be a cripple from now on, doctor?"

Then he shrank his whole head into Qu Ya Song's arms. He was trembling and forcing himself not to laugh.

Eh, life is like a drama, it all depends on acting.

Qu Ya Song gave the doctor a cold look and said, "His family? What family? "

"A brother who looks exactly like him and a man who came with him."

The doctor was so frightened by Qu Yasong that he hurriedly answered, saying everything he could.

Qu Yasong's heart was filled with anger.

Su Ruo and Zhao Yunhai, you knew from the start that Su Qing's leg would not recover, yet you still left him here to enjoy yourselves.

If he hadn't been looking after the boy for a while, would the teenager have come over alone when it was time to have his cast removed?

If he had gotten this news when alone, how much despair would he have had to face with such a blow, given his love of dancing?