Modern world: Arc 2.11

Bai Lixin locked himself in his room after returning to the Qu Mansion and did not come out for two consecutive days.

He slammed the door shut from the inside, and no one had the chance to enter this room except for the servants who delivered meals on a daily basis.

Angel Qu Yasong frowned, seeing the information his subordinates had investigated, and slammed it onto the table.

At first, because of respect for the teenager, he never thought of investigating him for anything, but after the cast was removed, the two souls deliberated for a long time, and the more they thought about it, the more they felt that the reason for the boy's fall was not that simple.

His story was very inconsistent. If, as the boy said, it was he who had a momentary trance and lost concentration and fell, then he would have had such trances these days, but he did not.

And how could he go into a trance when he was not sick or injured, or was he in a trance on that one day alone?

After the investigation results were sent to them, the angel and the demon Qu Yasong did not fight for the use of the body in a rare moment, but let angel Qu Yasong be in control and the two shared their consciousness to read the information.

The two souls had only skimmed through the information, but their hearts were already filled with resentment.

It turned out that the boy had been pushed down by Zhao Yunhai because he had discovered their adulterous affair, and that he then lost this part of his memory, probably because he had been deeply shocked and suffered selective temporary amnesia.

Heh, the villain is more of a monster.

In order to protect Su Ruo, Zhao Yunhai actually pushed Su Qing off the first floor without mercy!

"This pair of dog men!"

Angel Qu Yasong narrowed his eyes and mentally lambasted these two men over and over again.

"How dare they treat the baby we hold in the palm of our hands like that?"

"Who gave them the courage and guts?!"

Demon Qu Yasong let out a stifled laugh: "You boast that you do not like to kill, and that you look at all living things with compassion from a high pedestal all day long. Why can't you think that today too? "

Angel Qu Yasong sneered: "In this world, there are some people who do not deserve pity and kindness."

Demon Qu Yasong agreed: "You are finally right this time."

Without realizing it, the two souls were having fewer conflicts, communicating more, and occasionally, even their consciousnesses could be shared in increasing harmony.

Angel Qu Yasong was silent for a moment before saying: "Zhao Yunhai is a playboy. I once thought that Su Ruo was coerced into having sex with him, but now I am afraid that this is not the case. Zhao Yunhai likes Su Ruo, but he is using our baby as a substitute. How dare he? "

"I had thought of letting Su Qing slowly accept that Zhao Yunhai is a scumbag, so as to give Su Ruo face."

"But now, with such a brother, it is better not to have one. Since he could unceremoniously leave Su Qing by himself in the city, it shows that he doesn't care about the boy at all. "

"Such a discounted brother will just add to the heartbreak if he is kept around. It's better for Su Qing to just end the relationship with them and stay away from them. "

Demon Qu Yasong agreed: "I think it's time to give him a good dose of medicine. It's better to give him a short term pain than a long one."

The two souls discussed the matter, and angel Qu Yasong turned on the monitor to see what the teenager was doing. The LCD screen slowly lit up, and none of the seven screens showed the teenager.

Demon Qu Yasong let out a "huh" and asked: " Is he in the shower? The last time he disappeared was when he had been in the shower. " Angel

Qu Yasong nodded, changed to another hidden camera, and couldn't help but praise demon Qu Yasong's actions.

Last time, when he couldn't find the boy, demon Qu Yasong secretly installed a hidden camera in the bathroom while he was at school, under the pretext of protecting him on all fronts. But behind the scenes, he had been peeking at him, which the angel Qu Yasong greatly disapproved.

But today, the camera finally came in handy. The teenager was so devastated that they really didn't know if he would do anything to hurt himself.

The screen went black, then lit up, and the camera switched to the bathroom, only this time he was disappointed because the bathroom was clean and tidy, empty, with no sign of the teenager.

Unable to sit still, Qu Yasong stood up, turned on his pager and called out to the butler and the attendants, "Who saw Su Qing just now? Find him! "

The butler and attendants said they hadn't seen Young Master Su and hurriedly started looking for him.

Angel Qu Yasong was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot when suddenly he remembered a place. With giant strides, Qu Yasong sprinted towards the studio room!

When he opened the door, he saw the young man in a white shirt sitting steadily in front of a drawing board with a cane at his feet. Su Qing was calmly looking at the drawing paper, his hand slowly sketching something unhurriedly.

Hearing the sound of the door being pushed open, the teenager turned his head and looked at Qu Yasong with clear, bottomless eyes. Surprise flashed in his eyes, "It's you. You startled me!"

Qu Yasong pursed his lips tightly and walked boldly in front of the boy, embracing him into his arms in one motion. He didn't say anything, only hugged the teenager tightly as if he was embracing a supreme treasure.

"What's wrong? You seem a little scared," Bai Lixin said as he wrapped his arms around Qu Yasong's waist, resting his head on his shoulder and rubbing it.

Angel Qu Yasong's arms around the teenager tightened again, "I couldn't find you just now and was afraid that you would suddenly disappear too."

When he was ten years old, his mother and friends had all died on the same day, killed by an enemy assassin right in front of him. No matter how loudly he screamed and cried for mercy, his friends died one by one in front of him.

The more he cried, the more excited the assassin became, looking at his young self with the same eyes as if looking at an ant, even dismembering his friends in order to stimulate his screams.

The assassin did this just to watch his terrified, grief-stricken face and enjoy his pleas for mercy.There was nothing teenager Qu Yasong could do but watch from his cage as his friends left one by one, along with his mother.

The man killed all but left him alone, and just as the man was about to finish him off, his father appeared just in time to save him.

The killer was a veteran and fled the moment his father's men appeared, saying with a smile, "I will come back for you."

Qu Yasong knew that he would do what he said he would do. When the demon emerged later, he searched for the psychopathic killer, but found nothing. He disappeared from the world as if he had vanished.

But he knew that he was not dead, but just hiding, and as long as he did not see him die with his own eyes, he would not be able to rest for a moment, and his soul would not be redeemed.

The screams of his friends and the despair of his mother woke him from the dead of night every time.So he armed himself with indifference for so many years, unwilling to make friends for fear that the psychopathic killer would suddenly appear and yank his friend off, resurrecting the demons of his day; he couldn't risk putting his friends in danger again because of him, and he was even more afraid of losing the one he loved again.

But after so many years of indifference, he was vulnerable in front of the teenager. When faced with the teenager, he could not help but fall to the ground, to the bottom, with no room to turn back.

Qu Yasong hugged his beloved and gave a bitter smile of helplessness. Only then did he slowly let go of the boy, holding his shoulders with both hands and turning his face up, "Why did you come to the studio room by yourself?"

Bai Lixin's cat-like eyes blinked as he pointed to the drawing board and said, "I was painting. You're right, painting can really calm one's mood. I locked myself in my bedroom for two days and nights. Instead of having peace in my mind, I became more and more restless, so I simply came here. "

Qu Yasong followed Bai Lixin's hand and looked at the drawing board. The young man did not paint a figure this time, but a crane.

Its head was held high, one foot on the ground, the other curled up on one side, its wings stretched out nobly and confidently, as if it was about to spread its wings and soar.

Qu Yasong looked closely at the bent paw of the crane and noticed with care that it was slightly deformed, a true reflection of the teenager.

Bai Lixin gave a hard laugh and said, "People say that looks are born from the heart, and the painting seems to be the same. I was sitting here, my head was blank. I wanted to draw something, but I didn't know what to draw. I just let my head go blank, and as I drew, I drew this. "

"Do you think I subconsciously knew that my leg would look like this? Why else would I have thought of highlighting the feet when I drew the ballet dancer a month ago? "

Qu Yasong was at a loss for words, not knowing how to comfort the youth.

"Ahhhhh!!!" Bai Lixin suddenly shouted and stomped his foot, "No, I can't go on being so decadent! Lets go, accompany me to the bar! "

Qu Yasong: "Huh?!"

Bai Lixin stood up, pulled Qu Yasong and limped out, turning back as he walked, "During the war of resistance, General Xu Huang was wounded and became crippled in land warfare. But he later became a pilot and served as the captain of the 7th Air War Pioneer Team, earning top marks, and later becoming the commander of the flying unit. I am much better than he was. He was shot in the leg, I just fell and was wounded. He could still do that. Why can't I? "

Qu Yasong followed Bai Lixin's footsteps step by step. When the young man said what he just said, his whole expression glowed as he spoke of what he had just said, confident, dashing, and captivating.

Bai Lixin walked down the steps and became cautious. Although the limp was a nuisance, it was a real defect, so he had to be careful.

Seeing this, Qu Yasong picked Bai Lixin up by the waist and walked him to the shoe rack before putting him down, "Are you taking me to a bar?"

Bai Lixin sat down and put on his shoes while looking down, "Yes, I'll take you to a bar to see what it's like. I'm sure you've never seen me dance before. I'll show you how I dance tonight. "

Qu Yasong raised his eyebrows and said nothing more, but also followed Bai Lixin's example and sat down to put on his shoes.

When Bai Lixin saw Qu Yasong's small gesture, his heart warmed. Qu Yasong was not a man of many words, but his concern was unmistakable.

He could have stood while putting on his shoes, but he sat down to take care of his own feelings.

Bai Lixin's heart felt like honey, and he could not help the smile on his face.

Qu Yasong observed the young man from the corner of his eyes, but saw a big smile on the latter's face. He felt as if despair and sadness could not touch the young man's body at all.

The young man was like a golden sunflower, ever so vibrant.