Modern world: Arc 2.12

Qu Yasong stopped his car and followed Bai Lixin into the bar. The moment he pushed open the door, the noisy and chaotic music hit his eardrums. Angel Qu Yasong frowned, and demon Qu Yasong spoke at the right time: "This occasion is most suitable for this old man, let's change over quickly!"

Angel Qu Yasong hesitated, he would see Su Qing dance for the first time today, how could he back out because of this music.

He gritted his teeth and shook his head: "No, you get some rest."

Demon Qu Yasong was furious: "Damn, I've been resting for days. Give me control, I want to see baby dance."

Angel Qu Yasong rubbed his forehead and suppressed demon Qu Yasong's angry roar: "No."

After saying this, he suddenly felt a jolt in his head and his consciousness detached from his physical body.

Demon Qu Yasong pulled angel Qu Yasong and stomped on him, saying: "You've been painting with baby, this time, it's my turn to dance with him."

Demon Qu Yasong, took control of the body and snorted coldly before he ripped open the meticulously fastened buttons, and pulled the sleeves of the white shirt up to his elbows, exuding a seductive yet intimidating smell.

The man who was previously the flower of the high mountains turned into a dark emperor in an instant.

Bai Lixin glanced back and smiled slightly, it seemed that Qu Yasong had been refined again.

He casually tossed his hair back to reveal a smooth forehead. Then he turned around and took Qu Yasong's hand, "There are many people here, don't get lost."

Bai Lixin had just changed into a white T-shirt with a pair of jeans underneath, and now, after tossing his hair up messily, he changed from the usual sunny and docile appearance and suddenly became unrestrained.

Su Qing was a regular at this bar and often dancee here, so naturally, he is known to many people.

People greeted him at first, but they all showed complicated expressions after seeing his limping leg

Some showed a look of pity, others a look of regret, and still some looked at Bailihin with a gloating look.

Bai Lixin ignored them all and pulled Qu Yasong through the crowd freely, reaching the bar in no time.

The bartender had long seen Bai Lixin being watched by the crowd. Su Qing was quite close to him, and when he saw him limping and leading a man over, he took the initiative to welcome him, "Xiao Qing, who is this handsome man? Why don't you introduce him?"

Bai Lixin smiled, "Two Bloody Marys. This is my friend, Qu Yasong."

The bartender was about to make the drinks when he was suddenly interrupted by Qu Yasong, "A glass of milk, and one Bloody Mary, the milk is for him." Qu Yasong pointed at Bai Lixin.

Bai Lixin smiled awkwardly and pinched Qu Yasong's arm, "Don't listen to him, we.'ll have two Bloody Marys."

The bartender was knowledgable, he looked at Bai Lixin and then at Qu Yasong and smiled. He quickly mixed a Bloody Mary and poured a glass of hot milk and brought it to the two men.

When Bai Lixin saw the milk brought to him, he pursed his lips, snorted coldly, and lowered his head to stifle his drink.

Seeing this, Qu Yasong reached out and rubbed Bai Lixin's head naturally, "You've just become an adult and still growing up, drink milk for calcium."

Seeing the interaction between the two, the bartender snorted out a laugh, which was met with an eye slash from Bai Lixin.

After taking a couple of sips of milk and seeing that the pole-dancing area in the middle of the dance floor was vacant, Bai Lixin got up and talked to the sound engineer before limping up to the stage.

The people on the dance floor were dancing vigorously to the crazy DJ, but now that the music had come to a screeching halt, they all stopped and looked at the sound engineer with displeasure.

The Dj smiled and pointed to the pole above the stage, and the crowd saw a young boy limping onto the stage.

The dance floor quickly became excited as if they had seen something rare, with people whistling, screaming and laughing.

Qu Yasong, sitting at the bar, frowned as he saw the behavior of the people on the dance floor and got up. The bartender at his side pulled him back, "Wait, just sit and watch, trust Xiao Qing."

Qu Yasong hesitated for a moment, and sat down after received a confident smile from Bai Lixin.

The bartender rubbed his chin and looked at Qu Yasong, secretly giving him a stab in his heart: "loyal dog!"

Bai Lixin stood by the pole, relaxed and elegant in his movements. He made a hand salute and said aloud, "I have been at this bar for two years and tonight will be my last performance. The pole dance, Satan's Wrath, is dedicated to you all, thank you."

Having said this, he nodded to the sound engineer, who complied and began to play Satan's Wrath.

Satan is the name given to the incandescent angel in heaven after he rebelled against the heavens and fell into the demonic realm, and the music throughout was rousing and exciting, filled with Satan's dissatisfaction with the heavens and his quest for lust. He has shed the ridiculous name of the Seraph, and became the king of the demon world, enjoying his desires and pursuing himself.

As the music begins, Bai Lixin rests his legs on the steel pole, his arms stretch and his body writhes with abandon as the music progresses.

As the music builds to a crescendo, he rises up on the pole with his hands on the steel pole, bringing out his most beautiful side as he dances leisurely in the air. His postures unrestrained and dashing, and the movements sexy.

Many men dancing on a pole always have some softness in them, but when Bai Lixin dances, he is full of strength, his athletic and perfect body looking powerful, seductive, but not feminine.

Bai Lixin was like a luminous body, which firmly attracted everyone's attention. They were so intoxicated by his difficult dance moves that they forgot he was a cripple. They squealed, waved their arms, twirled wildly to Bai Lixin's rhythm and danced with excitement.

Qu Yasong's eyes were unblinking as he watched the young man dancing on stage, his heart pounding into his throat.

Normally, the young man was a lively leopard, and when he was painting, he looked like an elf, but now when he was dancing, he was like a demon in the night, charming, seductive, and making people unable to look away.

When the dance was over, Bai Lixin got off the pole, shaking off the beads of sweat on his head and panting heavily. People clapped and applauded excitedly, shouting over and over again, "Su Qing, stay." "Su Qing, stay."

Bai Lixin only smiled lightly before he was embraced by someone.

The familiar scent came through his nose and reached his lungs, and Bai Lixin arched into Qu Yasong's arms, allowing him to take him off the stage.

Seeing Bai Lixin coming over, the bartender pushed a glass of plain water over and smiled, "Little Qing, your stamina is not as strong as it used to be."

Bai Lixin laughed and pointed to his leg, "I've been nursing my injury for over a month, and my stamina turned to mush."

Qu Yasong looked sideways at Bai Lixin, his hair beaten into wisps from sweat, and sweat went along the corners of his forehead, trailing down his cheeks and cutting into his shirt looking as sexy as hell.

He swallowed, unable to suppress his beating heart any longer. He held Bai Lixin's shoulders and pinned the boy to him, lowering his head to take Bai Lixin's still talking mouth.

As soon as his tongue poked into Bai Lixin's mouth, Qu Yasong sighed in pleasure and could no longer suppress himself, licking the edges of his mouth with abandon.

Bai Lixin froze for a second and then came to his senses. In a trance, he followed his instincts and wrapped his arms around Qu Yasong and kissed him passionately.

The people around them whistled at the sight, but this was a common occurrence in a bar, and after a while they went their separate ways.

Bai Lixin then pushed Qu Yasong away reluctantly and wiped his lips with the back of his hand, pursing his lips and turning his face away.

Qu Yasong was so aroused by the kiss that even his lower abdomen swelled with excitement, but he woke up when he was suddenly pushed away. He frowned and said, "I'm sorry, you were so beautiful just now, I couldn't help myself."

Bai Lixin smiled down where Qu Yasong couldn't see, before looking up and saying, "It's okay, it's your first time in a bar, so it's understandable that you were affected by the surroundings. Aren't foreign countries very open, they have kissing greetings too, let's pretend this is a foreign country, hahaha."

Qu Yasong's face sank.

Fuck environmental influences, fuck foreign countries!

The bartender looked at the strange atmosphere between the two and reached out a hand as he called Bai Lixin, "Xiao Qing, come here for a moment."

Bai Lixin glanced at Qu Yasong and followed the bartender to the corner. Qu Yasong tilted his head and poured a mouthful of wine, his face unchanged but his ears perked up.

In the corner, the bartender lowered his voice: "You finally dumped that Zhao scumbag?This one is very good, handsome, has an aura, and also so concerned about you. Unlike Zhao Yunhai, who saw you being molested and still didn't care!"

Bai Lixin smiled, "You can't say that. I'll flip out. I'm still on good terms with Yunhai. He just recently went to country S to deal with somethings. He'll be back in a couple of days."

The bartender raised an eyebrow, "And he is?"

"He's my brother's boyfriend."

"Huh," this time the bartender was more surprised, "Why are you with your brother's boyfriend?"

"Yunhai went to S to take care of business and asked my brother to help out. Since I couldn't help much, I had to stay and help my brother with his classes, so I'm staying with him for now."

The bartender had a "are you stupid" look on his face: "Are you stupid, Su Qing? You let Zhao Yunhai and Su Ruo go out alone?"

Seeing Bai Lixin's puzzled expression, the bartender continued, "Is this Su Ruo's mysterious boyfriend? Hey Xiao Qing, listen to my advice and get this man for yourself. Zhao Yunhai is a worm compared to this guy who is a dragon."

" I knew it from the first moment I saw you two that this man likes you,. Look at the way he looks at you, focused, tender and fiery! That's simply the fucking look of a lover, you silly elk! Tell me, do you like him?"

Bai Lixin's heart was sweet. Of course I know Qu Yasong loves me, I fucking love him too!

Although a smile was blossoming in his heart, Bai Lixin swallowed and said, "I have a little affection for him, but I love Yunhai the most. And he's my brother's boyfriend, I can't steal my brother's man."

"Ah, this is paralyzing, children can't be taught," the bartender rubbed his head in annoyance, "Heh, you're not stealing your brother's man, Zhao Yunhai is a scum bag, your brother is the one stealing your man."

"Do you know how Zhao Yunhai looks at you and how he looks at Su Ruo? He's looking at you like you're a vase, but looks at Su Ruo like he's a treasure! He's using you as a substitute! And you let the two of them go out alone? I think you're being sold and counting their money! Are you stupid? You deserve to be eaten to death by Zhao Yunhai!"

The bartender stomped his feet in anger as he finished this.

He pushed the glass of milk to Bai Lixin and glared at him.

Bai Lixin ignored him and played frantically all night until 3am when Qu Yasong called the driver to pull back home.

Three or four days passed, and just after Bai Lixin had gradually got used to walking with a limp, he received a call that Su Ruo and Zhao Yunhai had returned.