Modern world: Arc 2.14

When Su Ruo said this, Qu Yasong suddenly changed his face and said, "Su Qing's leg has not yet recovered. He can be better taken care of here."

Bai Lixin did not speak as he asked to s419m [s419m, can you feel how far the two soul fragments of the Lord God have fused?]

s419m replied back, [ Lord Host, I detected that the Lord God's soul fusion degree is 4%.]

Bai Lixin's heart gave a pause, [It's been so long, how come it's still only 4%?]

s419m grunted, [You wouldn't say that if you knew how massive the Lord God's soul fragment is. It was still 3% just a moment ago, before Qu Yasong saw you pounce on Zhao Yunhai. Then it zipped up to 4%.]

Bai Lixin secretly held his forehead, [How long would it take for them to fully fuse? Can't we really wait for the two soul fragments to leave the dimensional world before fusing them in the soul box? I can't take it anymore if I keep torturing Qu Yasong like this. Why can't we just be together happily?]

s419m immediately retorted: [No, Lord Host, you must stimulate the commonality and shared emotions between the two Lord God soul fragments on all fronts and let them fuse completely. In the divine realm, there was a sub-god who was born with two opposing souls, and he ended up with his souls scattered due to self-mutilation.]

[This must be a conspiracy of the false sub-gods, Lord Host. The false gods combined two souls that were completely incompatible, repelling and disliking each other, and placed them in one body, where they would fight for control until they died. No god can kill the Lord God, except the Lord God himself.]

S419M continued, [If you do not fuse these two soul fragments to 100%, they will still fight each other until one or both of them disappear. If one of the Lord God's soul fragments disappears completely, even if the other soul fragments fuse later, their strength will be greatly reduced, and in the end, they will still be decimated by the Pseudo-Lord God and his twelve false sub-gods again.]

Bai Lixin frowned. Soul fusion was a painful experience for him every time, let alone the soul splitting.

His heart throbbed, and the wonton soup he drank into his mouth was bitter. He simply picked up the rib soup and drank it all in one gulp before looking up and saying, "Fine, I'll pack my things now and follow you back."

Demon Qu Yasong froze and stared at Bai Lixin with a soul-piercing gaze.

Bai Lixin lowered his head, not daring to look at Qu Yasong. He stood up, "Brother, wait for me!"

With that, he ran to the first floor as fast as he could on his inflexible leg.

Su Ruo froze on the spot. He thought Su Qing would go back, but he didn't expect him to go back so quickly. He had agreed to go to Yunhai's house tonight,.

Su Ruo's eyes glanced at Zhao Yunhai uneasily, and then looked up at Qu Yasong.

Demon Qu Yasong's lips hooked up to reveal a sneer, "Then you wait for him."

After saying that, he also lifted his feet and went to the first floor.

Upstairs, Bai Lixin hastily packed the clothes he had come with. He was folding his clothes when a warm body suddenly came up behind him, and he stiffened.

Qu Yasong pressed himself against Bai Lixin and groped him up and down a few times, "Little one, why the hurry? Your brother has just returned, and you're already leaving. " As he spoke, he rubbed against Bai Lixin up and down a few more times.

Feeling the hardness at the small of his back already poking his ass, Bai Lixin stiffened even more.

Truthfully, he was not a person who had any morality, and he had crossed other worlds and calculated countless people, but not once had he been as guilty as he was now. In fact, he wanted to turn back and hug Qu Yasong and roll around with him!

But when he thought of s419m's warning, Bai Lixin's sanity snapped back. He swallowed his saliva and continued, "Are you trying to sleep me in front of my brother and my boyfriend? "

Qu Yasong was stunned and took a step backwards to let go of Bai Lixin.

Bai Lixin hastily stuffed his clothes into the backpack he had come in with and rushed out of the room without even looking at Qu Yasong. When he reached the door, he suddenly paused and whispered, "I'll text you when we get home."

With these words, he carried his bag and went downstairs, dragging Su Ruo out of the Qu Mansion in a hurry.

Sitting in Zhao Yunhai's car, Bai Lixin sat in the back seat. Su Ruo sat next to Zhao Yunhai.

When Zhao Yunhai saw Su Qing absentmindedly looking out of the window through the rear-view mirror, he secretly took one hand off the steering wheel and touched Su Ruo's thigh.

Su Ruo gave a muffled groan and immediately held it back.

Bai Lixin pursed his lips and looked out the window at the speeding trees, not even wanting to glance at them.

s419m's voice sounded at the right time, [Congratulations Lord Host, just now the fusion of the two Lord God soul fragments has been detected to have reached 5%. Eh, it's now 6% and still going up. 7%! It's already 7%, Lord Host!]

Bai Lixin covered his face, feeling that the future was bleak. It was only 7%, which meant that there was still 93% to go!

Zhao Yunhai touched Su Ruo's thighs and waist for a while and felt himself reacting along with it. He coughed and said, in a cold voice, "Su Qing, I have some unfinished business at work and need your brother to come to my house."

Bai Lixin's mouth, which was hidden behind his hand, gave an "en" and he said weakly, "Okay, I'll be home by myself tonight then."

After leaving Bai Lixin at the house, Zhao Yunhai sped off with a single throttle, raising dust all over the ground.

Bai Lixin reached out and swept the dust in front of his eyes, then turned around and dragged his heavy body back into the Su house.

The Su home was already covered in dust as no one had lived there for two months. When Bai Lixin entered the door, he went straight to his bedroom on the dusty floor.

After pulling off the white cloth attached to the furniture in the room, Bai Lixin threw himself onto the bed and took out his mobile phone from his pocket.

He fumbled with the phone a few times and expertly pressed on a series of phone numbers, and not long after, a low, magnetic male voice came from the other end of the line, "Xiao Qing, you're home?"

It was the angel Qu Yasong.

Bai Lixin gave a muffled "hmmm," "Yes, I promised to give you a safe report, so I called you as soon as I got home."

Qu Yasong smiled, his voice low, "You haven't been in your own home for two months. Are you used to being back?"

Bai Lixin sniffed again and shook his head, "Not used to it anymore. Did you raise me dumb while I was at your house? "

"If you're not used to living there, the door to the Qu mansion is always open for you. My place is your home." Qu Yasong's gentle voice came through on the other end of the phone, and Bai Lixin couldn't help but have a sour nose.

"Okay, that's what you said. You can't go back on your word. I just got home and have to clean the house, so I can't talk for long. " Bai Lixin sniffled.

Qu Yasong's voice changed, "You have to clean the house? Aren't your brother and Zhao Yunhai there too? Let them clean up. You need more rest now. "

Bai Lixin paused and said, "My brother went to Yunhai's house, saying that they had business matters to finish, and now I'm home alone."

The other end of the line was silent for a long time. Instead, s419m's beep sounded, [Congratulations, Lord Host, the Lord God's soul fusion degree has reached 8%!]

Bai Lixin rolled his eyes.

8%, that is 92%, is still not fused. It was still a desperate situation.

When he heard that Qu Yasong had not spoken for a long time, Bai Lixin had to say "hello" a few times, but still did not hear a response. He thought the signal was bad, so he hung up the phone.

Hanging up the phone, Bai Lixin's mood was slightly improved by the conversation he had just had with Qu Yasong.

He stretched, got up, and went to the bathroom to find a rag and started to clean up the house.

After about ten minutes, the doorbell suddenly rang.

Bai Lixin froze. It was so late. Who could it be? Could it be that Su Ruo had returned?

Bai Lixin put down the rag and limped over to the door.

The moment he opened the door, his whole body was frozen.

He saw Qu Yasong, dressed in casual clothes, standing outside pensively, followed by five attendants, two of whom were each carrying a suitcase.

Qu Yasong stood outside, frowning with his hands in his pockets, and when he saw Bai Lixin open the door, he said softly, "Let us in."

Bai Lixin was stunned and hurriedly stepped aside.

Five attendants followed behind Qu Yasong and entered. Then they opened the black box, taking out one cleaning product after another.

Dumbfounded, Bai Lixin watched as the five men began to clean skilfully, and could not help but feel a sense of embarrassment come over him. He cautiously glanced at Qu Yasong, who looked out of place in this room.

When Qu Yasong saw that the sofa had been tidied up, he picked up Bai Lixin and went to sit.

After sitting down, he did not let go of Bai Lixin, but placed him on his lap. He was silent the whole time, watching the five people who were cleaning up.

The men were extremely efficient, and in just a quarter of an hour, they had cleaned up the small, dusty house.

They didn't stay long after cleaning, and after bowing to Qu Yasong, they left again in an orderly manner, not forgetting to close the door behind them.

Only after everyone had left did Qu Yasong say, "What exactly do you like about Zhao Yunhai?"

Bai Lixin was on Qu Yasong's lap, sitting on pins and needles as he said, "He is handsome, gentle, and treats me well. I just like him."

Qu Yasong pondered for a moment and whispered, "If there was someone who was better than Zhao Yunhai, more handsome, treated you better than he did, and loved you more than he did, would you accept him?"

I would! I would accept you!

The word "yes" was almost in the back of his throat when he swallowed it. He said against his will, "No, love is not a comparison. I love the man, not his love."

He swallowed and added, "And who would love me now that I'm a cripple? I just pray that Yunhai doesn't dislike me now. I love Yunhai so much that I don't want anyone but him. "

Qu Yasong's arms trembled as he hugged Bai Lixin, and Bai Lixin's heart trembled with him.

After a long time, Qu Yasong let go of Bai Lixin and said, in a hoarse trembling voice, "You rest first, I'm leaving."

He turned around and left the Su family without looking back.

As soon as Qu Yasong left, Bai Lixin felt like the strength had been drained from his body and he collapsed on the sofa.

s419m's voice sounded at the right time, [Oh my, Lord Host, what a collection today! The Lord God's soul fusion degree has reached 12%, up a whole 4%!]

Baili gave a hard laugh and said, [What is there to be happy about? It only means that both of their souls are sad to the extreme. Love adds 1 point, while being hostile is also a 1 point increase. But when it comes to sadness, it's 4% up. Heh, Qu Yasong must have been disappointed in me this time.]

[I'm so mad at you, s419m. I really hate you so much. I can't wait to smack you to relieve my anger. How can you have me treat him like this? Is this just because I blackmailed you before?]

s419m hurriedly replied: [Lord host, I wouldn't dare retaliate, I am wronged!]

s419m's tone was exaggerated, and Bai Lixin gave another bitter laugh, [I don't care about you, get lost, I want to sleep.]

He lay on the sofa sadly, and fell asleep under a blanket without even taking off his clothes.