Modern world: Arc 2.15

Now that Su Ruo had returned, Bai Lixin no longer had to go to school for him. So he nestled at home to watch the live broadcast using the system. The content of the live broadcast was obviously Su Ruo's day.

When Su Ruo walked into his university, his mood was already very different from two months ago. Two months ago, he was still a young man intent on his studies and working hard for his ideals.

But after two months of day-to-day thrilling experiences in S country with Zhao Yunhai, he suddenly felt that his eyes had been opened and his perception of painting had changed a lot.

When his classmates and teachers asked him about his plastered leg, he said, "It was just a fracture, I've recovered."

Su Qing's hair was slightly longer than Su Ruo's, and now that his hair had changed slightly, people only thought he had gotten a haircut and did not suspect anything.

Su Ruo smiled when he saw that his two month absence had passed unnoticed by them. He had traded two months of schooling for the loyal dog Zhao Yunhai, and it was really worth it.

Although art universities do not have daily exams like high schools, due to their high threshold, there are credit exams from time to time.

The so-called "credit exams" mean that the results are converted into credits and added to each student's total credits at the end of the semester, directly affecting the student's final grade, so everyone takes them very seriously.

The day Su Ruo returned, it happened to be the time of the major credit exams, and it also happened to be the two major majors that accounted for the highest number of credits. When the test papers were handed out, Su Ruo sat at his desk with a dumbfounded look.

These were on topics covered in the two months before, when he had been in the country with Zhao Yunhai. So how would he have the energy and time to read them?

Su Ruo bit his lip and looked at the test papers in grief.

Why didn't Su Qing say in advance that there was a credit exam today? If he had warned him earlier, he could have just waited for Su Qing to finish the exam and come back.

But even though he was thinking about it, Su Ruo could only bite the bullet and answer. Two hours went by in a short time, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, and Su Ruo spent the day on pins and needles in embarrassment.

It was only in the evening, after school, that he had time to run to Qu Yasong's studio.

Su Ruo ran to the door of the studio, took a deep breath, gently pushed the door open, and walked in softly.

Angel Qu Yasong was immersed in his painting and did not hear the sound of anyone approaching. His eyes were fascinated by the drawing board, and he was holding a brush in his hand, gently sketching something on the paper.

Su Ruo walked up behind Qu Yasong and took a look. On the drawing paper was a bust of a figure. The man had a handsome face, and his hair was wet with sweat in wisps.

When Su Ruo saw the content of the picture, his heart burst with sweetness; "Qu Yasong really does love me; he is secretly drawing me!"

As he thought this, he slowly embraced Qu Yasong's waist from behind.

Qu Yasong was in the middle of painting the eyes of the young man in the painting, when he was suddenly hugged. His hands shook, and he dragged his brush and made a scratch.

He frowned, pulled his arm away, and threw Su Ruo aside. He then stood up and looked back at Su Ruo with cold, ice-like eyes: "Why are you here?"

Su Ruo swallowed his saliva, suddenly feeling that this Qu Yasong was so strange. He shook his body and said in a small voice: "I was in S country in the past two months. I had a lot of feelings and my state of mind has changed a lot. I suddenly got inspired and wanted to come over and paint it. "

Qu Yasong remained indifferent and said, "There is a separate student painting room on the third floor, where you should create your work."

Su Ruo stiffened and looked at Qu Yasong incredulously. He hurriedly went up and hugged him, "You won't let me paint here? Why? You're my boyfriend. Can't I use your studio? "

Qu Yasong frowned and took two steps back, looking at the young man who was crying in front of him.

They obviously had similar faces, but Su Ruo had a dull, docile look and was now crying like a white lotus, while his baby always looked dazzling like the sun.

Su Ruo's current look was simply too annoyingly hypocritical, and when he thought of the things he had done, Qu Yasong felt inexplicably disgusted and revolted, "No, not anymore. You and I are broken up, Su Ruo. "

Bai Lixin, who was watching the live broadcast in his mind, suddenly heard s419 beep in his head: [Congratulations, Lord Host, the perception of the two host gods' souls has just been synchronized again, the soul fusion rate has reached 14%.]

Bai Lixin let out an "eek" and said: [A direct 2% increase? How can there be such a high fusion rate when Su Ruo is just getting rejection and hostility?]

S419M replied back: [Because this kind of strong emotion had never been felt before, Lord host. Just like when you started making love, both souls wanted to possess you so strongly that their perception had the same frequency. It was so powerful that it shattered the boundary and directly increased the soul fusion to 1%.]

[And from there, because you stimulated the Lord God, the two souls slowly reached a consensus in their hate perception of Zhao Yunhai and fused another 1%.]

[ Then both later reached a consensus when worried about your incurable leg, adding another 1%, which is 3%. A person's emotions are not just one feeling; they can feel all kinds of emotions, from sweet, sour, bitter, bad and good, so to fuse souls, you have to make them share all kinds of emotions.]

Bai Lixin nodded, [I see.]

On this hand, s419 was giving Bai Lixin knowledge on human emotions, but on that hand, Su Ruo was dumbfounded.

Su Ruo's face turned white and his voice trembled, "Who said that?"

Qu Yasong was already impatient: "I said it just now."

Su Ruo said in a hoarse voice: "Why? Why do you want to break up with me? I don't agree! You must love me, right? Otherwise, you wouldn't have accepted my confession in the first place. "

Angel Qu Yasong pursed his lips, remembering his foolish self, who had rashly agreed to Su Ruo's confession, and he regretted it very much. This was the most regrettable thing he had ever done in his life. It was second to none.

Angel Qu Yasong rubbed his forehead and said, "Su Ruo, I don't love you. I appreciate your creative techniques, mood, and works. When I first saw your work, I had an affection for your work, not for you as a person. And the painting you made the day before your confession happened to be at the pinnacle of your ability. No one is perfect, and I agreed to your confession because, firstly, I was comfortable with you, but it wasn't love, it was just respect, and that was indeed wrong of me. "

"Secondly, it was because I wanted to see a higher standard of work from you. "

Su Ruo still didn't want to accept this truth, and he was sobbing, tears welling up in his eyes: "No, I don't accept that. Since you accepted me before for these two reasons, you must still be able to continue with me now. "

Angel Qu Yasong was annoyed by such a meddlesome Su Ruo, and as he rubbed his head, he heard the demon Qu Yasong say, "Let me do it.

The angel Qu Yasong said, "Yes" and switched places with the demon.

As soon as demon Qu Yasonh got control, his whole aura changed, but Su Ruo was crying so hard that he didn't notice this change.

Demon Qu Yasong did not have Angel Qu Yasong's patience. He looked at Su Ruo as if looking at a dead thing, then he opened a set of photos from his phone and handed them to Su Ruo, "What qualifications do you have to stand beside me like this?"

Su Ruo looked at the screen through heavy tears. His vision was blurred, but he could still recognize the two bodies on the phone that were extremely entangled. It was him and Zhao Yunhai!

He was pinned beneath Zhao Yunhai, his back arched and his head slightly raised. His face was flushed and his eyes dazed, his mouth slightly open as if he was screaming in pleasure. And Zhao Yunhai was above him, his muscles tense, his legs clenched around his waist, and Zhao Yunhai was pushing hard.

The picture was so lascivious and slutty that Su Ru felt ashamed of himself and wanted to find a hole in the ground and burrow into it.

He looked at the picture and was so dumbfounded that he forgot to cry. It was only after a long time that he tilted his head and pulled the corners of his mouth stiffly, "Qu Yasong, did you get the wrong idea? This is not me; it's my brother, Su Qing. "

Angel Qu Yasong heard Su Ruo defending himself at the expense of letting his baby take the blame, and the last trace of pity disappeared from his heart.

Demon Qu Yasong even snickered and pointed to the time of the shot in the lower right corner and the country text displayed on the phone on the bedside table, "Su Qing was in S country on the 7th of last month? I remember that I happened to be accompanying him to the hospital to have his cast removed that day."

"Su Ruo I'm really impressed with you. You can casually dump the black pot on your brother just for the sake of your reputation. What will Zhao Yunhai think when he knows about this? You've done it all, and you still want to stay out of it and get out of it? Where are the good principles you've always prided yourself on? "

He paused and glanced contemptuously at Su Ruo: "You think you're pure and clean, but in fact, you're dirty to the bone, Su Ruo. The reason I don't expose you in front of others is to leave you with dignity, and you should cherish this dignity. "

Su Ruo's face burned with shame when he heard Qu Yasong's words. Su Ruo was the type of person who liked to disguise himself with tenderness and kindness; however, he had always been aware of his own selfish nature. He liked to hide himself behind others, to hide himself perfectly.

And he did so successfully. But he always thought about the day when his mask was torn apart. But being torn apart by others was one thing; being torn apart by the one he loved was another.

Su Ruo was ashamed, feeling as if his skin had been ripped off and he had been seen through by Qu Yasong.

His cheeks flushed red, and he dared not even look at Qu Yasong before ducking his head and rushing out of the studio door.

Only when he saw that Su Ruo had gone running did Qu Yasong close the door of the studio again. He walked back to the drawing board, his hand tenderly touching the young boy's cheek on the paper where the paint had smudged earlier, and sighed: "It's a pity, it was a good painting."

When Bai Lixin saw this, he clapped his hands and said, [My love, tearing down the white lotus, ah, well done.]

After Su Ruo ran away, he went straight to the bathroom. He casually found a toilet and slammed the door behind him, crying out in agony.

After crying for a long time, he sniffed and carefully recalled the scene he had just gone through.

Why did Qu Yasong have that picture? It wasn't him that sent it. Could it be that Zhao Yunhai had sent it to Qu Yasong on purpose?

Su Ruo bit his lip and stomped his foot in hatred. Zhao Yunhai had clearly said that he would help him hide the affair and help him chase Qu Yasong, yet he was doing such things behind his back.

This matter must be Zhao Yunhai's doing!

With resentment in his heart, he dumped the pot on Zhao Yunhai and cursed Zhao Yunhai in his heart for a long time.

Only then did he have a second thought. Qu Yasong had never been as indifferent as an exiled immortal, yet today he had such disgust.

He thought of Qu Yasong drawing his face lovingly when he first entered the studio, and remembered the photo on his phone.

His heart flashed with delight. "Could it be that what Qu Yasong said was all just angry words? It must be! "

Qu Yasong must have been angry because of that photo. He must have loved him so much that he hated him having another lover with a passion.

Last night, he deliberately treated Su Qing tenderly in front of him in order to anger him. While Qu Yasong despised and disdained him on the surface, he was still lovingly and secretly drawing him behind his back.

After figuring this out, Su Ruo no longer had the grief and anger he had before, but was full of hope.

He wiped the tears from his eyes and thought to himself, "I must find a way to explain this to Qu Yasong!