Western fantasy world: Arc 3.3

The black dragon was dying and struggling to open its eyes from its stupor when it heard footsteps. It was staring intently at Bai Lixin with its golden eyes, like an obsidian sun.

Bai Lixin's heart ached again when he saw its wretched appearance.

In his memory, his lover had always been strong and resolute, standing above millions and reigning over the world. When had he ever be in such a predicament?

His lover was supposed to be the reigning god of these billions of worlds, turning his hands to the clouds, making rain, but now he was in this predicament because of the ambitions of a false lord god.

His beloved should not have had to suffer this, let alone pay for the desires of that god.

I will help you, my love.

Bai Lixin looked at the hundred-metre-long black dragon with this thought in mind.

The black dragon opened its golden pupils in a daze. It glanced suspiciously at Alexander standing beyond the magic formation. The tip of its nose twitched slightly, and the smell of blood belonged to Alexander, its enemy, immediately reached its nose.

The black dragon's golden pupils opened, and suddenly opened its bloody mouth to viciously spit out a big fireball in Bai Lixin's direction.

The fireball came so fast and so suddenly that by the time Bai Lixin reacted, it was already in front of his face. Instinctively, he reached out his arms to protect his face and chest, the vital points, but did not feel the searing pain he had expected.

He noticed that just as the fireball touched the edge of the magic formation, it suddenly activated and burst into an eerie blue light, and a translucent blue barrier appeared along the boundary of the formation. The fireball bounced back when it hit the barrier wall and flew straight towards the black dragon.

With a loud bang, the fireball caused a violent explosion when it touched the black dragon, accompanied by a sky full of star fire.

Bai Lixin's heart tightened, and he hurriedly looked at the black dragon. He breathed a long sigh of relief when he saw that the Black Dragon's skin was intact. The defensive power of an S-rank body was truly extraordinary!

He frowned at the golden lance on its chest, which must have been very painful, if not fatal, when it was struck in.

From the memories of the world transmitted by s419m, this lance was the weapon of Alexander I, the founding king of the Saron Empire, who was not only powerful but also had a divine weapon, namely this golden lance.

It was said to have been a divine weapon given by the gods to seal the evil Black Dragon.

With this divine inspiration, he used the Black Dragon's people as bait to lure it into a magical formation and then stabbed the lance with divine power into its chest, thus sealing the power of the Black Dragon.

Since then, Alexander I, who had defeated the Black Dragon with his bare hands, had risen to prominence on the continent, building a nation around the magic formation imprisoning the Black Dragon.

The surrounding countries were afraid of his power, which was comparable to that of dragons, and did not dare attack him.

What bullshit divine power?

It was just the work of false sub-gods. He could feel the power of his lover's soul on the golden spear through the magic formation.

The false sub-god must have absorbed the power from his lover and transferred it to the spear, using the spear to attack his lover's soul boundary. In short, it was using his Di Jia's power to restrict him.

Bai Lixin bit the corner of his lip.

How could these false gods be so fucking insidious? In the last realm, they wanted his lover to kill himself, and in this one, they let him trap himself with his own power.

Bai Lixin recalled from the world's memory that the Silver Dragon had been able to break through the magic formation to save the Black Dragon by using Ansel Alexander's blood.

Alexander I had created the magical formation. The golden spear had also been Alexander I's weapon, and they both had some sense of Alexander's blood.

The Silver Dragon infiltrated the dungeon a total of two times. The first was to make a deal with the Black Dragon and take Alexander's blood under his guidance. The second time, when he returned to the underground palace, he dripped the blood on the edge of the magic formation, then relied on the dragon's strong body and sharp claws to tear the protective barrier apart, followed by dropping the blood on the golden lance and pulling it off, which freed the black dragon.

Now that he had an S-rank physique, it was naturally easy for him to shred the magic formation and pull off the golden spear, but the question was how to solve his long-standing feud with the black dragon after all these problems were solved.

If he rushed to save his lover now, he would swallow him and chew him up before he could say a word!

After some thought, Bai Lixin coughed twice and said aloud to the Black Dragon, "Great Black Dragon, I am Ansel Alexander, King of the Saron Empire, and I am willing to give my life and soul to you and ask for your help."

The black dragon snorted two flames from its nose and slowly opened its mouth: "What tricks are you trying to pull, you cunning, evil human?"

Bai Lixin got down on one knee outside the magic formation and said reverently, "Great Lord Black Dragon, listen to the heart of your devotee. I have heard of your valiant deeds since I was born, and your legend is as addictive to me as a poppy. I have worshipped you for a long time, and this admiration and worship also drove me to finally become the king of the Saron Empire. Because, according to tradition, only the king has the opportunity to see you. "

"But the abominable Temple of Sacrifice has not only shaken my position as emperor, but has even kept me out of this place so that I cannot see you. "Oh great Black Dragon, please give me the power to eradicate these greedy Temple of Priests."

The Black Dragon's golden eyes glittered. The High Priest's frequent visits to take his blood for his own use had angered him greatly. And the Alexander family, with whom he had a long-standing feud, had a feud with the Temple of Sacrifice!

In that case, why not let them kill each other?

What will I gain by helping you? How can I help you now that I am imprisoned by you here, where I can hardly protect myself? "

"Great Lord Black Dragon, I worship you as my main god and my faith. If only you could eradicate the Temple of Sacrifice and let me preserve the dignity of the royal family, I would give everything to you. "

The light in the Black Dragon's eyes intensified, "I need flesh, blood, and soul to regain my power. If you want me to help you, you need to offer your life and soul. "

Bai Lixin gave a bashful smile. "Great Lord Black Dragon, I will! But before that, please allow me to produce an offspring for the Alexander family first, so that I do not become a sinner to our family. "

The Black Dragon sneered in his heart, "Give birth? I will not be relieved to eat only one of you. I will eat one if you give birth to one, and I will eat a pair if you give birth to two. You killed my clan, so I will eat your offspring. Don't you human beings say, "return the favor?"

With this in mind, the Black Dragon nodded, "Okay, I promise you. We dragons have a secret art, the soul contract, and once you sign this contract, you must abide by its contents and implement it strictly, or you will suffer soul-burning. "

Bai Lixin nodded, "Yes, Lord Black Dragon, I am willing to sign a soul contract with you."

The black dragon chanted a long incantation in the language of the dragons, and after about half a minute had passed, the black dragon said to Bai Lixin, "Repeat after me: I, Ansel Alexander, voluntarily enter into a soul contract with Di Suo, and will not harm Di Suo during the contract. After Di Suo has helped me to destroy the Temple of Sacrifice and I have descendants, I will give my life and soul to Di Suo, and be at Di Suo's disposal. ."

Bai Lixin looked up straight into the golden pupils of the black dragon and repeated the words.

Just after he finished saying them, Bai Lixin felt a heat in his forehead, and a consciousness burrowed into his mind, a strong and fierce consciousness, with even a hint of malice.

But the moment this consciousness came into contact with his soul, it shuddered violently and turned into a pool of spring water in an instant.

Bai Lixin felt the change deep in his soul and smiled slightly.

That consciousness just now should be the soul shackle, used to restrain the soul, but this soul shackle also comes from the soul of the contracted person itself. The black dragon was now too blinded by hatred to feel him, but its soul did, and released goodwill towards him.

That was a good sign, wasn't it?

Only when he saw that the contract had been reached did the black dragon speak again, " Put a drop of blood on the magic formation, then stand away from it and I will break through it."

Bai Lixin nodded at his words and took his flashy dagger from his belt and sliced his palm open. The blood immediately gushed like a pillar and stained the edges of the magic formation red.

Bai Lixin then stepped back, but the blood was still flowing down from his palm. The black dragon's eyes narrowed on it and flickered a few times, but it said nothing.

This time the fireball hit the barrier wall again but did not bounce off as it had done earlier. The fireball continued to roll forward, and the barrier wall began to flicker and fade, with a vague appearance of breaking.

Suddenly, with an audible "click", the barrier wall shattered into points of light and turned into nothingness. The fireball broke through the barrier wall and fell straight to the ground, only ten paces away from Bai Lixin, immediately creating a huge crater in the ground.

Seeing the barrier shattered, Bai Lixin wasted no time in walking up to the Black Dragon and saying, "My dear Lord Black Dragon, what should I do next?"

The Black Dragon pondered for a moment, very pleased with this brainiac's initiative, "Drip blood onto this golden lance and pull it out with force. It seals my power, so if removed, I can break the shackles around me. "

Bai Lixin nodded and neatly climbed up the chain to the black dragon's chest, where he held the golden lance in his still dripping palm and wiped it back and forth, staining the otherwise shiny golden lance with a layer of blood before stopping.

He then gripped the spear by the handle with both hands and pulled back hard, pulling it out of the black dragon's chest with a "poof."

As soon as the golden spear left the Black Dragon's body, Bai Lixin heard the Black Dragon let out a long roar and begun to break free from the chains to which it was attached.

The chain began to shake violently, and Bai Lixin's body was thrown right and left, and he had to hold on to the chains. Then he felt a lightness under his feet and his body fell down with the chains.

Just a second before he was about to hit the ground, a wide arm encircled him, not so gently, and prevented him from being hurt.

Against the backdrop of the light, a tall, handsome, black-haired man in a wide black robe, as handsome as Apollo, hugged him, his golden pupils filled with disdain and indifference.

Bai Lixin shook his head and slowly slid from his arms, smiling weakly, "Lord Black Dragon, you look so handsome even in human form."

Di Suo glanced at Bai Lixin and looked annoyed at his still bleeding hand. "Call me Di Suo."

With that, he took Bai Lixin's still bleeding hand and stuck his tongue out to lick across his palm.

Bai Lixin's body spasmed and he fought back the desire to moan. His face flushed as he looked at Di Suo and thought to himself, "You'd better stop licking me, love, or I'll not be able to control myself.