Western fantasy world: Arc 3.4

Inside the Temple of Sacrifice, the nine priests were sitting at a round table holding a voting session.

Three days ago, there had been a riot in the north of the Saron Empire, and the High Priest had gone to reform the beings. With the High Priest gone, the nine chief priests have deliberated and voted on various matters in the Temple of Sacrifice, with the higher number of votes prevailing over the lower number.

They were now discussing a matter with great fervor when suddenly a dragon's roar came from outside the temple, and with this deafening roar, the ground began to shake violently.

As the nine priests looked on in disbelief, the door to the council chamber was thrown open, and the two guards who were guarding the underground palace stumbled in over each other, gasping anxiously, "Bad news! My lords, King Alexander has unleashed the Black Dragon! "

The nine priests shook with fear and panic as they rose to their feet and rushed outside the hall.

When they arrived at the palace, Bai Lixin was walking out of the palace door, shoulder to shoulder with Di Suo.

With the golden spear in one hand, Bai Lixin was stealing glances at Di Suo beside him.

Di Suo slowly walked out of the palace, and when the sun shone on him once again, he squinted his eyes, a look of sadness on his face.

How long has it been since he's seen the sun? Three hundred years? Five hundred years? Or eight hundred years?

During the days and nights he had been imprisoned in the underground palace, he had always wanted to leave the place, but now that he had, he realised that the world around him had changed.

How could there still be a place for him in this vast world after hundreds of years?

When Bai Lixin saw the expression on Di Suo's face, his heart ached.

The hand that did not hold the spear gently tugged at the hem of Di Suo's black sleeve and said softly, "Di Suo, first go to the hot spring pool in my bedchamber to freshen up. You must not have bathed for a long time."

When Di Suo was tugged by Bai Lixin, the frustration dissipated in his eyes, leaving only indifference. He gave Bai Lixin a cold, sidelong glance and nodded his head, "Fine, you can lead the way."

Bai Lixin smiled faintly and was about to head towards the bedchamber, but just as he was about to take a step, nine people suddenly blocked their way.

Bai Lixin looked at the nine men, who were cowering and calm, and at the two guards who were following them, and understood. He glanced at them, "What do the nine priests want?"

The nine priests looked at each other, and one of them shouted angrily, "Your Majesty, you have broken the ban by forcing your way into the forbidden place to release the Black Dragon, and according to the law, you should be punished by death! Please go to the dungeon now and await the final verdict of the Sacrificial Hall! "

Bai Lixin sneered, "The law? What law? Who made the law? I am the King of the Saron Empire. I am the Heaven of this country. I am the law. What right do you have as the Temple of Sacrifice to tell me what to do? "

The priest who spoke was speechless. He looked at the surrounding chief priests, nodded slightly, and continued, "Your Majesty, if you continue to be so stubborn, we will have to make you obey the law by forceful means." With these words, the men took a step forward.

As soon as they had taken a step forward, Bai Lixin raised the golden lance in his hand above his head and said in a raised voice: "I, Ansel Alexander, am the chosen divine messenger of the gods. Who dares to do anything to me! Take a good look at this lance, a divine weapon endowed with the power of the gods, the weapon of my ancestor Alexander I. See it as if it were a god, so why don't you all kneel and bow down? "

The nine priests froze; they had always called themselves messengers of the gods and were full of absolute loyalty to them.

The moment they saw Bai Lixin raise the lance, even though they were displeased in their hearts, they still bent down and knelt down in a solemn and grand salute because of their status as priests.

Seeing the nine kneel down, Bai Lixin smiled and withdrew the golden lance, took Di Suo's hand with his other hand, and headed for the chambers, "Let's go, don't mind them."

Di Suo glanced at his right hand, which was taken up by Bai Lixin, and then at the nine men who were kneeling on the ground, but finally said nothing and let Bai Lixin lead him away.

Only after they had gone did the nine priests slowly get up, all of them wanting to say something, their faces depressed.

One of them asked, "What should we do? Do we go after them? "

The priest who had spoken out to condemn Bai Lixin shook his head, "No, this King Alexander has a divine weapon in his hands and is protected by the Black Dragon. Quickly inform the high priest that he should return quickly, for only his divine power can stand against the black dragon. "

The crowd pondered for a moment at his words and nodded, "Good, let's do that."

By the hot spring pool in the back of the bedchamber, Bai Lixin tossed the lance aside and half-kneeled in front of the Black Dragon before reaching for his belt, "Lord Di Suo, let me serve you to undress."

Di Suo looked at the half-kneeling man. He was dressed in a luxurious golden robe, his short, pale blond hair curling behind his ears, his handsome young face now slightly pale from the loss of blood. He had a devout expression on his face, as if he were his god and sustenance.

This man, who had been the king of this country, now begged to serve him without dignity, kneeling on one knee before him.

Heh, after all these centuries, Alexander's bloodline was still so dirty and cunning. This man's heart and patience were nothing less than those of Alexander I. This was another human who could do anything to achieve his goals.

He could even ignore his dignity as an emperor in order to be able to defeat the Temple of Priests.

A cold light flashed in Di Suo's eyes as he suddenly grabbed the hands that had touched his belt and threw Bai Lixin into the pool. He then walked into the hot spring in his clothes and tightly pressed on Bai Lixin.

Di Suo gave a wicked smile and said, in an ambiguous tone, "Serving me in the bath is not that kind of service."

He lowered his body and sniffed Bai Lixin's hair, whispering in a husky magnetic voice, "Ha, the smell of virginity. Didn't you say you wanted to reproduce? How can you reproduce without experience? Why don't you let me teach you first? " With that, he stretched out his tongue and gently licked Bai Lixin's ear.

Bai Lixin's body shook and he almost went limp.

Di Sui chuckled at this, "You are really enjoyable." He stretched out his hand and pulled Bai Lixin's robe, and in an instant, the luxurious robe turned into pieces and floated in the pool of water.

In the blink of an eye, Bai Lixin was like a white that had been peeled from its shell, naked and exposed to Di Suo.

It was only after his clothes had been torn to shreds that he seemed to understand the situation before him, his eyes widening and his pupils filled with apprehension.

Di Suo took in Bai Lixin's expression and sneered, "I haven't had a good time in hundreds of years, and I am very depressed. Weren't you talking high and low about being willing to give your soul and life for me? What, now you're not willing? "

Bai Lixin swallowed, an ugly smile pulling at his face. With a stiff body, he embraced Di Suo and said warmly, "Lord Di Suo, my body and soul are yours. Do as you wish." With that, he moved his face up to kiss Di Suo's lips.

Di Suo avoided his lips in disgust. In the dragon race, making love did not mean loving each other. Dragons were promiscuous and it was in their nature to want to breed. They even tended to interbreed. But there was one thing: only those in love could kiss.

After avoiding Bai Lixin's kisd, Di Suo looked down at the young man condescendingly. Alexander's body was not short, he was 183 or so, and his handsome face had a noble and inviolable look to it.

Now that he had seen the pale, disgusted, yet forbearing look in Bai Lixin's eyes, he was as deflated as a balloon and had no desire to humiliate him. He rubbed his hair in annoyance and said fiercely, "Get out!"

Bai Lixin was stunned but obediently walked slowly to the edge of the hot spring. He was naked, but his back was straight, his head held high, and he looked as confident as if he were wearing the most expensive and beautiful robe in the world, even though he was unclothed.

Di Suo stared closely at the departing back, his eyes full of the rounded ass shaking with every step. As a dragon, he would not have lusted much for humans, but the shape of his butt was so sexy and sultry that even he, a dragon, found it very attractive.

Feeling the desire rise like lava in the small of his back, Di Suo let out a curse and reached down to relieve himself.

As he did so, his mind wandered back to Bai Lixin's white jade like skin, and the heat in his lower abdomen grew stronger and stronger.

Di Suo shook his head, trying to push the young man out of his mind. But the more he tried to do so, the more the image lingered, one moment showing Bai Lixin's upturned ass, the next showing Bai Lixin's pale forbearing expression, all the while imagining a bullied expression on the handsome, ascetic face.

Di Suo's golden pupils eyes glowed like the sun, and the movements of his hands quickened. In the midst of this constant reminiscing and fantasizing, he let out a low growl, and his whole body relaxed.

When Bai Lixin came back after changing his clothes, he saw this scene.

Dragons were lustful by nature, and this world was no exception. Not even the silver dragon, the beloved son of this world, was any different.

After Princess Sophia and the Silver Dragon had established their relationship, the Silver Dragon was almost constantly seeking pleasure because of his nature as a dragon, and this made Sophia live a life of misery.

This continued until the birth of their first child, which succeeded in diverting the Silver Dragon's energy, giving Sophia a temporary respite.

This was the case with the weaker Silver Dragon, let alone his powerful lover.

He could clearly have relied on him for relief, but after seeing the look on his face, Di Suo pushed him away. He may be blinded by hatred at the moment and not understand the meaning of this, but Di Suo still has him deep in his soul.

Thinking of Princess Sophia and the silver dragon, Bai Lixin remembered the briefing from the attendant as he went out to dress. He carried a fresh set of black robes to the hot spring pool and said, in a warm voice, "Di Suo, I have brought you a change of clothes, so change into this once you have washed up. I have some business to attend to. My fiancée and her ambassador are here, and I must go to the parlor to receive them. "

When Di Suo heard the word "fiancée", he felt a huge wave of anger. He spoke before he thought, "Wait for me, I will go with you." Only when he had finished speaking did he realize what he had just said, and he was stunned for a moment.

He frowned slightly and asked himself, "What's wrong with me?"