Western fantasy world: Arc 3.5

Ansel Alexander was 26 years old; he had taken over the Saron Empire two years ago and had since begun his destiny as a puppet emperor.

Sophia Serinon, on the other hand, was only 15 years old, or just coming of age according to this continent. How can such a beautiful rose, with all its thorns, withstand the storms?

Unlike the mighty Saron Empire, the neighboring country of Sena was a small country, not only in size, but also in terms of its lack of production.

After the Black Dragon burned down the palace of the Saron Empire, Ansel Alexander and the High Priest died in the fire, leaving the country of Sena to reap the benefits.

After the Silver Dragon killed the Black Dragon, King Serinon used the Silver Dragon as a vanguard to take over the Saron Empire and create a new empire, the Scythian Empire, and the Silver Dragon became a spear in the hands of King Serinon for his beloved Princess Sophia, charging into battle and opening up territories for him.

Bai Lixin and Di Suo walked side by side along the marble-carved corridor. At almost 183cm tall, Bai Lixin was not short, but standing next to Di Suo, who was almost 200cm, he was instantly smaller.

Standing close to Bai Lixin, Di Suo bent down slightly to his ear and said, "My dear sire, if you want, I can raze the Temple of Priests to the ground right now. How about that?"

Bai Lixin's ears reddened slightly and he shook his head, "No, you can't do that. I want to crush them psychologically, not just physically. If we raze the Temple of Sacrifice directly to the ground, in the eyes of the people, the priests will still live on at the altar of the gods, and the history books and wild histories will sing of them as "heroes and faith in the Saron Empire who defied power and were victimized by the perverse and violent tyrant King Alexander."

" I don't want them to be portrayed so positively; I want to tear down their hypocritical facade and smear them with a stain that can never be washed off."

Di Suo narrowed his eyes and looked askance at Bai Lixin, dipping his head and taking a bite of his ear. "So what did you want me to do for you when you saved me?"

Bai Lixin's breath hitched and his ears reddened even more as he turned his head to look fixedly at Di Suo and said, word for word, "Lord Di Suo, I released you because I admire you. Although I wanted to use your power, I did not save you for your power alone. You have been imprisoned in the underground palace for hundreds of years, and I have grown up listening to the history of the Saron Empire day after day for as long as I can remember. " "

What I remember most impressively and shockingly is not how bravely and powerfully Alexander I imprisoned you or how he built an empire. What struck and moved me most was your act of breaking into the magic formation to save your people, despite your own safety. Whenever I hear about this place, I cannot help but conjure up your face in my mind. "

"What kind of mentality did you have at that time to try to save your clansmen regardless of your own life or death?"

The more he spoke, the more impassioned he became, and his eyes were tinged with a brilliant light that shone brighter than the gold in Di Suo's eyes.

A complicated light flashed in Di Suo's eyes as he listened to Bai Lixin's words.

For thousands of years, the human race and the dragon race had been enemies; the dragon race despised humans, and humans despised the dragon race.

Hundreds of years had passed, but Di Suo had never thought that the first person to speak up for him would be a human, or the offspring of his long-standing enemy. How ridiculous. This child isthe

offspring of a long-standing enemy. This child is the offspring of Alexander I.

Back then, Alexander I was just like this child, rushing to him, telling him of his worship and admiration for him.

But what did Alexander I do when he turned his head? He kidnapped a dragon child, who was barely a month old, lured him into a magical formation and drove a golden lance through his chest.

Alexander I had wiped out all his goodwill and trust in humans, and all he had left now was his hatred for them.

As he watched Bai Lixin's glowing eyes, he thought to himself that it would be a pleasure to stand by the side of the offspring of a long-standing enemy, pushing him step by step to the altar, and then pulling him down when he reached the highest point.

Bai Lixin's flushed face as he cried flashed in his mind. A wicked smile curled his lips as he unconsciously licked the corners of his lips.

When Bai Lixin saw this expression on Di Suo's face, he couldn't help but shiver and his hairs stood up.

What was going through this pervert's mind and why did he feel so terrified?!

The two did not have a fast pace, but both of them were long-legged, and they arrived at the parlour in no time.

As soon as they entered the parlour, they saw Princess Sophia, who was as pure and delicate as a cherry blossom. Princess Sofia was just 15 years old and still had a playful nature in her bones.

She was sitting in a chair, her fingers playing with her naughty light brown hair, twisting it in a circle to the left and then to the right, having fun.

The handsome young man standing straight behind her had silver hair, and even his eyes were silver. He was standing behind Princess Sophia and was looking at her intently with a tenderness that could drown a person.

Seeing both of them ignoring them, Bai Lixin deliberately coughed and aggravated his footsteps.

Sophia's hand, which was playing with her hair, gave a start and looked up suddenly at the sound, her round face both timid and frightened, with a touch of ignorant innocence.

As soon as she saw Bai Lixin, she quickly jumped up from her seat and walked up to him with a light noble lady's step, lifting her gorgeous thousand-layer skirt in a graceful royal ritual, "Sophia Serinon of the Kingdom of Sena greets His Majesty Alexander."

Her voice was sweet and childlike, soft and sticky, and extremely pleasant to listen to.

Bai Lixin smiled faintly and reached out with both hands to help Sophia up. He half-bent down and gently kissed the back of Sofia's hand, saying softly, "Beautiful and pure Princess Sofia, it is a pleasure to meet you." His hands were raised with the grace and elegance of an emperor.

Sophia blushed slightly and withdrew her hand. She whispered, "Your Majesty, I have brought you a gift on behalf of my father. Please don't dislike it." With that, she fetched a box from the table and held it with both hands in front of Bai Lixin.

The Silver Dragon looked at the two people interacting and frowned darkly. He stepped forward in front of Princess Sophia, put his hands on his waist and bent down in ritual, "Dear King Alexander, the gift was brought by the Princess herself. Please look at it." With that, he took the box from Princess Sophia's hand and handed it over.

Bai Lixin looked at the silver dragon that looked like a mother protecting her chick, and after taking the gift, he asked, "Who are you?"

The silver dragon straightened itself up and said, without expression, "King Alexander, my name is Hillman, and I am the personal guard of Princess Sophia."

Bai Lixin raised an eyebrow and said arrogantly, "Oh, so it's just a mere bodyguard."

The Silver Dragon's face stiffened at that, and his hands clenched into fists behind his back.

Bai Lixin smiled lightly and gently opened the beautifully framed wooden box. At once, a faint warm light leaked out from inside. It was actually a large luminous pearl. Princess Sophia said nervously, "

" Your Majesty, this is a treasure that our ambassador found when he was on a mission to the East, and it is said to be extremely precious, which is why it is brought to you."

A gentle smile appeared in Bai Lixin's eyes, "It is a night pearl, a treasure indeed. I am grateful to Your Majesty, Sophia. I should have been the one to visit Your Majesty Serinon in your country, but now it is the princess who has come first. It is my fault for being rude in the first place. "

"Now that the Princess has come, please do promise to let me take you to the back garden to see the scenery. The Princess should not refuse me, right?"

An embarrassed expression appeared on Princess Sophia's face, and she looked slightly at Hillman beside her.

Seeing this, Hillman once again stepped in front of Princess Sophia and said, "Your Majesty, it is late in the day and the Princess has to go back to her tea lessons, so why don't you come back to visit another day?"

Bai Lixin frowned slightly and snorted coldly, "You are a small guard. What qualifications do you have to talk to me? Get lost." He then looked gently at Sofia, "Your Highness, do you also think that a mere tea lesson is more important than a stroll through the gardens with me? Perhaps I should ask His Majesty Serinon himself. "

Sophia stiffened and shook her head desperately, her face pale as she said, "No, of course the garden is more important!"

Bai Lixin smiled in satisfaction, made a shallow curtsy, and said, "Then let us go, Princess Sophia." He had just taken a couple of steps when he suddenly seemed to remember something and turned his head, "Di Suo, I think Hillman needs to learn court etiquette again. Why don't you teach him?"

A wicked smile tugged at the corners of Di Suo's mouth as he half-kneeled and performed a solemn knightly ritual: "As Your Majesty wishes."

Without a word, he stepped in front of Hillman, who was about to follow Bai Lixin and Sophia, and said, in a cold voice, "Guard Hillman, please follow me."

When Hillman was blocked, he frowned and looked at the person with a displeased expression. He was about to retort when a familiar scent suddenly came to his nose, and Hillman shuddered, looking incredulously at Di Suo, "You are….."

Di Suo smiled faintly, "Come with me?"

Hillman's heart was torn for a moment before he nodded, "Okay, I'll come with you."

The four of them thus split into two, each heading in a different direction.

Bai Lixin guided Princess Sophia to the back garden, introducing the names of the flowers as they walked. He was so knowledgeable and so eloquent that in a few moments, Sophia was no longer embarrassed or awkward.

Looking at Sophia, who still looked like a child, Bai Lixin guided her to the pavilion in the back garden and sat her down without a word.

At this moment, Sofia had lost all her initial restraint and stared at the colorful and vast garden with curiosity and awe.

Bai Lixin smiled slightly and asked, "Does Princess Sofia like this garden?"

Sophia nodded vigorously, "I love it."

"Haha," Bai Lixin laughed, "although my back garden is beautiful, it is not a ten thousandth of the world beyond the palace. If you traveled a lot, you wouldn't marvel at this part of my garden."

Sophia's eyes widened at this and asked, "Is the world outside really that beautiful?"

She had been brought up in the palace since she was a child, studying the etiquette of the palace all day long, and rarely had the opportunity to go out, let alone see the so-called big world. It has always been her heartfelt desire to travel the world.

Bai Lixin nodded, "Would Princess Sofia like to see it?"

Without even thinking, Sofia replied, "Yes!"

The stars in Bai Lixin's eyes shone, "But if you follow your father's arrangement and marry into my Saron Empire, you will never have this opportunity again."

Princess Sophia's body stiffened at his words, and her eyes widened as she looked at him.

Bai Lixin smiled gently again, "Princess Sophia, let me tell you a story. Have you ever heard of a puppet doll? It's a doll that has strings wrapped around its body and is being driven by someone. Its arms and legs are tied with strings, and it can't go west when its master tells it to go east, and it can't cry when its master tells it to laugh. "

But the puppet doll is not a mere doll; it has a heart, she has dreams too. She wants to break the chains, to leave its master and embrace the world freely. One day, just as its master was once again manipulating the puppet doll, it finally could not repress it. It tore at the ropes around its body, trying to resist. But the ropes were so hard that if it wanted to be free, it would have to pay the price. But it didn't care. It tore off its legs and twisted its arms, just for the freedom it wanted. "

"Here, Bai Lixin stopped abruptly and looked quietly at Sophia.

Princess Sophia was listening intently, and when she saw that he had stopped, she asked, "And what happened? What happened to the doll? "

Bai Lixin smiled lightly, lowered his head and blew gently into Sofia's ear: "I'll leave it in suspense and tell you next time."

The fate of the puppet depends on how you interpret the story princess. Good luck to you.

Just now, he had used 100 points to exchange for "Dream Weaving", which allows him to weave any dream, and now this dream has been blown into Princess Sophia's head with Qi.

Princess Sofia, I wish you a sweet dream tonight.