Western fantasy world: Arc 3.13

Hillman took one look at Christian and turned to walk away without looking back, leaving behind a dumbfounded and disgusted Christian.

Christian gave a sinister glance in Hillman's direction, a myriad of malice flashing through his mind.

His body and soul were dedicated to the gods, so how could he look at such a four-legged reptile of a foreign race?

How dare a mere silver dragon speak so shamelessly? He really doesn't know how high the sky is!

Not only had he defiled his body with his words, but he had also defiled his devout heart towards the gods.

No one had dared speak to him like that since he became High Priest two hundred years ago.

Christian took a few big breaths to suppress the anger in his heart.

He looked up at the sun and said reverently, silently reciting the priestly language, "The true God is above. My body and soul belong to the true God and no one can shake Him."

He recited the words dozens of times before stopping to return to the priestly temple.

In the Test of Priests, Chief Priest Kenny had been waiting for a long time. Now that he saw the High Priest returning, he rushed to greet him.

When the High Priest saw that he was about to open his mouth to speak, he gave him a quick look to stop him. Kenny's open mouth immediately closed, and he looked nervously at the high priest.

Christian coughed twice and said to the priests and guards who were following him, "Stand down. I have an important matter to discuss with Chief Priest Kenny."

The words of the High Priestess were holy orders, and the men dared not disobey them. They hurriedly bowed before leaving the temple in a neat and orderly manner.

As soon as the last man had closed the door behind him, Chief Priest Kenny came up to Christian and said, "High Priest, those people who have been searching for years have finally found it."

Christian's eyes flashed with shock as he heard the words, "Have they really found it? It's not fake news again, is it? "

Kenny shook his head, "I think it's true this time. They've also seen traces of dragons from around that area."

The High Priest's grip on his cane tightened, his heart pounding.

For over two hundred years, he had sent his men out day and night to search for it, and the heavens had not failed him, but finally he had found it!

The entrance to the Dragon Clan!

It had been recorded in the manuscript left behind by Alexander I that he had inadvertently entered the dragon territory.

In that manuscript, there were a lot of references to magic. However, since Alexander I had only brute strength and no magic, he only briefly touched on this topic.

But just a few of the short incantations Alexander I wrote down are of great benefit, such as the "summoning of divine soldiers" that he used when he returned to the castle. In other words, the magic that made him famous was actually dragon magic!

But all these things became permanent secrets when he sealed the manuscript of Alexander I. No one knew about it, and no one had the chance to find out about it.

Christian was really just a magical dummy, but once a person has a desire, that desire grows like a snowball.

And now he wants so much more.

He discovered the secret of the Black Dragon's Blood because of his obsession with magic; later, he chose to use the Black Dragon's Blood to extend his life so that he could study magic for longer, but as his magic grew, so did his status.

It was only when he became High Priest that he realised the importance of power, and that only the High Priest had access to the hidden books of magic and history. Not only that, things that would have taken years to complete on his own could be done in a matter of months after commanding them as his power grew.

Feeling a sense of satisfaction and pleasure that he had never felt before, Christian grew obsessed with power.

And in order to secure his power, strong magic was a must.

Thus, Christian, a man like a tail-biting snake, wrapped himself in a vicious circle, constantly struggling with the three desires: magic, longevity, and power.

Two hundred years ago, when he became High Priest, he secretly set up an organization, an organization that he paid high interest in every year in return for going out to find the entrance to the dragons and keeping this secret strictly to himself.

This organization has been renewed several times since its inception, and the current generation is headed by none other than Kenny, the head priest.

Because of this nepotism, the head priest is usually close to Christian.

Not long ago, they suddenly found what looked like dragon footprints in the west, and following them, they even saw dragons hovering in the sky!

They took advantage of the night to start searching desperately and finally found the entrance that connected the dragons to the human world.

They found the entrance and marked it, and then the group galloped back to the Saron Empire, the same group that General Kapler had found earlier.

After briefing Christian on the situation, Chief Priest Kenny brought a carefully wrapped cowhide scroll to Christian: "High Priest, this is the map they drew."

Christian's palms trembled slightly as he placed his cane on one side of the table and took the cowhide scroll with both hands, carefully stretching it out on the table.

Looking at the unmistakable map, Christian gulped.

He stood up to hide the blaze in his eyes and looked at Kenny with satisfaction, "You have done well to find the entrance to the dragons. I will reward you heavily, and the "summoning of the divine soldiers" that I promised will be taught to you as well. "

A look of excitement flashed across the chief priest's face as he hurriedly knelt down and bowed his head to kiss Christian's shoe reverently. "Thank you, true God. Thank you, Lord High Priest."

Christian smiled gently and said, "Get up quickly and let's discuss how to enter the Dragon Clan silently."

Once inside the Dragon Clan, not only would they have to secretly get those magic books, they would also have to capture a baby dragon and return.

In Christian's opinion, it was foolish for Alexander I to use the young dragons as bargaining chips to blackmail the black dragon after he had captured them.

The young dragons were the real tonic!

The blood that flowed from them was the young blood, and by drinking the young dragon's blood clean, he would surely live forever, without having to take the black dragon's blood every once in a while.

Christian, who had been interested in the young silver dragon, lost all interest in it.

How could a four-legged reptile that was over two hundred years old be as fresh and young as one that had just come out of its shell?

Christian imagined the taste of a young dragon and could not help but narrow his eyes and lick the corners of his lips.

Bai Lixin observed Christian's movements through the live image transmitted by s419m and laughed when he saw that the Christian had jumped into the trap he laid without question.

Those people had found the dragon entrance not by chance, but because Bai Lixin had done it deliberately.

The dragon footprints on the ground and the dragons flying in the sky were illusions he had created through s419m. The dimensional system was omnipotent, and creating such things as illusions was a piece of cake for it.

The Dragon King was unkind, throwing all the blame for the forced migration of the dragon race on his lover, who was imprisoned in the underground palace.

Since the Dragon King was unkind, he, Bai Lixin, naturally, would not speak of morality either.

Why should his lover, who had suffered for centuries, be subjected to unwarranted curses?

If you want to humiliate Di Suo, I will do right by him!

Sophia was eating her food when she looked up and saw Ansel's gloomy expression and asked, "Your Majesty, what is wrong with you? Are you in a bad mood?"

He adjusted his face and said to Sophia with a smile, "Nothing. I just thought of a matter of state. You've been exercising all day today, and you're tired. Go wash up after dinner and get some rest. "

Sophia put down her fork, put her left hand on her right shoulder, and shook her right arm, "Yes! Your Majesty, my body is really aching. But is it convenient for you if I disturb Your Majesty like this? "

Bai Lixin smiled gently, "It is all right. You are like my own sister, so I do not find it troublesome. "

"Is that so? I also want a brother like your majesty. " Sophia smiled brightly and said in a high voice.

Standing off to the side, Di Suo watched the interaction between the man and the woman, and his entire handsome face tensed up.

Brother and sister?

Ansel, you are good. Not only do you want to woo Sophia, but also have a psychologically incestuous relationship.

He swept a cold glance at Sophia. Cute as she was, what was it about her that Ansel liked?

Hillman the Silver dragon had fallen asleep in the guest room, and instead of choosing to leave alone this time, Sofia planned to wait for him to wake up and leave together.

Bai Lixin had no problem with her decision.

Not only did he have no problem with it, but he agreed with it a hundred times over.

Sophia ate quickly, but as a lady and a royal, she chose to sit quietly and wait for Bai Lixin, who had not yet finished his meal.

But Bai Lixin really didn't want her company, and after a moment's thought, he asked his servant to lead Sophia to the guest room, which was only a wall away from his chambers.

Only after the order was given did Bai Lixin look at Di Suo with a flirtatious smile in his eyes, saying, "You've beaten Hillman badly again this time."

Instead of answering Bai Lixin's question, Di Suo sneered and bent down to his ear and whispered, "You're pretending to be a gentleman, and yet you've placed her next to your bedchamber? What do you want to do? To have a long conversation all night? Or are your motives impure? "