Western fantasy world: Arc 3.14

In the guest room, Sophia was dressed in a pure white lace robe, sitting on the bed with her bare feet dangling.

She stroked the soft velvet bed beneath her, laughing out loud with delight at the thought of all her brute strength.

The more she laughed, the happier she felt, and finally, she just flung herself onto the bed and rolled around in it in excitement.

In the midst of her excitement, she suddenly heard a strange sound coming from next door.

The buildings of the Saron Empire's castle were made of the best and most expensive materials, and even the soundproofing was first class.

If it were before, Sophia would never have heard the sound, but now that her potential had been stimulated by Bai Lixin, incidentally, even her ears had improved.

The sound was coming from Ansel's chambers, which were large, but her own room seemed to be right next to the inner sanctum where Ansel's bed was kept.

A wall separated them, so Sophia could not really hear Ansel's voice, but she could hear a few strange voices. The voice was sometimes low and sometimes high.

Curious, Sophia placed her feet on the carpet that covered the entire floor and tiptoed to the marble wall that connected the two rooms.

Sophia pressed her ear to the wall, and at once the sounds became much clearer in an instant.

She listened for a moment, and then suddenly, her body froze and her cheeks flushed with a blush.

Sophia covered her mouth. Her eyes widened, but her ears pressed even closer!

Inside the emperor's giant, luxuriously beautiful bedchamber, two naked bodies were entwined on the bed.

With one hand, Di Suo easily held both of Bai Lixin's arms over his head, while his other hand ran down Bai Lixin's smooth skin, all the way to his ass, saying, "Your Majesty, you have a beautiful body."

With that, he rubbed Bai Lixin's smooth ass twice more and said, "I've never had any thoughts about humans, you're the first."

Bai Lixin's face turned red as he tightened his lips and lowered his voice, "It's my honor then!"

At the sight of Bai Lixin's wide eyes, Di Suo let out a stifled laugh and moved his hand from Bai Lixin's hip to his waist and squeezed it twice.

It was a sensitive area for him, and as soon as Di Sui squeezed his hand, Bai Lixin was as limp as a rice cake.

Di Suo smiled at this and said, "Your Majesty, this body is much sexier and sensitive than even a woman's; it makes one want to die."

He licked his lips and looked down at Bai Lixin's ascetic face, now tinged with a misty flush, and his lower abdomen swelled even more. Such a Bai Lixin was too tempting, and Di Suo didn't know why, but as soon as he touched the young man, he couldn't stop lusting after him. He could not wait to devour him.

Bai Lixin looked up at Di Suo and whispered, "Keep your voice down, Sophia is next door."

Di Suo, who was about to lower his head and kiss Bai Lixin, gave a start and said, with an angry smile, "Sophia? How can you even think of Sophia now? "

He raised his voice, and with a single push, he flipped Bai Lixin over, so that he was now face down and back up.

Before Bai Lixin could react, Di Suo leaned down again and pressed his broad, warm chest against his back.

Di Suo pressed his mouth close to Bai Lixin's ear, his hand wrapped around his neck to capture his chin and wrench Bai Lixin's face into the position of Sophia's guest room. "Sophia probably doesn't know that His Majesty Alexander, the gentle king, is moaning under a dragon at the moment, does she?"

He nibbled gently on Bai Lixin's earlobe and let out a few gasps in a nasal tone, his voice even more hoarse, "Oh, I see, Sophia is now standing on the other side of the wall with her ear pressed against it, eavesdropping on our side."

As soon as the words left his mouth, the torso beneath him stiffened, and Bai Lixin was stunned. His face looked like it was on the verge of tears.

For some reason, Di Suo's heart softened when he saw Bai Lixin's expression, and words of comfort immediately rolled from his mouth: "Baby, don't cry, don't ever cry.

But just as he was about to open his mouth to comfort him more, his ever disappearing reason came back and overpowered this instinct. He swallowed his words again. Instinct and reason collided, and although reason overcame instinct, Di Suo was so frustrated that he heaved a few ragged breaths, and with a wave of his arm, he set up a boundary around the bedchamber.

After setting the boundary, he unconsciously softened his voice and said, "Why are you crying? I was lying to you. I had already set a boundary. "

If any other person had cried in front of Di Suo, he would have been so disgusted that he would have kicked them out of the room.

He turned his head sideways and pressed his face against Bai Lixin's. He stretched out his tongue and gently licked the corner of his lips, before he naturally stuck the tongue in and stirred with Bai Lixin's in a tangle.

The room was suddenly filled with a sultry and ambiguous pink, making the space inside the boundary extra hot.

As Di Suo felt Bai Lixin's kisses, which his mind rejected but his body instinctively met, the corners of his eyes curved slightly, and a smile appeared in the golden pupils, as his body slammed into Bai Lixin.

Next door, the gasping and moaning that could still be faintly heard came to an abrupt halt, stopping Sophia in her tracks.

What? I've got my pants down and you're telling me to stop listening?

Sophia crawled back to her big bed with blushing cheeks and rolled onto it, covering her little face with one small hand.

Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, so His Majesty Alexander and Lord Di Suo are a couple!!!

Bai Lixin's hazy voice was still lingering in her mind, and the more she thought about it, the more her heart surged with the image of two incredibly handsome men entwined with each other.

Her heart pounding, Sophia gasped for air and put her hand over her chest, her heart screaming out loud: "Why is the thought of these two men together so beautiful?"

She must guard this love that is pure and not let it be stained by the world!

Sophia clenched her fist in her heart and made this great and difficult decision.


The next morning, at breakfast time, Sophia sat at the long table early, not waiting for Ansel, but for Di Suo.

The moment she saw Di Suo's tall and magnificent figure, Sophia's face suddenly flushed and her mind began to wander into imagination again.

Di Suo raised his eyebrows to observe Sophia's expression and was confused when he realized that she was looking at him with a shy face and did not look at him like a love rival would.

Sophia blushed for a moment, then after some thought, she gritted her teeth and bounced out of her chair, walking straight up to Di Suo.

She tilted her head and looked at him with a fiery gaze, and said three words in a loud voice: "Go for it!"

Please do your best to keep this love that is not tolerated by the world.

Already dumbfounded, Di Suo glanced expressionlessly at Sophia, who was completely not on the same channel, and turned his head to stride away.

Heh, I've actually been jealous of a brainless little loli for the past two days myself. I'm such a fool.

Back in the bedchamber, Bai Lixin was still sleeping soundly.

When Di Suo saw his quiet and peaceful sleeping face, his hard expression could not help but soften.

Di Suo had thought a lot yesterday after he had fallen asleep, and he was not a fool. After two bouts of lust caused by Sophia, he realized that his anger at having to bed Ansel to get rid of it had been caused by jealousy of a little girl called Sophia.

But why was he jealous? Or was it because of Ansel?

An answer came to mind that Di Suo couldn't even deny.

Di Suo's golden eyes shimmered as he gazed unpredictably at the sleeping Ansel, his hand involuntarily tucking into the soft, luscious curls of his short, pale blonde hair.

Suddenly, his hand lurched and hurriedly withdrew as if he had been electrocuted, looking incredulously at his uncontrolled hand for a moment.

I've actually developed feelings for this little one? How could that be?

Though he doubted and denied it, a sweet feeling of happiness filled his heart at the thought of it. And not long after this feeling of full happiness arrived, a point in Di Suo's chest suddenly throbbed with pain.

That was where the golden lance had been thrust into his chest. The power contained in the lance had tormented his desires for centuries, and the pain it had caused him was a constant reminder to never forget this hatred of being cheated.

Kill him, kill him and this hatred will diminish. Just kill him!

A murderous intent spread in Di Suo's eyes. His golden pupils stared at Bai Lixin, and the muscles on the back of his hands slowly tightened.

But when his hand was about to touch Bai Lixin's neck, Di Suo's body shot up and he withdrew his hand again."

" I still have a contract with Ansel, I can't just kill him," he repeated over and over in his mind, and the resentment in his heart dissipated.

The more he thought about it, the more stifled he felt. He frowned so hard that he simply stood up and flung his sleeves, leaving the chamber in style.

Once Di Suo left, Bai Lixin opened his eyes.

He looked at the direction Di Suo had taken and frowned slightly.

His lover in this world is haunted by hatred and he can not get rid of it even now.

However, if he himself had been imprisoned in a dungeon for hundreds of years in the dark for no apparent reason, and if someone had come in and stolen his blood from time to time, he would not have been able to give up so easily.

It seems that he needs to slowly figure it out to win his lover.

Just when Bai Lixin was thinking about a plan to chase his husband, s419m's voice came to his mind.

[Lord Host, Christian is on the move. Should I synchronize the image with you?]

He nodded, [Yes, send it to me].

Ever since the organization that only served Christian alone returned to the Imperial City, Bai Lixin had asked s419m to monitor Christian's every move and report back to him as soon as he made any changes.

Now that s419m had spotted the movement, if his guess was right, Christian should have already taken the bait and was planning to head for the Dragon's entrance!