Western fantasy world: Arc 3.18

"Hey Hillman, wake up. Why are you here? Hillman? "

A sharp voice rang out, and Hillman woke up from his muddled state and blanched when he saw what was in front of him.

He was now lying in the woods not far from the Dragon King's palace. In front of him were the guards patrolling outside the Dragon King's palace.

He had been tricked! He had been tricked by Christian!

Hillman gritted his teeth and strained, "Take me to His Highness the Dragon King quickly; I have something important to report to him!"

Last night, he had taken advantage of the night to fly into the Dragon territory with Christian, who had been saying not to cause unnecessary strife, so he had hidden Christian in his mouth and sneaked him in.

But just as they were about to fly to the Dragon King's palace, he vaguely heard a slumber spell. He screamed in his heart that something was wrong, but by the time he realised, he had already lost consciousness from the spell.

When he woke up again, it was now dawn!

Cunning humans! Hypocritical humans!

He had been deceived by a treacherous human!

No, he must tell His Majesty the Dragon King about the human's infiltration into the Dragon's territory!

The guard, seeing Hillman's stony face and panicked expression, dared not hesitate. He put the humanized Hillman on his back and flew towards the Dragon King's palace.

At that moment, His Highness was sitting in the main hall, squinting and taking a nap.

After the guards had informed the Dragon King, they led Hillman into the hall.

The Dragon King opened his eyes with vertical pupils that were not angry, and his expression was arrogant and cold: "Hillman, what do you have to tell me?"

Hillman half-kneeled on the ground, looking at the supreme emperor, and suddenly his heart was scared. The dragon king was always cold and serious, never bending the law for personal gain.

If he knew that he had secretly brought someone into the dragon realm, a hundred years would be absolutely inevitable.

One hundred years! What a long wait! One hundred years later, Sophia his lover, would have left this world!

He hesitated in his mind, while the Dragon King was still examining him with a sharp gaze.

Hillman swallowed, and a voice belonging to Christian suddenly sounded in his head, a voice that was ethereal but so clear: "Do not tell the Dragon King of my arrival, or Sophia's life will be in danger."

It was a hint that Christian had put in his mind!

Once the thought of Sophia came to mind, it would activate this!

Hillman hesitated, and the Dragon King waited a long time for his answer. His voice held anger in it, "Hillman, didn't you say it was important? Do you know what happens when you deceive the king? "

Hillman gulped, and suddenly a line of people appeared in his mind. He hurriedly said, "Your Majesty, I have something very important to tell you. The black dragon, Di Suo, who had been sealed in the underground palace of the Saron Empire, was released not long ago."

" I have received news that King Alexander of the Saron Empire has been divinely inspired to seal you with the golden lance that was once stuck in the Black Dragon's chest! Alexander and the Black Dragon are in cahoots, and now they have reached beyond the Dragon's entrance! "

For a moment, the Dragon King's otherwise mighty eyes showed trepidation when he heard that Di Suo had been released. His hand secretly gouged the handle and his voice was lowered to a whisper, "Every word of it is true?"

"Everything I say is true, Your Majesty!" Hillman remembered the black dragon who had colluded with the humans, and the anger he had just felt at being deceived by the humans was immediately transferred to the black dragon, "I saw with my own eyes that their party had reached beyond the entrance, and I also felt that the golden lance in Alexander's hand was releasing a powerful force!"

The trepidation in the Dragon King's eyes increased.

Di Suo! Di Suo was actually let out?!

Alexander I had made a covenant with him for mutual benefit and that he would seal Di Suo permanently, so why did his descendant break his oath and rescue Di Suo?

And the powerful artifact that was used to seal Di Suo was this time aimed at him?

Di Suo could not resist the weapon, let alone himself!

The Dragon King looked agitated, and his hands scraped the handle even harder.

Suddenly, he stood up and shouted, "Summon the guard!"

The chief guard, who was waiting outside the door, heard the voice and hurried into the palace, half-kneeled respectfully on the ground.

When the Dragon King saw the chief guard enter, he immediately gave an order: "Inform the whole dragon clan to go on first level alert. Anyone who sees a human or the figure of the Black Dragon Di Suo should kill without mercy!"

The chief guard nodded heavily, "As you command, my liege!"

Only then did the Dragon King notice Hillman, who was still half-kneeling on the ground, and he looked at him, his voice softening slightly, "Hillman, you have come a long way to deliver this message to me. You have done well."

Hillman was still in a panic. He had kept another secret from His Majesty: there was already a divine high priest infiltrating the Dragon City!

Hillman was in a trance and did not hear any of His Majesty's praise.

The Dragon King snorted and said, in a condescending manner, "What reward do you want for your service? How about a sexy, healthy female dragon? " There are three times as many males as females in the dragon race, so a large proportion of the males have no mates or children.

A healthy female dragon is very tempting to a dragon male.

But when Hillman heard this reward, he snapped out of his panic and hurriedly bowed his head and said sincerely, "Your Majesty, I don't need any reward. It would have been an honour to share your worries!"

The Dragon King glanced at Hillman indifferently and said, "Since you don't want anything, go away."

Since the Dragon King had given the order to expel him, Hillman did not want to stay in this depressing palace for long, so he hurriedly replied, "Yes, Your Majesty."

He walked out of the palace and found that the escorts were already busy.

Some of the groups assembled into a procession and flew towards the entrance, while others began a serious sweep around.

Hillman looked at the impenetrable perimeter of the castle and breathed a soft sigh of relief; with such a tight sweep, perhaps Christian could fall too.


As soon as the group got up, the first thing they found out was that Christian had disappeared.

Chief Priest Kenny frowned and said to Bai Lixin, "Your Majesty, we can't just leave. His Highness the High Priest is missing and we need to find him first."

Bai Lixin swept a glance over the six men and said slowly, "There is no need to look. The High Priest told me last night that he would infiltrate the Dragons to check out the situation and told us to go straight in and meet him. "

Chief Priest Kenny and the five members of the search party looked at Bai Lixin and Du Suo with wary eyes.

Bai Lixin sneered at this, "Believe it or not, it's not my problem if we delay things."

After he finished speaking, he ignored them and went into the carriage in front of him alone. The five men had been nothing more than ornaments, and he could still find the entrance to the Dragon Clan without them.

Not a minute after he got into the carriage, Di Suo followed suit, and as soon as he did, Di Suo said, "It's just a bunch of burdens."

Bai Lixin leaned against the wall of the carriage and laughed, "Di Suo, I find that the closer we get to the dragon territory, the more excited you seem to get."

Di Suo smiled wickedly, "Naturally, I'm excited to see old friends I haven't seen in nearly eight hundred years. Can I not be?"

Bai Lixin teased, "Old friend, hahaha, looking at your expression, "old" should be right, but this "friend" is fake. It's more like "enemy," right? "

His remark was only rewarded with a mysterious smile from Di Suo.

"Di Suo, where do you suppose this Christian went?" As the carriage began to slowly make its way, Bai Lixin peered back through the window and noticed the carriage still trailing behind him, so he pulled his head back and said, in a bored voice, "I guess he must have sneaked into the Dragons' territory."

Di Suo gave Bai Lixin a look and said, "Why do you think so?"

Bai Lixin fondled the ornate texture on the shaft of his golden spear and snorted, "I don't believe a word this High Priest said before about the "curse of the Dragon King" and all that bullshit about doing it for the humans."

"Then why did you insist on coming along?" Di Suo raised a good-looking eyebrow, sizing up Bai Lixin.

Di Suo didn't believe Christian's words, for the Dragon King simply didn't have the strength to curse, let alone curse all of humanity. But he remained silent, because if Bai Lixin had to go to the Dragons, he could protect him with his own power, and it had always been his wish to return to the Dragon clan.

Bai Lixin sat up straight and looked at Di Suo: "Because of you. That day in the underground palace, after I interrogated you about the entrance to the Dragon Clan, I saw your whole being shine. I'm sure you wanted to go back to the Dragon Clan to see it, so I played along with Christian's bullshit, just to take the opportunity to find the Dragon Clan entrance. "

"Lord Di Suo, I would like to accompany you to the Dragon Clan territory."

When he saw Bai Lixin's determined and serious eyes, Di Suo laughed and his heart filled with warmth, saying, "You child, whether or not you have another purpose, your words have really touched me."

Bai Lixin gently patted the back of his seat, "It doesn't matter if Lord Di Suo doesn't believe me now, time will prove everything."

As the two men talked, the carriage had pulled up to the boundary between the dragons and humans.

Bai Lixin and Di Suo stepped out of the carriage, and the men who were following behind them reluctantly stepped down.

The leader of Christian's quest team looked out over the vast desert before him, and then down at the map with contempt in his eyes: "Your Majesty, aren't you going to the dragon territory? Why are you stopping here? This is not the target point. Have you lost your way? "

What kind of emperor was this? He couldn't even read a map.

Bai Lixin gave a faint smile and said with a clear mind, "No, this is the entrance."

He looked at Di Suo after this and repeated, as if to make sure, "Is that right, Di Suo?"

Di Suo glanced at Bai Lixin in confusion. He was a dragon, so he could feel the boundary. But how did Bai Lixin, a human, feel the entrance of the dragons?

Although his heart was full of doubts, he nodded without expression, "Yes, as Your Majesty said, this is indeed the entrance to the dragon race."

Di Suo slowly walked forward about ten paces and then touched a barrier.

Feeling the entrance of the boundary, Di Suo sneered. The boundary had actually been deliberately set to forbid him from entering.

Lord Dragon King, you don't want me to return to the Dragon Clan?

He laughed coldly in his heart, but his hands did not stop moving.

Placing both hands on the invisible barrier, Di Suo turned his hands into claws and tore the void apart as hard as if he were tearing pieces of clothes.

Bai Lixin's expression was calm, but the other six people following behind were dumbfounded.

As Di Suo tore, the space that had been empty actually ripped open, revealing a different green scene!

His hands did not stop, and lightning could be seen in his hands, and Bai Lixin could even hear the crackling of lightning.

Suddenly, with a cry of anger, Di Suo pulled with all his might, and the void, which was only the size of a tree trunk, was instantly torn open to make an entrance that could accommodate one person.

Di Suo ripped open an entrance and glanced back at the six men, "Are you convinced now?"

The six men were already completely dumbfounded, and now all they could do was nod their heads.

Di Suo turned his eyes toward Bai Lixin. The golden eyes, which had been indifferent, were suddenly tinted with a few hints of warmth and tenderness, "Come, my liege, I will show you around my kingdom."

Bai Lixin smiled and said, "It's my honour!"