Western fantasy world: Arc 3.19

Di Suo kept the void with his bare hands to keep it from closing, and the group hurried through the hole.

Only when Di Suo saw that the last searcher had entered did he follow him in and let go.

As soon as he let go of his hand, the torn void closed up at a rapid pace, and in the blink of an eye, the hole that could have accommodated one person was gone.

Although several people had entered, they were not in the mood to enjoy the beauty of a foreign land anymore. Bai Lixin pointed to the vast black shadow in the sky and said, with a grave expression, "Di Suo, what do you see there?"

Di Suo followed Bai Lixin's finger, and a cruel smile pulled across his face as he spread his arms wide, his wide black outer robe suddenly being held up in the shape of a wing, like a demon returning from hell, "That's a bunch of lovely flowers."

As he spoke, his body began to stretch and grow larger, and in a matter of moments, it had become a huge black dragon, a hundred metres long!

The black dragon looked down at Bai Lixin with narrowed eyes and placed its black front claw in front of him, its voice booming deafeningly, "Do you choose to hide or stay with me, Your Majesty?"

Without saying a word, Bai Lixin leapt vigorously onto the outstretched claw.

Di Suo's golden eyes narrowed slightly as he propped Bai Lixin up to a height flush with his own line of sight. Bai Lixin held the divine weapon with a pleasantly calm expression and asked, "Lord Di Suo, is it alright to put me on your back?"

Di Suo blinked, "I will be flying and fighting too fast and throw you off. It's better to put you in my hand. "

Bai Lixin let out a loud laugh, "Di Suo, since I dare to ask, I have the assurance that I won't fall off. Trust me, I won't joke with my life."

Bai Lixin's smile was calm and his whole body was relaxed, not at all a disguised ruse.

After a brief moment of thought, Di Suo propped his claw to the top of his head and said, "Here, in the event of danger, burrow into my ears."

Bai Lixin held up Di Suo's huge black horn and raised his golden lance high into the air, "Charge, Lord Di Suo!"

A puff of black smoke spewed out of Di Suo's nose, and a muffled laugh escaped from his mouth. He stretched out a pair of huge wings that could almost cover the sky!

Chief Kenny saw that they were about to take off and hurriedly asked, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, please take us with you."

Bai Lixin looked down at them and snorted, "My dear Chief Priest Kenny, if you wait, you'll be glad you didn't come along. But if you really want to come, you can do so on foot. Lord Di Suo's back is not for anyone to just get on? "

Chief Kenny shaded his eyes with his hand as he watched the man and the dragon take off, but within a few minutes of looking at them, he understood what Alexander had meant when he had said, "You'll be glad you didn't come along."

The black dragon was not there to catch up with the dragons, it was there to fight!

The deafening roar of the dragons was heard one after another, and the fireballs that clashed one after another were even more powerful.

As Kenny, the head priest, grimaced and gulped darkly at the sight of what could be called "the dragon war of the century," he said to the other five, "Come on, let's find a place to hide while we take advantage of this civil unrest."

The five men all said yes to Kenny's words and followed him in a panic as he headed off into the woods to find a secluded hiding place.

Kenny had the six men hold hands and he begun to chant a silent incantation. A silver light flashed in his hand, and when the incantation was finished, the six men vanished into thin air.

This was an invisibility spell that Christian had taught him before he set off, a spell that would hide his form from the dragons.

Kenny walked at the front of the group, gritting his teeth. His mind was torn with anguish, unable to understand how things had come to this.

Hadn't Lord Christian said he could negotiate with the Dragon King to persuade him to lift the spell?

But now, not only was Christian gone, but there was no chance of peaceful negotiation either.

The six people held hands and walked through this strange land. They were not the strongest in the human world, but they were still very capable.

But now, in front of the Dragons, they were like ants that could be easily crushed!

Kenny's heart was beating wildly, and unease gripped his mind. As he fumbled around, he looked back at the tightly closed Dragon boundary. If the gods gave him another chance, he would choose not to enter!

The six men stumbled along and finally found a hidden cave that had an opening for only one person to pass through at a time, but was relatively empty and dry.

Once Kenny was sure it was safe inside, the group of six hid inside for the time being before Kenny undid his invisibility spell.

The ground shook from time to time as the six men all looked around with frightened, desperate faces.

The Black Dragon had fully recovered his strength after the past few days of recuperation.

He spewed out one fireball after another, and the dragons with less than optimal force plummeted towards the ground. However, none of these dragons died. Dragons are all thick-skinned. How could they be killed by a few fireballs.

Di Suo was able to fight one against ten thousand with ease.

Bai Lixin stood at the top of the black dragon's head, using his divine weapon to sneak up on the offenders from time to time.

One by one, lightning bolts shot out from the tip of the golden spear, and one fell down after another.

In the interval, Bai Lixin even forgot to invite Di Suo for praise, "Lord Di Suo, how is my skill?"

Di Suo spat out a huge ball of fire and laughed, "More force, but less dexterity."

Bai Lixin's eyes changed, and he suddenly extended his lance and pointed it at Di Suo's flank. Instantly, a sneaky dragon was knocked to the ground, "Like that, isn't that more clever?"

His slightly teasing question was met with a chuckle from Di Suo. One man and one dragon worked together flawlessly. The black dragon was not afraid of the thousands of troops, charging straight into the battle group and killing them.

A silver dragon slowly flapped its wings as it approached the two of them. The beautiful, pure silver dragon stood out from the pile of grey dragons.

Bai Lixin saw the silver dragon and lowered his head to Di Suo's ear and said, "Do you think that's Hillman?"

Diso puffed smoke out of his nose, disdainfully, "Whoever he is, there's only one thing that can happen to him if he dares to attack."

If the Dragon King could gather his forces so quickly, someone must have given him advance notice, and when he thought about it, there was only one possibility: Hillman.

Hillman slowly broke away from the group and snuck around behind Di Suo's tail with the intention of sneaking up on him in his blind spot.

Seeing this, Bai Lixin snorted coldly, and with his spear at full strength, he struck Hillman with a fierce lightning strike.

There was a loud bang, and Hillman fell to the ground!

He landed right in front of the cave where Kenny and the other six were hiding.

Hillman shook his dizzy head, and suddenly his vertical pupils contracted into a thin line as he stared into the cave.

He could tell from outside the cave that the smell from inside belonged to those damned humans!

Seeing the cave, which was only big enough for one person to pass through, Hillman did not hesitate to transform himself back into his human form and drew a glittering dagger from his belt before entering the cave.

But the moment he entered, a roar sounded from the mouth of the cave, and debris fell with a thud, blocking the entrance to the cave.

In the cave, the six men leaning against the wall looked warily at the man who had appeared out of nowhere. It was Kenny who had sharp eyes and recognised the man as Hilman, Princess Sophia's retainer.

He breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Hillman, it's you. What are you doing here?"

Hillman did not answer his words, but looked at Kenny after sweeping them around coldly, "Where is Christian?"

"The High Priest? We don't know, he had already disappeared when we got up this morning. " Kenny returned, he looked at Hillman's silver hair that glowed slightly in the darkness and suddenly exclaimed, "You're a Dragon!"

Hillman smiled coldly and said, "Yes, I am a Dragon. Cunning human, Christian has actually deceived me! "

Seeing Hillman approaching, Kenny waved his hand and said, "No, no, wait, please listen to me. We came here before with no malice. We just want to plead with His Majesty the Dragon King to lift the curse that will destroy humanity."

Hillman stopped dead in his tracks, "You still want to lie to me? What curse on humanity? I have never even heard of it. "

Kenny became even more flustered and said, "It's true, the High Priest Christian said that in the manuscripts of Alexander I, it was written that the Dragon King had cursed the whole human continent with a catastrophe in eight hundred years because he resented having his children taken away from him, and that now seven hundred and fifty years have passed, and if the curse is not stopped, the human continent will be in for a catastrophe!" "

Hillman stopped and sneered, "You can't even lie. Do you think cursing is that simple? A curse comes at the cost of one's own death, and how can there be any curse when His Majesty the Dragon King is as fit as a fiddle today? "

At those words, the six men stiffened, their faces all showing expressions of disbelief.

And when Hillman saw their expressions, his form gave a start and he frowned. "Did Christian lie to you too?"

Kenny licked his lips, "Too?"

"Heh," Hillman gripped the dagger in his hand and said coldly, "Christian used his fancy words to deceive me. He lied to me that you had come with the artifact to kill my king and that only he knew how to break it. So, for the sake of the Dragon Clan and the safety of the Dragon King, I brought him into Dragon territory in the dark of night. But not long after coming, he knocked me unconscious and escaped."

Two opposing sides that would never have sat down to quietly talk to each other now, because of this narrow space with nowhere to go, found out the problem.

Both of them, had collectively been tricked by Christian!