Western fantasy world: Arc 3.20

The dragon guards were made up of dragons with high force values, but now these dragons were as vulnerable in front of Di Suo and Bai Lixin as children who had just learned how to use a walker.

One by one, the dragons fell from the sky to the ground, slowly piling up on the ground as a small mountain of dragons. But Di Suo and Bai Lixin were not tired; they were getting braver as they slowly pressed closer to the direction of the Dragon King's palace.

The fear in the eyes of the Dragon King, who saw all this through his magic ball, increased as he placed his crown on a table to one side, transformed into a golden dragon and flew outside.

The whole palace was in danger as the black dragon pressed down on them, and everyone flew out to join in the fight against it.

When he saw the locust-like dragons that came before him, Di Suo laughed in anger and opened his mouth to spit out a huge ball of fire.

Hundreds of years ago, he had seen some of them as leaders, others as friends. Now, they see him as an enemy, he just wanted to kill them all!

If you want me to die, I will live and show you!

Di Suo threw back his head and let out a loud dragon roar, which made the whole dragon tribe tremble.

Hearing Di Suo's cry, Bai Lixin raised the spear in his hand and pointed it at the huge golden dragon that was slowly flying through the air, shouting: "Foolish dragons, it is not Di Suo who has caused you to suffer from the upheaval and relocation, but the Dragon King you claim to be protecting! It is he who is your sinner! "

Bai Lixin's voice was not very loud, but strangely enough, his voice pierced through all the explosions and dragon chants and pierced straight into the ears of every dragon clan.

"A thousand years ago, the old Dragon King fell, and he passed the throne to the God of War, Di Suo, instead of his own son. But the greedy prince faked an imperial decree, crowning himself king and making Di Suo his guardian."

" He did all this unwittingly, but the mighty power of Di Suo, the god of war, still pressured his poor nerves at times, and it was at that point that the human, Alexander I appeared." Bai Lixin held Di Suo's huge black horn, and his words poured into the ears of the dragons word for word.

All the dragons stopped their attacking movements and looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

Di Suo also paused in surprise. Even if he did not know these secrets, how did Bai Lixin know?

"This usurper dragon king had two children, who were injured after sneaking out of the dragon territory, thus attracting Alexander I. This was not a secret, so you all knew about it. But the second time Alexander I was able to enter the Dragon Territory, it was not because of the guardian Di Suo, but of your Dragon Lord, who deliberately gave him the two children! "

Bai Lixin's voice was like a huge stone smashed into the water, a stone that stirred up a thousand waves, and almost all the dragons gathered outside were now staring in awe at the majestic golden dragon.

"Your Dragon King, in order to suppress the Black Dragon, went in cahoots with Alexander I. Using the young dragons as bait, they tricked Di Suo into the magic formation. Not only that, your dragon king did something that was a shame to the dragon race! "

As he pointed his lance towards the sky, Bai Lixin mouthed a silent incantation. As his incantation ended, a group of soldiers in pitch black battle armor appeared in the empty sky.

There was another uproar among the dragons. This was the secret art of their dragon royal family-the Prayer of the Dead. Only the royal family knew how to use it, but now this human could actually use it!

"This Dragon King of yours taught Alexander I the secret magic that your dragon royal family kept without reservation, and as for why I know the spell, it is because I am a descendant of Alexander I, Ansel Alexander, the current king of the human kingdom of the Saron Empire today! "

There was another outcry from the entire dragon race as they looked at Bai Lixin, who stood at the head of Di Suo, towering above them. His eyes were sharp, and he looked down on all beings with his spear in his hand, like a god descending from the sky.

What kind of human monarch was this? A mere, fragile human dared to step into the territory of the dragons, and how could he be so proud and confident in front of the powerful dragons?

Bai Lixin bellowed, "All this past was recorded by my ancestor in his manuscript. So, after I became an emperor, I rescued Di Suo. As a human being, I know right from wrong, but you, as Di Suo's kindred, former subordinates, and even close friends, listen to nothing but slander. "

"For over seven hundred years, Di Suo has been trapped in the underground palace, suffering day in and day out, and you? You have forsaken him. You have forsaken your dragon god of war. You have forsaken the king you were meant to serve! Not only that, but you have come out in force today just to kill him! "

"You four-legged reptiles are not worthy of being Di Suo's companions! From this day forward, I, Ansel Alexander, will be Di Suo's companion for all eternity! "

The whole dragon clan was frozen in place as they suddenly remembered the heroic deeds of Di Suo hundreds of years ago;

When he had led the people to drive the incoming humans out of their borders, when he had trained his guards into a wall of iron and steel, and when he had even guarded the entrance day and night to deny any human the chance to pass through the boundary.

Official histories have imposed the yoke of the sinner on Di Suo.

They, the dragons, trusted history, and although they did not admit in their hearts that Di Suo was a sinner, the dragons, who worshipped history as the Word of God, gradually forgot all that Di Suo had done for the dragons.

Bai Lixin's words were like a huge slap in their faces, slapping their cheeks with a burning pain, and their heads were buzzing, almost fainting, but seemingly more awake than ever.

"Righteous history, fuck righteous history, long live Lord Di Suo!" Among the dragons, someone began to shout.

Along with his shout, more and more dragons let out dragon roars and shouted, "Lord Di Suo! Lord Di Suo! Lord Di Suo!"

The awakened dragons began to open their hearts to the real thing, and instead of just following the royal instructions, they suddenly remembered the Lord Di Suo that the people had embraced hundreds of years ago, the God of War, Di Sui, who was invincible and like a god!

He was the true king; he was the heir to the Dragon King!

The dragons came to their senses and gradually turned their bodies towards the majestic golden dragon.

Since DI Suo's disappearance, the Golden Dragon King's true nature had been revealed. He had been brutal and unforgiving, dictating the world with harsh laws and killing his own kind at every turn.

The dragon clan were all in danger. Having to survive his oppression, they closed their hearts.

And now the human emperor says that Lord Di Suo was the true king!

If you do not explode in oppression, you will perish in oppression.

All these dragons, who had been oppressed for years, had finally broken out!

The Dragon King flapped his huge feathered wings and his voice was cold and majestic, "I am the rightful king. Don't be deceived by that human's fancy words. Do you all enjoy the punishment of the law, you rebellious people? Your enemies now are they, not me! "

The Dragon King shouted as his personal escort shielded him, but once the fire of rebellion had been brewed, it would not be easily extinguished. The dragons roared and flew towards the Dragon King.

The Dragon King flapped his wings in anger and pointed at Bai Lixin, who stood on top of the black dragon's head, saying, "Kill that human for me, kill him!"

At the order, his personal guards all moved out and flew towards Di Suo.

Seeing the dragons rushing towards him, Di Suo let out a loud laugh and flapped his wings. "Do you think I'm dead?"

He straightened up and, with a flick of his tail, he threw half a dozen guards aside, and with a wave of his wings, he slapped a few more away.

At the same time, a large number of dragons attacked the golden dragon.

The Golden Dragon roared and mouthed an incantation for the blessing of the dead, and countless black-armored warriors appeared in the sky. The black-armored warriors, armed with huge axes, blocked all the dragons that wanted to attack the Golden Dragon.

The Golden Dragon held back the rebels, his eyes staring resentfully at Bai Lixin, who stood straight above Di Suo's head.

All of a sudden, he flapped his huge wings and rushed towards Di Suo like a golden lightning bolt.

Seeing this, Bai Lixin hurriedly summoned a bolt of lightning to strike the golden dragon. The golden dragon ignored it and continued to charge at a rapid pace.

Bai Lixin shouted at Di Suo, "Di Suo, this is a war between the two of you, I will leave here first." With that, he leapt down over Di Suo's head, who, startled, hurriedly looked down.

But he found a small black dragon under Bai Lixin's feet, which was flying peacefully in the air carrying him.

Only when he saw that Bai Lixin was unharmed did Di Suo flush out the last of his guards and give his full attention to the red-eyed golden dragon.

The golden dragon's body was in the shape of a pike, and it charged straight at Di Suo. Di Suo, on the other hand, flapped his wings and opened his two back claws.

The moment the two huge dragons collided, a huge wave of energy expanded out in all directions with them at the centre. The earth shook and trees fell!

Bai Lixin looked down at the black dragon and said, with a smile, "Thank you."

The black dragon smiled, "You are welcome. Lord Di Suo has always been the idol of us black dragons, but because of the brutal laws, we have pushed this worship to the bottom of our hearts. It is wonderful that Lord Di Suo has returned. Look at him; he is like a god. "

Bai Lixin nodded, his eyes fixed on the two dragons fighting, "He is a god!"

The golden dragon tried to pierce the black dragon, but the black dragon caught the golden dragon hard under its claws with two sharp claws. The sharp barbs embedded themselves into the golden dragon's body, causing a roar of grief and even more anger.

The Golden Dragon craned its neck up and opened its bloody maw towards the Black Dragon's slender neckline.

Quickly and decisively, the Black Dragon released its grip on the Golden Dragon and threw it away.

The Golden Dragon steadied himself and opened his mouth again, ready to roll a fiery ball of fire. The ball of fire grew brighter and brighter and finally turned a pale blue before the golden dragon spat out at Di Suo.

At the same time, Di Suo also opened his mouth and spewed out a light blue flame, and the two fireballs, which had accumulated countless energy, collided together, and the whole dragon race was in turmoil again.

Just as the Golden Dragon was about to attack once more, its movements suddenly stalled and it looked incredulously at its chest.

Right in its own chest, a slender golden lance was steadily embedded in it.

Bai Lixin shouted at Di Suo, "You can't keep fighting like this. If you do, the whole dragon clan will be destroyed. Make it quick! "

The black dragon's golden pupils looked deeply at Bai Lixin and turned its head to rush towards the golden dragon.

The Golden Dragon could only watch the Black Dragon's open mouth because its movements were blocked by the golden lance.

He only felt a pain in his neck and lost consciousness instantly.

The unconscious golden dragon fell heavily to the ground, and Bai Lixin crawled over and took the golden lance that was stuck in its chest back into his hand.

At the same time, Di Suo had already taken human form after landing behind Bai Lixin.

He pulled Bai Lixin heavily into his arms and blocked his lips domineeringly, his tongue driving in and lapping up the fragrance of Bai Lixin's mouth like a drowning fish.

A soft light shone in Bai Lixin's eyes as he threw his spear to the ground and threw his arms around Di Suo to return the fierce kiss.

The uprising battle ended with the defeat of the Golden Dragon, and the undead it had summoned disappeared. The dragons hovered in the sky, gazing down at the kissing pair.

They whispered in a language only the dragons could hear, "They're actually kissing! So loving. This is our future dragon king and queen, right? "

"The queen is actually human, and a male! But it doesn't matter, who made our queen so powerful. "

"But he called us 'four-legged reptiles'!"

"Fart, don't you have four claws when you transform into a dragon? Oh, the domineering queen, you are truly my idol. "

"Yes, yes, no wonder Lord Di Suo likes him. The queen was so domineering just now. I loved it. "

Di Suo frowned and gave a sidelong glance towards the sky, and the dragons, who had been hovering, scattered like birds and beasts.

The two kissed for a long time, and Di Suo's hands and feet became more restless as he placed his hands on Bai Lixin's ass and kneaded it as his leg slowly pushed between Bai Lixin's long, slender legs.

Bai Lixin groaned and pushed Di Suo away, "Wait, wait, there could be someone still here."

Di Suo smiled at Bai Lixin and said gently, "Do you know what that declaration meant just now?"

Bai Lixin muttered in his heart, "I naturally knew before I shouted it out."

But his face was confused, "Ah, which line, huh? I said a lot. "

Di Suo was exasperated as he rubbed Bai Lixin's pale blonde curls, "It's that line," "I will be his companion for enternity." Do you know what that is? That is a vow of companionship, a serious vow that can only be said between lovers, and once said, it cannot be broken. "

Bai Lixin stiffened. He lowered his head and curbed the look in his eyes with his lashes and whispered, "I'm sorry, I didn't know."

Di Suo used his index finger to lift Bai Lixin's chin up to look into his eyes and asked in a low voice, "Why do you apologize?"

"I am the offspring of your enemy, and I know you have always loathed me." Bai Lixin gave Di Suo a timid look and said, "You will never like me."

Seeing Bai Lixin's timid little face, Di Suo was distressed and touched. He took Bai Lixin into his arms and whispered in his ear in the most tender and lingering tone, "I don't like you, I freaking love you. Baby, I love you to death. God knows when I heard that vow from you in the air just now, I almost got hard on the spot and couldn't wait to have you. "

As the truth was revealed, and with Bai Lixin's dedication, all the hatred turned to dust, and now all that was left of Di Suo was his endless love for Bai Lixin.

Hearing the domineering confession that belonged to Di Suo alone, Bai Lixin's broke into a cold sweat, saying, "Dear, let us put our affairs aside for now, including bedding. There is an important matter that remains to be dealt with."

Bai Lixin only said the beginning, but Di Suo instantly understood what he was talking about. Releasing Bai Lixin from his arms, they looked at each other and said, "Christian!"