Western fantasy world: Arc 3.21

Christian burst out of the boundary and threw the young dragon in his arms hard to the ground, threatening, "One more scream and I'll kill you now."

The young dragon cowered and stopped screaming.

Christian had taken advantage of the chaos to enter the Dragon King's chambers, and had found the dragon magic collection in a hidden compartment.

Christian couldn't suppress the ecstasy in his heart, and all he could think of was, "What a right time and a right place."

The dragons had been lured out, and he had been lucky enough to find a book of magic at the drop of a hat. He flipped through the book of magic, but found that all the words in the book were in dragon language, and he did not know any of them.

So he grabbed a young dragon, just 200 years old, and took it into his hands.

The young dragon had just transformed and was extremely weak, and although it struggled desperately, it was easily caught by Christian.

With all the turmoil in the area, a young dragon missing would not be noticed. The dragons would only think it had been killed or disappeared in the war and would not notice anything else.

In order to prevent the dragons from detecting the screams of the young dragon, Christian used a silence spell.

The silence spell means that he is surrounded by a silent zone where no sound can go out, but at the same time, no sound can be made. As a result, he missed Bai Lixin's repeated revelations.

Christian used the invisibility spell to hide his form and that of the young dragon and touched the edge of the boundary.

Before he left, Christian looked up at the sky again, just in time to see Bai Lixin "fall" from the black dragon's head. At the same time, a black dragon flew even further towards Bai Lixin.

Christian laughed in ecstasy at the sight, "Let's see if you don't die this way."

He wanted to make sure that Bai Lixin was dead, but the young dragon in his arms was making a lot of noise and even gnawing at his wrist with its fangs. In pain, Christian dared not stay any longer, so he used the dragon to open the boundary and get out.

As soon as he was out of the boundary, Christian lifted the invisibility and silence magic and dropped the hatchling to the ground, threatening its life.

At that moment, Christian suddenly felt a murderous aura appear behind him, and he rushed to the side.

Just after Christian jumped up, the ground where he had just been standing had become a meter deep pit.

Christian looked at the person who came and instantly sneered, "Hillman, it's you! Thank you so much for this time. "

Hillman gritted his teeth and glared angrily at the man who was both beautiful and sinister, "You liar."

"Who told you to be gullible?" Christian gracefully brushed his sun-like obsidian hair with one hand and grabbed both wings of the young dragon in the other, saying, "You should be grateful that I gave you a free lesson and didn't charge you for it."

Hillman was so angry that he wanted to chew the treacherous man up in his mouth.

Christian saw his movement and quickly raised the small dragon in his hand to his chest, "Come on, by all means, make its death painful."

The silver-haired man's sharp claws that were about to reach out came to a screeching halt!

Christian threw back his head and laughed.

So what if the dragon was powerful?

Wasn't he still playing with them? He could easily use their hearts in the right way.

Christian laughed wildly, his eyes tinged with contempt and malice. There was no trace of holiness like before. His face was like an evil ghost in an oriental picture scroll.

"If you are so energetic, you might as well worry use that energy 5o worry your dear Princess Sophia's kingdom of Sena, which I will raze to the ground if you dare to oppose me again!"

He held up the young dragon, laughing as he got into the carriage that had been parked to one side and left in place by Bai Lixin.

A white mist floated up at the foot of the carriage, and at once it turned into a white light and disappeared before Hillman's eyes.

When Hillman saw Christian disappear, he did not stay long. He was in a hurry to get back to Sena to ensure the safety of Princess Sophia.

With a flourish of his arms, Hillman transformed himself into a beautiful, long silver dragon and flew off on his wings in the direction of the Sena kingdom.

After they were all gone, six men appeared out of nowhere in the empty desert. It was none other than the six men, including Chief Priest Kenny.

During the battle between the Golden Dragon and the Black Dragon, the ground continued to tremble, and the cave they were in could not be saved at all.

One dragon and six people then fled from the cave in a blaze of glory, and they listened to Bai Lixin's words of holding accountability to the bottom of their hearts.

Then the dragons began another civil war among themselves, and the six men rushed to follow Hillman and escape from the dragon territory before the ground shook again.

After this, they never wanted to come back to the Dragon territory again.

The dragons were too powerful, and although they had only spent a short time at the edge of the boundary, it was a terrifying experience that they would not want to remember for the rest of their lives.

All six walked slowly, not knowing what to say.

After a long time, Chief Priest Kenny clenched his fist and said, "I didn't think Christian would be such a person."

The other five were all lost in thought. They had worshipped the High Priest as a god since they were young. They considered him as their spiritual pillar and role model.

But today, their faith had collapsed and the image of their role model had been destroyed.

Several people felt as if their bodies had been emptied of energy, and even their future was uncertain.

"No matter what, let's go back to the Saron Empire," the leader of the search party said, lost in thought. "My men are still imprisoned in the castle and I can't leave them behind."

Chief Kenny nodded, "Fine, we'll see what happens then. Let's go back first."

Several men then got into the carriage they had left here and headed for the Saron Empire.


In the Saron Empire, Christian hid his young dragon in the hem of his broad sleeve, got out of the carriage, and went straight to his chambers.

After closing the doors behind him, Christian hurriedly carried the young dragon into the dungeon that was connected to his chambers, and locked it into a magical formation.

The metal was as crisp as an apple to the dragons, and a dungeon could not hold them, only a magic array could.

As soon as the young dragon's body was free, it opened its fangs to lunge at Christian, but as soon as its tiny body was halfway up, the magic formation sprang into action, sending a translucent pale blue barrier back at it.

The hatchling groaned as it was electrocuted.

Christian sneered, "This is my territory, no one will come to your rescue even if you scream your head off. As long as you behave, I will not kill you and will even treat you well. "

The young dragon slumped to the ground, its pupils glaring at Christian, who, upon seeing that the young dragon was not cooperating, grunted, "Suit yourself!"

And with that, he turned his head away with a flip of his sleeve.

When General Kapler heard that Christian was the only one returning home, he hurried over in a frenzy.

As soon as he saw Christian, he asked sharply, "Your Highness, where is His Majesty? You went together, so why are you the only one who has returned? "

With a sad expression on his face and tears in his eyes, Christian choked out, "His Majesty, he was killed."

Kapler's eyes widened and he took two steps back in disbelief, "Killed? How is that possible? Didn't he have the Black Dragon with him? "

"It was because of the Black Dragon. It turned out that the Black Dragon was a traitor to the Dragon Clan, and as soon as he entered the Dragon Clan's territory, he was attacked by the Dragon King's guards who had poured out. During the attack, His Majesty unfortunately fell off the black dragon and was eaten. "

Hearing the news that his majesty had been eaten by the dragons, Kapler cried out, his eyes red, "No, it's not true, it must not be true!"

Christian let out a long sigh, "General Kapler, people have their sorrows and joys, and I was lucky enough to escape. The country cannot be left without a master. General Kapler, please gather the ministers quickly. We need to get this out in the open. "

General Kapler's eyes were red, but he frowned at Christian's words, "No, I believe His Majesty is not dead, and as long as I do not see His Majesty's bones, I will not acknowledge His Majesty's death. But you, High Priest, of the nine people who went with you on this journey, how is it that you are the only one who has returned unharmed? "

Sadness flashed in Christian's eyes, "I did not want to die there with them, but his Majesty instructed me before he died to return to the Empire and deliver his message."

Still unwilling to believe the news of the emperor's death, Kapler shook his head and rose to his feet with difficulty, saying, "I will not admit that his majesty is dead until I see the bones. Your High Priest, I take my leave. "

Christian secretly gritted his teeth when he saw how stubborn Kapler was.

If you don't summon them, do you think I can't do it?

His lips curled into a sneer, and he said to the priests around him, "Play the national mourning music and gather up the ministers. I have something very important to convey to them."


Hillman flew back to the Sena Kingdom on the wind. So eager was he to know the news of Sophia that he even forgot about his incarnation.

In the castle of the Senna Kingdom, the people stared at the sudden arrival of the huge silver dragon, and one by one, they screamed and ran in all directions to escape.

Only Sophia, in the back garden, looked up at the beautiful silver dragon and put her hands behind her back, smiling and squinting.

Hillman caught sight of Sophia, and with a dive, he flew in her direction, and as he reached the ground, he transformed himself into a handsome young guard.

He grabbed Sophia's shoulders and said hurriedly, "Sophia, listen to my explanation, I have no intention of hurting you."

Sophia grabbed Hillman's wrist and smiled, "Hillman, you look so beautiful when you transform into a dragon, like a floating, flowing cloud."

Not expecting Sophia to praise him instead of being afraid, Hillman was lost in thought for a moment and said in surprise, "You're not afraid of me?"

Sophia asked in return, "You have been guarding me; why should I be afraid of you? I like you more than anything. "

Hearing Sophia's words, joy filled Hillman's chest. The happiness came so suddenly that he could not believe it.

He hugged Sophia tightly, his nose sniffing the fragrance that belonged to her alone.

High above the castle, King Serinon's eyes shone brightly at the sight of his daughter and the dragon embracing each other.

While Sophia fell into the sweet dream of a siesta in the late afternoon, Hillman was called into King Serinon's study.

"Hillman, I didn't expect you to be a dragon." King Serinon said in a deep voice.

Hillman was busy half-kneeling on the floor and said respectfully, "Your Majesty, although I am a dragon, I have never harmed a human. And the only reason I am here is to protect Princess Sophia."

King Serinon looked Hillman up and down, as if to ascertain the truth of his words, and Hillman arched his back nervously, fearing that King Serinon would drive him out of the palace and that he would never see Sophia again in his life.

Only after a long time did King Serinon say, "Yes, I believe in your feelings for Sophia. This morning, when I saw the two of you in a deep embrace, I suddenly felt that I had made a very wrong decision. "

King Serinon sighed, "I should not have rashly made Sophia King Alexander's fiancée. Ah, if I could turn back time, I would have made Sophia your fiancée."

Hillman's eyes lit up with surprise and he asked, "Your Majesty, is it true what you say?"

He nodded, "A gentleman's word is not a joke."

Helliman said excitedly, "Your Majesty, King Alexander went to the Dragon Territory two days ago, and at this moment he is in grave danger."

Just as he finished his sentence, the magic ball on the emperor's desk lit up, and the originally transparent magic ball now showed a picture of the spy that the Sena Kingdom had planted in the Saron Empire.

The spy saluted and then said to King Serinon, "Your Majesty, from the castle came the great mourning music, and I heard that it was King Alexander who had died."

The spy nodded affirmatively, "Yes, that music is exactly the kind of mourning music that would be played only if the king were dead."