Modern world: Arc 4.6

Although the Snow Feather character was a healing profession, it also had attack skills.

The only difference is that if a main attack character has 7 attack skills and 3 control skills, the Snow Feather character has only 4 attack skills and 1 control skill, and the remaining five are all blood-boosting skills.

Because of Snow Feather's powerful blood skills, the "Chivalry Road" set made only one of the four attack skills relatively high-attack, and the other three attacks were general in order to create balance.

Snow Feather's nemesis is the archer, so to speak.

The archers seem to be specially designed to restrain the Snow Feather character in general.

Due to the archer's super long-range attack, he can still attack Snow Feather from afar.

If the Snow Feather character adds to their own blood, the healing skill is greatly reduced, thus losing its advantage.

Therefore, once an archer is discovered in the opposing team during 5×5 battles, this archer will generally be the target of attack.

While the archer is the natural enemy of the Snow Feather character, there is a sect occupation that everyone is wary of, and that is the assassin.

Murder and robbery: the assassin specializes in these.

Like maggots attached to the bone, like a shadow.

Once an assassin attaches, they can hide for a long time just to find just the right moment to take down the opponent in one fell swoop.

When the person killed reacts and tries to kill back, he finds that the assassin has already hidden and disappeared without a trace.

The killed character must grit his teeth and watch his silver being robbed while powerless to intervene.

Liang Xuan's assassin skills were the best of the best, and he was as good as a maggot to the bone.

Bai Lixing's Snow Feather had become a target, and Liang Xuan manipulated his character to follow Bai Lixin's trail.

While following Bai Lixin, he laughed in the chat room and said, "Brothers and sisters, guess who I saw."

"Who?" Several voices followed closely with interest and asked.

"Hahaha, it's Bai Lu's Snow Feather. Strange, didn't I hear that he was hacked before. But looking at his outfit, it seems to have been recovered. "

Damn, so it's that green tea bitch. He didn't learn from the initial lesson? I can't believe he hasn't been killed yet; he's truly despicable. Xiao Xuan, kill him! This person must have done something insidious. Otherwise, how can he be robbed? How can people not hack his account? " A shrill female voice shouted loudly in the chat room.

The woman's voice had just fallen, and a clear male voice suddenly appeared in the chat room, saying, "Yes, why would my account be stolen? If you are curious, then just be firm and ask the "Chivalry Road" administration. Why did your leader hire someone to hack my account? "

The chat room, which had been lively, came to a screeching halt. It was so quiet that the sound of a needle falling to the ground could be heard.

It was Bai Lu! He was actually in this chat room!

Liang Xuan was stunned for a while, and quickly opened the chat room interface. Sure enough, he saw a white avatar at the bottom, and the ID was Bai Lu.

He chewed on the meaning of his words for awhile, and immediately burst into a frenzy: "What the hell? Was it not enough to kill you? How dare you come here to frame Qiao Qun? How could he possibly hack your account? "

Wandering Fingers also followed: "That's right! There is no love without a reason, and there is no hate without a reason. You were hacked because someone targeted you, and now you're falsely accusing Brother Qun. You are really trash, you should be killed. "

Liang Xuan switched back to the game interface as he listened to the chat room. But in the blink of an eye, he actually lost Bai Lu's Snow Feather.

Liang Xuan calmly operated the screen to turn his perspective around, catching the figure of Bai Lu not far behind him.

He sneered in his heart and continued to stick to Bai Lu quietly.

At this time, Bai Lixin's voice rang out again in the chat room: "Heh. This world is not what you say it is. It's as clear as black and white, right and wrong. Is it that after playing the game, your IQ has been eaten by dogs? There will always be a day when the truth comes out, and then you guys will come over and roar at me. Goodbye. "

When Liang Xuan heard Bai Lixin's "goodbye," he again opened the chat room interface and found that the avatar with Bai Lu's Snow Feather had already quit the chat room.

Wandering Fingers coughed and said, "Xiao Xuan, don't be deceived by this Bai Lu. Weren't you still sticking to him just now? Tell me where he is, and let's kill him together! "

Liang Xuan smiled, "I naturally believe in brother Qun. I am right next to him. Group up with me, but you don't have to do anything. Just watch how I abuse him from the side. "

Liang Xuan said, and switched the screen to the game interface again. He then received a group invitation from "Wandering Fingers."

After accepting, Liang Xuan found out that there was not only one person in the team, there were twenty other people besides her, all from his own club.

After two gangs open a gang war, they will open a gang war stage, and one can teleport to the stage through the gang war pickup.

Each of the two gangs occupies a corner and spreads their own siege tools outward in a fan shape around their respective domain camps: dart carts, gun carts, mines, watch towers, etc. If these work properly, a gang can also mine crystals in other regions for resources.

Gang wars last for four hours, during which the number of killings and the degree of capture of the opposing camp are the reference factors for gang victories and defeats.

The rules of the gang war are generally divided into three main forces: the attacking team, the guard team, and the logistics team.

The main attacking team kills and collects the opponents' heads to win points and at the same time goes to the opponent's logistics team to interfere with the energy mining; the guard team guards the camp to prevent sneak attacks by the enemy; and the logistics team mines energy crystals, giving them to the NPC. From mining a certain number of crystals, the player can get a powerful siege tools such as artillery vehicles.

In other words, whoever stocks up on crystals first will have the advantage in the gang war.

Most of the Midsummer gang players were mining energy, while the group of twenty people was the attacking team.

Seeing that the number of crystals collected on their side far exceeded that of the Four Seas Peace Gang, they decided to attack together after hearing Bai Lixing's provocation in the chat room.

As soon as Liang Xuan entered the group, he typed in the team chat window: [Let's go!]

Liang Xuan opened the mini map and saw the small blue dots belonging to his teammates on the mini map slowly moving towards his side.

He smiled faintly, and his heart warmed up.

He looked at himself, who had countless friends around him, and then looked at Bai Lu, who was all alone here, and the feeling of superiority in his heart was sublimated.

In the end, the quality of a person is decided by their friends who are willing to stand up for them.

You have a lot of words, but in the end, you are alone. Anyone can see who is better or worse!

Bai Lu's Snow Feather stood in place for a while, then suddenly moved. Liang Xuan saw the situation, and did not hesitate, quickly following to stick behind him.

Bai Lu wandered left and right. Liang Xuan saw the blue dots belonging to his teammates getting closer and closer, and he drew the bayonet on his waist.

Just when Liang Xuan decided to use a disarming skill, Bai Li's Snow Feather jumped onto the short pillar in the water without warning.

Liang Xuan was slightly stunned, and the skill was randomly interrupted. It was only then that he realized that Bai Lu had already walked to the central lake.

The central lake was located in the middle of the two club areas and did not have much activity, generally used as a backdrop.

When he saw Bai Lu jumping on the platform at the edge of the central lake, Liang Xuan snorted and said in the chat channel: "Do you know what Bai Lu's Snow Feather is doing? He's jumping around in the center lake for fun, haha."

Wandering Fingers laughed: "I guess no one expected him to join the war, right? He is playing by himself in the center of the lake, and it appears that he is undervalued in the new club.Don't kill him yet; wait for us to come and do it together. "

Liang Xuan nodded, "Okay, I'll wait for you guys. Once I jump, my invisibility won't work. "

Xiao Wen said, "Okay, you count to five before removing your skill. We'll be there. "

Liang Xuan nodded and counted from one to five before quickly unlocking his invisibility.

And the moment he did so, the character roles of twenty people also appeared on the screen.

Liang Xuan stared closely at the computer screen. He seemed to see Bai Lu's Snow Feather give a slight lurch, seemingly very surprised.

Liang Xuan had not yet killed Bai Lu, but in his mind he had already started to conceive how to kill him again and again in the crowded surroundings.

No Desire is just: "Bai Lu, didn't think I would find you, right?"

Bai Lu: "Huh."

Wandering Fingers: "Xiao Xuan, don't talk nonsense, the Huishen Pill is ready. When you go to kill him, I will feed him the Huishen Pill when he dies."

The Heishen Pill is a prop used for resurrection. With this fed to the player, the player can be directly forced into an in situ resurrection.

Seeing Wandering Finger's words, Liang Xuan's heart was even more comfortable.

When the other twenty people reached his side, Liang Xuan manipulated the assassin and jumped onto the platform.

Seeing Liang Xuan jump on the stage, the others did not hesitate and jumped on after him.

The center of the lake has a total of nearly 100 stone pillars of varying heights. Compared to the plum blossom pile, it was more difficult.

Bai Lixin easily jumped from one stone pillar to another, looking to reach the center of the lake.

The group of people were not willing to lag behind, and they quickened their steps to catch up.

The originally envisioned spontaneity gradually dissipated after constantly failing to jump on the pillars, and Liang Xuan's brow was slightly knitted, his heart impatient.

He hid his presence and followed behind Bai Lu for two hours without having this feeling of restlessness. But now, jumping on top of this pillar, it was clear that the person was right in front of him, but how could he not touch him.

He was one step away, but it was like a separation of heaven and earth.

Bai Lixin unhurriedly jumped to the highest point in the center of the lake, while the twenty-one people chasing after him were a dozen or so pillars away from him. He saw the hesitant movements of these people and jumped hard before using the hundred flower skills in the air.

Suddenly, the entire central lake began to shake.

Liang Xuan saw a blur in front of his eyes and found that the whole screen had started to spin!

What the hell was this? A bug?

He tried to manipulate the assassin to adjust the camera, but found that it was impossible to control the character. After several attempts and nothing happening, Liang Xuan zoomed away from the perspective, and only then did he see that the center of the lake had a vortex appear at some point!

With this vortex as the center, a huge tornado appeared outside the entire center lake.

Not only him, but the other twenty people were also swept up in the tornado, with the tornado rotation!

Only Bai Lu's Snow Feather was standing in the vacuum at the very center of the vortex.

What the hell was this?

Liang Xuan dropped his keyboard and pounded the screen fiercely.

Both players of the Midsummer and the Four Seasons Peace clubs were nearby and noticed the strange state of the lake, and they shouted in their respective chat rooms, "Look at the center lake! They're flying! They are really flying! "

Lao Er came to the center of the lake and saw the 20 or so people flying up and laughed, "This is the rhythm of going to the heavens."

Lao San was sharp-eyed and noticed a person standing steadily in the center of the vortex.

"Hey, boss, there's a person we don't know there. But he has our name on the top of his head. Damn, this Snow Feather character is so cool! He is like a sea swallow in a rainstorm! "

Lao Er sniffed and looked over, and really saw a Snow Feather character on the highest pillar in the center of the lake, like an angel overlooking all beings.

Lao Er thought about it and guessed, "That person should be Xiao Lu, right?"

While this was happening, many texts appeared in the battlefield chat window.

Bai Lu: "Ling Xuan, do you think you are the messenger of justice? Do you think you are especially great? For the sake of your stupid friend, you even went to trouble to kill players for no reason? Can you just casually rope other people in for your so-called justice? Is this the justice you claim to have? "

"Do you think you are particularly bold? Speaking straightforwardly and never avoiding others? Let me tell you, you're not being bold, you're being foolish and ignorant. "

"You use the crown of righteousness as an excuse and a shield for your own shitty behavior. Sublimating yourself by belittling others, killing others by surprise, branding justice with personal preference, and explaining your behavior with double standards. "

"No desire is Just," you are actually a coward! "

"People in the Midsummer club, do you think that this immovable world of online games is where you can fight others at every turn? Is it necessary to use your hands and mouth just to have the feeling of excitement? "

"Does having a foul-mouth meet the definition of feeling exhilarated in an online game? Is it necessary to use vulgarity to interpret your online game life? "

"Your leader kicked me out of the club and hacked my account, but do you really think that there is no law in online games? One day, you will pay for your actions! You will pay a painful price! "