Modern world: Arc 4.7

Bai Lixin was typing these words in the battlefield chat channel, which could be seen by anyone who was on this stage of the gang war.

Seeing the messages swiped in the chat channel, Qiao Qun, who was still commanding the gang war, jumped directly from the battlefield channel to Liang Xuan's private messages with concern and asked, "What's going on?"

Liang Xuan took a couple of ragged breaths and said, "It's nothing, Bai Lu's Sn

ow Feather is back. I was planning to kill him, but I didn't think this lake was haunted by something. A swirling tornado suddenly appeared and swept us all in. "

Qiao Qun frowned, "How could this happen? Can't you guys get out then? I'll come and rescue you all. "

"No need!" Liang Xuan's voice rose, "We can do it. This vortex bug will probably disappear after a while. The gang battle is more important. You continue to command, we will be out in no time. Don't worry. "

Qiao Qun had always known Liang Xuan's strength, and hearing him say so, he did not doubt him and nodded before jumping back on the gang war's channel.

However, as Liang Xuan said this, the vortex and the tornado still showed no sign of slowing down in the slightest. Their screens were still spinning wildly.

Wandering Fingers slapped the table, "Can we return to the resurrection point after self-extinguishing our meridians?"

Self-extinguishing Meridians was a suicide skill that allowed one to die on the spot after using it, and you could choose to return to the resurrection point to revive after death.

As soon as the words were said, Xiao Wen responded, "I'll try."

After a few taps on the "Self-Destruct Meridian" button, she shook her head regretfully, " Wandering Fingers, I can't. Self-extinguishing meridians requires being out of combat and not moving. But we are now swept into the vortex and are in a combatant state. "

Liang Xuan gritted his teeth and said, "I'll force myself offline to try."

With that, he forced himself out of the game and logged back in, but he didn't get any relief from this method either. The game had just finished loading when he noticed that the screen was still spinning.

And at the centre of the spinning point, Bai Lu's Snow Feather in fluttering clothes was still standing motionless at the top of the spike.

"Damn it! " Liang Xuan threw the mouse hard on the table and said, "How the hell are we going to get out? Is there any other way out? "

Xiao Wen thought about it and suddenly had a bright idea, "Let's complain about a bug. This must be a bug! I'm a platinum member of the game, so I can directly ask the GM to come and deal with it. " (gm: game customer support)

Liang Xuan lit up when he heard Xiao Wen's words, "Good, you try!"

Bai Lixin stood motionless on the pike, and perhaps because he was tired of standing, he simply sat down.

And at the same time, Lao Er was reading the words posted in the battlefield chat group. He shouted in the chat room, "Guys, copy all of Bai Lu's words. Let's brush up the screen! "

The people in the Four Seas Peaceful Life club who were participating in the gang war instantly trembled and started to copy Bai Lu's words. After that, they started to post the battlefield chat room one paragraph at a time.

They were laughing in the chat room as they copied them. The Midsummer Gang was a notoriously battle-mad gang, fighting while always coming up with nasty slogans about helping the weak, getting rid of evil, and promoting good.

The group of people were reposting happily when a male voice abruptly rang out in the chat room, "If you are all so idle, why don't you go and wipe out the logistics team of the Midsummer Gang?"

This voice was familiar to Lao Er, and when he heard it, the corners of his mouth tugged even wider, "It's really you, little Lu! How did you do that? Is it a bug? "

Bai Lixin smiled faintly and looked at the players spinning around him, "It's not a bug, really. It is an activation point. You probably didn't notice that after standing still at the top of the highest point in the centre, I jumped up and used a move called "Hundred Flowers."

This is a skill that allows your party to gain and the enemy to lose, and also cancels out invisibility. During the beta stages, the technical development department added a 3 second activation point in order to increase the playability of gang battles. The activation point is at my current location, at the highest point of the central lake. "

"If you can touch the activation point, you can activate the vortex and tornado with the activation point as the vacuum point. Except for this point, anyone within this central lake, whether in the water or the sky, would be trapped in it and not allowed out until the end of the gang war. "

"But then, due to the difficulty of this being relatively high, and the fact that no one has the mind to come and idly jump around the pillars during an intense gang battle, and also the fact that only a very small number of sect skills can trigger the activation point, all these factors led to this activation point remaining a secret since the technicians developed it." He paused and added, with a smile, "So that means I've trapped the best equipped attack team in the Midsummer club. Won't you guys use this time to do something? "

It was only when Lao Er heard Bai Lixin's last words that he reacted to the fact that they were still in the middle of a gang war.

He slapped the table and bellowed, "All players of the attacking team, follow me. I'll take you for a slaughter! "

Attention guards, all of you go to the crystal mines. Today's task is to mine the energy crystals first. We must get the gun carriage and dart carriage started before the Midsummer gang does! "

Everyone listened to Lao Er and sprang into action.


At that moment, Xiao Wen was staring wide-eyed at the content in the nearby chat window and asked incredulously, "Is it not a bug?! How can it not be a bug? "

The GM patiently typed another sentence in the chat window: [Hello player, after verifying that the phenomenon is a special activation of this scene, we concluded that it is not a bug. I wish you a happy gaming experience.]

Liang Xuan also saw the GM's words and cursed in the chat room: "What the hell, this isn't a bug? How can we have a good gaming experience? Ask him when this vortex and tornado will stop. "

Xiao Wen let out an "en" and typed.

Xiao Wen: "So when will this phenomenon stop?"

[Dear Gamer,I'm sorry. I'm only responsible for dealing with bugs and not answering any game questions. I wish you a happy gaming experience.]

No Desire is Just: "Fuck you! You're here to answer questions, but you don't know anything? Believe it or not, I'll file a complaint against you. "

Gm: [It has come to my attention that the player [No Desire Is Just] has used language that has insulted the game staff. The player is hereby banned for 4320 minutes of game time. We hope that players will play in a civilized way and live a healthy life every day. Platinum member Xiao Wen, is there anything else you need help with?]

Liang Xuan only felt a gag in his throat, but he could not swallow it.

After a long time, he stifled out a sentence, "Let him go."

Xiao Wen smiled awkwardly and didn't dare say more as she carefully typed a line and sent the gm away.

With "No Desire is Just" being banned, the atmosphere in the small chat room became a little weird. Liang Xuan didn't speak, and several others never opened their mouths again.

They watched as their characters were swept around in the whirlwind, but there was nothing they could do to free their characters. These characters now belonged to them, yet they didn't belong to them.

"Haven't you guys come out yet?" Qiao Qun's voice rang out again in Liang Xuan's chat room, but this time his voice was a little impatient. "You are all the strongest in our club. We sent you as the attacking team to completely crush their club, but now that you are trapped in the lake, the Four Seasons Peace Club has started to counterattack. "

Liang Xuan's mood got even worse. He had wanted to kill Bai Lu's character, but instead he had lost his character and army. Not only had he failed to kill him successfully, he had ended up dragging the entire attacking team down with him.

"I shouldn't have acted out of anger and helped Xiao Wen out. It was mainly because that green tea bitch, Bai Lu, suddenly appeared on the stage and we were all a bit confused. "

Speaking of Bai Lu, Qiao Qun recalled the few words that were still splashed around the battlefield chat room. He swallowed his saliva and sighed, "Forget it. Now is not the time to settle who is wrong and who is right."

Qiao Qun now stood at the edge of the lake, and through the screen, his eyes were filled with disgust as he stared at the Snow Feather character standing at the centre of the lake, alone.

Bai Lu used some unknown method to get the account back. He had clearly been told by the people in the technical department that the equipment would never be recovered.

Now he not only came back, but he also spouted off and threw shit at him as soon as he came up.

He looked at Bai Lu's character for a long time, before turning his attention to the ever-spinning "Desire is Just" character. He walked along the surface of the lake and frowned.

The tornado around the lake was like a natural barrier; those outside could not get in and those inside could not get out. Even if he wanted to help, there was nothing he could do.

As he circled the lake again, he suddenly noticed that his blood level was suddenly empty, and an assassin appeared in the previously empty surroundings, with the words "Night" in red above his head.

Night was an assassin, while Immortal Crane Return was a Daoist priest.

The Daoist's skin was already thin, not to mention the fact that he had just been distracted by the unpredictable assassin.

He was just about to jump away when another figure suddenly appeared behind him, none other than Wu's character.

A series of skills from Lao Er came down, followed by Wu, and the skills connected perfectly in the middle. In that way, Qiao Qun's character was killed without even having a chance to resist.

As soon as he was killed, the Four Seas Peace Gang's crystal was also collected, and they successfully activated offensive tools such as gun carriers and turrets.

With this counter-attack, the Midsummer Gang was no longer able to fight back, and even if Qiao Qun tried desperately to redeem himself later, it would not change their fate of defeat.

The three-hour battle passed in the blink of an eye, with a resounding victory for the Four Seas Peace gang. The losing club, Midsummer, faced the penalty of being turned into sheep.

The so-called "sheep transformation" means that the losing club will be automatically transported to the west gate of Chang'an, the main city at the end of the gang war. They will collectively turn into sheep animals with only 30% of their usual speed, and in order to release the sheep shape, they need to run from the west gate of Chang'an City to the east gate and talk to the NPC in order to release it.

Immortal Crane returned to lead a group of his gang members to run slowly and humiliatingly from the west gate to the east gate.

The journey from the west gate to the east gate must pass through a bustling trading area.

So to speak, it attracted many crowds of onlookers, and there were many players that had been killed by Liang Xuan who were painting the nearby channels with mocking words.

Boiled frog in water: "No desires is Just" you are just a rotten person, you deserve to be a sheep.

Laughing out loud: "Hahaha! Trash that only dares to sneak up on people behind their backs and kill small accounts.

Seeing a bunch of people cursing him, Liang Xuan was furious, and after he quickly typed a string of words abusing other people's parents before pressing the enter key.

But the expected words did not appear on the screen; instead, what appeared was a string of scarlet system prompt words:

[Hello player, You have been banned. The total ban time is 4320 minutes, and there are 4174 minutes left. Please play in a civilized way and I wish you a healthy life every day.]

When Liang Xuan saw this, he instantly sat up from his chair, covered his head, and shouted as he jumped up and down in anger, "I'm so pissed off!"