Modern world: Arc 4.13

The meals in the hospital canteen were mostly light but tasty, so Pei Fuchen and Bai Lixin only ordered two dishes and a soup and asked for two steamed buns before finding a corner and settling down.

The two sat opposite each other, looked at each other, and laughed out loud.

After laughing for a while, Bai Lixin was the first to speak, "I can't believe I was invited to lunch in a hospital. This is the first time. "

Pei Fuchen also laughed and said, "Inviting someone to dinner in a hospital is also a first for me."

They first met as patients, and this time they were meeting as friends.

The two had only met once in reality, but in the game, they were inseparable for four hours every day.

They were most familiar with each other, but they were also strangers.

The most familiar stranger was a true reflection of him and Bai Lixin today.

Pei Fuchen did not want to reveal his identity, so even when Bai Lixin talked about things in the game, he only nodded and responded, occasionally interrupting.

It was Bai Lixin who talked most of the time, while Pei Fuchen quietly propped his head up and listened to the youth's words.

The watch hanging on the wall of the restaurant had already reached 2 o'clock. Both of them were regretful and reluctant to leave, but neither of them showed any sign of it on the surface, and they said goodbye before going their separate ways.

For two days, Pei Fuchen hung out with Bai Lixin whenever he could.

The two-day trip to the hospital, which he had previously found torturous, turned out to be the happiest time of his life.

The two days passed quickly, and Pei Fuchen was discharged from the hospital the next afternoon.

Just after he walked out of the hospital gate, Pei Fuchen asked the butler sitting in the passenger seat, "Uncle Xu, when is the next check-up?"

Uncle Xu looked down at his mobile phone and looked back at Pei Fuchen, "Young master, the next time will be around mid to late September. Is there something wrong? "

Pei Fuchen shook his head and muttered, "No, I just suddenly feel that two weeks is a long time."

Mid to late September. It was just the beginning of September. Why was it so far?

He had just left the hospital but was already looking forward to his next visit.

Uncle Xu: "… "

Young master, what's wrong with you? Don't you usually hate coming to the hospital?

As soon as Pei Fuchen got home, he turned on his computer, logged on to the game, and impatiently opened his friends list.

When he saw Bai Lu's lit avatar, Pei Fuchen's heart moved, and he immediately sent him a request to form a team.

It took a long time for the request to be accepted. About five minutes later, he heard the sound of a successful team formation.

The moment Pei Fuchen heard the sound, he did not look at the team list, but hurriedly typed on the team channel. But before the words could be sent, a line appeared.

Night: "Boss, what are you looking for me?"

Pei Fuchen:"… "

Who wants to find you?

Silently deleting the lines "What are you doing? Do you want to do "River of Forgetfulness" together?" Pei Fuchen tapped his keyboard in annoyance and pressed enter.

Battling Swordsman: "Are you brushing up on points"

Night: "Yes, boss. You come to the chat room, typing is too troublesome. "

Night: "Boss, do you have time to play in the arena? Please come and take command, ah. Little Lu must have taken the wrong medicine today."

Pei Fuchen had that and was already logging into the team chat room. As soon as he did, he heard Lao Er wailing: "Oh my god, Xiao Lu, you scared me to death."

"What's wrong?" Pei Fuchen asked with a cough.

As soon as he heard Pei Fuchen's voice, Lao Er screamed and asked for help, "Boss, we've met up with Immortal Crane and the others!"

Eh?! Immortal Crane? The scumbag that hacked little Lu's account and kicked him out of the club?

When Pei Fuchen heard that, his anger rose and his voice dropped, "And then?"

"Then when little Lu saw them, he rushed straight at them as soon as they started the match! I couldn't even stop him!"

" Little Lu, what happened?" Without continuing to question Lao Er, Pei Fuchen asked Bai Lixin directly.

"I'm sorry, boss. I was still preparing just now when I saw the content of the private chat that "No Desire is Just" sent me, and in a moment of anger, I forgot about the strategy. "

Pei Fuchen's eyes narrowed and his voice lowered. "What did he say to you?"

"It's nothing, just nonsense. I've already reported him. "

Just because Bai Lu didn't say anything didn't mean that the matter would just go away.

Pei Fuchen had never forgotten the day Bai Lu was hospitalized and drove his assasin to kill "No Desire is Just." He had also never forgotten Bai Lixin's message saying "36th time."

The 36th time? He'd killed him 36 times, right?

Bai Lu was returning the favor by killing "No desire is just" the number of times he had killed him.

But how many times had Bai Lu's Dangling Song been killed?

Pei Fuchen had also learned of the previous feud between the Four Seas Peace Club and the Midsummer Club in detail.

Even though Bai Lu was also at fault back then before joining them, what he did to No desire is Just and Immortal Crane was typical of how they used their power to oppress others.

The world of online games is very simple and brutal, where there are no laws to uphold.

The online world is a game, but it is not all just a game.

It can already be called a world tribe. This means that it contains a diverse range of people as well as a diverse range of climates and terrains.

But it was also like a primitive tribe, where the strong ate the weak and whoever was strong was surrounded by many brothers.

Bai Lu had lost his dominance under the squeeze of Immortal Crane and No Desire is Just. By becoming the underdog, he had been discarded by this primitive society where the weak are prey to the strong.

It did not matter how many contributions Bai Lixin had made to the club, nor how many times he had commanded gang battles and arena fights. Now that he was the enemy of this club's gang leader, they were their enemy!

Pei Fuchen had once purposely looked up videos of Bai Lu's matches on the internet when he was still in the Midsummer Club, and his operations could be said to be respectable, but compared to his operations in the Four Seas Peace Club, they were worlds apart.

The level of play shown in his previous PvP videos can only be described as excellent, but not sharp. He used to see the moves, but now he can predict the moves.

From the speed of the skills cast in the video, the speed of his hands before was only a third of his current speed.

Pei Fuchen's heart throbbed again. His technique and hand speed had improved so much in a short period of time. There was only one reason that could explain it, and that was that he had been practicing desperately between the time he was kicked out of the club by Immortal Crane and the time he joined their club.

The sparring between Bai Lu and No Desire is Just at that time can still be found on the internet. A child as gentle and pure in nature as Bai Lu was forced to spout vicious words, so it is clear how far he was forced to go at that time.

A rabbit will bite when it is desperate, let alone a human being.

Anyone would be angry, ranting, and resentful, and these factors, instead, became the driving force for Bai Lu to move forward, allowing him to develop his skills in a short time.

Now that he had returned, he was like a demon who had fallen into hell and had come to claim the lives of those who had harmed him!

Bai Lu could not wait to trample these people under his feet, so how could he not get hot-headed and rush up to them?

Pei Fuchen thought about it and asked, "Who won in the end?"

Lao Er smiled, "It was naturally us. Although Xiao Lu rushed straight out, he was fortunately resourceful. Not only was he not killed, but he also tricked No desire is Just into becoming visible."

Pei Fuchen smiled with understanding and immediately understood. He no longer had the anger he felt just now, and said, "Okay, Xiao Lu, just do as you wish. Don't worry about Lao Er. "

After a pause, he said, "Lao Er, little Lu is smarter than you. Didn't you win in the end? How about this. Take a small break first, I will fight this time. "

When Lao Er heard the boss's words, he was not angry and hurriedly replied, "Fine, fine, you do the fighting. Xiao Lu is a bit fiercer this time, using the healer as a blood cow. I was going to have a heart attack watching it. "

He said and withdrew from the group.

Since Battling Swordsman was also on the team, he could enter the battle directly.

The thirty-second waiting time in between was very short.

This time, when he entered the arena stage, Dangling Song was relatively calm and didn't do anything impulsive.

But at this point, Ling Xuan began to put up the same message over and over again on the channel.

No Desire is Just: "You bitch, Dangling Song, didn't I kill you enough in the first place? How dare you come back? Get the hell out of "Chivalry Road" or I'll kill you! "

Bai Lixin was still calm, but Pei Fuchen couldn't stand it anymore.

He asked in the chat room in a cold voice: "Little Lu, did he talk to you like that last time?"

Bai Lixin replied indifferently, "No, it was even dirtier than that."

The cold light in Pei Fuchen's eyes shot out at his words.

Heh, you want to kill Bai Lu as a way of making him quit the game? Then we'll see who leaves first.

Pei Fuchen smiled coldly, and without saying a word, he maneuvered his character to charge up.

The moment Bai Lixin saw him rush out, he only paused for a second and followed the pace to rush out.

Lao Si, Lau San, and Wu, who were still hiding behind the pillars, were all dumbfounded. But, they were people who had been through a lot of training, so they also rushed out with the two.

In the Midsummer chat room, Liang Xuan saw the opposite side rushing straight up to him without even caring about their position, and immediately let out a loud laugh. His eyes were filled with a smile of success: "See, this is the way to provoke them. Let them confuse themselves first, hahaha. This is a group of fools. Just curse them a couple of times, and they rush out. "

Both Winding Fingers and Xiao Wen did not say anything. Only Qiao Qun said, with a doting smile approvingly, "Well done, Xiao Xuan."

Winding Fingers sneered in her heart: "It was just low-quality cursing. If someone cursed me like that, I wouldn't be able to hold it in. What is it that can be tolerated? How dare you brag about it, rubbish. "

Xiao Wen's heart rose with infinite regret when she saw her former team and then looked at the team she was in today.

When she was tempted by the benefits offered by Qiao Qun, she resolutely left the small club of Four Seas Peaceful Life and joined the big club of Midsummer instead.

But after joining, she realized that life was not as good as she thought it would be. First of all, Qiao Qun was very demanding and did not act as freely as the leader of the Heaven Destruction Battle Team, or Lao Er, did.

In the Four Seas Peace Club, even if she didn't contribute much, she could still enjoy the benefits of the club. But in the Midsummer club, she must have a set number of club tasks completed each week in order to keep her position as an executive.

The higher the rank in the group, the more tasks they had to complete and the more benefits they received, with the exception of the club leader, Qiao Qun, and the vice leader, Liang Xuan.

This method may seem perfect and fair, but for her, who treats the game as entertainment, it was more tiring than running ten laps, and now the first thing she does as soon as she gets online is to finish the club missions first.

Moreover, because of the subsequent password change, Qiao Qun revoked all her permissions.

Although high-level members of the club can still enjoy the benefits, such as executives receiving a 15% experience bonus, 50% off maintenance funds, etc., it is small compared to being able to take items from the club's warehouse for use.

She had been with the Four Seas Peace club since she started playing this game, so she assumed that other clubs were also like that: casual clubs where you just played and didn't have to worry about anything else.

She now regretted taking the olive branch from the Midsummer club.

Secondly, when playing in the arena, Qiao Qun was quick to scold and get angry. Any small mistake would make him angrily accuse people with words like: "Are you stupid? Don't you know your dodge skills?! Dodge skills! "and so on.

Xiao Wen rubbed her face and looked at the sword guards who were rushing towards her side, and her heart grew more regretful.

Playing in the arena with Qiao Qun left her whole spirit tense, not daring to make the slightest mistake. Not only were her hands tired, but her heart was also tired.

But what about playing with Battling Swordman and the others? They played the arena like a casual game.

Although they were also very serious about playing, the atmosphere was relaxed and happy. Even if she made a mistake, her teammates would tell her what she should do to avoid it next time.

Lao Er always said, "We play the game, not to be played by it, so there's no need to sweat over such things."

After playing with her current teammates for so long, it was surprising that she hadn't yet quit.

She had envied the big club and left because she disliked her small club. But when she actually joined the Midsummer club, she realized that the Four Seas Peaceful Club was the one that really suited her.

She wanted to go back so badly, and seeing the group rushing over, Xiao Wen's heart trembles slightly. She had been partnered with them for almost a year, so perhaps they would accept her return for the sake of their former friendship.

Liang Xuan was still laughing in the chat room, and Xiao Wen frowned in disgust, pursing her lips and not saying a word.

Suddenly, Liang Xuan yelled out nervously, "Quickly give me a blood boost to reduce the damage I've taken! I'm being controlled by Battling Swordsman! "

Xiao Wen looked at the screen in confusion, and found that Liang Xuan, who was supposed to be invisible, had already appeared in his true form, with his hand covering his head in a dazed state.

Not to mention the fact that his character's blood was rapidly decreasing at a rate that could be seen by the eyes. In just a short moment, his blood level had already dropped to below 50%.

As Liang Xuan became desperate, so did Qiao Qun. He bellowed coldly in the chat channel, "Xiao Wen, add blood to reduce damage, damn it! Wandering Fingers, do a continuous blood increase! "

Being roared at by Qiao Qun, Xiao Wen immediately became tense, and she didn't dare to hesitate for a second.

But just as she was loading the skill, her character suddenly froze and was stopped by the archer on the opposite side.

Xiao Wen panicked in her heart, and hurriedly shouted into the group chat: "I'm frozen!"

At the same time, Lao San and Lao Si also came to No Desire is Just's side. They silently unleashed a wave of attacks on him and he died instantly.

In this burst of madness, No Desire is Just died in a matter of seconds.

Liang Xuan sat in front of the computer, dumbfounded, watching the screen in front of him turn gray in disbelief.

He was just about to stick it to Bai Lu and saw the opportunity to kill him, but Dangling Song used a trick against him. He unleashed the hundred flower skill and cancelled his invisibility mode.

The moment he appeared, Battling Swordsman immobilized him and started attacking hard.

How can that be? It must be a coincidence.

How could Bai Lu predict his position and reveal him? He knew the level of "Dangling Song." He just has rubbish skills. How could he have this kind of prediction ability?

Qiao Qun saw that Liang Xuan hadn't even used a single skill and was already dead. His face suddenly darkened, "Xiao Wen, Wandering Fingers, you are both healers. How can two healers not be enough for Xiao Xuan? "

Wandering Fingers retorted, "I healed him, but four people attacked one person. What could I do? Was it my fault? It's your little Xuan, who made himself visible just now. What happened? Why did you come out? Don't you have the ability to de-control? Why don't you use it? "

Xiao Wen was not as aggressive as Wandering Fingers, and spoke softly, "I was about to give Xiao Xuan a big boost just now, but the archer stopped me. The skill he used immobilized me for 9 seconds, and I couldn't get rid of it at all. As soon as I was frozen, I said it in the chat room."

Liang Xuan was sprayed Wandering Fingers and his face was blue and black. It's not that he didn't use the de-blocker, but as soon as he did, he was immobilized.

Dangling Song and Battling Swordsman seemed to be hooked, and the skill connection density was great. He had just released himself from their control, and a second later, was immobilized. He had no chance of escaping the two of them at all!

Even Qiao Qun, who is a professional e-sports player, doesn't have this kind of skill connection speed, let alone those trash.

They must be cheating!

Liang Xuan's eyes lit up, as if he had found a gap in his failure. He first selected the avatars of the two and chose to report them both. After that, he started sending the same message over and over in the overall group chat.

No Desires is Just: "Garbage team, you couldn't beat us, so you decided to use plug-ins? It has been reported. Rubbish! Just wait for the points to be deducted.

He kept filling the screen and cursing, but no one paid him any attention.

Lao San, Lao Si, and Wu focused on the two healers and the other attack players, who were scrambling to deal with them.

Battling Sowrdsman and Immortal Crane were on the same side and started a duel. When Qiao Qun saw that the swordsman was coming to duel him, he sneered disdainfully and said in the chat room: "Don't worry about me, I will duel him."

One side had three against three people, and the other had Immortal Crane against Battling Swordsman.

Dangling Song was now standing in front of No Desire is Just who fell to the ground in a miserable state. Bai Lu manipulated his character to directly sit on his face.

Liang Xuan got even more angry right away, and the screen was filled with words faster and faster.

Bai Lixin didn't care about him and just meditated quietly, leisurely, and contentedly. He didn't care that they were in the arena now, and he didn't stand up to help.

The anger in Liang Xuan's heart rose. This was a deliberate provocation, a naked provocation! !

He obviously has the ability to increase his team's blood, but instead of making a move, he was here sitting on his face.

Liang Xuan was so angry that he slammed the table, and Qiao Qun, who was beside him, comforted, "Since they dared to underestimate the enemy so much, they will pay the price. Don't worry, I will kill the swordsman for you in return. "

Qiao Qun is a national professional player and just joined the national team two years ago. His current side job is to be a skill tester, which shows his high level in e-sports.

Liang Xuan naturally believed that Qiao Qun could win, but seeing Bai Lixin's leisurely appearance as if he was sure to win, he was angry.

After swearing on the group chat for a while, Liang Xuan saw that Bai Lixin was indifferent, so he simply switched the camera and began to observe the duel between Immortal Crane and Battling Swordsman.

In the case of melee fighters encountering a long range, the chances of winning were low.

When a long-range player moves, then it is very likely that the melee combatant will not even be able to touch his corners, and the whole process will lead to the death of melee combat.

"You underestimate us, so you will have to pay the price," Liang Xuan secretly said, watching Battling Swordsman's blood volume slowly decrease, and he smiled sarcastically.

You are not at your home but you still want to act like a god?

Liang Xuan liked to watch Qiao Qun's duel with his fingers flying.

When he is serious, he is most handsome and charming.

Thinking like this, Liang Xuan looked away from the computer screen and cast his gaze towards Qiao Qun, who was sitting beside him.

Qiao Qun was typing quickly on the keyboard, but Liang Xuan found that Qiao Qun's calm expression gradually became serious. His fingers hit the keyboard harder and faster.

His expression became more and more twisted, his brows more tightly wrinkled, and cold sweat began to break out from his forehead.

Liang Xuan's heart began to burst, and an ominous premonition was born from the bottom of his heart.

He put his eyes back on the screen, and was shocked to find that Battling Swordsman, who was losing just now, was attacking Immortal Crane, and the situation had reversed!

Just now, Immortal Crane's blood level was full, and Battling Swordsman had about 70%, but now it was the other way around.

Battling Swordsman's health still had about 55% left, but immortal Crane was left with only 30%!

Liang Xuan was stunned for a moment, and quickly said in the chat room: "Hurry up and add blood to Immortal Crane!"

But as soon as he finished speaking, almost at the same time, he heard three screams and three more miserable corpses on the ground.

After the three people in the Heaven Destruction team defeated their opponents, they did not choose to help Battling Swordsman but walked towards Dangling Song.

They stopped in front of the dead No Desire is Just, and joined Dangling Song to directly sit on him!