Modern world: Arc 4.14

Liang Xuan froze when he saw four people sitting in unison on "No Desire Is Just."

If he was out of the arena and someone dared to do this to him, he would have immediately revived back to the resurrection point and killed them.

But now it is in the arena map, and as long as the game is not over, he can not resurrect, let alone leave this stage!

There was a lot of anger in his heart, but he could not vent it out.

His eyes were red and he clenched his teeth He knew that his opponent was trying to provoke him, but he couldn't help but curse one by one.

"Fuck!" Cursed Liang Xuan in front of the computer, "Did the four of them have their eyes gouged out?"

The hot-tempered Liang Xuan kept sending abuses in the group channel, but the Heaven Destruction battle team just didn't care.

The most powerless thing is to attack someone and get no response. It was like using all your strength to punch, but ending up hitting a thick sponge.

After about half a minute of countless curses and seeing that the other side was still indifferent, Liang Xuan was furious, but his body was a little deflated. He finally typed another sentence, his arms hanging down in resignation.

He was now at Qiao Qun's home, and they were sitting next to each other in front of the table playing games. Qiao Qun was using a desktop computer, while he was using Qiao Qun's specially prepared gaming laptop.

When he saw that his game character was still being sat on by the four of them, Liang Xuan simply stood up and walked behind Qiao Qun.

This game was already doomed to be lost. After four people died, only Immortal Crane was left faltering in resistance.

The chat room was silent, and no one was talking anymore.

Liang Xuan stood behind Qiao Qun and frowned slightly as he looked at the hands rapidly tapping on the keyboard and the gloomy face.

He lifted his head to look at the screen, which was from the perspective of Immortal Crane, and he could watch the two-man duel more clearly than he could on his own computer, as No Desire Is Just.

Qiao Qun's hand speed is very fast, but he still couldn't shake off Battling Swordsman! Every time he was about to pull away, he was pulled back by the latter.

A scene from the animal world suddenly came to Liang Xuan's mind when he saw Qiao Qun being forced to retreat.

After the spider web wraps around the moth, no matter how the moth struggles, it can no longer escape the spider's bindings. Today's Immortal Crane was like a moth entangled in a spider's web, no matter how much he struggled to break free, it was all in vain!

Qiao Qun also felt an unprecedented pressure. He participated in the international competition, facing the top international players, and he did not have this much pressure. This person is not simple and must not be ordinary!

The cold sweat on his forehead was increasing, Qiao Qun's fingers kept tapping the keyboard heavily, knowing that he was bound to lose, but because of the spirit of competition, he was still desperately resisting, never giving in until the last moment!

The more pressure he was under, the more courageous he became. But as he fought, the invisible pressure emanating from the Battling Swordsman was growing. Suddenly, Liang Xuan noticed that Qiao Qun's hand trembled and pressed the wrong button.

He had made a mistake!

In a competition, the slightest mistake would determine success or failure. Battling Swordsman didn't give him a chance to rectify his mistake. He raised his longsword in a magnificent move, and at once, Immortal Crane was lying on the ground.

Qiao Qun is a national professional player. As a professional, his mental quality should not be bad, but he made a mistake.

Liang Xuan looked down at Qiao Qun's hand and found that the hand pressing the keyboard was trembling incessantly. Liang Xuan's heart was horrified that Battling Swordsman had actually pushed Qiao Qun to his limits!

Qiao Qun and Liang Xuan's computers showed two big gray words, "failed" at the same time. Qiao Qun lowered his head and covered his left hand, which was still trembling, with his right hand, and Liang Xuan could not see what his expression was now.

Liang Xuan's heart throbbed slightly, and he couldn't help but hug Qiao Qun from behind and said, "Qiao Qun, don't bother with them, we can still win back."

But Qiao Qun did not turn around and hug Liang Xuan as usual; he still sat frozen in his chair, as if he had blocked out all the surrounding sound and touch.

Just when Liang Xuan was at a loss for words, Qiao Qun suddenly stood up and turned around to look at Liang Xuan excitedly, "A master! He's a master! "

Liang Xuan looked at Qiao Qun, but did not see too much resignation on Qiao Qun's face, only excitement.

The excited Qiao Qun clasped Liang Xuan's arm with his still trembling hand, his eyes filled with a blazing light: "Great, it's great to have a match with him. This person must be a world-class professional! "

Liang Xuan saw that Qiao Qun did not sulk, then lightly breathed a sigh of relief and laughed: "So have you had enough fun?"

Qiao Qun nodded vigorously, "I haven't felt this drenched in a long time!"

He joined the national team two years ago as a special recruit because it was not the time for recruitment. At that time, the national team had a mythical captain, who, for some reason, left the team. So the positions of the other players in the team were changed radically, and the team was less one player.

So he filled into the national team as a special recruit.

In the following six months, he proved himself with competition after competition, slowly climbing from one of the most unappreciated members to the chief position, and not long after that, he worked part-time as a skill tester for "Chivalry Road."

He had a talent for competitive games since he was young, and was almost invincible, winning all his battles.

Strength determines everything, and that's why he only spent half a year to sit firmly in the captain's position of the national team.

However, masters are lonely, especially without a comparable opponent. So today's battle with Battling Swordsman awakened his long-silent competitive heart!

"He must be one of the top three on this server," Qiao Qun was excited, with a bit of concern and caution, "so you cannot hide behind your clumsiness anymore, Liang Xuan. Our strength is equal to theirs. No, it can be said that they are even stronger than us, so when the time comes, you must go all out!"

Liang Xuan nodded, but a regretful expression appeared on his face, "I really didn't expect that I would have to go all out before the finals." He thought of pretending until the last minute.

"It can't be helped," Qiao Qun also regretted, "Who made the opponent this time too strong. There are such strong people on this server. I had actually never met him before. "

Liang Xuan had a disdainful expression on his face and said, "The Four Seas Peaceful Club is one of those shrinking turtle types, scattered and disorderly. They never participate in camp wars, much less in world events. It's not unusual that you have not met him. "

Qiao Qun's microphone was still on, and the conversation between the two was transmitted word for word into the chat room.

Xiao Wen heard them belittle her nostalgic club so much, she sneered in her heart.

The Four Seas of Peaceful Club is good. In fact, a cold-blooded and harsh club like you can't compare!

She finished sneering and had a regretful expression on her face. With the battle just now, she didn't have a chance to return to her former club or the Heaven Destruction battle group. Because this time, Bai Lu made almost no move, but while she could not see whether he was sharp or not, the way Lao Si mercilessly killed her just now showed that they had long abandoned her.


It is clear that she abandoned them first, they just set themselves free.

Looking at her former teammates, Xiao Wen could only let herself be surrounded by regret, suffering in this terrible battle group.


Over there, Qiao Qun and Liang Xuan made up their minds to make sure to win in the final match, and over here in the chat room of the Heaven Destruction battle group, Pei Fuchen rubbed the palms of his hands and said indifferently, "Xiao Lu, have you vented enough?"

Bai Lixin nodded, "Yes, I have." After a pause, he said, "Boss, after playing with you guys for so long, I've never sparred with you before. I want to try 1v1 with you. "

He had sparred with Lao Er, Lao Si, Lao San and Wu, but not with Pei Fuchen.

For one thing, Pei Fuchen did not remain online for long, and as soon as he did, they grouped up to do the task.

Bai Lixin saw Pei Fuchen in the arena dueling and suddenly remembered that his lover is also a god of competition.

On the other side of the screen, Bai Lixin showed a treacherous expression. He stuck out his tongue and licked his lips, then began to log on to the Assassin account. Sparring

with his lover is a form of flirting. Why hadn't he done so earlier?

Pei Fuchen heard Bai Lixin's words and faintly froze, asking, "1v1?"

His heart trembled and he nodded in agreement, "Okay, come on. Which account are you using? "

He had just said this sentence when he saw the "killing you just" appear at his side.

He smiled and said, "Oh, using the assassin? Let me take off some equipment so that it's similar to your equipment score. "

Bai Lixin shook his head, "No, boss. Each piece of equipment has its own specific attributes that go together to make the perfect combination. If you make the attributes worse just to be similar to my points, you will say I'm a bully when you lose later. "

"Hahaha," Pei Fuchen laughed in the chat room, "Oh, so I will lose?"

Bai Lixin logged off his healer character and exited the game. He controlled the assassin around Pei Fuchen and laughed, "Boss, let's jump into the chat room. We can't disturb them. Let them battle queue up and battle out in the arena. "

Pei Fuchen said, "Okay!"

The two spoke without ambiguity, directly jumping into their private chat room.

The four people who remained in the arena chat room: "..."

In the chat room, Lao Er spoke first, "The four of us? Battle in the arena? Did I hear that right? And the boss even said, "okay?"

At the same time, he wailed, "Damn! It takes five characters to battle in the arena. Five! Now that one is missing, how can we still fight? "

Lao San laughed, "Why don't you go down and try calling little Lu back?"

Lao Er heard Lao San's words, then shivered and said, with palpitations, "We better give them time alone together. Points can be earned tomorrow or later, hehe. "

Lao San snorted coldly, "Bear-like. The boss really rules you. "

"No! Now there is one more person," Lao Er immediately retorted, "Xiao Lu ah. Every time we dueled, I was abused to death. I really do not know where he learned such a tricky fighting style."

Lao San also murmured, "Indeed, Lu's technique seems to be on the same level as the boss. I wonder who will win between the two of them in the end. I am so curious. "

Lao Er's eyes lit up and he looked at the computer screen with great interest, saying, "Look, they are not far from us. Let's go and watch. Then we will know which of them can win!

A few people's hearts moved, and they actually rushed towards the direction of Battling Swordsman.

Opposite Battling Swordsman was an assassin. Lao Er looked at the id on his head and suddenly said, "Isn't that the assassin who was with us in the dungeon raid? He also did not enter the chat room, and little Lu said he was on his side. Is this little Lu's side account that the boss just mentioned? "

A thought suddenly flashed in the minds of the four people, but it was quickly shoved to the back of their minds. Lao Er pulled his mouth into a smile and said, "No, it shouldn't be what I guessed, right?"

Lao Si echoed, "Am I guessing what you're guessing?"

Lao Si clicked his tongue, "We probably all have the same guess. But it shouldn't be possible, right? Double manipulation? Impossible! Impossible! In the dungeon raid at the time, Dangling Song and Killing You Just were at basically the same speed. Neither fell behind. "

Lao Er gulped and nodded, "Lao San, you're right. I remember the first time I met Lu, he seemed to be playing the assassin character. I did not put much thought into it, and I don't remember his assassin game ID, but it should be this. "

If it was not someone else who played the game on his behalf but he double manipulated it by himself, it was simply too terrible.

Could it be that he was operating two computers at the same time while raiding a dungeon and also commanding the party at the same time?

They pondered, and the fight had already started over there.

The duel between two orange-grade equipment attracted a lot of attention. Players around gathered one after another to watch.

"Fuck, how the hell did they manage to articulate their skills to this extent?" Lao Er saw the two characters in a fluid state, and his eyes were blinded by the moves flying all over the screen.

Since both of them were melee combatants, it was very important to protect the back.

Lao Er then saw the assassin and the swordsman attack each other. Moving around each other like a dancing tango. While the tango looks beautiful, this one was thrilling and exciting.

Skill articulation was so fast; you attack, I defend, you defend, I de-control.

It was dazzling and enthralling.

Seeing them keep aiming for each other's backs, the people on the sidelines looked a little dizzy, but the two people in the duel did not seem to be affected.

Neither was conceding to the other, and they were on par with each other. Even the frequency of blood drop was the same.

The assassin would attack with one move and quickly go into stealth mode. But Battling Swordsman was not idle and would quickly leave the original place, and walk to a wall with his back against it as soon as the assassin disappeared.

With his back tightly against the wall, Bai Lixin's assassin could fight around his front at 180 degrees.

Just when the crowd was holding their breath to guess where and when the assassin was going to appear, the swordsman suddenly used an immobilization skill, and at that moment, the assassin appeared.

The swordsman took this opportunity to quickly strike.

Bai Lu's assassin used a de-control skill and quickly backed away while attacking.

Their duel took a full ten minutes, and Pei Fechun's swordsman narrowly won with 216 points of blood.

216 points was a really small concept.

And the two people's equipment had a slight gap, so although they both had orange-grade equipment, Pei Fechun's swordsman had much better gear than Bai Lu's assassin. Meaning that, while it appeared that the Battling Swordsman had won, in reality, it was the swordsman who had lost.

Pei Fuchen stood up while holding the corner of the table for support, slightly gasping for breath, while his two hands were trembling.

It took a long time for him to fall back into the chair, and he raised both palms inward to his face, looking at his hands with burning eyes.

How long had it been since he fought like this?

Since he left the national team, he gradually distanced himself from the competition, and he rarely even watched the videos anymore, afraid of getting emotional.

With the battle with Immortal Crane just now, although his hand speed and consciousness slowly returned, it did not reach the point of making his hands tremble.

His heart was beating violently, and his biceps were twitching.

Pei Fuchen covered his chest, one hand holding the table to take a deep breath to adjust his emotions.

It had been a long time since he fought with all his strength, and although his hand speed only reached four-fifths of his prime, he could not break through more than that.

But even so, the fight with Bai Lu was very enjoyable and unprecedented.

In the chat room, Bai Lixin was breathing heavily and laughing loudly: "Boss, you won."

Pei Fuchen chuckled softly, "No, you won. I just had an advantage in equipment. "

"Equipment is strength. You do not need to be modest boss. Even if you won this time, you can just wait for my equipment upgrade. I will come back to challenge you! "

"Okay, it's up to you." Pei Fuchen shook his head and laughed lightly.

"But then again, we left Lao Er and the rest, which for a bit unethical, right. There are only four people in a five player battle. They certainly can not fight."

Pei Fuchen looked at the screen and smiled, "They didn't have the heart to battle in the arena just now They couldn't help but watch us duel. How could they be willing to go to the arena."

Bai Lixing nodded ungenerously. "That's right Since that's the case. Why don't we be bad guys to the end and simply leave them alone and go to the 'River of Forgetfulness' quest? "

The progress of the mission had reached 60%, and as long as the remaining tasks were done, they could enter the River of Forgetfulness.

They could now be equipped with the dragon and phoenix soul-attracting jade pendants, but it seemed that there were still some skills yet to be unlocked. They probably have to wait until the tasks are all done and then send the Heavenly Guardian to the River of Forgetfulness to activate the new skill attributes.

Pei Fuchen was naturally willing to join Bai Lixin. Bai Lixing quickly went offline, opened Dangling Song, and directly teamed up with the Battling Swordsman.

The rest were still in place, waiting for the end of the duel to ask little Lok to battle in the arena when they saw the two people's leaving figures.

Just like that, four people were like a messy willow, fluttering in the wind.

After doing the day's task, Bai Lixing looked at the progress table. It has reached 68%.

He hesitated and asked Pei Fuchen, who was planning to quit the game, "Boss, will you be online tomorrow?"

Hearing Bai Lixin 's slightly nervous voice, Pei Fuchen said, "Yes, of course I'll be on."

Bai Lixing 's voice then relaxed, "Great! Then I'll wait for you, boss. Take care, good night. "

"Good night, you also rest early," Pei Fuchen said with a slight smile.

Tomorrow? Does Xiao Lu have something to tell him? Maybe he has some difficulties that are hard to talk about, but he has to say.

With this conjecture in mind, Pei Fuchen went to bed.

The next morning, Pei Fuchen entered the chat room first, and saw Bai Lu's avatar in their two-person small channel, and he was slightly moved. He greeted everyone and entered the small room.

Just after entering the room, Pei Fuchen asked: "Xiao Lu, are you there?"

After about ten seconds, Xiao Lu's voice came from the other end, "I'm here, boss." Xiao Lu was still the same as before, but his voice was a bit tense.

Pei Fuchen thought of yesterday's suspicion and asked worriedly, "Xiao Lu, what's wrong? Is there something happening at home? "

Bai Lixing hesitated for a long time before saying, "No, boss. I'll tell you later. Let's do the task first, okay? "

Seeing that Bai Lixing did not want to say much now, Pei Fuchen also no longer pressed, but logged on to the game and sent out a team invite.

Bai Lixin responded quickly, and accepted the invite.

Pei Fuchen was not a talkative person. Seeing that Bai Lixing was like this, he silently accompanied him.

It was only when the mission process reached 75% that Bai Lixing stopped the Snow Feather character and faced Pei Fuchen. He said in the group chat: "Boss, there is something I have always wanted to hear you tell me personally."

Pei Fuchen suddenly stiffened, his first thought was that his identity was seen through.

But what happened next left him stunned.

Right next to him, fireworks suddenly exploded in the shape of a heart. Before the explosion was finished, Dangling Song walked over to Battling Swordsman and threw another heart-shaped firework around him.

These were special-effects fireworks purchased in the mall. After using fireworks on the target, the system will display a message to the world.

And at that time, Pei Fuchen looked at these fireworks and saw the system notification displayed impressively;

[Dangling Song devotes a lot of love to Battling Swordsman and says: There are a lot of beautiful people, but only one for me. A day without you drives me crazy. Would you like to hold hands with me to the end of the world and grow old together?]