Western fantasy world: Arc 6.2

"Not only that," continued the Chief Cardinal after a pause, "because there is only one position for the Chief Cardinal, the other magi involved in the escort can each receive a copy of the Great Light spell scroll from the pope."

The Great Light Spell Scroll!

This is another great blessing!

Light spells are not free to learn. Primary spells can be found everywhere and can be learned at will, but as you move up in rank, some light spells can only be interpreted by those of the appropriate rank.

For example, the Scroll of Light can only be read by an intermediate-level priest, so a junior priest has no right to do so.

The Great Light Spell is the most desirable of all the spells, and it can only be read by the Pope; other priests do not have this right.

Even if one could not become a Cardinal, it would be worth it to obtain a scroll of the Great Light spell!

The Chief Cardinal interrupted the clamouring priests for the third time, "The vampire came and went without a trace, and His Holiness has used tracking techniques to discover that Prince Wales's scent is moving to the west."

After conveying the Pope's words, the Chief Cardinal took a final look around the mirror images and the square in front of him and let out a long sigh, "I hope you will not delay and move out immediately. One more day of delay means increased danger to Prince Wales. "

The message was transmitted to the other churches through the mirror, and the chief cardinal raised the sceptre in his hand again, mouthing a few words of incantation before putting away the mirrors and turning to walk towards the sanctuary.

Seeing this, the congregation hurriedly put their hands on their chests and bent down in respect, saying, "Greetings to the Cardinal."

After sending the Cardinal away, the priests did not leave but gathered in the small groups they usually interacted in.

The clothes of the junior priests were of ordinary linen, black in colour, simple and frugal, but not losing their generosity.

The clothes of the intermediate priests were a light green, with the crosses of the church emblazoned on them.

Those of the senior clergy were pure white, with a gold pattern embroidered on the hem and sleeves.

The texture of the bishop's garments changed from then on, and not only were they ornate and expensive, but the patterns were also elaborate. The bishop's garb was also white, and, although it is the same colour as that of the high priests, one can tell a bishop from a distance. The bishop's collar was inlaid with gold, and the style was loose yet dignified, with elaborate floral patterns around it.

The robes of the twelve cardinal archbishops are of magnificent red colour and are decorated magnificently and majestically.

The Pope's robes are pure gold, the ultimate in luxury and nobility.

As a result of the stark contrast in clothing, the disparity between the small groups is also revealed.

The friends of the senior priests are usually senior priests, as are the intermediate ones, while the junior ones are the most numerous, but also the least.

If the vampire was able to get through all the layers of guards and get Grand Prince Wales out of the palace, he must not be an ordinary person, and if they allied themselves with a junior priest, they would only be held back.

The situation was that the junior priests wanted to lean on the senior priests, but the senior priests did not intend to take them.

Cusi looked around, snorted disdainfully, and went to Yaphisor: "Yaphisor, if the senior priests don't take us, we won't follow, so let's form a group to find Prince Wales."

"But there are only two of us," Yaphisor said, without thinking.

Cusi looked around at the heated chatter and poked his mouth into Yaphisor's ear and said, mysteriously, "Don't worry, we have another teammate. Follow me."

Without another word, he took Yaphisor by the arm and ran out of the sanctuary.

Yaphisor, who was following Cusi, was slightly startled to see the direction they were going, but at the same time felt that it made sense.

The direction they were running in led to the Alchemists' League, and he even felt that Cusi was destined to become entangled with the Alchemists.

The two of them ran for a while, and as they neared the Alchemist's League, Cusi pulled Yaphisor into a sudden dash and turned into a narrow, dark path.

The path was narrow and dark, with little light, and from here, one could see the dark road outside, which now looked a little blurry.

After running into the dark alleyway, Cusi let go of Yaphisor and propped himself up on his knees to catch his breath before taking an organ from his pouch and playing a melody.

Yaphisor did not feel the slightest fatigue and glanced at Cusi, his face hidden in the darkness, indifferent.

When the song was over, Cusi put the organ back in his pouch, and Yaphisor saw a dark shadow suddenly emerge from the ground in front of Cusi.

As the black ink-like substance emerged from the ground and upwards, slowly gathering to form the outline of a man, and as the silhouette blended once more, it eventually became a tall man dressed in pitch black attire.

The man was dressed in tight, dark leather armour with a shirt loosely tied around his waist. And on the man's arms, legs, and chest were wrapped metal gauntlets; this was an advanced alchemist.

When Cusi saw the man, his eyes lit up, and he said happily, "Orvis, it's been a long time."

The man named Orvis glanced at Cusi and smiled, "It's been a long time, Cusi."

Cusi patted Orvis on the chest and said excitedly, "I didn't expect you to rise to Senior Alchemist so quickly."

"You're not bad either. The last time I saw you, you were still a junior priest, but you're an intermediate one."

The two of them were talking and laughing, seemingly forgetting about Yaphisor, who was hiding in the darkness.

Yaphisor couldn't help but sneer in his heart, and his feet deliberately shuffled together with a movement.

Cusi's attention snapped back, and he asked, "Orvis, have you heard about the vampires taking Prince Wales hostage?"

Orvis nodded, "The story spread through the League early this morning, and the League Master, who rarely appeared, personally convened a meeting of alchemists, calling for everyone to retrieve Prince Wales, and the reward for this task is quite generous."

Cusi nodded, "So did our sanctuary. The rewards were simply ridiculously high. By the way, do you have a teammate yet? "

Orvis shook his head, "I've always been a loner, I don't have any teammates at the moment."

"Since you don't have any teammates, how about teaming up with the two of us?" Cusi's eyes lit up even more at that.

It was only then that Orvis looked at Yaphisor as if he had just discovered his presence. He looked out of the corner of his eye at the junior priest who had hidden in the darkness, and after some thought, nodded, "Yes."

Cusi's eyes almost completed an arc of delight at this; "Then can we depart tomorrow?"

Orvis shook his head, "No, wait. Let the larger groups go first and help us scout ahead. That way, we can avoid any ambushes along the way."

"Right, right. You're so smart! " Cusi looked so jubilant that he could almost be described as dancing with his hands.

As Yaphisor looked at the interaction between the two, he had a feeling that the trip was going to be exciting!

Two days later, Yaphisor, Cusi, and Orvis set off after the rest. Yaphisor did not have anything to bring with him, and the three rode three horses in no hurry as they headed west.

Along the way, they saw several tracks of priests or alchemists. The footsteps looked quite disorganized as if they were being chased by something.

When he saw these disorganized footsteps, Orvis dismounted and checked them out. When he got back on his horse, he simply said, "It's the thirteenth generation," and went on his way again.

Perhaps the vampires had already swept through the area, as the three of them didn't encounter any danger on their way.

After a day of walking without stopping, it was almost nightfall when they reached the entrance to the forest.

Looking at the gradually darkening forest, Orvis stood at the edge and did not go in, saying, "It is too dangerous in the forest. We will camp at the edge of the forest tonight."

Cusi seemed to trust Orvis, and when he heard Orvis say this, he nodded and said, "Okay. Yaphisor, we will rest here for the night. "

Yaphisor didn't mind. He nodded timidly, "Okay."

The three of them didn't build a fire to prevent detection, so they ate a light supper, and Orvis said, "The three of us will take shifts in case of a night attack by the vampires. Cusi, you will be on from 10 to 1, I will be on from 1 to 4, and Yaphisor, from 4 to 7. Any objections? "

Cusi and Yaphisor shook their heads at the same time, and Orvis then said, "All right then, the horses are tired after a long day's walk. Cusi, you're on first duty. I'll rest, but remember to wake me up at one o'clock. Yaphisor, you get an early night too. "

Yaphisor nodded and fell into sleep.

It was night when Yaphisor suddenly awakened by a jolt. His body remained motionless, but his eyes abruptly opened.

The scene in front of him nearly made him scream; not far away, two figures stood interlocked front to back, one of them with his head close to the neck of the one in front of him.

It was Cusi and Orvis!

The surroundings were dark, but Yaphisor could make out the scene before him.

Cusi's eyes were tightly closed and his breathing was even as if he was still in dreamy sleep. And Orvis, who had seemed all right during the day, now showed his sharp fangs and his eyes were a ghastly blood red.

Orvis was a fourth-generation vampire! The strongest vampires after the third generation!

Suppressing a fierce heartbeat, Yaphisor slowly closed his eyes and rolled over naturally, turning his back to the two men.

Orvis was a fourth-generation Blood, but he had somehow managed to hide his scent and blend into the human world. No wonder no vampires attacked them along the way. Which vampires would come out to cause trouble with a fourth-generation vampire, and which vampire was above the fourth generation aside from the princes and the Blood King?

As Yaphisor thought of this, he felt a cool breeze blow in his ears. He loosened his brow and suppressed the urge to open his eyes.

It was not until the cool breeze had left his side that Yaphisor breathed a sigh of relief and slowly opened his eyes.

But in front of his eyes was a pair of magnified scarlet eyes!