Western fantasy world: Arc 6.3

Seeing Yaphisor open his eyes, Orvis chuckled and whispered, "Little worm, still pretending to sleep?"

The Bloods were handsome and arrogant, priding themselves on their nobility and comparing humans to worms.

Yaphisor was not surprised to find that he could not hide it from Orvis, and his eyes only flickered with initial surprise before gradually returning to indifference.

Slowly sitting upright on the ground, Yaphisor glanced at Cusi in the distance.

Cusi's chest was rising and falling evenly, and there was even a faint snore coming from his place, showing how soundly he had slept.

Just moments before, when Orvis was sucking Cusi's blood, Yaphisor had not been the least bit worried.

Deep in his heart, he knew that Orvis would not harm Cusi and that he would send Cusi to the papacy.

These were things he was not supposed to know, but he took it for granted that this was how the world was supposed to go.


———The new Pope Cusi, clad in golden robes, stood at the top of the ladder looking down on all life, his light brown pupils smiling knowingly as he locked eyes with Orvis, dressed as the King Alchemist beside him.


"I am a close friend of Cusi's, and he will not forgive you if you hurt me." Yaphisor looked at Orvis with unblinking eyes, but out of the corner of his eye, he looked at the dark forest behind him.

Orvis chortled, "What business is it of mine if you disappear for no reason?"

"I'll scream, and you don't want to alert Cusi. Let's make a deal: you let me go. It's none of your business whether I'm dead or alive, and I've never seen you like this before. I know nothing. "

Orvis' scarlet eyes showed a look of disdain as he glanced contemptuously at Yaphisor and nodded, "Fine, I promise you. But you can only go in that direction." Looking over in the direction Orvis' raised finger pointed, it was to the dark forest.

Yaphisor thought for a moment and nodded, "Okay, a gentleman's word is a promise. I will leave now. "

With that, Yaphisor stood up and headed for the dark forest.

Orvis stood beyond the forest and looked at his fading figure. A wicked smile appeared at the corners of his lips before he leaned down and drew a magic formation on the ground.

As his palm left the ground, a horrific, green-faced, fanged demon with a pair of horns on its head slowly rose from the formation.

The demon took one look at the summoner, half-kneeled on the ground, and placed his right hand on his left chest, saying respectfully, "Master, what is your command?"

Orvis pointed to where Yaphisor had slept, saying, "Take a whiff and go and eat him; he is your tonic tonight."

The demon's eyes lit up, and he jumped over to where Yaphisor had slept and sniffed. Then he couldn't wait to turn around and run into the dark forest.


———Yaphisor ran wildly through the forest in panic. The demon behind him was in hot pursuit, and he opened his fangs and snapped at his neck. Yaphisor didn't even have a chance to wail before his vocal cords were snapped and he lost consciousness.

The demon ate not only Yaphisor's flesh but also his soul. After tasting this magnificent feast, its scarlet tongue licked the corner of its mouth, and it left satisfied


The next day, Cusi awoke from a sound sleep, rubbed his neck, which was itching from last night's mosquito bites, and asked Orvis, in confusion, "Where is Yaphisor?"

Orvis shook his head, "I don't know. I went to sleep after the change of shift."

Cusi frowned slightly, but relaxed again after a moment, "There's no sign of a fight here, and Yaphisor has always been timid. He probably saw all the bones along the way and was afraid, so he deserted. Don't worry about him; let's move on. "


Yaphisor looked coldly at the huge demon that was catching up with him, indifference in his eyes.

The demon let out a snort of sharp laughter, opened its bloody mouth, and lunged at him.

Yaphisor stretched out his arms and clasped his palms together, releasing a white holy light from them.

The demon touched the light, and the contact was as painful as a burning flame. Before it had time to wail, Yaphisor sprang up like a black panther, a lightsaber in his hand.

The lightsaber slashed at the demon's neck, severing its vocal cords and throat before it had time to scream.

With a loud bang, the huge demon turned into countless pieces of black dust and dissipated into the air.

Putting his lightsaber away, Yaphisor frowned and looked around.

In his memory, he was supposed to be cowardly and weak, so he presented himself to outsiders as he remembered.

But in reality, he was not only timid and weak, he was so strong that he was even afraid of himself. He had mastered almost all of the great light arts, both at the intermediate and advanced levels.

However, he had searched his memory to find out how he had mastered these light arts, but there was no trace of it.

Having easily killed the intermediate demon, Yaphisor looked around.

Dark clouds covered the only moon in the sky, and the only sounds in the dark forest were the swish of leaves and a few owls hooting from afar.

Looking around at the identical landscape, Yaphisor shrugged and picked a random path.

After walking for about half an hour, he suddenly stopped.

His steps were suddenly blocked by an invisible barrier, and as soon as he took a step across what was a different landscape, he noticed a faint change in the scenery. Taking a step back, the view changed again to what it had been a moment before.

He reached out and touched the barrier that cut through space, and a white light gradually spread from his hand.

Since he had reached the level of a pope, he could recite the incantation for all light spells below the Great Light spell.

He flattened his glowing hand and slapped it forward, only to see a faint white ripple spread out to both sides, with his palm as the centre.

It was like the spreading of ripples on water, the very manifestation of an enchanted boundary.

After testing the boundary, Yaphisor had an idea in his mind.

He added to the light spell on his hands, and this time, an intense white light glowed from both hands.

Both palms turned into claws, and both hands clenched slightly as if they were grasping something and yanked to the sides.

As he did so, the transparent barrier once again appeared as a white ripple, and the landscape changed dramatically in the middle of where he had torn it.

The barrier was torn open, and Yaphisor nimbly burrowed within it. And as he did, the boundary closed again.

It was still dark outside, but the space after the boundary was very bright.

Instead of a forest, there was a huge cave, surrounded by crystals and diamonds that emitted a white light, making the cave bright but not blinding.

After walking for a long time into the cave, he stopped in his tracks when he reached the hollow of the cave.

Before his eyes was a pure white, crystal coffin!

The coffin was leaning vertically against the corner of the wall, the crystal reflecting the light of the surrounding luminous crystals, making it look as holy and exquisite as a dream.

For a moment, Yaphisor was dumbfounded, but he shook his head and resumed his steps to go in front of the coffin.

When he saw the person in the coffin clearly, his body shook and froze.

What a holy, perfect man this was!

His fair cheeks were as soft and delicate as condensed milk. His long light golden hair glowed like the sun in the light of the crystal, yet while the sun's rays were too harsh and hot, the light from this man's hair was soft and gentle.

His face was as delicate as an angel's, no, his face was more delicate and perfect than an angel's. His golden eyelashes were as dense as brushes, his features were sharp and angular, and his lips were sensually thin, with a beautifully curved and perfect chin.

Yaphisor's eyes flickered slightly as they met his ears, long and pointed but beautiful. But weren't these ears characteristic of vampires?

The man in this coffin was a vampire! A vampire who has been asleep for who knows how long.

The moment he realized this was a vampire, his heart began to beat wildly, and a strong voice in his heart kept crying out, "wake him up, wake him up, wake him up for sure!"

Yaphisor shook his head, shaking away the thoughts in his head. But still, he stretched out his hands and slowly opened the lid of the crystal coffin to one side.

With the lid open, Yaphisor, who had only been able to observe his face through a layer, was able to see this beautiful man's face at a closer distance.

His hand uncontrollably touched the man's fair cheek, and it felt even better than he had imagined.

He stroked the other man's face in fascination for a while, tracing the curves of his face with his hand involuntarily sliding down to the man's sensual lips, gently tracing the perfect shape over and over again.

Such a beautiful man to be a vampire.

Yaphisor sighed in his mind as his hand gently flipped the lips open, trying to find further evidence of being a vampire. Once he saw the sharp fangs on either side of his teeth, he was completely convinced that this man was indeed a vampire.

Yaphisor suddenly hissed and withdrew his hand with an electric shock.

His finger had been cut when he was looking at his teeth, but he did not believe that his finger had crossed the other man's sharp teeth.

He hurriedly took the bloody finger into his mouth and was a little afraid.

If a vampire fell into eternal sleep, he would never wake up again, just like a human death.

This one, with his cold but soft skin, must not have fallen into eternal sleep, but merely slumbered. Rumour has it that a long-sleeping vampire is easily awakened by appetite, and there are even rumours that a newly awakened one has a voracious appetite!