Western fantasy world: Arc 6.17

"Cusi, what did you find out?" The Blood King asked in a low voice as he gazed into Cusi's eyes.

Cusi's eyes drifted for a moment before saying, "Yaphisor is not a Blood and he is accompanied by a Blood called Curtisno."

Curtisno? The sixth-generation?

"And? What else did you learn? "

"I… I saw Yaphisor in his home reading the great light spell the Pope had bestowed on him."

"Wasn't Yaphisor a mere novice? What's the use of reading the Great Light spell? Baby, that spell should belong to you. "

"What?" Cusi glanced at the Blood King in confusion and said, "Belong to me?"

"Don't you want to avenge the humiliation of yesterday? I can help you, baby. Didn't you mention in front of the priests that you suspected Yaphisor of being a Blood? If I help you make him a true Blood, then your suspicions will become true. " The Blood King's eyes flashed red, and he stared at Cusi with unblinking eyes.

Cusi's mind went into another trance, but then he shook his head desperately, "No, I can't do that. Yaphisor is my best friend, I can't do this to him."

The red light in the Blood King's eyes increased, "Look at me, boy. You will do this. Bring Yaphisor out. I will give him an embrace, then you will capture him and give him to the Pope. You'll be a hero to the church; you'll make a name for yourself among the priests. Not only that, but you can go to Yaphisor's house and take his great light spell; what use is a great light spell to a junior priest; only a genius like you can use it. "

Cusi's mind buzzed as the Blood King's words echoed.

Finally, Cusi nodded, "Yes, I'll do it."

The Blood King laughed and went to kiss Cusi on the cheek.

But Cusi stood up sharply, his face pale, and said, "Orvis, I'm going to Yaphisor's. We'll meet in the woods outside the city tonight. "

With these words, he took two steps at a time and hurried to leave Orvis' house.

When the Blood King saw Cusi's unusual behaviour, suspicion grew in his heart.

"Wait a minute, Cusi." The Blood King suddenly stopped Cusi. He was about to enter Cusi's mind to see what he was thinking when a roar suddenly sounded from deep within him: "Blood King, give me back my body!"

The Blood King convulsed, his eyes rolling up and down in their sockets.

Orvis' body floundered and his eyes rolled up and down. His expression was fierce and distorted, and he no longer looked handsome.

With a scream, Cusi ran out of the door and disappeared.

Pushing Orvis' mind back down, the Blood King regained control of his body.

As he looked at the empty hall and the open door, murderous intent rose in the Blood King's eyes.

Something is wrong.

With a grim smile, the Blood King used alchemy and suddenly disappeared into thin air.

Cusi ran down the empty road, and in his haste, he stumbled and fell onto the muddy road.

Struggling to hold his upper body up, an arm suddenly reached out to support his arm.

Cusi stiffened, with a look of horror on his face.

The Blood King lifted him and said gently, "What are you running for, child?"

"Orvis never calls me a child," Cusi said as he took two steps back and looked warily at the Blood King, a white glow coalescing in his hands.

The Blood King smiled faintly, "My dear, titles can change. Come here."

Watching the Blood King approach him step by step, Cusi cried out and threw the circle of light at him.

But the Blood King dodged it with a flick of his wrist. He dashed to Cusi's side and grabbed him by the neck with a strong, powerful palm, slamming him to the ground.

"My dear child, why are you disobeying me? You're not cute if you don't behave, you know. " The Blood King smiled fiercely and slowly put his head close to Cusi's, "Relax, let me see what you know."

Projecting his mental energy into Cusi, the Blood King searched through his mind.

Cusi's memory was very simple, and it took him only a few moments to search for yesterday's events.


"Cusi, listen to me, Orvis is the Blood King, the dead Blood King! He has invaded Orvis's body!

"Although Curtisno is just a sixth-generation, he can also do mental attacks. So, trust me, let Curtisno help you get rid of all the hints the Blood King has forced on you, or your soul will become depraved even further. "


Pulling his mental energy out of Cusi's mind, the Blood King fell into contemplation.

Curtisno could do mental attacks too? How did he know about mental attacks? Could he have read that book too? No, that couldn't be. The book had been kept under seal, so no one could read it.

Hadn't Curtisno always lived in the human world? Does such a book exist in the human world?

If it did exist, was that book the same as his own, or was it different?

What level of mental power has Curtisno reached? Has he reached his level?

He has been practising mental attacks, but why was his body not damaged?

Curtisno's body smelt fresh and strong, not at all like the weakness he had experienced after practising mental attacks.

The Blood King glanced at Cusi and leaned over to whisper in his ear, "Cusi, my child. You love me the most. You love me from the bottom of your heart. You love me without fear. You love me enough to leave everything behind. You want to kiss me, you want to caress me, you want to make love to me, you want to be held in my arms and fucked all the time. Do you understand, my dear child? "

Cusi's eyes went from frightened to dazed. His eyes drifted for a moment before Cusi suddenly opened them and gazed at Orvis with fascination in his eyes, "Dear Orvis, my dearest love, I love you."

The Blood King laughed and lifted Cusi to his feet.

A Sixth Generation Blood is a Sixth Generation Blood. How could it compare to him, the most powerful Third Generation Blood in history?

He was no match for him, even though he had learned to use mental attacks.

But why did Curtisno not show any signs of physical weakness after practising mental attacks? This is something that needs to be studied.

Is he gifted, or is there a reason?

It had been over a week since he had taken over Orvis' body, and he had already noticed that he was starting to lose strength.

This useless body was still a waste after all.

The Blood King looked at Cusi, "Child, bring Yaphisor, will you?"

Cusi stared at the Blood King with a gaze that could tolerate no other. "Yes, dear Orvis."

Yaphisor followed Cusi slowly into the deep woods. As they walked, Yaphisor asked, "Cusi, where exactly are you taking me?"

Cusi smiled gently, "We'll be there soon, it's just ahead."

Yaphisor tightened the cloak on his back and had to follow Cusi's lead.

Finally, Cusi stopped in front of a large tree and said, "This is it, Yaphisor."

"Okay, so what did you want to show me?" Yaphisor looked at Cusi with a puzzled expression.

"To show you someone."

"A person? Who?"


Above the tree, a dark figure suddenly descended and stood beside Cusi, saying, "Long time no see, priest Yaphisor."

Yaphisor's expression changed and he looked warily at Orvis, "It's you!"

"Cusi, why did you bring me to him? Aren't you already awake?"

The Blood King laughed out loud, "Can't one be induced again if they were awake? Silly child, how cute you are."

"I have come not to kill you today, little one, but to give you a blessing."

Yaphisor took two steps back and said, "What blessing?"

"I will give you eternal life and great power!" With these words, the Blood King's body turned into a black mist and rushed towards Yaphisor.

Yaphisor took two steps back, and two white rays of light appeared in his hands. As soon as the white light touched the Blood King, he dispersed it without causing him any damage.

A frightened expression appeared on Yaphisor's face as he started to run back and the Blood King took chase.

As soon as the Blood King was about to catch up with Yaphisor, another black shadow rushed in front of them and knocked the Blood King to the ground.

Startled, the Blood King grabbed the demon by the neck with his sharp nails and pushed it out of the way.

"Damned vampire, how dare you harm the lives of my people on human territory." A voice came and by the time he had finished his last word, he was beside Yaphisor.

There was a slight look of surprise in Yaphisor's eyes. "Prince Wales? What are you doing here? "

Prince Wales gave a reassuring look and said, "It's all right, I'm here."

For a moment, there was no sign of the previous fear on Yaphisor's face. His expression was cold for a second, and then he sighed helplessly.

Wales didn't notice and pointed at the black shadow and said, "Demon, eat him!"

At his command, the demon rose again and chased after the Blood King.

Seeing that his plans had been ruined, the Blood King grunted coldly and did not stay long, leading the demon to flee deeper into the forest.

Wales saw this and was about to chase after him, but was grabbed by Yaphisor, "Don't chase after him. If you can, summon the demon back. I'm afraid your demon will be in an unfortunate situation."

"What? I'm a demon contractor with the powers of an advanced alchemist. " Wales retorted.

"Why not? That Blood is several levels higher than your demon! That's a fourth-generation Blood! And it's the same Orvis that Joey is after! "

Wales was startled and summoned the demon back.

But it was already too late, and after five minutes of calling for the demon, the demon didn't respond to his call, so he looked at Yaphisor with resignation, "It seems to be too late."

Yaphisor gave another long sigh, "You're not helping here. Who told you to come? Go, go… quickly go back to your Joey. "