Western fantasy world: Arc 6.18

"I had come to consult you and was on my way when I saw you two heading towards the dense forest. Afraid that you were in danger, I followed you here."

Yaphisor looked in Cusi's direction, who, with a slight nod towards Yaphisor, went into the dense forest after Orvis and they lost sight of him.

After seeing Cusi leave, Yaphisor then looked at Wales and said, "You've been "kidnapped" by the Bloods once, and your father still dares to let you out of the palace at night?"

"When you fall, you have to get up. How can I lead my people to prosperity if I am turned into a caged sparrow warbler because I was hurt once."

"Said as if it were true," Yaphisor smirked, "where is Joey?"

"Oh, speaking of Joey, that's exactly why I came to see you." Wales frowned, "The palace is only a few blocks away from the Church, and there are many enchantments in the palace to detect Bloods. I'm always a little uneasy about Joey being in the palace. "


"So I want to settle Joey outside and I want you to look after him."

Yaphisor thought for a moment, "Okay, that's fine."

With those words, he turned on his heel intending to leave.

"Hey, Yaphisor, wait." Wales called out behind him, "What was your plan to subdue Orvis?"

"Um ..." Yaphisor looked up at the sky in a thoughtful manner and said, "Probably with the Great Light spell I just learned."

With a wave of his hand, Yaphisor paid no more attention to Wales and turned to leave.

Yaphisor pushed open the door to his house, his originally calm and indifferent expression suddenly changing as he smiled, "Baby, I'm home."

In the depths of the brightly lit room, a figure in a nightgown was looking down at a scroll with his back to the door. The man turned at the voice, an eyebrow raised as he asked, "Finished?"

This man looked exactly like the Yaphisor at the door!

The Yaphisor standing at the doorway smiled softly, "It didn't work, Wales suddenly scuttled out when I was halfway through."

He then walked over to the mirror, which still showed Yaphisor's face.

After a few reluctant glances at Yaphisor's features in the mirror, Yaphisor said in a deep voice to the mirror, "Your appearance is that of Curtisno. You are a Blood. You are not human and you do not know the Great Light spell."

Something wonderful happened as he said these words.

What had been Yaphisor's appearance slowly changed; his junior priestly robes slowly morphed into a black tuxedo, and his face changed at a speed visible to the naked eye, from that of a soft teenager to that of a handsome, flawless young man. His light brown hair continued to stretch to his waist before stopping, and its colour changed from light brown to blonde.

The green, forest-like eyes turned the azure colour of a lake, and his body stretched.

Finally, his transformation stopped, and the blonde-haired, blue-eyed man turned to look unblinkingly at Yaphisor, slowly walking up to him and half-crouching in front of him.

Curtisno took Yaphisor's hand and kissed the back of it in a gentlemanly manner, "How would you like to punish me for not completing my task, baby? Will you whip me hard, or do you intend for me to be stripped naked and tied to the bed? "

Yaphisor pulled his hand out of Curtisno's with a hard shake and said, "I have just interpreted the scroll of the great light spell the Pope gave me. Why don't we try this on you?"

Curtisno's body stiffened slightly at his words, and with a dry laugh, he stood up and pulled Yaphisor up out of his chair into his arms, " I'd rather not. Anyway, I'm telling you, baby, I was just one step away. "

"Never mind, it's okay." Yaphisor was locked firmly in Curtisno's arms and couldn't move, but he didn't get angry, just saying in a light tone, "There'll be another chance next time."

The original plan was for Curtisno to become Yaphisor and lure Orvis into his mind to explore Curtisno's identity.

If Wales hadn't shown up, Curtisno planned to use a few words to arouse the Blood King's suspicions and thus lure him into doing a mental probe. What he hadn't expected was for Wales to appear before he had the chance to say anything.

Yaphisor used a light spell in Curtisno's arms, and Curtisno let go when he felt his arm go numb.

Jumping out of Curtisno's arms, Yaphisor wondered, "Why did Prince Wales appear on this dark and windy night?"

Curtisno thought about it and felt it necessary to inform Yaphisor. "He plans to let Prince Joey leave the palace, and we will look after him. It's no big deal; you don't need to be concerned. "

Yaphisor interlocked his fingers and pulled his arm upwards, asking, "Where will he live then?"

Curtisno froze at the question for a moment, "Er, I didn't ask that…"


Yaphisor rolled up the scroll and said, "Two or three people have gone missing from the eastern district of the Imperial City recently.... Forget it. Let's ignore Prince Wales and other things for now. I'm going to rest. The Pope asked to meet him tomorrow after the rooster crows. "

After putting the scrolls on the shelf carefully, Yaphisor thought about it and went to Curtisno with a sad face, standing on tiptoe to give him a peck on the lips, "It's been hard on you. Get some rest."

It was the first unsolicited kiss from Yaphisor since they had known each other, and even though it wasn't even a deep kiss, Curtisno's cheeks suddenly flushed. He let out a low growl and hugged Yaphisor hard.

A little helpless at being attacked by Curtisno for the second time tonight, Yaphisor used a primary light spell to flick Curtisno away, but to his surprise, Curtisno did not jump away as he usually did.

He held Yaphisor unmoving and pinned him to the bookshelf with a little force. With his hands cupping Yaphisor's cheeks, Curtisno lowered his head and kissed Yaphisor's lips in a frenzy.

Like a living snake, his tongue easily picked apart Yaphisor's teeth and smoothly slid into his mouth.

The sweet and tingling sensation spread throughout his mouth and his body, and all Yaphisor felt was the tongue in his mouth nimbly stirring his. It stuck to his tongue, making him dance and swim with it.

The liquid in his mouth increased as they stirred frantically, slowly spilling out of the corners of his lips, but Curtisno still had no intention of stopping. Not only did he have no intention of stopping, but he had the intention of attacking further.

His leg gently pushed between Yaphisor's legs, teasing Yaphisor's sensitive area with seductive movements.

Yaphisor groaned, his arms involuntarily wrapping around Curtisno's back.

Curtisno's blue eyes slowly turned a deep red at Yaphisor's reflexive reaction, and he stroked his hand down Yaphisor's face and slowly slipped into his night robe.

The robe was wide, soft, and very comfortable, and Curtisno was able to feel his way to Yaphisor's sensitive chest at once.

A low groan escaped Yaphisor's lips, and Curtisno's movements became more provocative when he heard it.

Strangely, Curtisno, who had never slept with Yaphisor, seemed to know all his sensitive spots by nature.

His waist, his chest, and lower abdomen were all sensitive points for him.

No, with even just a simple touch, he could light a fire in Yaphisor.

A fire so fierce that it could start a prairie fire!

Yaphisor had lost his senses and his hazy eyes opened to look at Curtisno, whose forest-green eyes were already glowing with the luminous light of watery waves.

Curtisno's hand continued to tease the inside of his nightgown, and every time his hand touched a spot, Yaphisor felt it burn as if it were on fire.

The flames burned, burning his heart to a pounding, his body to limpness, his mind to insanity.

Curtisno looked at Yaphisor as if he were seeing a gourmet feast.

Through the nightrobe, only Curtisno's arms could be seen from the outside as they disappeared into Yaphisor's clothes, but his movements were distinguishable.

Yaphisor's chest rose and fell violently as he took a few breaths and regained some slight sense of reason.

What is happening to him? It was only a couple of kisses from Curtisno. Why did he follow like a demon?

"Did you drop some kind of hint on me?" Yaphisor questioned Curtisno as he panted heavily.

Normally, his questioning would have had some authority, but in the current scenario, with his cheeks slightly flushed and clear liquid still at the corners of his mouth, the words sounded flirtatious.

Curtisno laughed and said in a husky voice, "Baby, you are looking so seductive, it's you who's compelling me."

Then his hand once again roamed, and flicked all around Yaphisor's sensitive chest, teasing the two hardened cherries, burning every last bit of Yaphisor's sanity.

Yaphisor let him do what he wanted and even stood on his tiptoes to ask Curtisno for a kiss.

Seeing the luscious lips that Yaphisor offered, Curtisno wasted no time in leaning over, and for the second time, their lips and tongues intertwined, not separating from each other.

During the kiss, Curtisno's hands did not remain idle. His hands finally slid down to Yaphisor's underwear, gouging the sensitive area through them for a moment before Curtisno reached along the hem and into Yaphisor's pants.

Yaphisor groaned as the sensitive area was grasped slightly harder. It felt very stimulating and soothing.

It was a sensation he had never experienced before, the ultimate feeling of being on the edge of madness, as if he had been bitten by a snake and pulled into a dark abyss, completely losing control of himself and his senses. Only, it was not the abyss of darkness, it was a pleasure that sent one into a frenzy.

The two men's movements became more and more violent, with Curtisno even tugging down Yaphisor's underwear and touching his ass.

As the two men moved violently, the already unstable bookshelf finally lost its balance.

Quick as a flash, Curtisno spun around, turning Yaphisor to the outside as he spun inside when the tilted bookshelf came down.

The bookshelf tipped at a 70-degree angle and was caught by Curtisno's broad back. It did not fall to the ground, but the books on it were scattered all over.

Curtisno re-established the bookshelf on the wall and added a fixing spell so that it could not fall to the ground, even in a twelve-strength tornado, before serving Yaphisor again.

He pinned Yaphisor's luscious body down on the book-spattered floor.

With the nightgown torn to shreds and the underwear hanging down to his calves, Yaphisor looked like a textbook against the books – Curtisno's textbook on sexual enlightenment.

Curtisno held Yaphisor's legs as if opening a book, and the moment he entered, he almost gushed.

He felt that Yaphisor's canal was like a mountain range of heavy layers; layer after layer of never-ending layers, giving him the supreme experience.

Under such an experience, Curtisno completely liberated himself. With blood-red eyes, he attacked with desperation, madly enthralled with Yaphisor's body and the supreme experience it gave him.


Hours later, Yaphisor was limp, but Curtisno showed no sign of softening. Yaphisor's mind was dizzy with the constant pleasure, and he was almost fainting.

Just then, a voice in his head suddenly rang out without warning.

[Ding! Lord Host's physical body is detected to be in high danger, the system will be automatically activated!]

[Ding! The host's mental power attribute is detected to be S-rank, and the physical body attribute is A-rank. The host has been under continuous sexual attack from an S-rank body for more than five hours, and his body is in a dangerous state. The system will force the host's body to upgrade to S-rank to adapt to high-intensity sex. Ding, 1000 bit points will be deducted to strengthen the body attributes. Body strengthening will now begin.]

There was severe pain in his body, but the pain in his limbs was far less intense than the extreme pleasure that Curtisno was bringing to him.

The pleasure overwhelmed the pain, and Yaphisor was able to complete the strengthening process without suffering much pain.

A myriad of images flashed in his mind, of other worlds, darkness and chaos, but none of these memories could be taken in by Yaphisor at the moment. He was only absorbed in his perfect union with Curtisno.

The night had not yet ended.


Bai Lixin was awakened by the scent of rice porridge.

Struggling to get up, he caught a glimpse of his lover, who was busy in the kitchen.

With the reboot of the dimensional system, all the memories came back to his mind.

Reflecting on what had happened during this period of amnesia, Bai Lixin couldn't help but feel like laughing.

He gently tugged at the corners of his mouth, and a soreness followed from a point in his body. The corners of his mouth came to a halt in their normal grin, leaving a drop of cold sweat on the corner of his brow.

Bai Lixin called out in his mind, [S419M.]

[Lord Host! You have finally regained your memory. I am here!]

Bai Lixin ignored S419M's shouting and continued, [Deduct 300 points to help repair my body.]

[My Lord, you will need to use 500 points. 300 is not enough. Don't underestimate the stamina and explosive power of an old virgin. Under your new weapon, Heavy Range, Curtisno completely lost his mind and used all his strength. But it was also thanks to the famous weapon and Curtisno's going all out that the system was able to get out of hibernation and you recovered your memory.]

The corners of Bai Lixin's mouth twitched as he gave his lover a glance out of the corner of his eye and said helplessly, [500 then, deduct 500 points.]

[As you direct, Lord Host! Deducting 500 points to begin body restoration!]

When he crossed over to this A-rank vampire world, Bai Lixin transmigrated into Yaphisor's body.

He was angry because he was set up by S419M when exchanging items and cut off the connection to the system without saying a word after receiving the world memories and locking in his lover's identity.

His lover was a second-generation Blood in this realm, Curtisno.

And his only purpose in this world was to provide sustenance for Orvis.

When Bai Lixin learned of this plot, he was simply furious and began to accept the light spells of this world as soon as he transmigrated into Yaphisor, starting slowly with the beginner spells and trying them out until he reached the Great Light spell.

He desperately practised these light spells in preparation for his attack on Orvis later.

However, one of the great light spells included one that could seal one's memory.

Even a wise man is bound to make a mistake, and when Bai Lixin was practising this spell, there was a mistake in one place because of his haste, causing the Light Spell to backfire, and directly rebounding onto him.

Like that, he lost all of his memories, retaining only Yaphisor's.

The beloved son of this world is the priest, Cusi, who was originally a very gifted priest with a mind as pure as a blank piece of paper.

He inadvertently met Orvis, who had mixed in with the alchemists, was a central member of the Hawks faction, and was greatly favoured by the Blood King as his next successor.

If Cusi was completely on the side of light, then Orvis was the complete opposite.

Cunning, ambitious, and vicious, Orvis mercilessly killed Cusi's best friend, Yaphisor, and then pretended to know nothing about it as he and Cusi searched for Yaphisor's whereabouts.

Finally, one day, Cusi discovered Orvis' true nature.

Even after being saved by Orvis, Cusi's loathing of the Bloods did not allow him to show Orvis a single ounce of goodwill.

The Blood King was wounded and had decreed a kill on sight order for Orvis. Cusi confronted Orvis while they were on the run, and they settled their differences. Their relationship grew stronger, eventually changing from quantitative to qualitative.

Later, Orvis became the most powerful man in the Bloods thanks to his absorption of Curtisno's power. He took Cusi back to the vampire realm to kill the three third-generation Bloods and become the new Blood King.

At the same time, he found the human prince, Wales, who was being harboured by the vampire prince, Joey.

After killing Prince Joey, Orvis gave Wales to Cusi.

Cusi thus won the favour of the Pope and the Cardinal and became the next Chief Cardinal.

Not long afterwards, the chief cardinal suddenly died, and the moment the pope learned of the chief cardinal's death, he lost his vitality and became bedridden.

All the affairs of the church were handed over to the newly installed Cusi, whose position became more stable after this.

While Cusi's position as chief cardinal was now untouched, the Pope passed away overnight.

Rightfully so, and by vote, Cusi became the new pope.

On the day of his coronation, Cusi invited his lover, Orvis, to attend, hoping that he would witness his historic moment together. At that moment, the two men looked at each other and smiled.

In reality, the chief cardinal did not just die but was rather killed by Orvis to pave the way for Cusi and control the Church through Cusi. He also gave Prince Wales to Cusi with the idea of using him to gain rank and control the Church.

Although he loved Cusi, his love was not pure enough and was mixed with many other impurities.

When Cusi's position became stable, he killed the dying Pope.

From then on, his beloved Cusi became the supreme executive of the Church, which meant that he controlled half of the Church. Cusi had long been deceived by him and trusted him completely, so whatever he said or lied about, Cusi believed in him.

Later, Orvis even led Cusi to believe that the Pope had once made a pact with a demon and had been impure in heart and that the whole Church was not as bright as it appeared to be.

The Church was darker than the devil.

And at the moment, Cusi, whose heart had long been tainted, still thought he was a devout follower of the true God.

Under Orvis' guidance, he revealed to the world "all the sins" of the former Pope and the Church. The church then lost its original status and dignity overnight and became a laughing stock and a disgrace to everyone.

As the Church declined, the Alchemists' League, which had been fighting against the Church, rose rapidly. Orvis became the new Alchemist's League leader, having defeated the other leaders.

He was the Blood King, as well as the Alchemist King.

Up until this point, the world had completely fallen into his hands.

It was only then that Cusi vaguely realized that something was wrong, but it was already too late.

Orvis held Cusi captive, constantly anaesthetizing him with lust and alcohol, and made him his pet for good.