Western fantasy world: Arc 6.19

[Ding! Body restoration is complete. Lord Host, you and Lord God deserve to be a match made in heaven! Even without your memories, you still found a fragment of the Lord God's soul and did such shameful things with him.]

[...]It's better not to talk to this increasingly humanistic artificial brain.

After taking a deep breath and getting used to this familiar yet unfamiliar body for a while, Bai Lixin got up from the bed.

Seeing the messy clothes all over the floor, Bai Lixin chanted a purification spell to himself and took out a set of intact junior priest robes from his magic pouch, putting them on before pacing behind Curtisno and smiling, "It smells good."

Curtisno turned back to gaze at Bai Lixin with azure eyes, "I was afraid it would be inconvenient for you, so I made some soft food."

Bai Lixin:"… "

Huh, and who caused my inconvenience?

"As much as I'd like to try your handiwork, I'm a little late. The rooster is crowing, and I have to go to church. " Bai Lixin heard the sound of the rooster crowing, tightened the robe he was wearing and made to head out the door.

"Baby, wait," Curtisno spoke out to stop Bai Lixin.

"Hmm?" Bai Lixin quirked an eyebrow.

"When your Pope said, come when the rooster crows, did he mean the next day?" Curtisno gave a mysterious laugh, his hand not forgetting to stir the rice porridge simmering in the pot.

Bai Lixin nodded uncertainly, "Yes."

Curtisno chuckled again and pointed to the calendar hanging on the wall, "It's already 24 hours after the appointment day."

Bai Lixin: "..."

Fuck, no one should stop me from cleaning up this beast!

Retracing his feet, Bai Lixin went to the table and simply propped up his chin to look at Curtisno, the home cook, "I didn't expect you to have this kind of cooking craftsmanship, did you practice by yourself before?"

Curtisno stirred the rice carefully and said, without looking back, "I am naturally gifted. I wondered why God had allowed me to master this talent. It turns out it was to serve my dear darling."


Why do you say such sweet things at the drop of a hat?

Even though they were already an old married couple, his heart still pounded when he said love words now and then.

When the rice porridge was finally cooked, Curtisno served two bowls and brought them to the table.

There was nothing else on the table but the two bowls of rice.

Without removing his apron, he sat down across from Bai Lixin and said, "Nothing else is digestible or easy to excrete, so, my dear, if you'll excuse me, let's drink this first."

The delicious smell of rice had reached Bai Lixin's nose as it was cooking, and when the rice was brought to him, the aromatic and rich smell stimulated his stomach and intestines.

He picked up the silver spoon and took an eagerly awaited taste.

Wow, it was delicious!

As he ate, he gave a thumbs-up to Curtisno. He hadn't eaten in two days and was indeed hungry.

Looking at Bai Lixin's tiger-like eating, Curtisno smiled and said, "I know an old Eastern saying: "to capture a man's heart, you must first capture his stomach."

Bai Lixin swallowed a mouthful of porridge, not forgetting to say back, "The subject of that saying is usually a woman."

Curtisno tugged at his apron and said indifferently, "If you like women, then I'll be a woman. What's so hard about that?"

Thinking of how easily Curtisno turned into Yaphisor, Bai Lixin hurriedly shook his head, "No, no, that's not necessary. The saying applies to both men and women."

After eating this "feast", Bai Lixin burped with dignity, "Delicious, but honey, you didn't have to make rice porridge. I repaired my body with a light repair spell. "

Curtisno helped Bai Lixin clean up the dishes as he said, "I know, but why wouldn't I take this opportunity to have you taste my porridge craftsmanship? What do you want to eat for lunch, baby? "

Bai Lixin shook his head, "I don't think I'll be here for lunch. Even though it's after the appointed time, I still have to go to the church to give the Pope a reason. "

He stood on his tiptoes and kissed Curtisno on the cheek before pushing the door open.

As he walked along the road, he thought back to his lover's identity in this life and suddenly felt a little helpless.

Where was the promised nobility, the promised luxury, the promised life of being on top of society?

The noblest second generation of the Bloods had turned into this glib, smooth-talking family cook, turning from a screen blockbuster into a family ethics drama.

Covering his face, Bai Lixin complained helplessly. He squeezed his cheeks, chased away the strange thoughts, and stepped through the majestic doors of the temple.

In the temple, the Pope was talking to Cardinal Calmeron, the chief archbishop, when he arrived.

The two men were sitting at the coffee table, talking and laughing in an atmosphere so cordial that Bai Lixin could not bear to interrupt them.

Calmeron's eyes were aimed right at the door, and his face fell as soon as he saw that he was a full day late.

The Pope, on the other hand, turned his head and smiled genially, "Alas, my dear Yaphisor, you are here at last. You are a full 24 hours late."

Bai Lixin coughed in embarrassment. He half-kneeled before the Pope and kissed the back of his outstretched hand, "Greetings, godfather."

He looked at Calmeron, intending to kiss the back of his hand.

With a grunt, Calmeron spotted his intentions and put his hand behind his back.

Bai Lixin didn't feel embarrassed either and put his hands together in a reverent gesture and said, "Greetings Father."

The Pope gave a soft laugh and patted the top of Bai Lixin's head with his age-filled palm, "There, good boy, get up quickly and sit across from me."

Bai Lixin stood up and sat across from the Pope, bending slightly at the waist, "I am sorry, Godfather, Father, I am late by... er, a whole day."

"My son, can you tell me the reason for your tardiness?" Calmeron did not speak, so the Pope asked.

With a serious face, Bai Lixin spoke a half-truth. "My Lord Godfather, I am not going to lie to you. I ran into a Blood the night before last, and Prince Wales can testify to that."

It was true that he had encountered a vampire, but that was not the reason for his tardiness.

The Pope's face changed slightly at that, and after exchanging a glance with Calmeron, he continued, "What kind of Blood was it?"

"I don't know, it was so dark that I couldn't see. But he was strong. It is thanks to the Prince of Wales who arrived later. "

The Pope nodded heavily, "My son, I won't hide this from you. It is the reason I summoned you here. Because of the presence of our church's powerful boundaries, the Imperial City is safe, so vampires don't dare approach easily. However, in recent times, there have been a series of incidents in the city."

"First, Prince Wales was kidnapped, and then, in the last few days, there have been a series of disappearances of young people in the Imperial City. I'm afraid this disappearance has something to do with the vampires. "

Bai Lixin nodded without speaking, but his eyes were fixed on the Pope's clear eyes, waiting for him to say more.

The Pope smiled awkwardly, "Although you had a notable performance in the square a few days ago. However, becoming the next Chief Cardinal is still highly controversial, so to completely consolidate your position, I have decided to put you in charge of this case. This is, of course, the intention of the Twelve Cardinals. The vote the other day had a margin of 11 to 1, so it was decided that you must catch the vampire culprit to truly succeed as Chief Cardinal. "

"Of course, I also secured some power for you. You can name one priest in the whole church to assist you. "

Bai Lixin looked at the Pope and then at the indifferent-looking Chief Cardinal sitting beside him, "A priest from the whole Church? Anyone? "

The Pope nodded vigorously, "Yes, anyone!"

"Oh, got it."

Isn't this just naked cheating?

Bai Lixin smiled at the smiling Pope and said, "Okay, then I'll go with priest Cusi!"


Bai Lixin saw the Pope's body flush like a lobster, and along with the flush came the Pope's slightly raised voice, "Priest Cusi? Yaphisor, did you choose the wrong person? "

Bai Lixin tried to hold back his laughter and said earnestly, "Your Holiness, I have chosen priest Cusi. He has been a good friend to me for many years, and I work well with him as a partner. "

The Pope's arm danced in the air, gesturing to himself and then to Calmeron, and he said hesitantly, "I can give you a chance to choose again."

Bai Lixin shook his head and said, "Thank you for your offer, Godfather, but I will decline. Can you please trust me as much as you trust the sun to sweep away the dark clouds?"

Seeing his determined expression, the Pope finally sighed and said helplessly, "Since it is your choice, then I can only choose to respect it."

The Pope looked at Bai Lixin with some concern, but the expression of Chief Cardinal Calmeron beside the Pope relaxed without the previous coldness, "From tomorrow onwards, you come here and I will teach you the light spells myself."

In the council chamber, when the vote was over and the Pope said, "Anyone can," Calmeron was very much against the idea.

Anyone? Yaphisor could even choose him or the Pope.

What right did a man who depended on others just to get a job done have to be the successor to the chief cardinal?

However, Yaphisor did not choose him or the Pope, as he had thought, and he did not even choose a senior cleric, but only an intermediate priest for company.

The Pope's hint was clear enough, but Yaphisor remained unmoved, and this made Calmeron approve of him.

So what if he was a junior priest? He was a young man with courage and commitment in his heart, and that was the principle on which he would choose his successor, not by ability!