Interstellar World: Arc 7.3

After looking several times at the pig, ah no, Mo Ye, who had picked the flower of the high mountain, the principal clenched his fist and whispered close to Lei Yao. "Your Highness the Grand Prince, may I have a word?"

"If you have anything to say, just say it. Xiao Ye is not an outsider."

Although Mo Ye is Major General Mo's child, he did not inherit Major General Mo's powerful physical abilities. This child's physical attributes are only D-rank. If the two of you were to make a contract, it wouldn't be beneficial to either of you. " The principal swallowed his saliva as he tried to persuade Lei Yao to change his mind in the most polite tone possible.

Lei Yao's footsteps had a slight pause, then he reached out and rubbed Mo Ye's fiery red russet hair with a complicated look. "But we're not trying to force a contract; we've already made one."

No wonder he saw the trained sentinel parade all clamouring up when he was standing far away in the stands just now.

Principal: "...Spiritual contracts can also be cancelled. As long as both parties agree, nothing is a problem. "

Because he was far away, he could not hear the conversation between Lei Yao and Mo Ye. He originally thought that Lei Yao had just chosen Mo Ye, but it turned out that Grand Prince Lei Yao had even concluded a contract with him!

No, it didn't matter if a spiritual contract had been concluded, it could still be broken.

This time, Lei Yao completely stopped in his tracks and looked helplessly at the principal, "But what we have concluded is not a spiritual contract, but a soul contract."

Soul... contract?!

The principal wiped his face, and he wanted to collapse. A spiritual contract can be lifted, but a soul contract is a direct imprint on the other party's soul.

There was no chance of breaking it!

The principal had a depressed look on his face and sighed as he glanced regretfully at the Grand Prince.

There were a total of 30 rooms set up for mental strength testing, and 30 pairs could be tested at the same time. The tests were conducted in the order they had been arranged earlier. As Lei Yao joined at the last minute, he was placed last.

One by one, guides and sentinels went into the spiritual fit testing room, and when the five minutes were up, the door to the testing room opened, and almost simultaneously, 60 people came out with great haste.

The first group came out, and the second group entered immediately to start the next group of testing.

During the second group's test, the big screen at the front of the room popped up with the results of the previous group's test.

The big-screen slowly changed to show the soul fit of each pair in the first group. 80%, 84%, 76%… all above the pass line.

The sentinel-guides gazed at each other, beaming with joy.

As long as they made a spirit contract, they would now be close comrades; from then on, they were no longer fighting alone; they could fly into outer space, kill the cosmic bugs invading their planet, guard their planet, guard their loved ones, and guard their guides/sentinels.

The tests went on in an orderly fashion, and in no time at all, all four groups were tested.

Only a few individuals had a look of loss on their faces, but almost everyone was beaming.

The tests usually lasted five minutes, and it took just over an hour to complete the 600 groups.

The principal was still accompanying Lei Yao and Bai Lixin. Both of them glanced at this third wheel, and Lei Yao coughed and pointed to the large room at the front, "Is it okay if the principal goes to the front and gives instructions himself?"

This was an obvious dismissal. The principal wiped the sweat from his forehead and snorted, "Then Your Highness, the Grand Prince can queue up. I'll go over and take a look first."

After sending the principal away, Lei Yao glanced down at Bai Lixin, his eyes unblinking.

Bai Lixin's body softened from this fiery gaze of his, so he could only cough, "Thank you."

Lei Yao smiled, "Thank me for what?"

"Thank you for choosing me."

"No, it should be me thanking you."

Bai Lixin lifted his head to look at Lei Yao, "And what would you be thanking me for?"

"I don't know, but I wanted to say it. Please believe the sixth sense of a 3S-ranked spiritual power. Deep in my heart, I have been telling you thanks. And, of course, there's more I keep at heart."

"There's more? What is it? " Bai Lixin's heart warmed as he followed Lei Yao's words and inquired in a low voice.

Lei Yao's azure eyes suddenly blazed with heat. He leaned down and brought his mouth to Bai Lixin's ear, "An unspeakable yet irresistible thing and emotion."

The warm breath seemed to reach Bai Lixin's face through his ear, and his cheeks flushed crimson as he clenched his chrysanthemum tighter.

He'd known Dijia for years and knew this tone of voice and this way of expressing himself. It would be a wonder if he didn't understand what he meant! Even if the body is changed, the core inside remains the same.

Seeing the red-haired youth's blushing cheeks, the smile in Lei Yao's eyes deepened. He stood up and put his hands behind his back as he said, "The results of the eighth group are out, and your brother is among them. 92%, tsk, not a bad score. "

Bai Lixin raised his head at his words, and at the top of the big screen were the results of Lei Qi and Mo Shaojun's test. The best result so far: 92%, the only partner with a spirituality fit of 90% or more.

Lei Qi was overjoyed and asked Mo Shaojun, haughtily and eagerly, if he wanted to be his partner.

Mo Shaojun, however, was a little distracted and smiled perfunctorily. He said something to Lei Qi before leaving him behind and walking in Bai Lixin's direction.

Lei Yao frowned slightly. He had just sent the principal away, and now came the brother. These people keep coming up one by one. Is there no end? Is it fun to interrupt the world of two people?

"Brother Mo Ye, I'm going to sign a spiritual contract with Lei Qi. " Mo Shaojun glanced at Mo Ye, his cub-like, hopeful eyes simply impossible to ignore.

Seeing such a Mo Shaojun, a strange suspicion suddenly flashed through Bai Lixin's mind, and he called out in his mind, [S419M.]

[Lord host, I am here. What is your command, please?]

[What exactly is Mo Shaojun's relationship with Mo Ye?]

S419M did not speak for another moment, and only after a few moments did he reply, [ Lord Host, I just looked through the world's memories, and the two of them are simply brothers, ah.]

The expression on Bai Lixin's face smiled without fluctuation, but inwardly he began to growl, [Look at that, look at that, is this a pure brotherly relationship?! Look at Mo Shaojun's reluctant expression of contracting with Lei Qi and running to me for comfort. How can it be a pure brotherly relationship?]

[Erm, this… Wait a bit while I check the information again. ] S419M finished this sentence and went silent for a while before saying: [I checked it out, lord host. The magnetic field of this world affects my ability too much. I wasted nine oxen and two tigers trying to pull out the memories.]

Bai Lixin reached out to pat Mo Shaojun's shoulder and smiled, "Do you want to make a contract with the Second Prince?"

While saying this with his mouth, he said, in a cold voice in his head, [Get straight to the point.]

[The point is that when Mo Ye was eight years old, he was tested to have an SSS-ranked super strong physical attribute. But because he forced a beast transformation to protect Mo Shaojun during an outing, he was unable to withstand the mental crush during the process and his physical body was damaged. Mo Ye has since become a D-ranked physical attribute loser. From that moment, Mo Shaojun secretly vowed to protect his brother, never letting him get hurt again!]

Bai Lixin: [...] What a damn retard!

Mo Shaojun nodded after a slight hesitation, "I an only making a contract with him so that I can be stronger to protect big brother Mo Ye from harm."

Bai Lixin:"… " really a damn retard! "

"You make a contract to protect the guide you made the contract with, not me, a third party. The Second Prince is an idol among all guides, a guide to which all sentinels aspire, so if you made a contract with him only to protect me, there is no need. Xiao Jun, as you can see, I already have Lei Yao to protect me. Under his protection, I will be unharmed, and he will guard me with his life and soul. "

Mo Shaojun glared at Lei Yao at these words. His beast-like eyes flashed with aggression, "But he is a guide. No matter how powerful he is, he is still a guide with a weak body. How can he protect you on the cruel battlefield? Big brother, go home. Let me help fulfil your wish to conquer the battlefield."

Bai Lixin frowned, "Mo Shaojun, the reason why a man lets another man come to help fulfil his wish is because he has lost the opportunity to do so. Now that I am only one step away from getting my wish, you are asking me to take a step back. Do you know how desperate a person feels by the time they let someone else fulfil their lifelong wish? "

Mo Ye had never spoken to him in such a righteous tone before, and Mo Shaojun froze for a moment.

Lei Qi saw that Mo Shaojun was late in coming back and was a little annoyed.

He was a pampered prince. What other grievances had he suffered since he was a child, apart from being overpowered by Lei Yao?


If it weren't for his genuine love for Mo Shaojun, how could he tolerate being ignored like this? How could he let the people around him make a joke out of him?

Lei Qi gritted his teeth and was about to step forward.

But then he saw Mo Shaojun turn his head in an instant. Lei Qi stopped and waited with a smile on his face for Mo Shaojun to come towards him.

After a long time, Mo Shaojun returned a sentence before turning his head towards Lei Qi. "Since big brother has said so, then I will guard big brother on the battlefield."

Bai Lixin covered his face speechlessly. Did he have trouble expressing himself? Or was Mo Shaojun seriously sick?

This kind of spirit of sacrificing and contributing to everything should only be consensual, otherwise the one who benefits will not get any enjoyment, but an inexplicable pressure. Okay?

"It's almost our turn." Bai Lixin was still secretly sputtering when a warm palm was gently attached to his shoulder, "Do you know how the spiritual fit is tested?"

Bai Lixin tilted his head to look at Lei Yao. He was looking straight ahead, his lips pursed slightly, and his face tense.

Is he… angry?

"I know. I'm an old driver, after all. " Bai Lixin coughed.

"Oh," Lei Yao's pursed lips relaxed slightly, "I will be gentle when using my spiritual power, so please also show mercy to this old driver."

Bai Lixin's expression froze, and he nodded woodenly, "Okay, okay."

"Actually, we have already concluded a soul contract, so having this kind of test is simply a formality. But since you want to do it, I'll accompany you. " Lei Yao's expression was light, his hand sliding smoothly from Bai Lixin's shoulder to his head.

His lover seemed to be particularly fond of stroking his hair, and although the feel of these large, broad palms on the top of his head was unfamiliar to him, the tenderness contained therein was so warm and intimate that he could not help but want to be closer.

Bai Lixin's eyes narrowed slightly in enjoyment, and a contented hum even escaped from his throat.

Lei Yao heard it and suddenly stopped moving and pulled his hand back. Bai Lixin looked at Lei Yao in confusion, but was pulled up by Lei Yao and stepped straight into the testing room, "Let's go, it's our turn."

Bai Lixin had a regretful expression on his face, which instantly pleased Lei Yao.

The spiritual fit test room was a small magnetic field. Under the interference of the magnetic field, the sentinel and the guide wear helmets and try to sense each other using their mental power to see how well they work in eliminating the power of the magnetic force.

The two men, both old drivers, looked at each other and put on their helmets, which were filled with contact heads, at the same time.

As soon as they put the helmets on, there was nothing but darkness in front of Bai Lixin's eyes.

This was probably the effect of the magnetic field interference, and what he had to do now was to try to send out a signal to sense Lei Yao's spiritual sense.

He originally intended to carefully project his mental power outside, but he did not expect that just as he was about to do so, a force would carry his soul away from his physical body and wander forward.

The force was strong and gentle, and Bai Lixin let his soul follow his lead, letting him carry him through the darkness, through the fog, ugh all the distractions.

Suddenly, an even more powerful spirit descended from his consciousness to envelop him. The moment that power wrapped itself around him, it merged with the power that was previously pulling him.

It had the aura of Dijia.

Sensing Dijia's aura merging with his soul fragment, Bai Lixin once again let his soul be wrapped up with Dijia's.

Only, after a short while, Bai Lixin suddenly began to struggle.

Dijia's soul slowly transformed into several tentacle wisps that wrapped themselves around his most sensitive areas. Each tentacle caressed him at random, seemingly testing, yet seemingly teasing. Suddenly, the several strands teased several locations at the same time.

Bai Lixin's body suddenly bounced like a carp, and his body trembled.

Gritting his teeth, Bai Lixin gasped and struggled to push Dijia away to pull his soul back into his body.

Damn, this beast was attempting to ravage his soul in front of everyone!!!

What if he made a fool of himself in public and moaned out loud?