Interstellar World: Arc 7.4

There was a "bang" as the large machine shut down, and Bai Lixin's eyes lit up as he regained his vision once more.

The door opened automatically, and a figure immediately burst in. Before Bai Lixin could react, he was picked up by the waist.

The person pulled the helmet off Bai Lixin's head and said with urgency, "Brother Mo Ye, it's alright, I'm taking you to the hospital."

His body was a little soft because he had just broken free from some kind of pleasure. After struggling a bit in Mo Shaojun's grip, Bai Lixin had no choice but to explain. "Xiaojun? I'm not injured. "

"You say you're not hurt, but look at your face. It's red from the pain. I just watched from outside. Your body was bouncing uncontrollably, and you were trembling the whole time. You never cry out in pain, even when you are injured, but you moaned just now. It must have hurt a lot. "

Bai Lixin: ==! A really big simpleton!!!

How the hell can he explain this? Fuck, what would even be the point of explaining?

As Bai Lixin was organizing his words to explain it cleverly, he felt a sudden chill in the room and frost began to form on the door at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Put him down." With every step that Lei Yao took, a flower of ice formed under his feet as he stepped on it.

Seeing his lover coming toward him, Bai Lixin smiled helplessly and opened his arms to wrap around Lei Yao's neck.

Should mental power be used so casually? You're about to freeze people up, you know?

With his arm wrapped around Lei Yao's neck, Bai Lixin used the strength of his arm to drag his upper body in Lei Yao's direction and kissed Lei Yao's cheek in the process, saying, "Stop using your power, I'm getting cold."

After Bai Lixin said these words, Lei Yao's aura changed in embarrassment, and the previous warmth around him returned once again.

Seeing Lei Yao return to normal, Bai Lixin moved his legs and found that his legs and waist were still being held in Mo Shaojun's arms.

Bai Lixin had to again say helplessly, "Xiao Jun, I'm really fine. Let go of me." Even if I have to go to the hospital, Lei Yao will take me there. "

"What are you doing, Mo Shaojun? The test is over and they have to leave the test room as soon as possible. Mo Ye has said he's fine, so let go of him. " Lei Qi also rushed over, tugging at Mo Shaojun's arm and pulling him out.

Seeing such a scene, Bai Lixin was thinking of finding a crack in the ground and burying himself in it.

Why did he feel like he was in the middle of a dog blood romance?

In the end, Mo Shaojun let go and was pulled out by Lei Qi with an aggrieved expression.

Lei Yao took over Bai Lixin and easily wrapped him in his arms and carried him out of the testing room, "Do you want to go to the hospital?"

Bai Lixin rolled his eyes and whispered, "What hospital? Isn't it all because of you?!"

Lei Yao's dark blue hair swayed slightly, and a bright light shone in his eyes.

Seeing this look in Lei Yao's eyes, Bai Lixin's body stiffened and once again reflexively clenched his chrysanthemum.

Lei Yao hugged Bai Lixin in a princess carry, "Since I caused this, then I should be responsible to the end." He didn't slow his pace down as he strutted forward.

On the big screen, the results of the last group of tests began to appear.

All 600 groups had been tested, leaving only Lei Yao and Bai Lixin, so on the big screen, only one result would appear.

But Lei Yao and Bai Lixin did not care much about the results and had already made up their minds. Neither of them offered to see the results, and they gradually left the crowd's view.

Those who were more concerned about the results than the two were everyone else in the square, everyone!

Everyone had some curiosity, and the fire of gossip burned in their hearts. As long as there is something to hunt for, it can't help but make people pay too much attention.

What's more, Lei Yao is a prince. Every word and deed of a member of the royal family is of great interest to the public. And since

Mo Ye is famous for his five-year hangover, this pairing was too intriguing.

One is the strongest guide, and the other is arguably the worst sentinel. On one hand, there is the great prince, and on the other is the legacy son of two imperial heroes. They were curious to see what their spiritual compatibility was.

The big screen flashed for a moment, and the final results began to unfold.

The moment the results were announced, the entire crowd rioted.

110%! 110%! How could it be 110%?

"What's with this 110% score? The instrument is broken, isn't it? "

"Why is it over 100%?"

The students were in an uproar, discussing this result. According to them, the upper limit of the spiritual fit is 100%. There is no such thing as 110%. It's just bullshit.

Could it be that the test instrument, which was known as the highest benchmark on the whole Diyang planet, had malfunctioned?

When the principal saw this result, he was also shocked.

At 110%, this instrument was testing the frequency of spiritual power fluctuations to determine the fit of two people in turn. Theoretically, the instrument was capable of measuring above 100%.

The spiritual frequencies of the sentinel and the guide are like two wavy lines; the more consistent the frequencies are, the more similar the ripples of the wavy lines are. If it is 100%, then the two lines will be at the same frequency.

This can be said to be the ultimate, but not the limit.

In the past, experts in spiritual research conducted special studies on spiritual frequencies, in which they said that when two spiritual waves reach the same level, it is not the limit, but the two lines of waves will slowly merge and eventually become one. At that point, the test instruments will have detected results of over 100%.

But to reach this level, experts venture to guess that such a limit of fit would require two people to be attracted to each other, to trust each other completely, to merge even their souls.

Separately, they are each individual themselves, but when fused, they are not just one person, but two souls that are completely attuned.

Of course, it was only a theory, but how is this possible?

As a single individual, who does not have their own emotions and selfishness? Even between lovers, this kind of tacit understanding is impossible. Perhaps just a small fluctuation of emotion would cause the spiritual frequency to change, not to mention soul melding.

At first, he had laughed at this theory, but with the truth laid out in front of him, he only felt that his face was hot.

Instead of blaming himself for his ignorance, he laughed at the absurdity of others instead.

"The instrument is of excellent quality, it can't be wrong." The principal pulled his thoughts back from that professor's academic lesson and said aloud, "Since you don't believe me, I'll let the two students in again."

While the line of people on this side were worrying their heads over the results, the concerned parties stepped onto the aircraft.

The aircraft was huge and could hold two thousand people.

It accommodated 600 people when they arrived, but that was not the end. The aircraft would stay here for three days, and the selected sentinels would use those three days to pack their things, then step onto this aircraft with their guides and go straight to a training camp they had never been to before, to start the trials and tribulations.

Lei Yao walked up the steps with Bai Lixin in his arms, and with a flick of his fingers, a flying capsule flew up to him.

Carrying Bai Lixin into the capsule, Lei Yao said, "How about taking you to my place on the ship?"

At this moment, Bai Lixin had already broken free from the aftermath of the soul test, and he struggled a few times before burrowing out of Lei Yao's arms like a mudfish.

"Don't you have anything to say to me? What did you just try to do to me in full view of everyone? "

You pervert. Shame on you.

"I didn't intend on doing anything." I just wanted to ravage you. Lei Yao added silently in his mind.

Bai Lixin felt that his sentence was unfinished, but his instincts made him suppress the urge to continue asking.

Lei Yao added, "I'm sorry, I just lost control. It was the same after the spiritual fit test, when Mo Shaojun tried to forcibly take you away. I've lived for nearly thirty years and searched for a sentinel for eight years. For the first time, a sentinel could achieve a spiritual fit of over 100% with me, which made me very excited. When I saw that Mo Shaojun was going to take you away, saying that I had hurt you, I was so nervous that I couldn't even put my power away, so please do forgive me. I am a gentleman, and I will not behave as anything other than a gentleman. "

Bai Lixin's face remained indifferent. Like hell, if I believe your last sentence, we have been there before.

Hearing Lei Yao emphasize that he was a gentleman, Bai Lixin glanced at him in distrust, "What kind of gentleman emphasizes that he is a gentleman?"

"I am." Lei Yao replied seriously.

Seeing Lei Yao's face full of seriousness as he spoke nonsense, Bai Lixin snorted, indicating that he didn't believe a single word of the nonsense he said.

Lei Yao did not explain anything further, but carefully operated the flight capsule to fly towards his residence on the aircraft

The aircraft could hold two thousand people, and it was divided into three levels, the first two being the living area, while the third was the control console and activity area.

Lei Yao was living in the innermost part of the second level. Bai Lixin saw the scene around him constantly weaving back and remembered to ask, "How did you know the test results?"

"With my sixth sense using the 3S mental power, besides does it matter to us what the result is? Even if it's not on the passing line, so what? "

Bai Lixin's heart twitched, and he smiled.

Yes, so what if the result was good or bad? He only had his lover in his heart, and vice versa. They had made a soul contract. Could it still be reversed?

"In three days, we leave for the training camp where we will go through a series of inhuman and cruel training." While piloting the flight pod, Lei Yao said.

"Oh, I know, so…?" Bai Lixin felt that he had grasped Lei Yao's essence; he must have had something more to add to that sentence.

"So…for the guide and the sentinel to reach a fit of over 90% in the shortest possible time, the two are to eat and live together every day for six months in the training camp." Lei Yao turned to look at Bai Lixin and said, "Although it's a bit cramped for two people to live together, we have to make such sacrifices for the future of the Empire."

" …. "

Sacrifice my ass. Your expression is calm, but what's with that gleeful look in your eyes? I haven't known you for only a day or two, so don't think I am unaware of what kind of thoughts you have in your head.

"For you and I to adapt even faster, let's eat and live together from tomorrow onwards!"

Bai Lixin: "Heh!"