Interstellar World: Arc 7.20

A huge figure leaped out of the airship and landed on the ground with a loud thud.

As soon as it landed on the ground, the worker zergs present let out one cascading cry after another, and instead of fighting those around them, they retreated to the figure.

An even more shrill and piercing cry drowned out the cries of the worker zergs. As the smoke cleared, the eyes of the crowd widened.

It was no other than the newly evolved female zerg.

The worker zergs gathered around the female and screamed with excitement as if welcoming the queen.

"Lowly humans," the mother zerg said in a human voice from her abdominal cavity, "I did not want to fight you, but you wanted to be my enemy. Offer up two spaceships and I will spare you and leave this place."

A ferocious expression appeared on Lei Yao's face. A circle of dense black particles lingered around him, and his eyes were red.

Slowly walking up from behind, he laughed hideously and said, "Leave here? You still want to get out of here?"

The black particles wildly pulsed around him, and the clothes on Lei Yao's body continued to flap in the wind.

"Now that you're down here, stay here forever!" The red in Lei Yao's eyes flashed, his expression like a demon king. The black particles around his body pulsed up even more fiercely.

Without warning, they suddenly flew out and shot at the mother zerg in unison.

The black pellets smashed into the mother zerg's body, emitting one bizarre black light after another. The places touched by the black particles had concave holes one after another. Black blood flowed out along the holes, and the female zerg hissed in pain, "I'll kill you!"

With a roar, the female kicked her huge, powerful hind limbs and leapt high into the sky.

Just as the female was at the highest point in the sky and was about to fall, a loud caw suddenly came from inside the ship.

A fiery red glow shot out of the ship as the caws rang out and went straight up to the mother zerg in the sky. The red glow struck it steadily, and the mother zerg fell hard to the ground.

Hearing the caws, Mo Shaojun's eyes lit up with excitement, "It's big brother Mo Ye! It's big brother Mo Ye!"

A huge bird flew to the sky and flashed its fiery red wings as it looked down.

Its wings blocked out the sun and its body burned with bright, fiery flames. Its eyes were red as fire as it was glaring at the zerg it had just beaten down.

Its form was so graceful, its eyes so bright. Its nine tails blazing with flames kept fluttering in the air, and its wings flapped gracefully.

The flaming bird cawed out again and shot a huge ball of fire from its beak, attacking the mother zerg again.

The mother zerg was unable to dodge and was hit by the fireball so hard that it bounced tens of metres away.

Seeing the mother zerg bounce off, the flaming red bird slowly flapped its wings and landed in front of Lei Yao. Its huge body blocked out the sun, but its fiery and bright flames brought a new light to Lei Yao.

Lei Yao looked at the beautiful creature in front of him with crimson eyes and mumbled, "Xiao Ye?"

The big fiery bird let out a low chirp and bent its neck to goad Lei Yao's neck with its head. The plume on its forehead brushed against Lei Yao's cheek, tickling him, "It's me, my dear. This is my beast body – a phoenix."

Reborn in fire, the phoenix!

Lei Yao's eyes gradually returned to their previous indigo blue. Only then did he notice that Mo Ye's feathers were not pure crimson. They were a part golden yellow and part fiery red, the two colours alternating on his body, shaping the flawless body.

Mo Shaojun rushed to Bai Lixin, two lines of tears flowing from his eyes, "Big brother Mo Ye, you have finally, finally bestialized once more."

Now that Mo Ye bestialized, the stone that had been hanging in his heart for a long time was finally put down.

The guilt and remorse had finally dissipated with Mo Ye's transformation.

Bai Lixin laughed, "It was by mistake. For a moment, I really thought I was done for. I'll tell you the details later."

How could it be time to chatter when the mother zerg was still unresolved?

Bai Lixin's beast body was more than twice as long as the mother zerg's.

He spat out a random fireball and a worker zerg was burnt to ashes. He flicked his wings and countless worker zerg were tipped to the ground.

In the face of absolute strength, any means are useless.

One moment S419M was crying in despair with Bai Lixin, but in the blink of an eye, the wind and water had turned and the man at the top of the food chain was suddenly him. Ah, no, the bird at the top.

The mother zerg screamed and tried to attack Bai Lixin with a mental attack. But Bai Lixin simply broke its mental attack with a loud, booming caw and flew straight at the female.

In the central control room, Li Sidan watched the scene unfolding before him with an open mouth.

He saw the moment when the zerg airship exploded and he saw the look of despair on General Lei Yao's face. At that moment, he was wracked with self-blame.

If he had thought about it more deeply, if he had listened more to General Lei Yao and not encouraged Mo Ye to go, then none of that would have happened.

He wondered how to repent to General Lei Yao. The sentinel he had taken for eight years to find, had just been killed in the zerg airship.

Under that loud bang and that sky-high mushroom cloud just now, he feared that Mo Ye had been instantly blown to dust.

However, just when he thought the jig was up, a miracle had happened.

It was a miracle!

A huge firebird soared out of the ship and flipped the arrogant mother zerg to the ground.

The sentinel detection device kept pulsing upwards, S, 2S, 3S, 4S...and with a loud "bang" the energy detector burst. Mo Ye's energy exceeded 4S! Was it 5S? No, it could be even higher than 5S!

Li Sidan covered his head and screamed in excitement in the central control room.

On the screen, the female zerg was defenseless against the phoenix.

The mother zerg, which had been a bully a moment ago, was now like a rabbit being watched by a falcon. With a hiss, the huge flaming phoenix swooped down and took the already battered female in its sharp claws and easily carried her into the air.

The mother zerg wiggled and struggled as it roared.

The worker zerg on the ground saw their female caught in the air and leapt up to rescue their queen.

High up in the air, the phoenix cawed loudly and shot countless fireballs down. When the fireballs finished raining down, there was not a single worker zerg left, all had been wiped out!

The mother zerg was still making her last desperate efforts, but the phoenix let out a cackling laugh as its claws retracted hard.

The mother zerg's body snapped with a "crack" as it curled up in pain, the hard shell covering its body slowly shattering.

Then there was another loud "crack" as the female was crushed by the phoenix.

The signs of life belonging to the mother insect gradually weakened and finally disappeared.

Bai Lixin sighed with relief as he looked at the remains of the mother zerg's body which had broken into countless pieces.

He was trulty determined to die in the airship so as to go back in time. He had concentrated all his energy to his chest and as the female zerg flew towards him, he released the highly compressed energy outward, using his body like a bomb and detonating himself.

Both the female zerg and the spaceship were blown to bits, yet this energy blast only crushed the wall of energy covering the female zerg. It did not hurt her in the slightest.

But surprisingly, after he detonated himself, his body began to reconstruct under the extremely high temperature of his energy blast.

It turned out that Mo Ye's beast body was a phoenix. The legendary divine bird that can be reborn under the bath of fire.

[Ding! Congratulations to Lord Host, you have unlocked new memories]

In the memory, Mo Shaojun went into the depths of the forest, against other people's advice. Unfortunately, a badly wounded and fleeing zerg was hiding deep in the forest.

To protect Mo Shaojun, Mo Ye, who had not yet learnt any sentinel abilities, forcibly bestialized, which was the first and last time he ever turned into a phoenix. At that time, his beast body was only in a fledgling form. The fledgling strained to flap its wings and fought the zerg to the death.

Although he was a 3S level sentinel, he did not know how to use his strength. He was wounded in the fight with the zerg and shot in the chest. Before he died, Mo Ye used his last ounce of strength to spray a fireball at the zerg before he killed it.

After that Mo Ye lost consciousness. He should have died, but due to the special nature of the phoenix, he opened his eyes again.

Only that, although he didn't die, he was never able to transform into his beast form since then, and his attributes fell to a mere D rank.

Mo Shaojun was remorseful as he had seen Mo Ye's chest being pierced by the zerg with his own eyes. He originally thought that Mo Ye would die as a result, and was filled with regret and despair. However, Mo Ye miraculously came back to life.

After experiencing the pain of losing Mo Ye once, Mo Shaojun was tormented by this fear and pain day after day, always worrying that Mo Ye would die.

Bai Lixin sighed and flapped his wings as he slowly landed on the ground. His originally huge body began to shrink, eventually shrinking to the height of a human.

Still maintaining the phoenix form, Bai Lixin gently flapped his wings and let out a gentle chirp and called out Lei Yao's name.