Interstellar World: Arc 7.21

The hero of this battle was just ahead, but the crowd had a tacit agreement not to pounce on him.

Hearing Bai Lixin's call, Lei Yao gave a wry smile as he walked forward.

He walked extremely slowly, his seemingly steady pace betrayed by his trembling arms. Halfway down the path, Lei Yao stumbled for a moment, then continued walking calmly.

It was a few meters walk, but it felt like a century.

Finally, Lei Yao arrived in front of Bai Lixin.

Bai Lixin chirped his huge wings spread out haughtily.

The flames on the phoenix had already gone out, so Bai Lixin wrapped Lei Yao in his arms completely.

His forehead only rubbed Lei Yao's neck, and Bai Lixin felt a little uncomfortable. He made his body grow larger until he was Lei Yao's height before he was happy.

Lei Yao suddenly smiled. Isn't competing in height childish?

The phoenix's feathers still had the warmth of the flames on them, and Lei Yao felt this lost warmth as he slowly stroked his hand over the feathers.

The feathers were so smooth that Lei Yao couldn't help but insert his hand into the soft feathers at the base of Bai Lixin's neck, allowing his hand to be completely covered. It felt hundreds of times more comfortable than velvet.

Bai Lixin kept trembling, "Stop that, it tickles!"

Lei Yao: "..."

Bai Lixin smiled and retracted his wings. He was still not satisfied with their heights so he simply made himself bigger again. He then put his wings on Lei Yao's shoulders and said in a serious tone, "Little Lei, your body is not developing well, are you not eating properly?"

"After crossing so many worlds, my lover has always been a head taller than me. I can finally sigh in relief!" Bai Lixin thought happily and laughed loudly in his heart.

Lei Yao raised his eyebrows and said "oh," then he lowered his magnetic voice and said, "I'm growing pretty well. I'm big in everything that should be big, and I'll win at everything that should be hard."

Bai Lixin:"... "

Dare to start the dirty train so suddenly?

After teasing Lei Yao for a while, Bai Lixin transformed back into his human form.

Mo Ye's body had turned into dust due to the energy blast earlier, and in the flames, Bai Lixin remodelled his body before taking the shape of a phoenix.

When Lei Yao saw Mo Ye's reshaped body, he was stunned for a moment and suddenly smiled, "Little Ye looks really good in this form."

Bai Lixin was slightly stunned. What look? Had he changed his appearance?

"Have I changed my appearance?" Bai Lixin asked.

Lei Yao nodded then shook his head, "Your appearance has changed, but Little Ye's soul hasn't changed. Little Ye is still Little Ye. Shall we go back to the base?"

Bai Lixin nodded and leaned his body into Lei Yao's arms.

He had used too much power, and now that he had turned back into a human body, he was shocked to realize how weak his body was.

Seeing this, Lei Yao picked up Bai Lixin by the waist and ignored the dumbfounded sentinels and guides behind them. He climbed into the flight capsule and flew back to the base.

The crowd was waiting for Bai Lixin and Lei Yao to finish their lovemaking and then go up and throw the hero high in the sky, but Lei Yao didn't give them the chance to do that. They didn't even have the chance to shout "hero"!

The crowd looked at each other and Chi Chuan and Yang Fei laughed, "Mo Ye is tired, let's give them a buffer time."

They looked at the battlefield, which was still roaring with fire before but had now returned to its usual calmness.

The zerg had been reduced to powder by Bai Lixin's flames, and the only remains on this huge battlefield were those of the mother zerg. There were also a few severely wounded sentinels. The battlefield ended and the ambulance team ran as fast as they could to the sentinels, carrying them into medical pods and speedily flying to the base for treatment.

The spaceship in the distance was so destroyed that the original shape of the black metal could not be seen, some of the metal around the edges had even solidified into droplets.

"You have all done very well this time! I am proud and honoured that the Empire has soldiers like you!" Chi Chuan gave a solemn military salute to the group of sentinel-guides and said in a loud voice, "Thank you all!"

With tears in their eyes, the crowd braced themselves and gathered their hands high on the side of their foreheads, "It is a pleasure to defend our country!"

"Yang Fei, let's collect the remains of the mother zerg. I think Colonel Li Sidan will be interested in them. As for this ship wreckage, it's too large, it's better to let Colonel Li Sidan figure it out himself." Chi Chuan looked at Yang Fei and said.

"Okay, leave it to me." Yang Fei nodded his head in response and looked to the group of soldiers, "Everyone go back and rest, it's been hard on you all."


In the living area, Lei Yao kicked the dormitory door open and carried Bai Lixin into the room, not even turning on the light, and pressed him onto the bed.

His indigo eyes looked deep into Bai Lixin's, his eyes deep and grave as if he could see his soul.

After remodelling his body, Mo Ye's short red hair turned into a long, fiery red that reached his waist.

The red hair was bright and seemed like a flame in the light of the sun. Even in this room, where there was no light, the fiery red hair still occasionally emitted a red glow, attracting Lei Yao's gaze.

Bai Lixin looked into Lei Yao's eyes and asked in a soft voice, "What have I become? Is there a mirror for me to see?"

"The body is just a vessel to carry your soul, what difference does it make what you have become? Even if you are a bird, a deer, or a fish, you are still you."

"But I just want to see it." Bai Lixin bit his lip.

Lei Yao smiled, "Actually, I can't right now. How could I let you go and look in the mirror in such a nice atmosphere?"

Lei Yao reached out and stroked Bai Lixin's cheek, his hand gently tracing Bai Lixin's beautifully contoured ears, high nose, thick eyelashes, and polished chin.

Finally, his hand rested on the pink lips.

Continuously tracing the shape of Bai Lixin's lips, Lei Yao's hoarse voice asked, "The last words you said to me on the airship...."

Bai Lixin's body trembled at Lei Yao's touch. "What did I say?"

"I love you." Lei Yao slowly moved closer to Bai Lixin and pressed his lips close to his, his warm breath exhaling on the delicate lips, causing them to tremble slightly.

"Nonsense, you must have misheard." Bai Lixin bit his lip and retorted.

"I'm saying I love you, baby." Lei Yao laughed lowly, his broad chest pressing down as his arms wrapped Bai Lixin tightly in his embrace, "Do you still remember, I said that if you died, I wouldn't continue living? The moment I saw the airship explode, my whole being was in despair. I had never been so desperate. I never thought that my life could become dark in an instant. The moment I thought you were dead, the sky fell and I just wanted to die with the mother zerg."

Bai Lixin put his arm underneath Lei Yao's arm and shuddered, "I know, I saw the black spiritual particles caused by burning your life force. My body was immobile when I was reborn from the fire and I could only watch you burn your life. I knew that you must have collapsed then."

"I wanted to scream and tell you that I was alive. I even wanted to rush out and slap you hard enough to knock you out to end your stupidity."

Lei Yao suddenly imagined that untimely image, and couldn't help but cover his face, "Baby, you're so cruel to your husband."

The originally gloomy atmosphere was gone in an instant.

Bai Lixin was speechless.

Ahhh, this mouth of his!

He sneered, "What makes you the husband? If it's a same-sex couple, the sentinel is always the husband, okay?"

Lei Yao laughed and heaved his body down, poking his hardened lower abdomen against Bai Lixin, "But I'm better developed. As for who's the husband, we'll know once we try."

With that, he no longer gave Bai Lixin a chance to speak. He lowered his head before driving his tongue, kissing Bai Lixin out of oxygen.

After a long time, Lei Yao withdrew and reluctantly licked Bai Lixin's chin.

Bai Lixin shivered and said in a trembling voice, "I…I'm dirty, I just had a battle with the mother zerg and haven't bathed yet!"

In his mind, S419M kept on coaxing: [Go on! Lord host! Go on, don't be a coward! The Lord God is a weak guide this time, he won't be able to overpower you! Go on!]

Bai Lixin rolled his eyes, [S419M, don't be a fool. I've just used up all my strength and I'm now like a fish on a chopping board, okay? Although Lei Yao is indeed a guide, he's a double 3S level guide! What's more, heh, your powerful Lord God is gifted, since when is his function tied to his rank? It's simply invincible, okay?]

S419M was silent for a long time, but surprisingly [hmm]: [Lord host, what you said makes so much sense! No wonder you are very experienced!]

Bai Lixin: [...]

Over there, Lei Yao smiled and surprisingly let go of Bai Lixin, "Fine, you go ahead."

"Huh?!" Bai Lixin's eyes widened in excitement, "Really? Is that the truth?"

Lei Yao rubbed Bai Lixin's head, "Of course it's true. Since you've said so, I naturally respect your opinion." To prove his sincerity, Lei Yao even stood up from the bed and made a gesture to the bathroom.

Bai Lixin was afraid that Lei Yao would go back on his words so, as soon as he stood up, he swished into the bathroom and washed up in a frenzy.

He had just reached the end of his bath when the bathroom door was pulled open from outside with a click.

Bai Lixin's face was dumbfounded, staring at the naked body standing at the door. This image gave him a sense of déjà vu.

Lei Yao gave an open smile, "I wanted to have a go in the bathroom the first time I took a shower with you. It was just that I was afraid of scaring you at the time, so I endured and only gave you a massage."

Stepping into the bathroom, Lei Yao closed the bathroom door, "Since it was baby's proposal this time, then husband will have to reluctantly comply."

Bai Lixin: "..."

He knew it! It was too good to be true!