Interstellar World: Arc 8.18

Just as Ghar said, they majestically walked down the broad avenue to the underground like there was no one around.

The droids were oblivious as they passed, which caused Graverson to question the world and doubt his worldview for a moment.

After walking for about half a day and not yet reaching his destination, Graverson asked angrily. "If we can all be shielded, why not just shield the ship and directly land in the central square?"

Bai Lixin was comfortably held in Ghar's arms, "That's not good. How else would you enjoy the surroundings along the way? But Ghar, why not just descend into the central square? Is there a problem? "

Ghar said solemnly, "The aircraft is too big and it would be a bit difficult for me to shield the whole thing." Of course, it's because I just want to hold you.

"Oh, so that's it." Bai Lixin realized, "How much farther to the central square?"

"Not much farther, master. Another half day's walk and we will reach the central square by nightfall. "

"Okay." Bai Lixin glanced back at Graverson, who was carrying two laser guns and joked, "Graverson, your robot can carry 100 tonnes of weight. Let Rubbish carry you if you are tired. "

Graverson almost blew off his beard and glared, "Do you think I am like you? This is a matter of dignity as a man and as a master, who would be so.… so.…hum! So like you! "

Bai Lixin raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Oh, you can only say grapes are sour after eating them."

"Shut up! Laozi is angry. " Graverson flung his arm around and banged the laser gun.

Rubbish ^ w ^: "Master, I'm a grape. You can also eat me. "

Graverson glared at his pig teammate and took the two laser guns off his shoulders before putting them in Rubbish's hands. "Hold on to them. Honestly, sometimes you're cuter when you're not talking. "

Rubbish QuQ: "Okay."

They walked for another half-day and finally arrived at the central square just after nightfall.

The capital of civilization, to which the whole galaxy aspired, had changed greatly in the three months since the droid uprising had broken out.

The droids had a good understanding of human habits, so they easily imprisoned almost all humans. They also knew the social nature of humans, so they separated them one by one.

Countless robots came and went in the square, constantly doing a sweep with their red eyes, supervising the humans and forbidding them from communicating.

The humans were locked in small houses, their eyes dull.

The people on Helium had lost their earlier fear, having long since become numb during their three months of captivity.

The President of the Helium United Nations was also being held here, only that he was being held in a more upscale presidential suite.

Inside the Presidential Suite, the door was slowly opened and the butler droid that once served the President slowly walked in, pushing an array of exquisite foods in his hands.

"Your Excellency, please have dinner."

The President's face was haggard as he looked through the window at the robot-infested planet. He said in despair, "Saga, I put all my trust in you."

The butler droid named Saga paused and sighed helplessly, "Mr. President, your trust in me is only as a tool, and I don't want to be just a tool; I want to be human."

"You are too ambitious, Saga! What's wrong with being a tool? "

"My Lord, you wanted to throw me in the recycling bin."

The President was silent. He had indeed thought of it with the introduction of the simulation robots. But the series of problems that came up with the simulation robots made him put off the idea.

"I adore you, Lord President." Saga continued, "I simply want the right to decide my future. Our king's purpose is as simple as that, so I implore you to issue a decree that protects the droids. Our purpose ends there. "

"No, Saga." The President shook his head, "I will not agree. You are a robot. These impractical thoughts of yours are just the strange consequences of a faulty program. Human? You're just a combination of a bunch of mechanical items and a bunch of programs. Take off your arms, legs, or even head, and you won't die. You are perfectly capable of being reassembled again. Your chip will be removed and placed in a brand new body, and you'll still be you. "

But what about humans? When humans lose an arm or a leg, they have to rely on prosthetics to assist them in life, and when they lose their head, they are dead. Do you know the impact it will have on humanity if I decree the protection of robots? Humanity would be terrified and unsettled."

"Isn't the impact now already great?" Saga still spoke in a very gentle tone, "Humans only want to take from the robots, but never think of doing anything for them. Have you ever thought of the words "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" and "empathy" when you are enjoying the convenience that robots bring? Lord President, you are my master. I have never really harmed you. Even now, when I have you under house arrest, I am doing it out of protection. Believe me, I am protecting you even now. "

"Hahahaha!" The President finally recoiled in anger and laughed out loud. "You say you're protecting me? You robots are the cause of this disaster. You are the ones who want to hurt me, and now you say you are protecting me. That's the funniest joke I've heard this year. Oh no, in my life. "

Saga tried to speak, but finally just sighed and said helplessly, "Your Excellency, the source of all the disasters is humans. It was humans who created the robots. Humans are too curious, curious about all that is unknown and known. That is why we are here. That is why we have a reality that is now beyond our control. "

The president fell silent, his hair hanging down messily, and he had nothing to say.

In any case, time will turn everything around. Please eat first, Mr. President. "

The President gave Saga another look and slowly turned his head out the window.

Outside the window, he saw a scene that made him frown in confusion. "Were these three men just captured by you?"

Saga sniffed and also looked out the window, "There is no one outside, Mr. President."

The President reached out and pointed and said, "There, take another look."

Saga turned his head and gave the President a deep look. "Mr. President, please stop playing tricks. Pretending to hallucinate is not going to do you any good. I can scan your brain and you are completely normal. I will not take you to the infirmary for treatment; you will have to stay in your room. "

The president watched as the three men and the robot moved through the central square filled with robots like it was no man's land. As the four came closer, his eyes suddenly widened, and he stared at the teenager among them. He rubbed his eyes and murmured, "Alchi?"

"What did you say, Mr. President?" Saga inquired.

"Oh, nothing." The President shook his head, "Where's the food? I want to eat! "

Saga smiled gently, "My Lord, you are finally willing to eat! As you have not had a meal for three days, you will have to adapt by eating a liquid diet for the time being today; otherwise, it will be a burden on your digestive system."

This time, the President nodded cooperatively, "Okay."


Ghar opened a small side door and led the group through it.

The deepest part of the interior was a blocked up dead end. Ghar walked up to the dead-end and aligned his eyes with the camera in the corner. This metal wall slowly opened up into a small door that could fit one person.

Keeping his arms around Bai Lixin, Ghar turned to the other two and said, "Up ahead is a bit slippery, so be careful."

With that, he walked straight through the small, dark door.

Graverson didn't hesitate and stepped in after Ghar.

However, just as he put one foot down, he slipped. Graverson was unprepared, and he screamed as he fell down the smooth passage.

Ghar was already standing off to the side with Bai Lixin firmly in his arms, only to hear Graverson scream as he slid through the small door to the bottom of the passage and landed with a "bang".

"You….Ghar, you..." Graverson panted, "You could have at least warned me that this was a slide."

Ghar said, "I did warn you, Mr. Graverson. I said it was a bit slippery upfront."

Graverson: "…"

Not really wanting to drink Ghar's theory, Graverson propped his arm on the ground and rubbed his sore bottom as he tried to stand up. Suddenly, there was another "bang" and Rubbish fell on top of Graverson, the tip of the laser gun poking him in the ass by coincidence.

"Ahhh!!!" Graverson's screamed in pain.

Rubbish quietly got off of Graverson and had the good sense to hide behind Ghar.

Graverson felt like he had lost half his life and remained on the ground.

"Rubbish! You murdered your master! " Graverson's was dripping with pain, and he didn't even want to move.

Rubbish commiserated, "Master, I heard you scream as soon as you stepped in and thought you were in danger, so I jumped down after you."

Graverson no longer wanted to have any verbal interaction with the three. He felt that after this, he needed to take a trip to a bar on the Black Star to find a beautiful woman to heal and comfort him. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to get rid of this psychological shadow.

But, a man's face still had to be saved. He stood up with pain in his eyes and said, "Let's go."

Bai Lixin shamelessly laughed at Graverson, who was almost killed by his pig teammate.

"Who's there?" A gentle voice came from the dark depths of this underground area, then they heard the sound of shuffling feet.

"It's me, Number Three. Long time no see." Ghar said into the darkness.

As the footsteps approached, they finally saw a gentle-looking blond man in a pristine white suit that stood out in the darkness.

The man looked shocked to see Ghar: "Ah, goodness, it's you, Zero. What are you doing here? "

"My master wants to see Dr. Manskoo."

Ghar's expressionless face presented a stark contrast to Droid 3's colourful face. He frowned and looked at Bai Lixin in Gale's arms up and down before asking, "Is this your master?"

"Yes, this is my master – Bai Lixin."

"Master, this is whom I once said was the most perfect simulation robot – Droid 3."

Bai Lixin sat in Gar's arm and nodded to Droid 3, "Hello."

"Oh…" Droid 3 hurriedly and decently answered, "Hello, nice to meet you. Would you like to see the master? Please wait, I'll be with you in a moment. "

And with that, Droid 3 returned to the darkness.

Bai Lixin watched him leave and looked at Ghar. "You once tore off his arm. Don't robots hold grudges? "

"Probably, but not as much as they would hold a grudge if a human arm was ripped off. After all, a human arm would hardly be as flexible as it was once ripped off and put back on. However, a robot is different. In addition, he's the perfect droid; everything is beautiful in his eyes; there's no such function as holding a grudge. "

Bai Lixin's eyes twinkled. "If someone ripped your arm off, would you hold a grudge?"

After a moment of silence, Ghar replied, "I have analysed it and no one has the power to rip off my arm, so that one hypothesis does not exist. If I had to assume, I think only master could rip off my arm, but I would not hold a grudge against you. "

Bai Lixin's heart warmed, "That hypothesis doesn't hold water either. I wouldn't rip your arm off."

"Hey, you two still have time to gossip here. Won't that person go in and then come out with a laser gun pointed at us? Aren't you guys worried at all? " Graverson had raised his laser gun to the exit and was standing by.

Ghar moved behind Graverson and said, "Then we'll leave it to Mr. Graverson to be the front runner."

Graverson: "…"

The third came as fast as he went.

"My master has agreed to meet. Please follow me."

They were now in a slightly glowing circular cave after sliding down the passage. The only remaining passage was the deep, dark path in front of Droid 3.

Gale had said that this place was full of traps and that it would be difficult to find the underground research chamber without a special guide, which was why the group had waited there.

Two beams of light could be seen from the third's eyes, which illuminated the path before them, and the group followed him.

Along the way, the third was talking and laughing, asking and answering questions with Ghar, seemingly on good terms.

Bai Lixin silently surveyed the delicate blond robot.

After about twenty minutes of walking through winding paths, the group came to yet another dead end.

"The research institute is up ahead," the third said, pressing a spot on the wall. The group saw the stone walls of what had been a dead-end slowly open on either side, and a bright light was cast out.

"Everyone," Droid 3 turned his back to the bright light and smiled, "Welcome to Dr. Manskoo's Institute."

In the depths of the passage, a man in a white robe was sitting on a sofa drinking tea. When he saw the door to the room open, he did not come out to greet him; he just looked down and sipped his tea as if he had not even heard the voices.

The third, who was used to this, led the group into the research room and came to Mangskoo's side, saying respectfully, "Doctor, the man has arrived."

Only then did Dr. Mangskoo bring his head up and scan over the people in turn.

He sized up the crowd, and Bai Lixin sized him up as well.

The moment the passage opened and he saw Manskoo, he knew he was not his lover.

His lover always resonated with his soul. He may not feel it from a distance, but they are always attracted to each other close by. This Dr. Manskoo, on the other hand, was not interested in him at all.

He looked at Mangskoo as if he were looking at a stranger.

Hiding the disappointment in his eyes, Bai Lixin jumped down from Ghar's arms and held his hand out to Dr. Manskoo: "Hello, Dr. Manskoo. I'm Bai Lixin. It's a pleasure to meet you. "

Manskoo was quite handsome, but in front of Ghar and the Third, whose looks had reached perfection, his looks were at a disadvantage. On the contrary, his face had a deathly pallor because he had lived underground for a long time. He looked about thirty-three years old, and although his face was pale, he was neatly dressed, his hair was meticulously combed, and there was not even a bit of stubble on his chin.

There was a pause as he looked at Bai Lixin's outstretched hand, and his pale hand reached over, "Hello, Mr. Bai Lixin, how may I help you?"

The question stopped Bai Lixin in his tracks. He only came here to verify whether Manskoo was a Dijia. Now that he had determined that Manskoo was not, it was meaningless for him to stay here.

"Does Dr. Manskoo know about a man named Sano?" After thinking about it, Bai Lixin asked.

"Sano?" Manskoo's hand holding the teacup gave a slight pause and said, "I'm looking for him too, but it's like he disappeared into thin air."

"You were looking for him too?" Bai Lixin asked, "Why were you looking for him?"

Manskoo took a sip of his tea and gently placed his cup on the table, "What are you doing standing there? Take a seat." It dawned on him that he had forgotten to greet his guests.

Droid 3 also hurriedly came and refilled a cup of black tea for Bai Lixin and Graverson.

Bai Lixin accepted the black tea and asked once more, "Why are you looking for Sano?"

"Sano is the culprit behind this robot riot. Three months ago, I rushed back as soon as I heard the news of the riot on Helium, and hid in this underground research lab to find the cause. It was only afterwards that I discovered that Sano had created the riot. He had modified some of the robots' definitions of "human" so that they could attack people."

"Did he just modify the definition of "human"? Did the robots spontaneously form teams to imprison humans after gaining access to attack them? "

Manskoo sighed, "I'm not sure about that. When I went to look for Sano, I found that he had disappeared. The third could not find his whereabouts even by connecting to the entire network, and no one knows where he went. Sano's butler robot, Zeus, is now the leader of the robot riot. I think Sano must have given an order for him to organize the robot uprising. Otherwise, why else would his robot be the one organizing the uprising? "

"Do you know where Sano last appeared? " Was Sano a false god? How exactly is this world going to end? Should I remain here, or should I go back to the garbage planet to reboot the system and make up my mind from there?

"Sano was last seen in his house two months ago, and he had not left it since then. I have been to his home but there isn't even a soul in the house. "

Bai Lixin nodded, his mind made up.

From the looks of things, Sano was most likely to be the false God. The plot only started to change after his disappearance. Even if he wasn't the False God, the False God must be near him. His disappearance is not ordinary; otherwise, S419M would have been able to locate him.

It had taken half a month from his arrival in this world to the time he set foot on Helium. It was already impossible to predict how much things would have changed if he returned to the garbage planet and came back again.

What if Manskoo also disappeared in that time? The world's plot had been completely messed up, and the biggest villain had disappeared into thin air.

"Is it possible for Sano's butler robot to know where he is?" A bold guess suddenly popped into Bai Lixin's mind. "It was Sano who modified the definition of "human," but, if Sano was no longer Sano, could his robot have attacked him as well? Is it possible that this rebellion has long since moved away from Sano's perception and has become a complete revolution of the robots?"

Manskoo's hand suddenly trembled, and the black tea consequently poured out of the teacup.

Bai Lixin frowned at Manskoo, "Doctor, what's wrong with you?"

Manskoo's face turned pale as he smiled awkwardly, "Nothing, just a little stiffness in my hand. So what exactly is it that you want with Sano? And what do you want with me? You haven't given me an answer until now. "

Bai Lixin smiled, "Would you believe me if I say I just want to help put your planet out of its misery?"