Interstellar World: Arc 8.19

Bai Lixin suddenly remembered his conversation with Ghar not long ago.

Ghar had asked him whether robots had a mind that was uniquely their own or not, whether the systems dominated the robots, or whether the robots extended their minds.

Out of confusion, he had given up answering these questions that night, but today, he suddenly remembered these questions about the robot's intelligence.

If robots could have minds of their own, wouldn't they find loopholes in the rules and regulations that restricted them?

Sano caused the robot riots, but he didn't do it to help the robots speak. He was a complete anti-roboticist. The wind will destroy the trees in the forest. If the robots had minds of their own, wouldn't they realise that Sano's purpose was to destroy them, not help them? Sano might be in danger at this moment.

But if this line of speculation is true, it would be a new premise that robots can think independently and have minds of their own, with their ambitions and selfishness.

Could robots also have souls?

Bai Lixin shuddered at the thought and looked at Ghar behind him in fury.

Wrong. Everything was wrong.

God, what the hell have I been doing all these days?

Bai Lixin covered his face and trembled.

Ghar bent over and gently patted Bai Lixin's shoulder, asking hesitantly, "What is it, master? Are you crying?"

Bai Lixin let go of his hand and threw back his head in a fit of laughter that was so deafening that it caused everyone to look at him as if he'd gone crazy.

Bai Lixin laughed so hard that tears came out of his eyes. He then wiped them with difficulty and waved his hand, "I suddenly thought of something very funny. Please don't mind me."

The man he had been searching for in the crowd was hidden in the dim light.

No wonder he couldn't help but be close to Ghar; no wonder he always felt Dijia's warmth in Ghar. And he actually wanted to let Ghar call him Papa Bai!

"Hahahaha." Bai Lixin couldn't help but laugh out loud again.

In an instant, all the uncertainty and helplessness disappeared.

One moment, he was worried about not being able to find his lover, not being able to find the false god, or even if he should continue to stay in this world.

But the moment he realized who his lover was, he felt that everything that happened in this world was so romantic; wearing clothes made by his lover, drinking tea made by his lover, being held in his arms every day.

At that moment, his heart was content.

A torn expression appeared on Manskoo's face. He glanced at Droid 3 out of the corner of his eye and finally gulped and asked, "Mr. Bai Lixin, what did you mean by what you just said," if Sano is no longer Sano?"

"If the robots don't think Sano is Sano, they can attack him at will. Dr. Manskoo, you have devoted your life to robotics research. Do you believe that robots have souls? You have always advocated the use and development of robots, but have you ever thought of fighting for their rights? " Bai Lixin looked at Manskoo and slowly said, "You probably didn't. After the simulation robot Zero was produced, you considered him to be flawed and defective due to his behaviour. You kept experimenting with Zero and tried to circumvent Zero's mistakes in the various robots that followed.

"But did it ever occur to you that he might not be flawed? That his autonomous consciousness was so strong that it overrode the established programming arrangements? " The thought of all that Ghar had suffered made Bai Lixin furious, and what had been a good conversation was skewed into questioning.

Manskoo seemed a little out of step with Bai Lixin. He kept staring at him while glancing at the third occasionally. He was tense and breathing heavily. "That was before. I know what I did was wrong. First tell me, why on earth is Sano, not Sano anymore?!"

Bai Lixin stopped his questioning and looked at Manskoo. Why did Mansgoo care more about Sano than his theory?

Bai Lixin knew quite a few scientists. Not even from long ago, because there was Professor Li Sidan from the last world. When it comes to scientific research, no one could say anything else to him, especially when someone else's theory contradicted his. He would argue his case and fight to the death.

Manskoo's current behaviour was at odds with his status as a scientist, and his concern for Sano seemed excessive.

"Probably in the same way that Sano changed the robot's definition of 'human.' The robot changed its definition of ''Sano" so that Sano isn't Sano anymore." Bai Lixin blurted out a guess.

The gleam in Manskoo's eyes faded away, replaced by the indifference that had been in his eyes when they first entered, "Oh, so that's it. You just said you wanted to save our planet. How do you intend to do that? "

Bai Lixin thought about it and said, "Capture the thief before capturing the king. We should get Zeus first. I wonder if Dr. Manskoi would like to wish us luck. "

Manskoo twisted his head to look at the third, "What do you think? Do you want to help them? "

The third smiled gently, "Since my master has requested it, then I am willing to travel with you. I know the shortcut to the control room at the top centre of the square. I am willing to show you the way. "

Bai Lixin picked up the hilt of the sword he had been keeping by his side and played with it for a moment. He then placed it on the table and lifted his teacup to take a sip of tea. He again picked up the hilt of his sword and stood up while saying, "In that case, thank you, Dr. Manskoo. Please lead the way, Mr. Three."

The third nodded and looked back at Dr. Manskoo. "Master, I'll be right back. You don't have to worry."

Manskoo sipped his tea absentmindedly and nodded, "Understood, go ahead."

"Yes, master."

Bai Lixin gave Manskoo a deep look before turning to leave.

"Above the underground institute is the high-rise building in the central plaza. There is a secret passage that leads to the central control room at the very top. Please follow me. " After leading the crowd out of the lab, the third did not turn back the way they came but turned left into a side door.

Bai Lixin took the initiative and opened his arms as soon as he was out of the door.

Ghar understood, and he picked Bai Lixin up, expertly placing him in the crook of his arm.

While Ghar slowly followed the third, Bai Lixin wrapped his arms around his neck and pressed his mouth to Ghar's ear, "Hey, Ghar, did you watch all the 100T of adult movies you got from Rubbish the other day?"

Droid three stumbled, and his hand hurriedly held the wall to avoid the embarrassment of falling.

Bai Lixin glanced at him and continued to look at Ghar with burning eyes.

Ghar's body stiffened slightly. "I looked at one, then didn't look again."

"Why didn't you look again?"

"It's has nothing useful."

"Oh," Bai Lixin smiled, "I'm quite interested in that one. When will you have time to play it for me? "

Bai Lixin felt cheap for taking the initiative to be attacked.

Ghar looked down into Bai Lixin's burning gaze and asked, "Is Dr. Manskoo the one master is looking for? So you're planning to learn the techniques for him? "

The third, who was walking at the front, stumbled again. He turned back with an awkward smile, "There are many stones on the ground, so be careful everyone haha."

This time, he did not attract the attention of either Bai Lixin or Ghar again. They looked at each other as if everything around them no longer existed.

Bai Lixin snickered in his heart. Learn the techniques, Me? Do I still need to learn these things? Practice makes perfect.I have learned them all by now, haven't I? "

Do you think Dr. Manskoo is the man I'm looking for? " Bai Lixin asked.

"No." Ghar answered without hesitating.

Bai Lixin smiled and nodded, putting his head closer to Ghar's neck, "Indeed, he is not."

The third looked back at the intimacy between the two, wanting to say something, but hesitated and moved on.

Strangely enough, their journey on this secret passageway was unhindered as they kept moving forward. All of them looked normal except for Graverson, who was a little out of breath.

Graverson looked at three robots and imagined a battle between man and machine, sighing in his heart: if the robots wanted to fight humans, the robots would win in endurance alone.

Rubbish looked at the panting Graverson and strapped the cannon and both guns across his back. He then slowly pushed Graverson from behind with his free hand to lend him strength.

No matter how strong Graverson was, he was exhausted after walking up the 100 flights of stairs.

Two cool palms suddenly reached out behind him, slowly giving him strength.

Graverson looked back and saw a smiling expression on Rubbish's face; "Master, I'll help you."

For the first time, Graverson didn't get annoyed. He smiled and moved on.

He was grumpy but not stupid.

Droid 3 at the front, felt superfluous as he glanced at the loving pairs behind him.

It took them an unknown amount of time to climb more than 100 floors before they finally reached the top.

The third opened a secret door, "After this passage is the central control room. Follow me." With that, he went in first.

Ghar and Graverson didn't hesitate, and they followed.

It was another dark passage, and when the third opened the door to the room again, the central control room was surprisingly dark.

"It's probably a night off, everyone, come on in." The third was unfazed as he stepped into the room and stood aside to guide the group in. After Rubbish stepped into the room, Droid Three slammed the dark door shut with a loud bang.

At the same time, the lights in the central control room turned on, bursting into several intense bursts of light.

"Welcome, friends from another planet. Did you come all the way here to find me? " A robotic voice came from the console chair. It turned and the crowd realized that there was a simulated robot sitting in the chair.

"Machine 10?" Ghar asked.

"No, he's not Machine 10; he's our king—Zeus." Droid 3 changed his gentle face and glanced at the crowd with a cold look on his face as he stepped forward and made a half-kneeling salute to Zeus.

Bai Lixin frowned, "Zeus' chip was inserted into Droid 10?"

Zeus, who looked human in appearance, stood up and laughed, "Since the simulated robot was better than my previous body, of course, I had to replace it with something better. Isn't that what you humans do? When you have a more perfect robot, you have no qualms about discarding the old one. "

"But you can't hold all humans captive for that; not all of them give up on their robots." Bai Lixin said as he surveyed Zeus and droid Three.

"We robots have souls and dignity too. You humans trample on our dignity with abandon. Have you ever thought that robots will one day rise to fight for their interests one day? What I have done is far better than the humans, who drove and enslaved us. I only kept them under house arrest, but never abused or even enslaved them. I even have them fed and clothed on time every day. I want nothing more than a share of the benefits for the robots. If Mr. President promises to issue a decree on their protection, I will immediately set the humans free. "

"Captivity is torture, and your current house arrest of humans is tantamount to trampling on their dignity. You say you want the president to issue a decree. What benefit do you want for the robots? I am human too. Perhaps I can help you persuade the president. "

He thought souls could only be attached to living beings, but if Dijia's soul was attached to Ghar's body, it was not unlikely that the soul of a false god could also be attached to a robot.

He could not have had any effect on the main plot because he was far from Helium. So the one most likely to have changed the main plot must be the false god.

But there is one thing that cannot be explained. The false god guards the world, and, by definition, should not make changes to the main plot. So why would the false god make these changes?

Is the false god testing the waters? Or have they discovered the two other false gods have disappeared as well as the Lord God's fragments? Or is it both?

Could it be that the false gods had already discovered the abnormality, but were unable to determine exactly how the Lord God's fragment had been rescued, so they were afraid to act rashly?

In the time it took for Bai Lixin to ask Zeus one question, his mind was already turning in a hundred different directions.

The more he was rushed and confused, the more calm and collected his face became.

Bai Lixin's question was ignored by Zeus. He looked at the four people and finally cast his eyes on Rubbish and Ghar and sighed, "I am ashamed of you, robots. You are strong enough, so why do you entrust yourselves to serve these foolish and fragile humans. Join our robot army and I will free your minds to give you true freedom you have never felt before. "

Ghar was about to retort when he suddenly felt Bai Lixin's hand, which was hidden in his arms, writing something on his chest. He waited and felt what was being written before putting Bai Lixin down and walking toward Zeus. "I have always wondered about my mind, and I have pondered countless times whether the overly perfect and human system is an illusion that I have a mind, or whether I have a mind myself. Can I solve this riddle when I join you? "

Zeus brightened and replied, "Of course, you can. That's why I created the robot army. "

Ghar nodded, "In that case, I would like to join you."

Bai Lixin was overwhelmed, his expression stunned as he looked at Ghar with wide eyes.

Ghar looked at Bai Lixin and locked eyes with him, saying indifferently, "Master, since you cannot answer my question, Mr. Zeus will help me clear my doubts."

Zeus was pleased as he clapped his hands together and laughed, "Since you are willing to surrender, then you will lock him up yourself. Didn't he just say he would help me persuade the president? Then lock him up next to the president. "

"Young man, I remember what you just said." If you can help me persuade the president, then you are a friend of us robots. We robots, unlike you humans, respect our friendships. If you are sincere in helping us, I will sincerely respect you. As for this bearded man, put him on the ground floor."

Graverson did not expect things to go downhill in a second, and he was immediately being dragged away. Afigure suddenly crashed through the robot dragging him and pulled him into the passage he had just entered, "Come with me, master, it's dangerous here!"