Republic of China: Arc 9.1

With Bai Lixin's death, Ghar ended his operation autonomously and fell into a permanent slumber with him.

The moment Ghar closed his eyes, Bai Lixin was ejected from the world. After a spiral through heaven and earth, Bai Lixin returned to the void of darkness.

[Ding! Congratulations, Lord Host, on killing one of the false gods, the god of Power, and earning 20,000 dimension points.]

[Ding! Congratulations, Lord Host, for collecting the soul fragment of the Lord God X1. The completion of the mission is level S, and you gain 30,000-dimensional points.]

[Ding! Congratulations, Lord Host, your soul attributes have been raised to S-rank by 40%.]

As of now, 9 of the Lord God's Soul Fragments have been successfully collected. Three fragments are remaining for mission completion. Please keep up the hard work, Lord Host]

Bai Lixin slowly opened his eyes and saw Dijia's soul already waiting in front of him.

Bai Lixin looked at the figure that was beginning to glow golden and felt tears flow out of his eyes.

Because nine of the soul fragments had been collected, Dijia's soul had turned into a pale golden colour. In addition, he was no longer just the flame shape he had been before but had gradually turned into a human form, although it was still blurred. Layers of golden streams of light dotted around the human shape, and he could vaguely make out some blurred facial features.

Bai Lixin squinted his eyes, trying to make out Dijia's outline, but he could not see it against the golden streams of light.

Tears slowly flowed down Bai Lixin's soul body, dripping down into the dark void, sending up pure white ripples.

The two silently looked at each other.

After a long time, Dijia's golden soul floated to Bai Lixin and gently brushed away the tears from his eyes with his hand, his lips sweeping over Bai Lixin's face with immense fondness.

Bai Lixin broke into a smile and stretched out his arms to encircle Dijia's golden soul.

"I don't want to be away from you any longer, not for even an inch." Dijia swirled in the centre of the void, shining in the darkness. "I remember so many things, baby."

Bai Lixin arched affectionately in Dijia's arms and laughed, "What do you remember?"

"I remember you crying out in my bed, I remember your ecstatic expressions, your sexy body, your tantalising secret places. I remember the bunny outfit, and I remember your pleas. I have to keep remembering this beauty every day when I'm not with you in this darkness. It makes the days here not so long. I look forward to each brief reunion with you, after which the reabsorbed memories sustain me until your next return. Baby, I really can't wait to have you."

As he said that, a stream of light attached to the outside of his golden soul began to morph into tentacles that swept and fluctuated around Bai Lixin's back, neck, and even groin.


Bai Lixin was dumbfounded. Hey, where is the promised moving speech? I don't feel moved with this, okay?

"Baby," Dijia's tentacles began to reach up to Bai Lixin's chrysanthemum and slowly moved in, "I can't wait to possess you completely."

Bai Lixin moaned and let Dijia do what he wanted. The tentacles began to move up and down, while more and more of them began to converge there. Bai Lixin slumped over Dijia, no longer having the strength to stand, and could only rely on his support to keep from collapsing in a heap.

Dijia had, just like that, had his way with him right there, straight away, simply and brutally!

For a long time, several torrents shot into Bai Lixin's soul.

At the same time, Bai Lixin heard S419M's prompt: [Congratulations, Lord Host. You have been blessed by the Lord God. Your soul attributes have been raised to S-rank by 50%].

Bai Lixin rolled his eyes, lying on the ground in a weak state, not willing to move a single finger. What blessing of the Lord God? Why so intense? Wasn't I usually blessed with a kiss before? That is all a ruse.

Dijia chuckled in a low voice, his finger lightly touching Bai Lixin's forehead. Bai Lixin then felt a warmth on his forehead, as if something had burrowed into it, and said, "This is my soul qi; it will protect you in your time of crisis."

Dijia softly kissed Bai Lixin's forehead and mouth, and finally sighed helplessly, "I have to go back, baby. I can't stay outside for too long yet. In times of crisis, you must protect yourself."

With these words, Dijia reluctantly returned to the Soul Box and disappeared.

Bai Lixin's heart was filled with melancholy as he watched Dijia disappear.

After waiting for a long time when his body could slowly resume its activities, he whispered: [S419M, proceed to the next world.]

[As ordered, Lord Host! Now beginning transmission!]

After another moment of heavenly spinning, Bai Lixin heard S419M's voice echoing in his mind: [Ding! You have reached the mission world. The system will perform soul fusion for the host.]

[Ding! The soul fusion rate has reached 100%. Beginning a scan of the fused body attributes.]

[Ding, the scan is finished. The original mental power attribute is a B grade, and the physical attribute is also a B grade. The soul attribute is now at S grade. Please enhance the body attributes as soon as possible.]

[The world's memories are now being collected. Ding, the world's memory collection is complete. The memories will now be transmitted to the host.]

A segment of images squeezed into Bai Lixin's mind. He finished comprehending the memories of this world and sneered in his heart. It had been a long time since he felt like giving the favoured son of the world a good beating..

This world was an A-grade Republican world, where ancient and advanced cultures overlapped, and there was even more variety in clothing. Cheongsam, tunics, jackets, skirts, and even Zhongshan suits, represented the cultural collision of ancient and modern times.

The favoured son of this world is called Fang Xuelin. He was originally a poor museum administrator who was extremely passionate about antique paintings and calligraphy in his spare time but had no money to buy them, so he could only admire them from afar.

Later, Feng Xuelin found a simple looking grey jade while on a panning trip with a history. It was a rare stone handed down from the Qin Dynasty. The stone absorbed the essence of the sun and the moon and gradually developed spiritual energy, giving birth to a jade soul.

The jade soul made an agreement with Fang Xuelin in order to cultivate. It would give him a golden pupil that could see through all things in the world, while Fang Xuelin had to find something full of aura to nurture the Jade Soul.

The so-called spirit-filled objects of the Jade Soul are the most exotic antiques in the world, and the more exquisite they are, the more spiritual power they contain.

After obtaining his golden pupil, Fang Xuelin began to sweep the gambling dens, winning every time. But in order not to attract suspicion, he sometimes deliberately bought a few pieces of rubbish jade and cut them. In this way, he made more and lost less, gradually becoming richer.

During this time, Fang Xuelin also often searched for food for the jade soul as promised. At first, his target was only those good jade stones that were buried in the jade antique market. They were originally worth more than ten yuan, but some people would only offer one yuan to make a living. Every three to five days, Fang Xuelin went to the jade and antique markets and made some sweeping trips. Although the harvest was again quite rich, he made no progress.

As the jade soul absorbed more and more aura, its appetite grew, and it even began to target the books in the museum.

The reason why all antiques could be passed down to this day, after millennia of baptism, was that they all possessed an aura, only that the aura varied in size. The presence of the aura helps ensure that the antiques can last for a long time.

However, after the aura is absorbed by the jade soul, these antiques will dull in a few days and eventually either break or turn into pieces.

No matter how bold he was, Fang Xuelin would not dare do anything untoward in the museum where he works.

At this time, he came across a rival, the young master of the Wen family, the number one antique family in Fengcheng, Wen Xuyao. He was rich and powerful and was.

Wen Xuyao and Feng Xuelin had a long history of disagreements, and that day, the two quarrelled over an antique. To no surprise, Wen Xuyao, who was rich and powerful, won this time.

The jade soul then told Feng Xuelin that since it couldn't be left to absorb the aura in the museum, it was better to let it absorb the aura in Wen Xuyao's house.

Fang Xuelin was happy to oblige, and that very afternoon he returned with a gift to make amends. The jade soul took the opportunity to absorb all the aura contained in Wen Xuyao's family house over the years, and in the process, absorbed all of the Wen family's qi as well.

Within a few days of Fang Xuelin's departure, the Wen family's antiques began to break down one by one, and the Elder Wen fell ill.

Wen Xuyao panicked and suddenly thought of Fang Xuelin, who had visited the Wen family in the past few days. He knew Feng Xuelin must have done something in revenge, and Wen Xuyao was furious. He went straight to the police station.

Wen Xuyao had a good relationship with the police commissioner, but on the same day, Admiral Liao, who was governor of Fengcheng, had come to visit. When he heard that Wen Xuyao wanted to sue Fang Xuelin for using evil magic to get back at him, Admiral Liao did not believe him.

He sneered, and without saying a word, had Wen Xuyao, who had come to the police, beaten with twenty strokes of the board for slander and thrown out.

Wen Xuyao's health had always been poor, and the twenty strokes almost killed him.

Wen Xuyao passed away with hatred and regret in the decaying Wen family home.

Bai Lixin opened his eyes and felt a sharp pain in his buttocks. He scanned the dilapidated house and sighed. This huge house with its bookish heritage was ruined just to satisfy a small jade soul.

Wen Xuyao, I feel all your hatred and resentment.

I will help you punish Fang Xuelin and that Admiral Liao, who can't distinguish right from wrong and black from white!

With a cold snort, Bai Lixin asked, [S419M, scan the soul attributes and physical attributes in this world and tell me the three highest ones].

[As ordered, Lord Host. Ding! Scanning begins. Ding! Scanning complete.]

[Lord host, the highest soul attribute belongs to Liao Sufan, with a soul attribute at SS level and a body attribute at SS level; second is the Jade Soul, with a soul attribute at SS level, but can not detect body attribute without a body to scan; third is Fang Xuelin, soul attribute S level, body attribute B level.]

Bai Lixin's hand propped up on the bed slipped, and he nearly knocked his chin onto the bed: [Wait, the highest-ranked is Liao Sufan?]

What the fuck?!