Republic of China: Arc 9.2

That murderous Liao Sufan has the highest soul attribute? Damn, what a premature life! If he is Dijia, then it would be awkward. When the time comes, should he dislike him, slap him, or forgive him?

Bai Lixin fell back into bed and laughed, which irritated the painful buttocks.

Bai Lixin's laughing form jerked up, his face twisted with pain: [S419M, quick, quick, help me repair my butt first]. Emma, it really hurts!

[Yes, Lord Host. Deducting 100 points to repair physical damage. Ding! Repair successful.]

When Bai Lixin moved again, he found that his butt was already healed and the pain lessened.

He nodded in relief and tried not to think about why such a serious injury only required 100 points, while a single round with Dijia would require hundreds or even thousands of points.

Anyway, Liao Sufan may not necessarily be Dijia. He might be a false god, so he must first confirm it and not take it for granted again like last time.

[Lord host, do you still remember the god of power that was killed in the last world?] S419M asked, interrupting Bai Lixin's thoughts.

Bai Lixin sat up from the bed and nodded: [Of course I remember.]

[The god of war, power, wrath, and love are the four most favoured by the pseudo-Lord God. The disappearance of the god of greed and the god of lust would not necessarily attract the Pseudo-Lord God's attention, but he must have noticed the disappearance of the god of power.]

S419M's voice was filled with worry: [The next worlds will only become more and more difficult, so you must be careful, Lord Host. Moreover, with the successful collection of each soul fragment, the amount of information we get as we travel through the worlds gradually decreases. I feel that there are still very large and ghastly unknown things in this world that did not appear in the world's memories. So if you encounter any misfortune, Lord host, please make sure to break away from the world as soon as possible.]

Bai Lixin frowned: [Why are you suddenly giving an account of things? Do you want to hibernate in this world too?]

[Lord Host, I sensed the presence of a false god as soon as we came to this world. It is none other than the jade soul in the hands of the son of the world, Fang Xuelin. He must be the god of food, for he spends his life in gluttony. That is why he has such a huge appetite, eating up all the aura and qi of this entire mansion.]

[In the days to come, you will be dealing with Fang Xuelin from time to time, so for safety reasons, the system will hibernate from now on. Is there anything else you need before that happens?]

Bai Lixin thought for a moment and asked, [While you are in hibernation, will I still be able to use the dimensional points?]

S419M gave an "en" [Yes, lord host.]

Bai Lixin nodded, his eyes solemn, [Then, you can first deduct points to help me heal Elder Wen, and in addition, raise my physical attributes to SS level]

[Yes, Lord Host. Do you want to raise your body attributes first, or do you want to help Elder Wen cure his illness and prolong his life first?]

[Time does not wait for anyone; save Elder Wen first.]

[Yes, Lord Host.]

Bai Lixin sat up from the bed without delay and headed straight for Elder Wen's room.

The Wen family's ancestral house has been passed down from the previous dynasty to the present day. This ancestral house was an ancient building in Fengcheng city, and it had long since given birth to a spiritual aura. Because of this aura, the Wen family could not be approached by ghosts, nor could they be attacked by any evil.

However, as the aura disappeared, evil qi encroached on the mansion and plagued Elder Wen.

Elder Wen's room had changed from its old, simple and bright atmosphere, revealing signs of dilapidation everywhere. As soon as he entered Elder Wen's room, Bai Lixin frowned.

Bai Lixin was exceptionally sensitive to the aura of the soul because he had been in the form of a soul several times. He remembered that a long, long time ago, he had transmigrated over into the ancient world as a Daoist priest. He still knew the Daoist's method of exorcising ghosts by heart and had not forgotten a single bit of it to this day.

Without hesitation, Bai Lixin bit his finger and mouthed the words, drawing a talisman in mid-air.

As Bai Lixin drew the talisman in mid-air, the blood flowing from his fingertips stayed in mid-air, as if it was attached to a piece of paper.

Finally, having finished reciting a long and obscure incantation, Bai Lixin shouted, "Hear my decree; hurry! Extinguish! "

The strange red incantation suddenly emitted a bright light that illuminated the room. After a few moments, the light receded and there was no more depression in the room.

Bai Lixin lightly touched his finger, which still had blood on it, to the forehead of the pale Elder Wen. He saw another flash of red light, and a huge black fog was forced out of Elder Wen. The black mist hissed and tried to flee towards the door.

Bai Lixin sneered and pulled back the black fog with his bare hand. His other hand's index and middle fingers transformed into the shape of a sword and pointed towards the black fog. It wailed and disappeared completely.

After dispersing the evil spirits in the room, Bai Lixin hurriedly went to the dying Elder Wen and grabbed his pale hand tightly, saying: [S419M, quickly use the dimensional points to heal and improve his physical attributes].

[As ordered, Lord Host. Deducting 1000 dimensional points to repair Wen Heirun's body; using 500 points to raise Wen Heirun's physical attributes from D rank to B rank.]

A ray of light covered Elder Wen's body as he experienced the pain of body strengthening while gently frowning and groaning.

As the white light dissipated, Elder Wen's face was no longer the ghastly white it had been just now and was turning rosy. Seeing that Elder Wen was out of danger, Bai Lixin was relieved and quietly went back to his room before the old man could wake up.

After Bai Lixin left, Elder Wen who should have been in a deep sleep, opened his eyes. His old, wise eyes looked in Bai Lixin's direction for a long time before he finally sighed and closed his eyes again to rest.

Wen Xuyao's first wish was for his grandfather, Wen Heirun, to live a long and peaceful life. Bai Lixin has now half granted the first wish.

With the wish fulfilled, Bai Lixin began his body strengthening, which was so painful that Bai Lixin lay in bed drenched in sweat until the next day, unable to move


Bai Lixin spent nearly seven days in the old mansion before he left the house.

The only people left at the Wen family house were Elder Wen and Wen Xuyao. His mother had died young, and his father had married the daughter of an ordinary family in the south of the city. She was called Liang.

For several years, Liang was married into the Wen family, but nothing came of it. Ten years ago, Wen Xuoya's father heard about an unearthed antique and took his family to look for it, but he was killed by bandits. The Wen family was then left with Elder Wen, Wen Xuyao, and his stepmother, Liang.

Although Liang had no children, the Wen family did not treat her badly as she was the only woman in the family. Elder Wen was obsessed with studying antiques and calligraphy, while Wen Xuyao was a fun-loving man who spent his time in the streets, listening to songs and enjoying life. He was fond of hitting people with money and had naturally offended many people, including Feng Xuelin, who regarded money as "dung."

Both Elder Wen and his grandson were casual, and the Wen family was taken care of by Liang. Of course, the inner house was under Liang's complete control, but any business outside the house was still under the care of Elder Wen, who always wanted his grandson to be the heir. However, Wen Xuyao did not care much about it and did not take over as he was supposed to four years ago.

This year, Wen Xuyao wanted to start learning something about it, so he tried his hand at the antique market. But he provoked the wrong kind of person, which was the start of his bad luck.

Bai Lixin sighed. A gentleman is easy to deal with, but a villain is hard to defend against.

As the Wen family declined, it was no longer in the limelight like before. His stepmother, Liang, saw that they were high in debt, and she secretly fled the Wen family at night with a pile of cash, trinkets, and silver.

Betrayed by the relative he had been with for more than 10 years, coupled with Fang Xuelin's deception, Wen Xuyao was so upset that he went to the police in a fit of rage.

He wanted to sue Fang Xuelin with a "ghost and gods" charge. However, the latter had already coaxed Liao Sufan. Even without Governor Liao's interference, his friend the police commissioner would not have believed him. After all, his "ghost and gods" story was too farfetched.

In the past few days, only a few people were left in the Wen family home. Such a large mansion had fallen so low in such a short period. Elder Wen had already woken up, and aside from visiting him every day, Bai Lixin spent the rest of his time studying Daoism in his room, the method of gambling stones and appreciating antiques. It requires not only luck but also experience and guts.

One can never be sure what's inside until they cut. You can win or lose. That's what gambling is all about.

But Fang Xuelin wandered around the gambling market with his golden pupil, playing others like monkeys.

Seven days later, the system went into hibernation.

The pain in his buttocks was almost gone, so he limped and pushed open the door of the Wen family house and walked out.

Fengcheng was an ancient city, and it was known throughout the country for its antiques.

Rumour has it that Fengcheng was once the fiefdom of an ancient war hero, the Sea Heavenly King, whose tomb is buried somewhere in this city. But legends are only legends. The place had been visited by tomb robbers many times, but the tomb of the Sea King had never been discovered by anyone.

It was the middle of winter and it was grey outside. There was a light snow falling from the sky and a thin white veil was already accumulating on the ground.

Bai Lixin went through the door. He thought about it and stopped a yellow cab, saying, "Go to the police station."

Bai Lixin had been at home for seven days and had heard that the police commissioner had visited no less than four times. Bai Lixin had declined to see him each time on the grounds that he was unwell. But the servants had brought him a pile of tonics after each rejection.

The police commissioner was a good friend. Since he was out and about, he should pay a visit as a courtesy first.