Republic of China: Arc 9.26

[Lord host, with this, have you found me to be valuable? Am I particularly useful?] S419M jumped in his head.

Bai Lixin looked at Liao Sufan and Huang Hongyuan, and at Fang Xuelin sitting at the table. He suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness. Beating Fang Xuelin in his state would be very unfulfilling.

[Yes, you were so useful. I've never felt you were so valuable as now.] Bai Lixin coldly replied.

In the memories that S419M had just passed on to him, there were huge passages scattered throughout the Heavenly Sea King's palace. The Tomb Raiders fought several minions made of black qi in the various passages to save Fang Xuelin. At the same time, Fang Xuelin was imprisoned in the palace.

The Heavenly Sea King loved and hated Taiyi, so he was tangled. Because of the 4000-year-old entanglement, Fang Xuelin's soul was redeemed by the deaths of Wen Xuyao and Elder Wen, and he got memories of his past life.

As for the handsome captain, his process every time he crosses a barrier set by the Heavenly Sea King was expressed in great detail.

Bai Lixin couldn't help but laugh a bit. The plot had gone so off course that he didn't even know how to correct it.

[S419M, Where is the Heavenly Sea King now?]

[Lord Host, the Heavenly Sea King is right in the next room. He is using a mirror to observe every move here. I advise the Lord Host not to reveal any cards here.] S419M said.

[I see.] He knew that the Heavenly Sea King was watching this place, but Bai Lixin wasn't feeling nervous at all.

[You said to let Liao Sufan's Heavenly Yang Qi pierce the Heavenly Sea King's barrier. How exactly do we pierce it?]

[Lord Host, you can attach your soul to Liao Sufan's body and become one with him. That way, not only are your powers fused, but you can also channel his Yang Qi. Liao Sufan is the Lord God, so he will not reject you.]

Bai Lixin's eyes lit up, [Yes, there is a way to do that.]

He coughed lightly and heard Fang Xuelin ask, "Why do the guests look indifferent and not drink tea?"

Bai Lixin let out a long sigh, "We are so anxious. How can we drink this tea?"

Fang Xuelin frowned, "What are your worries?"

"Because we are here to find the demon that eats people's hearts!

Fang Xuelin's eyes popped, and he was in a trance for a moment. "Aren't those who are eaten by the devil those who deserve to die?"

"Huh?" Fang Xuelin's statement confused Bai Lixin.

"Prostitutes, thieves, murderers.…" Fang Xuelin's eyes wavered, "These people should all die, so the world would be cleaner. Isn't that good? "

"Fucking fart!" Huang Hongyuan suddenly jumped up, "Do people deserve to die for selling their bodies? It's obvious that the Heavenly Sea King is the biggest villain, yet he uses justice as a way to justify himself. How dare you say that? "

Fang Xuelin tilted his head innocently and wasn't angry, "What I've said is true. Since they are evil people, they deserve to die. "

The three of them frowned and looked at each other with blank faces.

As they looked at each other, they heard Fang Xuelin say happily, "You three are also wicked people, for you have insulted my king. The king is the best man in the world, and all those who scold him deserve to die."

"Hehehe!" The three maidservants standing behind Bai Lixin suddenly turned into three streams of black air that hovered in the air. Bai Lixin's body tensed up and he threw several paper figures out of his arms.

The paper figures turned into children, and with a sharp whistle, their mouths opened and they sucked all the black air into their stomachs.

The battle was over before it had even begun, and Fang Xuelin was dumbfounded. Then he laughed softly, "Why are you so cruel? You killed three of my maidservants, but that's okay. I have many more. " As soon as the words left his mouth, more black air drifted in from outside the palace.

A dozen children smiled and took a deep breath as they held hands and sucked the black air in with another gulp.

These paper children were not the ordinary ones from the previous days. They were made with his and Liao Sufan's blood. They not only possessed Daoist Qi but also Liao Sufan's Heavenly Yang Qi.

Did this Heavenly Sea King think they would come for a battle they were not sure of?

Fang Xuelin saw the black Qi being absorbed again, and he suddenly burst into tears. His voice was miserable. "You guys are disgusting. How dare you hurt my maidservants repeatedly. Wu wu wu. "

The three people looked at Fang Xuelin's bizarre behavior, and two words suddenly popped up in their minds: really crazy!…

[Keep provoking him, Lord Host! Attack him! He is the Heavenly Sea King's weakness. The Heavenly Sea King will definitely come out!]

Bai Lixin nodded. He pointed at Fang Xuelin and said to the children, "Suck him!"

At the order, the paper children immediately turned to the wailing Fang Xuelin, opened their mouths wide and sucked in with ferocity.

Fang Xuelin was wearing a white gauze, which drifted lightly. He was not even wearing anything underneath. As the children sucked in, the gauze on Fang Xuelin's body fluttered, and his chest was opened to reveal the milky white skin.

His face went pale and he panicked, covering his chest and legs in a panic and screaming, "You rascals! My king, my king, please come and save me!!! "

Bai Lixin sneered. Yes, call him. Children, blow harder. Blow harder!

A black mist different from the one used by Fang Xuelin suddenly appeared in the air and approached the dozen paper children. As the children were about to be cut into pieces, Liao Sufan, who had been standing behind them, grabbed the sharp black Qi with his bare hands.

The black Qi struggled and slithered like a snake for a few moments, and then the black Qi evaporated into white mist and disappeared.

"It's been three days since I saw you and you are inproved." A low voice came out of the darkness. With a look of joy on his face, Fang Xuelin jumped at the person who had come and hugged him. "My king, you have finally come."

The Heavenly Sea King slowly embraced Fang Xuelin and walked out of the darkness. He looked at Fang Xuelin with affectionate eyes. "Don't worry, Taiyi. Leave everything to me. "

Fang Xuelin pointed at Bai Lixin in grievance and said angrily, "They… they humiliated me. My king must avenge me. "

"Finally, the Heavenly Sea King stops being a tortoise." Bai Lixin laughed coldly and arched his hand. His eyes were slightly lowered, resting on the Heavenly Sea King in the hopes of finding something. Unfortunately, there was no Jade Soul in his visible line of sight.

[S419M, where is the Jade Soul?] Bai Lixin asked in his mind.

[Don't worry, I already found it; it's on the Heavenly Sea King.]

The Heavenly Sea King raised his eyebrows and looked at Bai Lixin. [Wen Xuyao, you seem to have been communicating with an invisible thing just now. What is it? Is it something like this jade soul?] The Heavenly Sea King pulled out the jade pendant covered with black runes from his pocket and laughed.

At this, Bai Lixin's body stiffened, "Nonsense!"

With a wave of his hand, several rows of yellow talismans were immediately arranged in the sky, shooting straight towards the Heavenly Sea King.

With a cold laugh, the Heavenly Sea King waved his hand casually, and black mist burst out from his sleeve, clashing with the talismans. A huge white mist immediately rose in the palace, wrapping everyone in it.

"A trivial skill." With a wave of his hand, the Heavenly Sea King laughed and dispersed the white mist.

After the mist dispersed, Bai Lixin smiled. Meanwhile, Liao Sufan gently blew into his palm and the powder of the jade pendant fell into the air.

The Heavenly Sea King was stunned. When he looked at his palm, he found that the jade pendant he was holding was gone.

"Of course, I knew it was a trivial trick. I didn't intend to use it to hurt you." Bai Lixin shrugged, "That pendant was my purpose from the start."

"Oh, so what if you succeeded. The only reason I didn't throw it away was that it was a piece of portable jewellery from the city. It won't hurt me even if you turn it into powder. "

Bai Lixin laughed lightly and did not answer.

Yes, it doesn't affect you, but it is of great use to Dijia, S419M, and me.

I really want to thank you. If you hadn't suppressed and sealed the good god with your evil qi, it wouldn't have been so easy for us to get rid of him.

The Heavenly Sea King didn't know that he had done a good deed. He frowned at them, and with a wave of his arm, he surrounded the palace with black qi. A cloud of black qi emerged from beneath him, embracing him and Fang Xuelin, making them float in mid-air.

Liao Sufan, Wen Xuyao, and this other person are a nuisance. One is the person Taiyi mistakenly fell in love with, and the other is the person Taiyi hates. Taiyi has become so confused and it's all your fault. Only when you die can I restore Taiyi to his original state and become my queen.

Bai Lixin looked at the Heavenly Sea King and sneered. "You know that Fang Xuelin was infatuated with Liao Sufan, but Liao Sufan has never accepted nor confessed to him. It was all his wishful thinking, so why blame it on others? You are both worthy of being lovers. You are equally as shameless. You are the most wicked person in the world, but you think of yourself as a saint. Heavenly Sea King, it's no wonder Taiyi tried to kill a hypocrite like you 4000 years ago, and later fell in love with Liao Sufan. Taiyi, you are such a hypocritical person. No wonder Liao Sufan doesn't like you."

The Heavenly Sea King and Taiyi were furious at the same time, with their eyes rounded in anger.

A mass of black Qi was then thrown at Bai Lixin again. Bai Lixin sneered again, "Using the same move twice is too corny, Heavenly Sea King. I thought you were a formidable opponent, but it seems I overestimated you. "

The anger on the Heavenly Sea King's face condensed. He roared and raised both arms to the sky while shouting, "Wen Xuyao, you want to die!"

The jade pendant around Huang Hongyuan's neck felt the unusual power and automatically transformed into the form of a giant lion to protect him.

The black ball of qi slowly grew larger, and then compressed until it became a pure black ball of one metre in diameter.

"Go to hell, Liao Sufan!" The fact that Taiyi killed him was a barrier he would never get through. Whenever he thought of it, he couldn't suppress his angry heart.

After a long time of energy accumulation, the Heavenly Sea King was about to throw the black energy ball at Bai Lixin when his expression changed abruptly and the air mass above his head dissipated violently. He looked down at his abdomen in disbelief, where a hand was steadily inserted.

The hand then pulled back so violently that black blood dripped from it.

The Heavenly Sea King looked at Fang Xuelin in front of him. His eyes were full of blood and tears, and his face was sad, "Taiyi, you hurt me again! Taiyi, I said that no one in the world can hurt, harm, or deceive me except you. I've never hurt or been on my guard against you, but you still hurt me. Is your heart made of iron?! I've done everything for you, but I can't move you?! Ah ah!!! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! "

Fang Xuelin looked terrified and shook his head desperately, "It's not me, it's not me, it's really not me! Believe me, my body moved on its own!!!"

"Hahaha! Bitch! You bitch!" The blackness in the Heavenly Sea King's eyes spread out as he slapped Fang Xuelin far into the wall, "Do you think I will continue to believe in you after all these mistakes? You killed me once, and now you want to kill me a second time! You bitch!"

A mouthful of blood spurted out of Fang Xuelin's mouth, and tears welled up in his eyes. He shook his head desperately, trying to explain something.

On his body, a paper figure fluttered to the ground unnoticed.