Republic of China: Arc 9.27

Bai Lixin let out a sigh. Now that Liao Sufan had crushed the jade pendant with the jade soul into powder, the big stone in his heart was put down.

The Heavenly Sea King had gone berserk in his anger because Fang Xuelin had attacked him.

The black qi on his body continued to escape, and that black qi spurted out, just as it had erupted from under the dry well that day.

Bai Lixin looked at the Heavenly Sea King, whose hair was slowly turning white and whose body was gradually withering down, and asked in his mind, [It's now easy to pierce his body like this, right?]

S419M was stunned and he stammered in disbelief, [Yes… but… this is... too simple and rough ah!] What about the promised soul attaching to Liao Sufan and then piercing the protective wall with the Heavenly Yang Qi? Where is the promised step-by-step procedure?!

Is directly controlling Fang Xuelin to pierce the protective wall too… too…corny?

[They say that the Taiyi is the Heavenly Sea King's weakness, so I had to try. Even if he couldn't pierce the barrier, it would still affect the Heavenly Sea King's sanity]. Bai Lixin said back in his mind, [Only, I didn't expect that the Heavenly Sea King was not at all guarded against Taiyi.…]

Bai Lixin lowered his eyes and sighed, not the slightest bit happy as he should be now that he had pierced the Heavenly Sea King's protective wall.

He looked at the two people who were entangled with each other and then at the solemn-looking Liao Sufan beside him. A hint of emotion appeared on his face.

The Heavenly Sea King was trapped by love, wounded by Taiyi more than four thousand years ago, and woke up to see Taiyi dead before him. Whom should he love and whom should he hate now that she was dead?

Taiyi's death did not free the Heavenly Sea King but deepened his obsession.

Why did Taiyi become his weakness? Why did the Heavenly Sea King cling to life for 4,000 years and not leave? Is it for the sake of this monstrous power? Or did he simply want to prove that Taiyi did not want to harm him?

The answer was already self-evident at the moment.

Bai Lixin's heart was suddenly filled with emotion, and he couldn't help but take Liao Sufan's hand beside him, crossing their fingers together.

Liao Sufan was stunned as the warmth in his hand passed through his fingertips and went to the depths of his heart. He glanced at Bai Lixin and found that Bai Lixin was already looking at him. The two men looked at each other without speaking, but everything was already in their eyes.

From the initial acquaintance with Dijia, he already had a purpose.

Why could he have lasted so long before meeting Dijia, continuing to travel between worlds? For the sake of an unwillingness, and even more so to rewrite history.

It was as if time had stood still for him, thinking it was the end, only to have to start all over again.

In this constant cycle, although he did not go mad or break down, he was on the verge of collapse.

When was the day the non-stop tasks would end? When would it end once and for all?

He had reached the stage of doing whatever it took, almost losing his mind, to achieve his goal as quickly as possible. It was too lonely after such a long time and such a long journey.

In the first world where he met with Dijia, he had long lost his proper understanding of the three views. He had long become numb to the fact that he treated people in the worlds he transmigrated to as objects of his mission. He saw them as props, like ants, and did not even consider them as human beings. He did not blend into each world, examining it with the eyes of a spectator, watching it progress according to its orbit. He only needed to tamper with a small string, and the future would be turned upside down.

This was his power, to turn over the clouds and rain in hundreds of worlds.

At the time, wasn't he similar to the present-day Heavenly Sea King?

Dijia, thank you for letting me meet you. Thank you for redeeming me.

If you had not been you, you might not have made me what I am today.

S419M claims that he is saving Dijia, but in fact, it is Dijia who has saved him.

The Heavenly Sea King certainly deserved to die, but Bai Lixin was somewhat empathetic towards his despair. If Dijia had hurt him in front of outsiders, he would have only gone crazier.

He had started with an impure motive and a purpose for being with Dijia. But Dijia had tolerated him throughout.

With a firm grip on Liao Sufan's hand, Bai Lixin tilted his head to look at him and said gratefully, "Thank you."

Liao Sufan was puzzled, but he nodded, "There is no need to say thank you between you and me."

Black Qi erupted and quickly escaped down the great hall and beyond it.

"Senior brother, look, there's nothing along the way." At one of the forks in the path, six Daoist priests gradually relaxed, and a young junior Daoist priest laughed.

"We still need to walk with caution. An ancient tomb over four thousand years old has a long history. Even if there are no evil spirits, there should be miasma from the long period of airlessness. It's too clean here to be scientific. " The slightly older daoist priest admonished.

"Hahaha, science. Since when do you talismanic sects talk about science? For your information, Taoism is about Taoism, not science! " A Daoist priest from a different faction told the two.

"Heh, pedantry. What kind of society is it now? Do you still think you can tell a fortune and cheat like before? We in the Talisman School exorcise evil spirits and fight ghosts, but what about your Divinity School? All you have are words. I think you should retreat as soon as possible while it's still safe in the tomb, so as not to hold back our Talisman School."

"Bah! We watch the stars at night and help people avoid calamities. We are curing things from the root. You… " The Daoist from the Divinity School was about to snicker at the disciples of the Talisman School when his expression suddenly changed halfway through his sentence and he pointed ahead, "What is that?!"

The senior disciple of the Talisman School was already on standby. He threw talismans out of his hands, forming a barrier and flying towards the black qi that suddenly appeared out of thin air. The senior disciple of the Divinity School, on the other hand, was counting with his fingers and shouting, "This is not good. The fate of this place has suddenly changed. A great disaster will befall us. The depths of this ancient tomb are not for us to go any deeper. Hey, ghost exorcist, let's quickly return the way we came and get out of this cave! "

The senior disciple from the Talisman sect nodded. "Let's go!"

The six stumbled back and were about to reach the fork in the road when the one from the Divinity School bellowed, "Stop!"

The moment the crowd stopped in their tracks, they saw another powerful black Qi coming toward them.

They could not tell what this black Qi was, but a sweat-inducing and sinister aura were coming from it.

The black qi forced itself onto the group from both sides, and it blocked them like turtles in a jar. The senior disciple of the talisman school had talismans flying out of his hands, constantly flinging them at the two clouds of black qi.

However, as strength dictated, the talismans kept flying, but the black qi did not slow down or even weaken the rhythm of its attack at all.

"Senior brother! I don't want to die yet! " The junior disciple of the Talisman Sect was so frightened that his face turned white and he hid behind his senior brother, screaming.

"If I had known this would happen, I should have fallen for the cover-up and not come in!"

The senior disciple of the Talisman School frowned at these words and glanced back at the junior disciple, but finally did not speak up.

The Talisman School and the Divinity School were each led by two senior disciples, followed by two junior disciples who had just become apprentices. The two schools have been at odds with each other ever since they were founded, but when it came to a life-and-death situation, it was the senior disciple of the Divinity School who laughed: "Hahaha, life and death are up to heaven. I saw your senior brother going into the well first, and you jumped in after. It wasn't your senior brother who kicked you in but you are now blaming him. "

The senior disciple of the Divinity School smiled and glared at the senior disciple of the Talisman School, "Old enemy, your batch of students this year is no good. Look at my batch; they haven't said a word from the beginning to the end. "

"You have the nerve to say that, but take a good look back, your good disciples have all fainted in fear," snorted the senior disciple of the Talisman Sect.

The Divinity School's senior disciple, who had just been arrogant, stiffened and turned his head to look behind him. He found that the two disciples behind him had rolled their eyes and had fainted.


The Divinity School has always had a slippery tongue, but at this point, the Divinity School's eldest senior disciple had no desire to argue.

He looked at the approaching black qi and then at the Talisman Sect's Senior disciple who was desperately casting talismans, and sighed, "Old rival, I'm afraid that this is the end of us today."

"Bullshit! My fate is up to me. Fuck you! I'm not dead yet, so why should I give up? My master said I could live a hundred years, so how could I be subdued by this mere black Qi!" The senior disciple of the Talisman School shouted, forcing more talismans towards the black Qi.

As the black qi approached, two children's shrill laughter suddenly rang out, followed by two white figures steadily blocking the black qi in front of them.

The two senior Daoists took a look and saw that they were two children of six or seven years old. They were wearing red belly pockets like those of dolls. The boy had a sky braid on his head, while the girl had a sheep's horn braid.

As soon as the two children stood still, they opened their mouths wide and inhaled the strong black qi into their mouths. The two were dumbfounded as they watched the two balls of black mist that had driven them to desperation get instantly sucked into the two children's bellies.

The children's bodies glowed with a faint white light, and the black qi was immediately refined by an extremely powerful Dao qi and Heavenly Yang qi.

As the black qi dissipated, the scene at the other end of the black qi slowly appeared in front of them.

The senior disciple of the talisman school opened his eyes wide in excitement and said, "This…this is what the Ancestor of Taoism called turning paper into gods! Such a profound Daoist art, which senior is helping us?!"

The two children finished inhaling the black mist and turned their heads to look at the six men. Their expressions were indifferent and without the innocence that children should have.

The girl's eyes narrowed as she said coldly, "This place is extremely dangerous. Master has ordered us to quickly escort you out! "

The two senior disciples from the Talisman School and the Divinity School nodded and did not dare to stay any longer. They were both from the Daoist religion, and although it had split into many branches as it developed, at the end of the day, the roots of the Daoist religion were still one. Therefore, they all had great respect for Daoists who possessed powerful Daoist techniques.

"I wonder who the master of the two divine beings is?" The senior disciple of the Divinity School asked respectfully after pinching his junior brothers to wake them up.

"You don't need to know who my master is. My master had given you a warning before, but you still insisted on stepping into this dry well. You have violated the taboo and are so rampant. Why don't you follow me and leave? "

The two groups of people had no choice but to leave the dry well under the escort of the children.

When they reached the bottom of the dry well, the two children pulled the three people to the mouth of the dry well with ease.

Once they reached the mouth of the well, the Daoist priests realised that the other people who had gone down with them had also been brought up.

Of the twenty or thirty people that went down, only twelve or thirteen left. One team even had only its captain left.

"After this incident, I hope you will take this as a warning not to lose your fear of death because of curiosity and greed," the two children said quietly as they hovered over the well's mouth. You can trample on other people's burial places, but don't stay here; leave now! " The children's warning was followed by a flight back into the dry well.

The eyes of the captain of the tomb raider team were blank. He had seen his brothers absorbed by the black mist one by one, dying in agony in front of him, and there was nothing he could do about it.

He knew that digging up people's ancestral graves would surely bring retribution, but he never expected it to come so quickly.

The senior disciple of the Talisman School, on the other hand, looked back at his junior brother, who had just scolded him in the cave. He walked up to him and sighed, "Junior brother, you should not return to the Talisman School. It is not a place where you should go. Since you followed me down the mountain this time, don't go up the mountain again. "

With these words, he and the senior disciple of the Divinity School supported each other and slowly left.

The other three disciples took a look at him and followed their senior brothers. In the open space, the junior disciple of the Talisman school was left alone. He looked around in confusion and shivered when he recalled the scene under the dry well.

He had originally become a Daoist priest because of the prestige and status, but if being a Daoist priest was so dangerous, it was better not to do it! With this in mind, the junior daoist was open-minded and he left in a flash.

Other people also left in twos and threes. One of the monks pitied the captain of the tomb raiding squad, who was more in mourning than in death, and he helped him back to the temple.

As they stepped into the temple, the ancient bell suddenly rang. The dull sound of the bell gradually spread out, as if the turbidity in the sky and the earth had been repelled.

The tomb raider suddenly felt a sense of peace and tranquilly in his heart when he heard this sound.

The monk thought, 'This gentleman has a good relationship with our Buddha and is extremely insightful…'

The Heavenly Sea King looked haggard. His face was as wrinkled as that of a hundred-year-old man; his skin was creased layer by layer, almost drooping over his eyes.

Fang Xuelin still had Taiyi's memory in his mind. On seeing the tears, he cried and hugged the Heavenly Sea King's leg: "My king, my king, I remember. It was my fault that I hurt you!!! "

The Heavenly Sea King covered his face and kicked Fang Xuelin away, "Go away, don't look at me. I don't want you to see what I look like now. Even if I die, the image I leave in your mind should be tall and handsome, not like this. "

Fang Xuelin crawled back to the Heavenly Sea King and cried, "My king, even if you become whatever you are, you are still my heaven and my king. It was really not me just now. I was controlled by the paper man they possessed. Believe me, I would not make the same mistake again. Anyone in this world can fail you, but I will not fail you! Please believe me. "

The Heavenly Sea King's eyes wavered and his slightly frantic gaze snapped back to attention as he leaned down to examine Fang Xuelin. "Is what you say true?"

Fang Xuelin nodded desperately, "Yes, it is true. I am too foolish, I am too incompetent, but I never wanted to hurt you! Not more than four thousand years ago, and not now. Please let me die with you, Your Majesty."

The Heavenly Sea King laughed out into the sky. Instead of blood like before, two lines of clear liquid came from his eyes this time.

He leaned down and hugged Fang Xuelin, using his wrinkled hands to gently brush away the tears under his eyes. "I have waited for over 4,000 years to hear you say, 'I have never thought of harming you.' But I was afraid that I would not get the answer I wanted, so I did not dare to ask. "

As the blackness dissipated, the resentment within the Heavenly Sea King's body gradually dissipated, and his consciousness gradually awoke.

His old eyes were gentle, and he leaned over and kissed Fang Xuelin's forehead with his dry lips: "You are my Taiyi. How can I be willing to let you die? "

After saying this, he suddenly waved his hand violently, which attracted a mass of black gas to wrap Fang Xuelin. As soon as the black Qi wrapped around Fang Xuelin, it carried him away from the group and rushed out.

The Heavenly Sea King was now at the end of his tether, and Bai Lixin had no intention of stopping his actions. After all, Fang Xuelin was the son of the world. If he died, the world would immediately collapse.