Late Night Thoughts

The whole paragraph is based upon the fictitious conversation between the Nyle and the Perry, in which dialogues of Nyle are his emotions about Perry while the dialogues of Perry are the expected arguments of Nyle. The whole conversation is come to pass in the late night so is named as "Late Night Thoughts". Thus may be summarized as the thoughts of Nyle in a latish night.

It was 11 O'clock on a Monday night and Nyle had come back from academy, reaches home and knocks the gate...

Nyle's mom comes to open...

"Who's there...", Asks the mom.

"It's me, Nyle mom..", Nyle replies

Mom opens the gate...

"Why are you so late?", asks the mom.

"It's most often mom, its not much late", Nyle replies.

Mom: okay... Come inside.

Nyle:Ummm... Where's Dad?

Mom: He's there, inside the room.

Nyle enters his father's room...

Dad: Hey Nyle...

Nyle: Hey Dad...

Dad: How was the day?

Nyle: Ah... It was good but a bit busy...

Um... I'm tired dad, i gonna sleep...

Dad: Okay. You may... Good night.

Nyle: Good night dad...

Mom: Hey Nyle, you can't sleep right now, you haven't taken dinner, you must take it first and then you may sleep.

Nyle: Okay mom, where is the dinner?

Mom: It's there in the kitchen, you may take it and i gonna sleep.

Nyle: Okay... Good night mom.

Mom: Good night...

Mom enters the room and the door closes...

Nyle gets into the kitchen, takes the dinner and goes to his room.

Nyle opens the door and gets into his room, shuts the door and locks it.

Suddenly he looks at the wall clock and says,"oh shit! It's been 12 am, it's Monday tomorrow and I've to wake up early...

So he lays on the bed...

Nyle sleeps and as he is in deep slumbers the door is knocked...

Nyle wakes up...

"Who's there", Nyle asks

"Hey Nyle, have you locked the main gate?"his mom asks.

Nyle: Yeah mom, I've done it.

Mom: Are you sure my love?

Nyle: Um... Yeah mom.

Mom: Okay good night...

Nyle doesn't reply..

Now Nyle was awaking, was not sleeping, he was just lying on the bed...

Now Nyle comes to an imagination and talks to Pierre in it...

Perry: Hey Nyle, why are you awaking? It's been much late now, you should sleep...

Nyle: Uh... I can't sleep Perry, i put up my imagination to wander liberally, again and again it does deem you only.

Perry: I shouldn't be in your thoughts.

Nyle: Perry, you aren't within my thoughts, my thoughts are truly within you.

Pierre: Why do you think much about about me?

Nyle: Hey mistress, let me wrap up my love for you, it's nothing but an imagination of being with you.

Perry: It shouldn't be so because i don't think we have ever met for a while... Um... Never, i don't remember.

Nyle: Should i make you to remind a meeting? Okay listen...

It was 14th of March, 2014 i think... when you came to our home, i don't remember the event clearly, do you know you were altogether with me, taking to me, i did want to say something but i was scared of losing you, so i remained silent and ended up all conversation saying nothing.

Perry: So, what do you think about me?, Now?, should i come back in your life?

Nyle: Oh Perry, i myself don't know that still i need you or not as we have been departed for long time, but I'm... I'm fine Perry... You know i do never get bored because i have you to think about.

Perry: Oh... You're mad! You should find your own soulmate and i am not right one, you should forget me, um... You should find another one who loves you, whom you do love...

Nyle: I don't love anybody and I've no interest in doing so... Although i am a bit confused about you.

Perry: (anxiously) Can you please stop loving me?

Nyle: (lightly) It doesn't seem possible. The day i will stop loving you Pierre is the day i will close my eyes forever...

Perry cries and speaks anxiously

"Let me go to the hell out of your heart, i wanna get rid of your thoughts, your imaginations, actually i wanna get rid of you.

I.. I want your heart to forget me... would you please like to do so?"

Nyle: (calmly) I'll never let my heart to do so.

Zum... zum... zum..zuhh. (The phone rings)

Nyle picks up the phone...

Hey Nyle, hello... Hey it is me, John.

Nyle: Hey John what's up?

John: Nyle, have you completed your assignment that's to be submitted by tomorrow?

Nyle doesn't speak...

John: Hey Nyle, are you there?

Nyle: Yeah John... I am...

John: What's the problem?

Nyle: Nothing... It's alright.

John: Hey Nyle, i know you very well, i am your best friend and i have come to know that it's not alright... Something is wrong there...

Nyle: You know John, you're very much familiar about me.

John: Ah... You're completely made Nyle. It's become more often, you've made it a routine to cry over spilled milk.

Nyle: Oh John... It's not spilled.

John:(rudely) She is about to be married, she'll be someone's wife, she is gonna... She will be going to be a mother soon and you say that's not spilled... You should be careful with yourself, her reminiscence may harm you.

Nyle: Ah.. Care... John you don't know the significance of cure. I... I don't need her presence at all my dear, her reminiscent is the cure for my soul.

John: So why don't you try to forget her?

Nyle: Millions of tasks are impossible to do and to disremember her is one of those.

John don't say me to forget her... Let me forget what i have and covet what isn't...

John: So what you gonna do now?

Nyle: When conditions aren't in your favor then plumping for your beloved is the best way of healing yourself.

John: You shouldn't remember her, you should concentrate to your studies, you should stop thinking about her, you have been remembering something that has gone far long and she has started a new life, she might have forgotten you and you are ready here to die for her, you've to take yourself out of her reminiscence, it may harm you.

Nyle: I don't need to disremember her, sometimes it's better to have the reminiscence of someone instead of the person himself, I've let her body to go away but I'll never let her reminisce to do so.

Do you know John what love is? Love is all about feeling someone you haven't, not about doing something with someone you have.

John: Still you love Perry so much and now if you have learnt to live without her then either you've been living deceased or you've been deceiving the life.

Nyle: John actually she did neither love me nor hated me while it was i who has always implored her response.

John: I'm gonna sleep Nyle it's been much late now... Good night.

Nyle: Good night...

Now Nyle speaks with himself considering Perry with him...

Let's meet in dreams Perry,

Let's dream such dreams.

It's been much complicated now,

I've been talking to you even in deep slumbers.

Some day you'll cry for me,

Often like i do for you,

But i pray for not being so,

Because i don't want you to cry.

Reality is:

You didn't bethink me Pierre,

And I haven't forgot you ever.

Reality is, "we are scattered", and,

"We will be ingathered", says my heart.

By the way Pierre please keep coming in my imaginations because that's the only way when we are altogether.

Saying this Nyle fell asleep.