A visit of gratitude p1

A smiling Socorro has already ordered for some tea and refreshments for the comfortably seated royal guests in The king's office, But at this moment she was also sitting down, face to face with her equivalent in career, Aroon Tar.

Aroon on the other hand was sweating bullets, he knew that smile Socorro wore, was more of a business smile than a comfort one, a smile that meant trouble for him as he and Socorro never got along.

As for Socorro, She was smiling but her mind was thinking about every single possiblity in the book, about why would king Thorn visit her kingdom, yet she felt baffled by his previous actions, as she has yet no idea on what's going on.

Why did Thorn hug Muriel? she thought, and she just hates not knowing the answer right away.

Muriel was sitting by Socorro side, facing his equivalent Thorn, who was sitting by his assistant's side in return, the Junglaya king was too busy making eye contact with Muriel to even start a conversation.

So Aroon spoke to break the silence, "I must apologize on behalf of my king for his inappropriate actions earlier, it has been quite the stressful time that we have been through since last month."

"Personally I do not think there is anything inappropriate about a hug, but it was rather...unexpected." Muriel replied narrowing his eyes at both of his visitors.

But Suddenly, Thorn smiled at Muriel, it made Muriel's cheeks heat-up a little.

Clearing her throat, the Derora king's assistant spoke, "UHM! I apologize beforehand if I'm sounding a bit rude, but I believe that my king and I would LOVE to know the reason we're graced by your presence, King Thorn."

Embarrassed, Aroon nudged Thorn by the elbow in order to draw his attention back into the conversation, and away from Muriel's eyes.

"Oh!...sorry...despite knowing you for so many years, I can't help but get lost in your eyes every single time, They're so beautiful Muriel!" Thorn a little shy, stated while still making eye contact with the now fully blushing Muriel.

Both Socorro and Aroon had mentally faceplamed themselves, "Your majesty! FOCUS!" Aroon spoke glaring at his king.

Socorro became irritated a little, "Mister Aroon Tar, you have mentioned that you and your king have been dealing with a difficult situation for the last month, what exactly happened? and does it have anything to do with your current visit and my king?" she asked.

"Since it Seems like MY king is not going to do any sort of explaining himself, then I must speak myself.

Indeed Miss Belmonte, we have had a situation last month and it is part of the reason we are here at the moment, it is a pretty tragic story if you would ask me for my personal opinion." Aroon replied slightly while glaring at his king.

"I see, well I prefer knowing no matter who explains it of you, I suppose my king agrees with me." Socorro said turning her head to Muriel, the young king nodded in agreement.

Taking a deep breath, "We Believe you have a child under your protection that might be as well, my king's son." Aroon stated, his eyes watched both Muriel and Socorro sharing a puzzled stare towards him.

"I'm sorry what now? are you implying we took King Thorn's son or something alike?! since when His majesty Thorn has a kid?" Socorro immediately replied, doing her best not to shout.

She was already worked-up about the visit and now, she felt like this was a straight-up insult.

Aroon waved his hands in disagreement, "Miss Belmonte I can assure you that is not what I meant!" he was completely shaken by her conclusion, "I suppose my words were a bit...unclear." he added.

"Muriel." Thorn suddenly spoke, still staring at the other young king right into his eyes, and that was enough for Muriel to understand, "I see now...to be honest because of my feelings against you, My mind did not register the similarities right away...

He does look like a smaller version of you, Thorn." Muriel replied smiling sadly.

Taken aback by her king's words "What do you mean my king?" Socorro asked.

"So the rumors were True after all, you had a lover here in my kingdom." Muriel said, Thorn nodded With a yes, "I did, I was forced to let him go for his own safety.

I nearly went insane from that...his name was-"

"Fernando, right?" Muriel replied, "Yes." Thorn said confirming his words.

Both assistants remained silent, watching.

Aroon didn't wish to interfere yet, and Socorro was just connecting the dots in her head.

"What name does he have? my son?" Thorn asked with a glint of sadness in his eyes, "MY son's name is Tacito." Muriel replied firmly, the answer bothered Aroon a lot.

"With all due respect King Muriel, His highness 'Tacito' is the possible heir to our kingdom, he cannot be Your son!" Aroon stated making Socorro glare at him fiercely.

Aroon words made Muriel feel so insulted, he rose up from his seat, "I am his mother now whether you like it or not!... Tacito is MY son by the Law! and do not forget that he is from this kingdom as well as he is from yours, Assistant Aroon Tar!

I will not allow you to tell me whom I should consider to be my child, not on my LAND!" Muriel howled at the foreign Assistant.

"You cannot keep him when his real father is alive and right in front of you!" Aroon replied immediately standing up on his feet, "Shut up Aroon! we didn't come here to do anything but to see my son!" Thorn interfered.

Angry at his king for telling him to shut up, "My king this is unacceptable! his is our prince, the heir to the throne and your child! how come you are not planning to take him back with us this instance?!" Aroon nearly shouted at Thorn.

This time Socorro decided to face The raging assistant herself, she had enough of playing polite with Aroon anyways, she didn't even mind cursing at him, " You fucking dare to speak? HUH?! Both of you! where the hell were any of you two when the boy's real mother was SLAIN?! Were you the fucking ones to save him in the woods? NO!

It's been seven fuckin years since Tacito was born! and two since he lost his mother and became MY KING'S SON! WHERE THE FUCK WERE ANY OF YOU LOW-LIVES WHEN A LITTLE CHILD HAD HIS TONGUE CUT OFF BY THE PEOPLE THAT KILLED FERNANDO?!" Socorro screamed on top of her lungs, startling Muriel and the other two guests.

No one expected to hear that many 'fucks' being said.

Aroon felt like his mouth was zipped by force, he watched Thorn's face turn into a horrified expression.

"Slain... his... tongue? they did...what? I don't understand...what?! WHY?!" Thorn shouted in disbelief, he was now looking at Muriel's face hoping he'd see something that would tell him that the information was just a sick joke, but the sour look on Muriel's face was nothing short of a confirmation.

Aroon gulped, "Just a month ago, we were told that the reason the letters Fernando was sending to his Majesty stopped two years ago, was because he was deceased.

but we were not informed of the cause of death, we were simply told that he died and left a boy behind that could be his Majesty's son.

But we had no idea that Fernando was murdered, nor that his boy was that harmed! we only had a tip about a pregnancy Fernando hid away from us seven years ago, and that he died under mysterious circumstances two years ago." Aroon explained.

"I may understand your lack of knowledge about the boy's existence but how come you knew then that I adopted him?" Muriel asked, his eyes were worried watching a quivering Thorn lost in his own mind.

"It was an anonymous tip, so we decided to investigate in secret, we were afraid you might not authorize us to do a full investigation inside your kingdom.

We had to ask around at some point, it is only After questioning some of your knights and servants that were out in the city, that we came to the absolute conclusion that his highness was with you." Aroon replied.

"And that gave you the right to consider yourself worthy of claiming the boy as your heir? after doing some illegal investigation? you are truly shameless!" Socorro spoke with a hint of disgust.

Aroon glared at her, "Miss Belmonte would you please calm down! it is only natural that we demand the prince, he is more related to my king then yours and we would really apprec-"

"Shut up just ...JUST SHUT THE HELL UP AROON!" Thorn's voice echoed in the room, he then stood up from his seat and walked to where Muriel stood.

In a sudden move, Thorn dropped on the ground kneeling before the Derorian king, Aroon's eyes went wide open at that gesture, "My king what are you doing?!!" Aroon cried out.

Embarrassed and Blushing As red as a rose, Muriel pleaded with Thorn to get back on his feet, but the other king refused.

"I came here to thank you, not to take away anything or anyone from you...I am *sobbing* just beyond happy! I am joyous that you took a helpless boy under your wing! you're an angel!

*sobbing* even... when you had no reason to do that, you saved him...so for that I am forever in your debt, Muriel." Thorn spoke through his tears.

Hearing the cracks in Thorn's voice, almost brought Muriel to the edge of crying himself.

So Dropping to Thorn's level, Muriel wrapped the bigger man in a hug, "I am not an angel, and You do not have to be in debt to me, I simply wish you would understand that not all actions are fueled by logical reasons...

it is enough for someone to own a heart and a functioning conscience to do what I did." Muriel spoked in a hushed voice, gently patting Thorn's back.

"If you knew he was my son *sobbing* you probably wouldn't think of saving him, I Know you hate me Muriel!"

Breaking the hug, Muriel chuckled a little, "Hate is such a strong word dear, and it is the furthest thing from the truth.

I would have not abandoned Tacito knowing he was your son.

And I do not hate you like that, I only disliked you because of our competitive relationship especially with the board of Royals, yet Thorn...

In reality, I do not know you well enough to harbor such resentment towards you.

Even if I knew that Tacito was your son, I would still save him a thousand times, I love that boy as if I gave birth to him." Muriel spoke while smiling at Thorn whose face was soaked in tears.

Thorn stared back at those Golden and blue pair of Muriel's in disbelief, like he just saw a miracle, "Are you sure you're not an angel Muriel? do you have actual wings?" Thorn whispered to Muriel in bewilderment.

Hearing his words, Muriel audibly laughed, "Ahaha! Oh heavens no! how many times do I have to say it? I am no such a thing as an angel! MY GOD!"

"Then why did do all of this? what would you gain but trouble out of this?!" Thorn asked

"I did this Because I simply can Thorn!...And being a decent person is not easy, but it is rewarding in a beautiful way!

To be able to see a beautiful life, flourish within my garden, knowing that I helped planting it...that is my only reward, Thorn." Muriel answered, then he threw a brief glance at his assistant, only to see that Socorro was smiling at him, so proudly.