The visit of gratitude p2

"So, Have we came to an agreement?" Socorro spoke eying both young kings in the room, "I can go with this, Yes." Thorn replied while glancing at Muriel.

"And you My king? Are you fine with this proposition?"

"Yes Coco...I agree to this." Muriel replied.

After that sweet moment of gratitude from earlier, Aroon and Socorro started arguing for hours about what to do in this situation, but Luckily they came to a conclusion that the kings seemed to like.

"Both of you agreed to co-parenting as a solution, so let's go over this One Last Time!

Untill prince Tacito reaches the age of 13 and Become legally capable of choosing which parent he wants to live with, The young prince will live here in Derora under His Majesty Muriel's care at all times, As his mother.

King Thorn will have the right to visit Tacito at Any time he desires, and He can stay for few days within the kingdom palace as guest while he visits his son.

King Thorn will also be allowed to take the prince with him to the Junglaya kingdom for only few days at a time, then return him safely back to our palace.

Is this clear? for both of you?" Socorro spoke again earning a nod from both kings.

"Your majesty are you sure about this?" Aroon asked, Thorn smiled at him "I know what I agreed on, Aroon." he replied.

"Perfect then, please both of you! sign this paper." Socorro spoke placing the document she just drafted, and a copy of it in front of the kings.

Socorro also handed her king his reading glasses, "You wear glasses too?" Thorn asked while signing first, "Why? do you have a pair yourself?" Muriel replied with his own question.

"Yes, in my free time I prefer wearing my glasses, but I wear contact lenses on the job.

though, I look better in glasses... just like you do Muriel." Thorn replied smiling, "Good I suppose, although I do not see the point of mentioning that." Muriel said signing after him.

Suddenly, Aroon cleared his throat, "Ahum! Pardon my curiosity but what are you planning to do After king?"

"King Thorn and i will be discussing some other matters between us, then I will be taking him to see 'Our' son in the playroom.

So For the meantime Assistant Aroon, if There's anything you wish to discuss yourself...I suppose my assistant will be happy to keep you company." Muriel replied while putting on a smile for Aroon, however his smile failed to reach his eyes.

If anything, the one Muriel actually despises in this room is, Thorn's assistant and not Thorn himself, as for some reason that man Aroon always brushes Muriel the wrong way.

Forcing himself to smile back at Muriel, Aroon bowed for the two kings and exited the office in a hurry, But With a hint from Muriel, Socorro left the office as well to follow Aroon outside.

Closing the door behind her, Socorro walked up to Aroon who has already dropped his fake smile while pulling out on his pink hair in frustration, "Loved how you zipped-up your mouth when your king shouted at you earlier!

What happened? It's not like you to be put down so easily but then again...i can't tell what it's like you at all! You're just a fucking snake Aroon." Socorro spoke while smirking at him.

Side-eyeing her, "Well that makes two of us girlie! i Loved your little charade that you did inside! I wonder if you even care for the prince like Muriel does?" Aroon replied pulling out a cigarette.

Socorro chuckled saying, "Maybe I was being a Little dramatic inside, but I do genuinely care about my king and the Young Prince's wellbeing! but all you want dear Aroon Is to control Thorn like a puppet for your own gain, everyone can see that.

You want to be The unofficial King so bad! To be the one pulling the strings from behind the curtains, while poor Thorn sits on the throne, listening to your every command."

"As long as I have Thorn by my side, we will see which one of us wins at the end...Ugh, GOD! I miss the previous assistant before you Belmonte!

He was such a pushover! especially when I knew his Dirty secret." Aroon replied blowing smoke in the air.

"From all that smoking you do, I'm probably going to miss you soon Aroon! you were such an adorable little chameleon while you lived, you can't help but change your opinion and behavior according to where it benefits you only...

If I were you, pink Fuck...I would set Thorn and Muriel together, not try to cause a war between Their kingdoms."

"I cannot believe the likes of you Woman! Betas are so full of themselves!...

You think you have any worth against me? you are just an extra! A Replacement, Coco!"

"Only people that love me can, call me Coco, point number 1.

And Point number 2 is that You Omegas and Us beta women, We're kind of similar...I mean at least on the same team.

We're oppressed and underappreciated, especially by alphas.

Insulting me is like insulting yourself."

"Oh please! do not put me in the same category as you, I still have more experience and power in my left thumb than your entire body, You Witch!"

"Resorting to insults when the facts are stacked against you? Aroon, I can read you like an open book...a book I can't wait to dispose of, after I finish its boring Chapters."

"Is that a challenge Coco?"

"It is, pinkie pie."

"One day I am going to kill you, bird shit."

"Oh please! catch my wings first!

I've done Better than you and I only have a one year experience, ask around! maybe ask Garrick~ he'll tell you what I can do!"

"Ugh! You're such a nuisance! And speaking of Sir Delun, I Need to see him...

Maybe seeing a face I actually like, would help me to maintain whatever sanity I have left after talking to you." Aroon spoke, glaring at her.

It made Socorro want to burst laughing, "Speaking of Garrick, I'll be careful if I were you now! I won't be the only nuisance to you here in palace anymore."

Puzzled, Aroon turned his head to her, "What the hell are implying?"

"See for yourself Aroon! but for now excuse me, I have something to check on, an actual job to attend to unlike you dear guest." Socorro replied before sarcastically bowing, while Aroon gave her the middle finger.

When She left, Aroon stood by himself in the hallway, "Bird shit, where in hell did Muriel find her!" he whispered, grunting underneath his breaths.

Anxious, Aroon casted his cigarette aside without caring where it landed, he was anxious because he knew and actually agreed with Socorro, She was right about setting Thorn and Muriel together.

It bothered him that Socorro was as smart as he was, that she also can see right through the mask he had on.

Suddenly, "You sure about doing this?" A voice came through the hallways, Aroon turned to see who it was and saw two knights he recognized very well talking on their way.

Yuuya and Garrick were walking down the same hallway as Aroon.

"It's for the best...just keep it a secret Yuuya, at least until after the ceremony...

I'll tell him the truth then, Please." Garrick spoke, pleading his loud mouth friend to keep something under the sheets.

"Okay~ only because you're my best friend, I won't say a word." Yuuya replied.

Aroon found himself Hurrying towards Garrick, "Hello! is everything okay? Oh! Garrick what happened to your face! are you hurt?!" He asked while checking Garrick's face as he saw a big band-aid on the knight's cheek.

With zero hesitation Aroon touched Garrick's face, without asking for permission, So Garrick Pulled his face away from Aroon's hands, "I'm okay it's nothing serious Mister Tar." Garrick Said slightly annoyed, the bandaid was there to cover his mark.

Garrick still haven't found the courage to tell the doctor about it.

Deciding to calm down, Aroon smiled at Garrick "I cannot believe it has been so long since last we seen each other face to face sir Delun.

If only his Majesty Muriel would have not assigned you to work inside the palace lately...we could have met more often." Aroon said while completely ignoring Yuuya who stood there with a weird look on his face as a reaction.

Garrick noticed how uncomfortable Yuuya seemed, so he said " Yuuya please, walk ahead of me... I have a word to speak with the assistant."

So Bowing his head slightly, Yuuya made a quick escape leaving the two behind, and the moment Yuuya was out of sight, Garrick turned his attention back to Aroon.

Scowling, "Take your hands off me, you murderer!"

"Oh please Rick! Do not say such things, I can get hurt you Know."

"As if I care!" Garrick spoke, fiercely glaring at the pink haired assistant, "You and I can make such a cute couple...minus the long distance between us.

You are the only person I cannot bring myself to eliminate yet." Aroon replied winking.

"I'm so glad his Majesty only kept me inside the palace lately, if I had to see your face more often, I'd throw up!"

"Oh really? do not act all hight and mighty Garrick, I am still the one who turned you into a real alpha, a man to say the least...

I am the closest thing to a relationship that you ever had, yet just like a child! you are still hung-up on the ugly past."

If hate could have a face, it would be Garrick's at the moment, "You shapeshifting piece of shit! have you no shame?!" he growled, Garrick never thought he could hate anyone in his life until Aroon came along.

"Ah! Garrick, do not say such things! it is this shapeshifting piece of shit that once laid in your bed, in your embrace, have you forgotten my alpha?"

"Alpha my ass! You played me like a doll! your bloody face from that day, is still haunting me in my nightmare!

I won't let you torment that innocent boy any more than this Aroon, I know you're planning something by actually coming here."

"I had my doubts and I suppose I was right about you Garrick, it was you who alerted the king a month ago, did you not? you sent that tip...

Brilliant work actually!" Aroon replied clapping at the knight, "Too bad for you, it seems to be working in my favor! now I have a brilliant idea to execute! and way to keep you and the boy close." Aroon added, his smile quickly turned devilish.

Disgusted by Thorn's assistant, Garrick attempted to walk away only to have Aroon grab him his arm, "I am going to play nice from now on, as long as you keep your mouth shut handsome~ no one else has to die."

"I can't believe I liked you at some point, you better not try to do anything funny! I will finish you off myself!

And for future reference, DON'T TOUCH ME AGAIN!" Garrick Screamed while yanking Aroon's hand away from him, then he stormed away.

"Do not worry Garrick, you will be or later." Aroon whispered to himself as he watched the knight walk away.

"If Garrick doesn't like him, then I don't like Pinkie too." Little Yurei whispered to himself as he watched from his hideout.

Earlier Yurei was planning to jump-scare Garrick, but he then felt like hiding himself when he saw the knight and the foreign Assistant arguing.

The little prince knew it within his guts that Aroon was now a threat to everyone he loved, so the boy sneaked from his hideout without getting caught and hurried off somewhere.