Unfolding the past p4

Aroon's face turned quickly at those words, "What do you mean by that Ned?"

"My lover did the same thing, and I'll let you know that throughout the hundred of years I spent traveling after his death, I missed him like crazy!" Ned replied, not sure why he mentioned the last part, maybe to ease Aroon into trusting him.

There was something the doctor needed to know for himself, and he was ready to do what it takes for it.

He suspected that Aroon back in Their world might've been an immortal, since Ned has heard from Jihi that those who use dark magic and master it well, can gain a type of immortality similar to his.

"Hundred of years?! *gasping* how can you survive that long?! are you an immortal?!" Aroon asked with big eyes.

"kind of, I'm human like in most ways but my life span is way longer than any normal human, I also possess magic but it's mostly centered around time itself, Though I'm still learning... Basically, This life was my choice...

Anyways, enough about me, what about you Aroon? are you an immortal or just an ordinary mage?"

"No I'm just an ordinary mage, dark magic allows such a possibility....I mean immortality, but in order to become an immortal with such type of magic, I might have to commit bad things, or take a huge risk... perhaps I should...." Aroon said.

"Is there something You want to say Aroon?" Ned asked.

Sighing, "Ned...I have an urge to get revenge, but judging by the spell the culprit used, it is pointless for me to seek revenge when they are as dead as everyone else in that mansion... unless there was a possibility of their return somehow." Aroon replied, voicing a dark inner thought about his future.

"Aroon, are you planning something?"

"Just thinking about what The witch said...That I will not be able to remember Lucius at all, although I will remember that I used to have a lover I cared about...but what is the point of that? living a life without Lucius, unable to remember who he is but still grieving his loss?!" Aroon asked with a hint of anger.

"And what about his mother? Are you just going to watch over him until he does?"

"I... do not know what to do anymore, I still have yet not figured out who is responsible for this bloody crime."

"If the culprit was alive somehow, or you knew that they would come back to life...would you use your powers to become an immortal Aroon?...would you seek revenge even this person is living a new life?" Ned asked.

"I might...Ned, this person killed many innocent souls! and it seems that it was all because of a grudge against those nobles who own the mansion.

Even if the culprit had a grudge against the Master of the house, killing everyone else as well was illogical and inhumane!" Aroon said unsure of his own words.

As Aroon's eyes connected with Ned's, The Lord of time took the chance and stared at Aroon's lime green ones for a while, his own dark purple pair of eyes glowed suddenly.

Ned can see the past and future of people when he stares them in the eyes.

Though it's not as easy as it sounds, Ned can see the past better than the future, and it's always accurate.

But when it comes to the future of the person he's looking at, he sees some very vague and quick glimpses of what's going to happen, and it's not always a safe option to look into the future, it's not always accurate and it might change when someone becomes aware of it.

So to be safe, Ned chose to look at Aroon's past first and as he did, a past memory of Aroon and Lucius as children laughing while laying together in a field of flowers, flashed through Ned's mind.

Next, he saw Aroon secretly dancing outside A mansion with Lucius, the music coming from inside the mansion was so loud, it reached the outside and the teenagers were swaying their bodies together to the sound of music.

Then another memory came by, a more grown version Lucius was kneeling down in front of Aroon, Although Lucius felt ashamed he didn't have a ring to offer at the time, Aroon screamed a 'Yes' in pure Joy hugging him.

Suddenly the scenery changed again, Aroon was being dragged away by a witch, he screamed desperately for Lucius, but those inky eyes gave him a one last warm look before they turned dull and cold.

So Sighing, Ned decided to switch to see the future events, but as soon as he did, Ned caught a glimpse of something he didn't like, but it sparked an unexpected idea in his mind, so he stopped.

"Forgive me for using my magic on you...These memories are too beautiful to be lost...it must be hard for you.

Seems like you were holding the funeral all by yourself too?" Ned spoke finally breaking his eye contact.

"In the normal situations, we would have held a home funeral and opened the door for anyone to come pay respects, but that has proven to be impossible to do.

In order to avoid suspicion from the people living in town, I have to pretend to be Luciel who's too sick to hold a funeral, and rely on the church to do it for me.

However, I feel bad knowing that despite all the good Lucius and his mother did, I am the last person left for them to rely on.

No one came from the townspeople, they won't even help in the burial.

Although I cannot blame them, there was many casualties, our funeral is not the only one being held at the moment." Aroon explained.

"How cruel...how about you allow me to help you?" Ned Suggested.

Aroon was taken back by the offer, "Why would you?"

"You're struggling enough by yourself now that you're all alone, I think it's cruel to burry your own lover by yourself, so I'll come with you." Ned replied getting up from his seat, Aroon quickly grabbed his hand with teary eyes.

"Thank you for your kindness Ned, I hope I can repay you."

"No need to do it now, you'll be thanking me by making better choices in the future."

..Some time later...

"So you pretended to be his mom, came to visit Lucius at The mansion but ended up getting caught in the fire?"

"Yes...Ever since he started working there, Lucius has been staying at the mansion but he would always visit his mother after work, but when he did not come for the past few days, we both became nervous and as the able one, I went disguised as Luciel to the mansion to see Lucius.

The place was crowded with servants working left and right, appearantly the master was holding another lavish ceremony.

Lucius was being overworked like the rest, The Master was known for throwing ceremonies for fun, without any specific reasons."

Ned's eyebrows slightly rose, " If Neither of you nor Lucius have casted that hellish spell...then who the hell did? who else there had enough hatred and power to kill an entire household including themselves." he asked, he couldn't think of anyone other than Aroon being responsible but Ned has seen Aroon's past memories, he was telling the Truth.

" The target was most likely the Master, there is many among servants whom despised the Master deeply, but Lucius was not one of them...I wonder if the culprit will also be reborn."

"There is a big chance of that happening, but whatever happens, revenge is never the right choice Aroon."

"You said that again, so it is true that after rebirth, your past life memories might return to you... although I will not be able to recognize Lucius myself, I hope he recognizes me."

"Yes, I hope the same for my mate... Jihi is probably going to kill me for spilling so much information." Ned replied.

" I am grateful that you chose to help me, I will do whatever I can to repay you somehow." Aroon said, his eyes were staring at the grave they have just covered back in dirt.

The cemetery aside from their voices, was as silent as the dead sleeping in it.

Sighing, "You want to repay me? promise me you won't hurt anyone, don't get blood on your hands no matter how entitled you felt to do it." Ned demanded.

Aroon nodded at him, " I promise you, as long as I get to see my beloved again...I can take the idea of revenge off my mind."

"Good... you know something, dark magic has a funny way of bringing people together."

"That is what I meant by the good side of dark magic... there is evil in good and there is good in evil." Aroon spoke smiling a little.

A moment of silence took over the two of them as they noticed the sunset, it was getting dark and it meant something for Aroon.

"She is coming, The witch." A terrified Aroon softly spoke.

" Just remember what I told you to do... leave with the witch, and find a way to speak with Jihi...tell them that I sent you, I'm sure they'll listen." Ned spoke reassuring him.

"But what about my mother in law?" Aroon asked, "I cannot just leave him."

"I'll take care of Luciel myself, you don't have to hold another funeral...this is your last chance Aroon, I have faith in you." Ned replied in a firm tone.

" What-!" before Aroon could ask any further questions, a portal Opened up right where he stood, the witch from earlier crawled out of the portal, visibly annoyed.

"Are you ready you bastard, I've come to take what's no longer yours." The witch spoke.

"Why most of jihi's witches...Are assholes? Can't you be a little gentler bitch?! the man just lost somebody." Ned replied standing between the Witch and Aroon, the witch got goosebumps when she noticed Ned glaring her down.

"Who the hell are you to tell me how to behave?! who is this man Aroon?! Are you trying to escape the payment you bastard?!" The witch asked glaring back at Ned, although she felt like she could crumble at any moment under his stare.

"I work for Jihi, same as you so show a little respect... anyways, I want you to take Aroon with you." Ned spoke.

" YOU'RE OUT OF YOUR GODDAMN MIND! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TO COMMAND ME?" the witch shouted at him, "Please No fighting here! have a little respect for the dead! this is a cemetery."


"FUCK!... Listen you pathetic waste of space, stop calling Aroon a bastard and take him back to the main office with you, or else I am going to make you regret being rude."

"Threatening me won't work! you're not the one saving me from punishment if I took this pink bastard to the main office, Master Jihi is going to have ME for dinner not YOU!" the witch replied.

"Well you can tell Jihi to stop serving that disgusting tea after dinner, tastes like a cat has peed in the pot." Ned said making the witch visibly shocked, " You've been served tea?...by Master Jihi...who the hell are you?!"

Ned got closer to her, "Someone you shouldn't make enemies with, I am the Lord Of Time Ma'am...now take Aroon back with you, and seriously tell Jihi about the tea!" he said slightly smirking at the now trembling witch.

"SHIT FINE!... Ugh damn it! come with me Pinkette, tch this day couldn't get any worse!" defeated, the witch pushed Aroon towards the portal, she turned to give Ned one last glare before she walked through the portal herself, leaving Ned all by himself in the cemetery.