Fearful of the Cheerful.


"Stop fucking crying YOU LITTLE SHIT!...MY EARS ARE RINGING!" Ned shouted as Yurei was now screaming and thrashing on his bed, whining like a four years old toddler, " YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW I FEEEEEEL NED!!" Yurei replied screaming back.

Irritated and exhausted, Ned threw himself on the bed, "Wanna know how I feel Yurei?! I'll slap you if you don't shut up! I haven't slept all night because of your whining!" he said snarling, lost his mind, Ned didn't need Yurei shenanigans.

The lord of Time chose to hide his encounter with Aroon away from the place jumper, he didn't trust how Yurei would react if he knew that Aroon was literally a walk away from them.

In reality, Ned was scared to let Yurei know the truth.

Yurei despite being seemingly bright, cheery and chatty, still wasn't the same happy smiling child he used to be in Derora.

Ned could tell that the now young adult, has changed, He was faking most of his smiles, pretending to be positive and optimistic, whenever Yurei showed emotions, Ned wondered Whether Yurei is actually feeling anything, Aside from the love he has for Tacito.

In fact, Ned was kind of suspicious of how Yurei never brought up the subject of that trap party, he rarely spoke of their deceased friends or showed any interest in the reincarnation subject, it was almost as if Yurei was acting like their deaths never happened.

Worse, aside from Yurei's weird and nonchalant behavior, or his unhealthy new obsession with traveling and exploring new places and cultures, the only thing that seems to be on Yurei's mind...is Tacito.

Ned wasn't sure, whether Yurei was grieving the loss of his family so hard he chose to pretend like nothing happened, as some sort of a desperate coping mechanism.

Or that Yurei didn't feel much grief at all to begin with.

The ex-doctor however, hoped it would be the second option even if it sounded a bit dark, he would rather prefer Yurei being actually blissfully unaffected by the tragedy, rather than have him be a ticking bomb of emotions, waiting to be triggered to explode at the worst of times.

So Not so sure how Yurei felt about Aroon, since he never speaks of what happened, Ned decided to seal his lips about meeting The Pinkette assistant.

Ned couldn't dare to tell Yurei anyways since, he has just helped Aroon by his own hands, when Aroon was very much the man who allegedly took everything away from his and Yurei's hands before.

"Why are you so mean to MEEEE! you disappeared all day without an explanation, then you come back only to insult me!... Aren't omegas supposed to be caring?!" Yurei whined again.

"Stereotypical much? UGH! whatever...listen Yur, I have no problem with you crying and venting your feelings out to me, since we are stuck together on this trip, but not at the expense of my mental health and beauty sleep.

It's enough that we went on this stupid mission with nearly these pain in the ass of abilities to back us up, I have to babysit you too now?

You're an adult Yurei! take responsibility for your actions, in the end you're the one who brought this on yourself!"

"AYE!" Yurei immediately screamed jumping off his bed, he stood up and snarled at Ned, "EXCUSE ME?! you're the one who agreed first on this mission you old hag! so don't make it sound like IT'S MY FAULT!"

Ned stood up as well as he heard the insult, "EH?! WHO THE HELL YOU CALLING AN OLD HAG YOU ROYAL PIECE OF SHIT!!"

Suddenly, "ROYAL MY ARSE YOU FILTHY WHORES!! CLOSE YA DAMN DIRTY MOUTHS OR I'LL COME AND SHUT IT FOR YA MYSELF YA SHITTY DANDY LOOKING BASTARDS! GOODNIGHT!" Emily the widowed woman housing them, screamed from behind their closed bedroom door.

Her sudden threat scared the two men half to death, "YES MA'AM! GOODNIGHT TO YOU TOO!" both Ned and Yurei replied in union terrified of her.

Since they paid her well, Emily rarely ever commented on anything they did except their loudness, the woman being a light sleeper hates with passion any kind of noises at night, but unfortunately for her, she was housing one of the loudest pair of friends History has ever known.

Yurei resorted to whispering immediately to not alert her, "At least we know now who killed her husband, Ain't no way in hell he just drowned on his own!" he joked, "Pfft Hahaha! shut the fuck up she's gonna hear us!" Ned barely held back From laughing.

...(time: somewhere in 1940s, USA )...




"WHEN MY FUCKING... FEET... MAKE IT ON THE GROUND... I'M SMACKING THE SHIT...OUT OF YOU YUREI!" Ned barely got the words out of his mouth before they went down again.

Only Ned and Yurei would argue while enjoying a rollercoaster ride, The two has decided early on in the day to take it easy, since Yurei wasn't feeling well once again, and Ned thought a day off would be a good way to help the Youngster get distracted from his constant chest pain.

Few minutes after the rollercoaster ride, Ned was wiping his mouth after puking his guts out, while Yurei laughed hysterically at his miserable state, reminding the ex-doctor with his promise to smack the prince, And so he did.

"OWOWOWE!!" Yurei winced in pain when Ned smacked him as hard as he could, " WHAT WAS THAT FOR OLD HAG?!"

"I made a promise, remember you Little shit? and call me an old hag one more time, I dare you! I'll burry you...ALIVE!" Ned replied.

"Shit fiiiine!... You're always on edge, kind of weird that Ga-!" Yurei stopped mid sentence before he could even pronounce the full name, he also had a promise to stay true to.

He shouldn't mentioned the name of Ned's mate, a promise he made to Ned himself.

Prior to taking away Ned's memories of Garrick, and much to Ned's surprise, Jihi told Ned that his memories will eventually start coming back after he meets His mate again.

Ned thought it was kinda pointless to remove his memories, if they were coming back eventually, but Jihi explained why the removal was necessary and warned Ned against trying to remember on his own.

If Ned tried to forcefully remember his lost memories before meeting his mate and letting his memories come back naturally, his broken heart syndrome that was already in motion from losing his mate, will have a worse effect on him, an effect not even his magic can conceal or heal.

So for his own survival, Ned made both Yurei and Tacito promise him to not mention anything about Garrick, not even his name.

"What did you try to say little shit? you stopped mid sentence?" Ned asked, he was genuinely confused by the sudden pause Yurei made.

"Ah! nothing I was kinda thinking how you reminded me of a male version of Socorro, you two are alike in so many ways, although she's way more polite than you...*sights* was polite." Yurei replied saving himself by mentioning the name of the king's assistant for the first time ever, since the incident.

Sighing, "I'll let that insult slide, and you're right Coco and I did share lots of similarities, we probably have the same personality type too." Ned spoke a little happy that Yurei mentioned the assistant, and he was right, Ned and Coco shared so many qualities and interests, and one of them was a specific person, Matilda Jeannette.

Remembering his best friend was a little saddening, but Ned has always kept his hopes up and his spirit high, knowing he'll get to see her again someday.

"Yep...When everyone comes back... how do you think They'll regain their past lives memories? Jihi said something about a ritual or a trigger action to get them to remember again, but I'm not quite sure what it is." Yurei inquired, bringing Ned back to reality after he spaced out a little while thinking of Matilda.

Shaking his head, "I don't know either, maybe after gathering them all in one room and making them meet each other, they might regain their memories...or it could be that each person will remember on their own, after getting triggered by something." Ned answered the question.

He himself, Was unsure of the nature of what will transpire when all of their friends get reincarnated, or how they'd actually regain their memories.

After meeting Aroon here in the Normal world, and seeing how the Pinkette didn't recognize him at all, Ned figured that Aroon hasn't being able to regain his memories yet.

What was funny about this to Ned, was that Aroon was quite friendly and gentle in his nature and behavior, contrary to how he acted back in Derora, he was actually just an innocent sweet and shy guy, even a bit conservative.

The hateful Junglaya king assistant that trapped people, himself include in a room, just to set them ablaze, didn't match at all with the loving boyfriend and son in law Ned met in Victorian england.

And Ned suspected as well that Aroon might've been an immortal back in Derora, not because he was a dark magic user, but mostly because the Pinkette was reborn again in the Victorian era, A time way before where the reincarnation was meant to happen according to Jihi.

This also confirmed the second theory that Jihi mentioned, about one of the deceased being already reincarnated twice, especially when Ned figured out that Lucius might be that person, since he was already alive and dead once in this world.

Ned understood now, that what happened here in this world with Lucius's first death, has already happened back in their world before, The boy died twice in Derora.

But What Ned couldn't quite understand, was that if Lucius was actually born twice, how come when back in their Derora, the inky eyes servant didn't seem to remember his past Aroon, Lucius couldn't even tolerate Aroon enough to like him.

It was possible that back in Derora Aroon was once again a contract subject, and had lost his memories which is why he couldn't recognize Lucius himself, but was drawn to him.

But Ned couldn't find an explanation on why Lucius couldn't recognize Aroon, what happened to the boy's memories that he couldn't remember the guy he promised to marry?

So many plot holes to fill, so many questions to answer and so many things to be done, before all of this will start making sense to Ned, or to anyone else.

Suddenly, "There you go spacing out again!" Yurei said.

"Sorry, now that we're almost done with this mission, I kinda feel a little sad." Ned replied.

"I Know how you feel Ned, but the best part is that we'll finally get back to our loved ones, you to your kids and me to my Tacito."

"Sometimes you scare me with how optimistic you are Yurei, do you even get angry?"

Yurei smiled at him at first, a little sinister but it was still a smile "That's not something you'd wish to see." he said before suddenly dropping that smile in a split second.

The Ex-Prince's face was now as blank as an empty canvas while he spoke again, But in a chilling tone "It takes a lot to get my Blood boiling, but when it happens... I'll make sure that someone regrets it to the point where they wish, they were never born."

The sudden shift in Yurei demeanor sent shivers down Ned's spine, "Sooooo? ice cream?" Ned said trying to avoid eye contact like the plague, "Yes sure!" Yurei quickly replied, smiling again as of nothing just happened.