Jealousy, Jealousy.

"Ah shit shit shit! I'm gonna fucking pee myself!" Yuuya ran out of the car in a hurry the moment it parked.

Stella has brought them along with her on the trip, the whole group came to visit Garrick in the hospital.

Sighting, " I fucking told him, I told that thick-head to go the restroom when we stopped at the gas station." Agu spoke standing outside disappointed, but slightly smiling too.

"Hehe, someone has to be the clumsy one out of the group!" Kimberly replied giggling as she exited the car.

"Just like somebody has to be the meanest." Stella said side-eyeing Agu while slamming the door behind her, she double checked if she locked the car before she started walking away from it with the rest of the group.

" Stella? you good homegirl?" Agu asked her.

"I'm fine."

"GURL, I wasn't born yesterday, Wtf happened, you've been edgy the whole ride."

"Agu is right! you've been, well ...too quiet." Kimberly spoke up.

It took her a moment of thinking before "Fine, I'll talk." Stella replied, "That psycho Fernando is back taunting Garrick, it's been two years since they broke up but apparently that demon will never give up."

"Back how? you mean like he's stalking him or something?" Agu asked.

"Precisely, my husband had a family member who also got accepted to the Fbi academy, he escorted the relative himself, and he told me that he saw Garrick when he arrived, but he also saw someone extremely suspicious watching Garrick from a distance.

Worried, his relative promised my husband that he'll check If Garrick is actually being stalked, and he confirmed it to us yesterday.

That guy said that when the trainees all went out on weekends, to eat, drink or fucking breath even, basically whenever they're outside the protective walls of the academy, even as groups and Garrick was among them, A masked guy would always be following them anywhere they went.

At one point that relative managed to see Fernando's face, and when he described it to me and my husband, I knew it was Fernando almost instantly." Stella explained as they walked.

Shivering in fear, "omg omg OMG! we have to warn Rickie!" Kimberly said worriedly, "I doubt horse face haven't noticed it yet, in fact I bet Rick knew about the stalking and hid the fact, so we won't do shit to that psycho." Agu replied to her, angry at the fact that he was certain Garrick wasn't taking Fernando stalking him seriously, Agu is true-crime podcast host after all.

"That Fucking idiot! everyone knows, stalkers like Fernando end up killing the person they're stalking like 9 out of 10 times, And Garrick is like a big ass target now!" Stella spoke nearly shouting, she hoped deep down that her worries were mere empty speculations, but she knew she was hoping for too much.

...Few minutes later ...

"You got a VIP room? something like this exists in a hospital?...Stella might've been right about the rich boyfriend privilege." Agu asked admiring the room.

"Umm, btw what about Yuuya? why did he take so long, should we call him?" Kimberly asked, "I texted him which room he should go to when we asked the reception, maybe something happened..." Agu replied to her, he was worried his boyfriend hasn't came to join them yet.

Worried as well, "Try calling him then." Garrick spoke sitting on his bed, he was feeling fine actually but for some reason the hospital doctors asked him to stay for today as well, he was beginning to worry whether this will be effecting him badly, since he's supposed to be in the academy, training.

What worried him more was how Stella was unusually quiet, besides asking Garrick how he felt, she didn't utter another word, not even complain about anything for no reason like she usually does.

"Oh someone is coming!" Kimberly pointed at The door as it Opened, Yuuya walked inside with someone else by his side, a tall Young person with a limestone complexion and white hair.

"Oh Taci! hi!" Garrick instantly greeted the guy, Tacito nearly smiled while taking off his sunglasses.

it took everyone else except Garrick by surprise, Tacito's red gleaming eyes were a show to look at, and seeing how the group of friends stared at him, it triggered Tacito's anxiety again, despite that he knew who they were, it didn't stop the jitters from happening.

Kimberly ended up eying the expensive pair of heels Tacito wore, wondering if it would be inappropriate to ask about which brand they came from, they looked like nothing she'd seen in shops in real life or the internet.

Stella on the other hand was wondering, why someone already tall like this person, would be wearing heels as well, but her thoughts quickly changed to thinking, if there was a way to get her husband to try a pair, she always wondered how he'd look in heels.

"Who's this lady?" Agu asked, " I'm...a guy... actually." Tacito replied making Agu feel embarrassed, "I came to... visit Garrick." Tacito added sticking the two palms of his hands together, and with his fingertips touching his nose, he slightly bowed.

It was a greeting habit he adapted after staying for a while with Yurei, in the beautiful country of Thailand.

Flustered by his previous statement, "Sorry dude, I didn't mean to offend you when I assumed your gender." Agu apologized smiling, "No need to... happens sometimes." Tacito replied gently making Garrick smile.

But Garrick's welcoming smile evaporated as soon as he noticed Tacito's bandaged left hand, There was a fresh small blood stain on the bandages.

"So...are you going to introduce us to Tacito?" Kimberly spoke breaking the awkward silence, "Yeah right! everyone this is Tacito... Tacito Tang, I call him Taci though, he's my recent gaming buddy, we chat on the side too." Garrick Said.

Tacito saluted them again still nervous since he already knew who they were but didn't want to let it show, and Stella noticed how on edge The red-eyes boy seemed, so she walked towards him smiling while extending her hand for a shake.

"My hubby is as tall as you, and you're just as cute as him too, I'm Stella btw...Stella Steel." she said shaking his right hand, Kimberly came in next pulling Tacito for a hug.

After hugging the boy, "Sorry if I invaded your space, my name is Kimberly Clarkson by the way!" Kimberly introduced herself.

" I'm Agu...Francis, And none of my gaming buddies would come rushing to visit me like this, it's nice knowing there's still Faith in humanity." Agu said smiling at Tacito, "And I'm Yuuya Kizami, I've completely forgotten to mention my name to you earlier, probably because you nearly gave me a heart attack in the restroom." Yuuya said confusing everyone else.

"What happened there?" Garrick asked, fixating his eyes again on Tacito's bandaged hand.

Without even the slightest of hesitation, "Hella lot, when I was doing my own business peacefully in the restroom, this guy right here smashed all the restroom mirrors using only his hand, that's why it's all bandaged-up and stuff." Yuuya replied.

Shocked "TACI?! Why would you do that?!" Garrick asked, " I'm sorry...I scared you...Yuuya...I was angry." Tacito replied avoiding eye contact, he felt embarrassed to show this side of himself to others.

"Seriously, is it okay though? your hand I mean? does it hurt?" Garrick asked again, this time he didn't expect this kind of response.

Tacito laughed at him.

His laughing was barely hearable, soft and kind of whispery, "So full of light...that is keeping attracting....the dark Garrick." Tacito replied.

...Some time later...

Yurei who just arrived, was partially sitting on the hood of Tacito's car, waiting for his mate as his mind raced with thoughts.

It's been days since he noticed that Tacito frequently left home without telling him, or leaving a note to explain his whereabouts, it was something out of his Mate's character.

Yurei was even more concerned when he asked Tacito where he was and Tacito told him that he was visiting someone in a hospital, despite not telling him who he was visiting, exactly.

He wasn't against his beloved Taci leaving his field of sight, heck! Yurei was happy to know that his mate was trying to socialize with people, it's just that Tacito never told him, who he was hanging out with.

Worried about his mate, despite the fact that the shy White-haired Omega can literally kick his ass or anyone else's as in a fight, Any day Any time, it was Tacito's personality that made Yurei concerned.

After knowing that Tacito and Jasper were meeting up without telling him, the young man worried his boyfriend is a little bit of an easy target to the sharp Valentinos, Tacito unlike him, had nothing against them.

Ever since that book of judgment mission, Yurei avoided Ned and his family as much as Ned himself avoided him, they treated each other like the plague.

Yurei didn't hate Ned that much or anything, he just wanted to distance himself from the Lord Of Time for many reasons, like his closeness with Jihi, since Yurei despised the Cloaked figure from day one.

But there was another reason that Yurei came to finally accept, after a conversation he had with Tacito the day before when he confronted him about meeting up with Jasper.

Tacito presented a strong argument that Yurei might be if not certainly, jealous of the Valentinos especially Ned.

Although Yurei tried to counter the argument by saying that he can't be jealous since he had the most important thing that Ned didn't but wanted the most, which is his mate.

That line of thinking upset Tacito, it made him feel like an object, a trophy rather than a person, so Tacito decided to explain his point of view without sugarcoating it to Yurei anymore.

Tacito explained how Ned was more desirable by others than Yurei, how he was better mannered with greater powers and advantages over the place-jumper, and Ned had a loving and loyal circle of people surrounding him, a family that is willing to go to extreme lengths for The Lord Of Time.

But most importantly, Ned also a goal, a path to walk on and he always had something important to do, unlike Yurei who didn't.

Yurei tried arguing back that he was confident of himself, he doesn't need all of these things to be happy in life, and he was already living a good life with Tacito by his side, and that he wouldn't trade what he has now with his beloved Taci for anything else in life.

But That was Still not the truth, Yurei's negative emotions kicked in hard when he found himself standing face to face with Ned in the parking lot, confirming Tacito's jealousy theory.

Coming all the way to Quantico, Ned had already decided to visit Garrick earlier than expected, thanks to his own daughter landing the poor man into a hospital, the doctor felt that his visit was something necessary to do.

Ned was also Missing his alpha quite terribly, especially when Garrick didn't text nor call him for the past few days, so Ned figured that a little pleasant surprise would please both him and Garrick.

He reveled in thinking about how the smile would quickly find its way on Garrick's face, if he saw him standing right in front of him.

Knowing that he had such an effect on someone, filled Ned's stomach with excited giggles, he felt like a school boy with a crush.

But the Gigglish feeling didn't last as Ned faced Yurei in the parking lot, his mind instantly thought of one thing, Aroon who was still by the car and coming their way.

Ned watched as Yurei's eyes that were already unwelcoming of him, became wide open when he eyed the Pinkette coming closer.