The truth always hurts p1

[ Disclaimer: violence and injury depiction.]

"Oh!" a sudden painful feeling Jolted Garrick up from his seated position, "What's wrong?" Kimberly asked, she was the last to stand up from her seat.

Everyone else were already on their feet, making sure they grabbed their belongings as they prepared to leave the hospital room together, when Garrick suddenly stood up too.

Because Tacito was there as well, a stranger to them, the friend group didn't mention anything about Fernando, nor teased Garrick about his obvious new crush like they wanted to originally, and in the end they decided to cut their visit short.

Reaching to touch his mark that was still under the bandaid, "I don't know how to explain this, but I have a weird feeling...that Ned is here, and that he's in pain." Garrick replied to Kimberly, unsure why he knew exactly that the dark-purple haired man is somewhere in the hospital at the moment, he even felt Ned's current distress.

"Here? wait! you mean like, your sugar daddy is here?!" Stella spoke up raising an eyebrow.

"Ned's in pain?...wait...why are you...hiding your Mating...Mark...underneath that bandaid?" Tacito asked, he wanted to ask about it from the moment he walked in.

Garrick was confused, he didn't know how to respond to his question, how did Tacito even know?

"What mating mark? isn't that a scar? didn't you say that you hurt your face before you coming here for training, Rickie?" Agu asked frowning.

"Garrick has always been a bad liar." Yuuya whispered to himself, he already knew what that was about, he was the only one that Garrick told about the mark.

"Mating mark? that fairytale story that they tell to alphas and omegas? I haven't heard of a real case happening anywhere in a long time." Kimberly said glancing at Tacito.

"It's not a fairly tale, apparently even betas are affected by it, but it's rare that's why people treat it like a legend.

And I've seen real life cases before." Yuuya answered this time in a hearable voice, and as his gut feeling was kicking in, Yuuya Knew something bad was going to happen now.

"Oh no!...Yurei is here!...I can feel...him as well." Tacito spoke, his heart nearly sank as he realized he was also sensing his mate, he could feel Yurei around as well, angry and in shock somewhere in the hospital, possibly in the same spot as Ned.

And Ned rarely ever goes anywhere, without his emotional support Assistant, Aroon Tar.

Tacito glanced at Garrick frightened, he knew what was going on, "Garrick We Hurry up...Ned might grave danger." he said grabbing Garrick's attention.

"HOLD IT! You know Ned too?! what's going on?!

Mating mark, some guy named Yurei, Ned... what are you talking about Tacito?...Can somebody explain all of this fuckery to me?!" Stella asked angrily.

Before anyone could answer Stella's questions, Tacito was already running outside the room, and Garrick followed him, bolting through the door as well.

Agu, Yuuya and Stella ran after them instantly, but a tired Kimberly chose to walk fast instead, "Why are you running?" she curiously asked but got no answer.

As Agu, Yuuya and Stella Dashed forward, they were still many steps behind Tacito and Garrick, and they were doing their best to keep up with the two's incredible speed.

"FUCKING HELL!...HOW CAN THAT GUY RUN... IN A SIX INCHES HEELS?!" Stella shouted as she ran in her sports sneakers.

"I can't fucking breathe... Holly shit!" Yuuya responded gasping for air, while Agu remained silent, he knew better how to save his breaths and energy.

Trailing far behind them was the unbothered Walking Kimberly, she had a disguise on she didn't want to ruin, but when she soon realized she could no longer see which direction her friends went.

An unhappy Kimberly started running as well, trying to catch up to her friends.

Meanwhile Tacito and Garrick stopped the marathon in the parking lot, the trio behind them soon arrived as well, Everyone now stood watching the horrifying scene before Their eyes.

And few moments later, Kimberly managed to join them, she crumbled to the ground breathless the moment she arrived, "Oh my gawd...*gasping* tell me, why are we running again?" she asked looking at her friends, but she noticed they were busy paying attention to something in front of them.

Checking the mixed look of distress and shock on her friends faces, especially on Garrick's face, that was clearly a bad sign.

So Turning her head to see for herself, Kimberly saw a stunned chestnut-haired young man standing in a white suit that was stained in blood, that man them turned his head to face Tacito as he approached him.

Glancing at Tacito, Kim realized he was shaking like a leaf when That guy approached him.

"What's going on?!" Kimberly nearly screamed at the sight of Yurei's covered in blood getting closer to them, the crazy look in his eyes was enough to get anyone to start shaking.

"What the hell Taci, half a century together, and you can't trust me enough to tell me the truth, I nearly killed an innocent man just NOW?!" Was all Yurei said before teleporting away right before Tacito's eyes, leaving his mate and everyone else behind.

"YUREI WAIT!" Tacito called after him but for no avail, Yurei just left somewhere without him.

...Few minutes ago...

The moment his eyes registered the fact he was looking at Aroon, "YOU!" Yurei screamed while lunging at the Pinkette, his pulled out a knife seemingly out of nowhere.

After years of having his ability in hand, Yurei Realized throughout that time, that his ability had more potential than Jihi actually told him about.

Eventually he was able to learn so much more, like how to summon familiar items to his location, teleporting them into his possession in splits of a second.

And so, In a blink of an eye, Yurei had his favorite hunting knife gripped tightly in his hand, he was full-force swinging it at Aroon.

But instead of hitting Aroon in front of him, He was shocked to see the knife's blade, bury itself inside Ned's left shoulder.

Startled, Yurei instantly yanked the blade away from Ned, drawing lines of blood in the process.

Seeing the deep red liquid gushing from The Ex-doctor's wound, stunned The ex-Prince.

In a stupid yet heroic decision, Ned shielded Aroon from getting hit, right at the perfect moment.

"MASTER!" Aroon shouted in horror, Alerting the woman who just got out of her orange sports car, She was oblivious to what just happened.

Actually Matilda was here at the hospital, because she curiously wanted to see the man 'Garrick' whom her Best friend was talking about nonestop.

Matilda wasn't invited by Ned to come, but she figured that if she came unannounced, Ned wouldn't be able to say no to her being there, only Aroon knew she was following them.

And Instead of surprising her friend, The Bright-Orange haired woman found herself pinning Yurei down under her strong legs, Wishing angrily that she could crush him to teach him a lesson.

Matilda's own blood boiled at the sight of Ned's wound, " WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU DONE?!" she shouted pressing her leg more on Yurei's back, she managed to disarm him from his knife swiftly.

However the place jumper had other plans other than being sandwiched by her.

In a split second Yurei teleported, disappearing from underneath Matilda's leg and reappearing few steps away from her, he was once again standing on both of his feet.

But despite his quick escape, every single time he tried getting closer to Aroon, Matilda caught up to him, and Yurei was fuming.

"MATILDA! GET THE HELL OUT OF MY WAY!" Yurei screamed, charging yet again at Aroon who had himself and Ned now protected inside a See-through pink barrier made of magic.

It was pointless to try and penetrate it, Yurei couldn't go through the Barrier no matter how hard he tried, it didn't matter how strong he got, Yurei's was not just outnumbered, but surpassed in skills as well.

"WHY THE HELL IS YOUR WOUND NOT HEALING?!" Yurei screamed again when noticing that the wound he inflicted on Ned wasn't healing at all, " Ah! I surprisingly left my healing bracelet at home today, it didn't match my outfit." Ned replied jokingly through the pain, the injury hurt like hell but he remained calm.

Matilda wasn't capable of using magic, and Aroon's magic is too dangerous to let him try to heal his injury, so Ned had to endure the pain until he could find a safe way to heal himself.

"YOU'RE A FUCKING IDIOT!" Yurei replied taking off his own bracelet and tossing it to Ned's side, "FUCKING USE IT." he yelled.

"Thanks but I'll pass." Ned replied tossing Yurei's bracelet back to him, the refusal of his kind gesture infuriated the Place-jumper even more.


"If anything, I'm not the crazy one, take a look in a mirror Yurei! I'm not the one wearing an all white outfit with blood stains all over it...My blood, I should remind you.

So I suggest you tone down your voice a little."

"Then answer my question Ned, why is that snake CALLING YOU MASTER?!" Yurei spoke glaring at Aroon.

"Easy tiger! Ugh, fuck!" Ned replied wincing in pain, " I'm not Tacito, I'm not scared of you and you won't get away with terrorizing me." he added.

"WTF are you blabbering about?! if you're implying anything about my relationship with my mate, get one first and then open your damn mouth Doctor! I treat no one like I treat Tacito."

"Right, that's why he's almost pissing his pants about telling you the truth, aren't you his mate? can't you feel his constant fear and anxiety?"

"What are you fucking talking about now?! hurry up and take the bracelet, it's obvious you're getting delusional from all that blood loss!" Yurei said eying the wound, The blood was still pouring like waterfalls.

"I know it's weighting heavy *gulps* on your mind Right now, so I'll heal myself.

But only if you promise not to attack anyone again, and you'll let me explain what's going on first." Ned replied to Yurei.

Ned could seriously no longer push himself to endure the injury, Yurei's knife might've hit a major artery in his shoulder, that's why the bleeding was serious.

" YOU'RE OUT OF YOUR FUCKING MIND NED! TAKE THE BRACELET!" Yurei yelled tossing the object again at Ned.

Taking the bracelet in his hand, "*sights* you do enjoy saying 'fuck' in every chance you get.

Well I guess I'm going to sit here and bleed out...Ah! funny how there's no one other than us in this parking lot, we caused quite the commotion." Ned said, slightly smirking.

"Are you being serious?! fuck... FINE I PROMISE YOU OLD HAG! JUST WEAR IT ALREADY NOW! OR I'LL MAKE YOU!" Yurei replied.

Smiling through his victory, Ned wore the bracelet, the effect took place immediately and his wound began closing and healing itself, slowing the bleeding in seconds before stopping it completely.


"That guy just vanished!" Stella spoke up, "No shit Stella, we all saw it!" Agu replied to her.

"Wait that's the guy! over there, that's Ned right?!" Yuuya said pointing at where Aroon and Ned where standing.

Ned's dark clothes didn't show the blood stains on them, but Garrick ran towards him when he realized there was a pool of blood underneath where Ned stood.

"What the hell happened here Ned? Are you Hurt?! Was that your blood?" Garrick asked fast while checking every inch of Ned's body, "Rick!... I'm fine, I'm fine I swear!" Ned replied smiling reassuringly at Garrick.