Life Is Like A Crossroad.

"I see, I personally have no problem with turning the book into a movie, it's about damn time I get out of my comfort shell anyways...

I haven't done anything worth mentioning in years." Matilda spoke seriously, however the entire time she didn't move her eyes and attention away from Socorro.

Matilda never focused this much in her life, she found herself paying all the attention to anything the pretty assistant has to say.

And Lucius never felt like an outsider in his life as he did today, technically he was the representative of the entertainment company that will turn the book into a movie, yet he was astonished by how Socorro took care of everything herself, she spoke for him and for herself.

And it didn't bother him at all, Socorro taking the lead meant less socializing for him, and he had a feeling that Matilda liked things how they are at the moment.

Suddenly, Lucius's phone started ringing again in his pocket.

His phone has rang about three times before during the meeting, and he ignore it, but it was getting bothersome, " is it okay if I go outside for a second? it could be something serious." Lucius asked pointing at his phone.

Socorro nodded at him despite that she hoped he stayed, she wasn't so sure about being completely alone with Matilda.

Picking himself up, Lucius hurried to the lobby to pick up the call, "I wonder what my mum wants." he mumbled before answering the phone.

As he listened to the person speaking to him to the other end, Lucius felt a panic attack was coming, the person calling him turned out to be the nurse who takes care of his sickly parent.

He hurried back into the meeting with his heart threatening to jump off his chest, "Socorro, Socorro! I'm really sorry I have to go! I'm sorry I have to go!" he spoke rapidly as he dashed back into the room, collecting all of his belongings at once and startling both women.

"Wait?! what happened? your face is pale!" Socorro asked him while standing up from her seat, " I-I...My mum is..." he fumbled on his words as his eyes welled up with tears.

"Breathe Lu, take a deep breath."

"Hospital...i gotta go to the hospital!"

"Can you tell us which one? I'll drive, you look like you're about to faint Satcliffe." Matilda spoke offering him help.

...Some time later...

"I'm sorry love...I promise it...won't happen again." Tacito spoke from behind the glass window, looking at his still sleeping mate, Ned only agreed to allow him to see Yurei from a distance.

"He'll be fine, his quick thinking saved him and he'll make a quick recovery too, I'm can you tell me exactly what happened?

I want to hear your side of the story, since we can't get his yet." Ned replied, his heart skipped a beat as he saw Tacito's tears, his eyes were fully red.

Tacito was crying real blood, he looked like a demon crying to Ned.

When Jasper told him about the Body-crafting theory, Ned hoped that there would be a different explanation, but unfortunately everything they thought of seems to be true.



"If your mate... dies... how bad it...would be"

"You mean the aftermath? hmm, pretty bad.

In rejection for example, a classic version of brokenheart syndrome kills your mate, and it usually kills them quickly.

In return, the one who rejected Their mate, the surviving mate, will live whatever left of Their life in agonizing pain and regret, that will drive them in the long run to insanity, and even early death in some cases.

But when your mate dies for another reason other than rejection, a new version of the brokenheart syndrome gets triggered.

In cases like mine for example, the brokenheart syndrome that You'll experience will be different...

You'll experience strong bursts of emotions, constant feeling of loss, you'll always feel grief and emptiness, probably for the remainder of your life, which could be a very long life after your mate passes away, especially since you're an immortal.

Aka, you can live your life normally, your immortality and magic will protect you, you'll most likely won't die right away, but you'll live heavily depressed and heartbroken.

Although I don't know if you'll ever experience love with someone else again, like I said I only managed to handle my broken heart syndrome thanks to my abilities, it hurts less the longer you live." Ned replied, "Are you afraid Yurei will die and you'll have to live without him?" he added asking.

"No I'm afraid...of what he'll...have to deal...with once I...die." Tacito spoke wiping his crimson tears, he turned to face a terrified Ned, " What the hell are you talking about Taci? You're not planning anything stupid are you?!"

"Ned thank you...for everything you've...done...I want to... ask you last favor."

"Wait, we are not skipping over that! you're going explain what the fuck you just said Tacito?!"

"Please... take care of...Yurei...for me Ned." Tacito replied bowing to him, then he instantly started walking away but Ned followed him behind.


ignoring him, Tacito ran out of his sight, he hoped Ned will stop Chasing him around in the hospital.

in the end, nothing he'll say will change his mind.

Jasper who caught a glimpse of the two of them, hurried to reach them but missed the two briefly through the crowd, the hospital was for some reason buzzing today with people left and right, and he couldn't easily push his way through.

Ned stoped shouting at Tacito as he got closer to the exit, but upon seeing something, the white-haired young man stood still, Tacito knew that the guy who just came inside the hospital, is exactly who he was looking for.

A familiar short young man, with his fair complexion came running inside the hospital, Tacito knew who that man was, and he recognized the other two familiar faces rushing after that man, calling his name and telling him to calm down and walk or he'll slip and fall.

On the other side of the scenery, Lucius, Socorro and Matilda all hurried inside the hospital.

Socorro cursed her Bad luck, it seems like fate is against the movie project, something had to happen and ruin her meeting.

The call Lucius got earlier, was to inform him that his dear beloved mum suffered a stroke.

Lucius was in a horrible mental and physical state by the time they made it to the hospital, he was unable to speak one coherent phrase, and Matilda had to handle everything on her own at the reception while Socorro did her Best to comfort Lucius and stick by his side.

But Tacito who followed them closely the moment they showed up, saw something else as he stared At Lucius, he saw his method to escape.

For a second as he stared at Lucius's pure light Aura, Tacito completely forgotten that that poor guy meant something to him back in Derora, a friend and a victim just like him.

Tacito didn't want to and couldn't even think of hurting Garrick to free himself, especially not when Garrick is surrounded by Ned and Fernando.

But what was there to stop him from doing it to Lucius, besides he just needs blood, Fernando never said he had to kill anyone, he doesn't have to harm Lucius badly to get his blood, he thought.

Meanwhile, Ned kept tailing Tacito, staying within a watchful distance from him to see what made him stay.

Jasper finally managed to be by his mother side, tailing Tacito as well, and the two immediately felt something was off when they realized that Tacito was following someone around, with a strange look on his face, as if Hunting a prey.

So The purple-haired Omegas changed Their pov to see who's the person captivating Tacito's attention.

Gasping " Lucius?... THAT'S LUCIUS?!" Ned spoke unable to believe his own eyes.

"Wait you said Lucius? as in Lucius Satcliffe?" Jasper asked.

"Have you met him before?! he's the last missing victim from the party. " Ned asked back.

"Fate is a sparling bitch! the karaoke bar thing! it's the guy who invited Aroon out for a karaoke night yesterday, he's Thorn's assistant!... Aroon invited me as well and then invited you!

But then we never went through with it after what happened to Yurei.

Though I explained everything to Coco, she told me the night went well, and Muriel and Thorn even made-up and left hand in hand somewhere." Jasper replied.

"When the fuck were you planning to tell me all of this happened?!"

"Today mom, Anyways look! those are Socorro and Matilda with him!"

Ned looked where jasper pointed to see His best friend and her future mate alongside Lucius, "But why is Tacito fixated at Lucius?! does he want something from him?" Jasper asked.

"Maybe, or he just wants to talk? Lucius used to babysit Tacito and Yurei when they were kids, he could be feeling guilty about what happened.

it's easy to think that Lucius wasn't going to die that day if the kids didn't insist on coming to the party, and Muriel ordered Lucius to babysit them." Ned replied.

"I don't think it's just talking he wants to do mom.

Look carefully, it seems more like he's staring at what's 'Around' Lucius rather than Lucius himself...I got an idea, do you think you can handle him on your own mom?"

"What why? are you going somewhere?"

"Yeah, I have to ask Jihi something... there's no way in hell they haven't noticed that Tacito is acting strange or went messing since they're his boss.

I need to get to the bottom of this, and I promise I'll tell you everything later." Jasper replied.

"You're awfully close to that sociopath Jasper...fine, I'll handle Tacito, find me Aroon on your way, and tell him to find out if we have a patient under the name Luciel Satcliffe admitted today to the hospital." Ned said.

"Ok! btw don't worry mom, you're still employee of the month in Jihi's eyes, I'm just a tea-time buddy." Jasper joked.


"Seriously sister, I cannot believe you reopened your wound! this is not a simple scratch, a bullet wound must be taken seriously!" Muriel spoke helping his sister out of the car.

After nearly murdering Thorn, Mallory ended-up reopening her stitched bullet wound, it was bleeding considerably and since none of them knew how to deal with such situation.

Both Thorn and Muriel drove Mallory to Ned's hospital, to get her wound stitched again.

"The good thing About this situation, is that you finally calmed down Mall, were you seriously going to blow my head?!" Thorn asked as he closed the car doors behind him.

"YEAH MOTHERFUCKER! and consider yourself lucky my brother begged for your life! so you better be a real alpha and take responsibility, if Muriel complained an itsy-bitsy-tiny-bit about your Ass, I'll blow you to smithereens!... Ugh!" Mallory replied grunting from the pain.

"Take it easy, I'm honored to have your blessings.

Now let's get you fixed, and my advice is that you should stay at the hospital this time, for few days...if you're so bored, Muriel and I can visit you."

"Look at you acting like you're already my brother in law." Mallory spoke rolling her eyes at Thorn, "That's because I am." Thorn sheepishly replied smirking at her.

"You two stop teasing Each Other." Muriel spoke.

Muriel actually wanted to laugh, but he was still worried about his sister and wondered if he should get her a VIP room after all.

but he hesitated on calling Ned, since he wasn't sure whether his sister will actually agree to staying here.