Too much of a coincidence p1

Checking the profile on his tablet, his brows knitted, "Yes, unfortunately we do actually have a Luciel Satcliffe.

Here! Aside from him being Lucius's mother, his name strangely rings a bell to me, but I cannot tell exactly why...Oh! he's listed as an Omega male!

Oh poor Lucius! he spoke endlessly about how he loves his mother! Luciel's sickness weights heavy on Lucius's heart!...

The poor thing must be out of his mind right Now!" Aroon spoke in a sour voice, this was definitely not the way he wished for his next time meeting with Lucius to be.

" Aroon, I need to ask you a favor of you, two actually...

I want you to stick to Lucius, don't leave his side at all! make sure his mother Luciel get transferred to one of our best private rooms, And it's on me." Jasper replied, the corners of his mouth turned up as he watched Aroon smile at his request.

"That is so kind of you young master! your wish is my command!

But I hope you'd answer me this first, why do you want me to stay by Lucius's side? there must be a reason for this." Aroon asked.

" I think you would be the perfect person to comfort him, besides I want to know more about him since he's one of them, the people mother spoke about." Jasper replied, hoping that his actions would stop Tacito from pursuiting Lucius, until he finds out the reason behind it.

"I understand, I will do my best!" An excited Aroon said slightly bowing, " Good luck young Master." he added walking away.

"Stop calling me Master pinkie pie!" Jasper whispered underneath his breaths before he turned to the other direction, and the colors just drained out of Jasper's face when he saw the last person he expected to see in the hospital.

Fernando Bardales.

"Oh what the hell?!" Fernando said when he spotted Jasper.

"What the hell indeed, Freddie? you're supposed to be in hideout. "

" Jasper, how am I suppose to die cry hate in these conditions."

"Good joke but seriously Freddie, what brought my father's murderer to his mate's hospital, again." Jasper said angrily.

"Tacito." Fernando replied.

"Your son?"

"Ugh? don't you know too much, kid." Fernando spoke, glaring at the Jasper.

"What can I say? I take after my mother in that department, we're just too curious! Valentino's bullshit and all."

"Curiosity kills the cat." Fernando commented.

"First of all it's 'Killed' and second of all, I'm not the one who died three time so far, pretty brown eyes...

on a side note, you're actually quite hot Freddie! I see why Thorn was hooked on you!

Unfortunately, I have no intention to get freaky with a murderer." Jasper replied winking.

Fernando's face turned crimson red, "Ugh, aren't you an omega as well? you sleep with omegas?"

"Yes, I rarely ever liked Alphas, most of them are alike anyways.

Besides, lately I'm getting surrounded by some interesting Omegas...far more interesting than any Alpha I've ever met."

Scoffing, "Well That's something."Fernando said.

"Never heard of this before? Freddie."

"Never tried to shut up before? Jasper."

"Oh I Know We could've been besties in another universe, too bad." Jasper replied walking away.

"You're not going to stop me? you don't even know what I'm going to do." Fernando asked.

"Stop you? Not really, I know You're not here to burn down the place, besides I believe you don't have what it takes just yet, to pull your little magic stunt out again." Jasper said before continuing down his road.

"Clever bastard." Fernando whispered, slightly smirking as he went back to what he was doing.


"No, I'm not staying here!"

"You are Mallory! end of discussion!"

"End of relationship!"

" You wish! I am your brother, and I know what is good for you Mallory." Muriel said.

"I don't give a shit if it's a VIP room! I wanna go home already!" Mallory whined like a kid while laying on the annoyingly comfortable hospital bed.

"You're gonna be here Just for few days Mall." Thorn said, "Stay for the night at least, we will come visit you tomorrow, same time as now, right Muriel?" he added.

"Thorn is right sister, it is for you own good to remain in your bed for the time being, and you shall see us tomorrow!" Muriel spoke smiling at his sister.

"Ugh! fine! you will visit me tomorrow, exactly on time and not a minute late!" Mallory replied finally agreeing.

"Yay! I promise you sister! you will not be bored here, the room is well equipped and there is a staff right outside the door, their soul purpose here is to tend to your every need, you are in good hands."

"Do I look like a seven years old kid to you?"

"That is not what I meant sister, but you do act like a seven years old."

Thorn snickered at the siblings in the background, "You two are like day and night, I wish I had a sibling... it's a good thing to have close family by your side, at times like this." he said.

"True, anyways you two can go back to the house and leave me be, I bet you two are eager to have the house only to yourself...fuck birds."

Blushing, " Love birds and please sister, stop attacking us! I will not let go of Thorn, it is not a choice anymore since he is my mate...let us take our leave Thornie!" Muriel said grabbing Thorn by his hand.

"Hey! Umm, bye Mall!" Thorn hastily said waving a goodbye at Mallory, before leaving the room dragged by Muriel.

The two then silently walked for a minute, before Thorn noticed how worried Muriel seemed so he decided to reassure him a little, "Hey, Mall is going to be fine."

"I am not worried about her right now, sugar."

"Hmm? so what's occupying your mind then?"

"Thorn are you sure you're an only child?"

Thorn blinked twice, before sadness clouded his features "No, actually I could have siblings I just don't know who they are!

My parents they never got together when they had me, after I was born they gave me up and went Their separate ways.

They both married different people later on, and continued living like nothing happened.

I bet They both have their own families that I've never met, and those families probably don't know I exist at all too... to be honest, I'm not that mad they chose to cast me aside to have a fresh start...

In the end they give me a company, servants and Money to get on my feet, it was their way of apologizing for abandoning me." Thorn replied.

"Oh!" Muriel stopped walking, he turned to look at Thorn, "I am sorry sugar, but no amount of money can wipe the sins of abandoning your own child!" he said.

"it's better this way, I haven't seen them in a while...They used to only visit me in my birthdays, but the last time they visited was seven years ago." Thorn explained.

"Forgive me, I did not intend on opening your wounds from the past." Muriel said.

"It's okay Muri, but why did you ask me that question from the start?"

"Earlier when we brought Mallory inside, I left you guys shortly to find Ned."

"Yeah you told me you couldn't find him."

"Yes, his office was empty and I could not find Aroon anywhere too, however I saw Coco with an Alpha woman." Muriel said, making Thorn blink again "Soco? isn't she supposed to be with Lu having a meeting with Orange Tree?!"

"Exactly, I was about to approach them and ask what happened when I noticed a young person watching them from a distance, I managed to get a peak at their features and was shocked...

I asked you that question earlier because that young man is 'Nearly' a copy of you." Muriel said.

Thorn's eyes went wide at his mate's statement, "Nearly a copy how?" he asked.

"Although he was of A limestone complexion, the Young man has the same hair color, eyes as you...

I know it is not enough to assume your relation to that person but if you saw his face, he reminded me of you instantly.

You would not believe me with just words... so here." Muriel said showing Thorn a picture he took on his phone.

Taking the phone in his hand, " hey isn't illegal to take pics of people without their consent?! And oh! you're hella right, he does look Alot like me.

Something isn't right though, I don't have a common face.

And I'm a mix of my parents genetics, I got my hair and eyes from my dad, and my tone from my mom, it would be crazy if they ended up having another kid that looks like me." Thorn commented.

Muriel was right about the stranger resembling him, but the stranger also resembled someone else a little.

"Any idea who the young man might be?"

"No!... I'd rather think of this as a coincidence, there's no way I got anything to do with Him. "

"But he was without a doubt watching Coco at that time." Muriel pointed out.

"Maybe it wasn't Soco he was watching, let's call them, and pretend we're just asking how they're doing first." Thorn replied.


"Fuck this day, in fact fuck this whole past week...I had enough, I'm done, I'm resigning officially by tomorrow!"

"Coconut... I mean Socorro, I suggest you use your own advice, take a deep breath."

"I'm sorry."

"I said breathe not apologize."

"Miss Jeannette..."

"Just Matilda, you can insult me even." Matilda replied.

Frowning "Why would I do that?" Socorro asked, " You look like you're Needing that.

You were so good at comforting Lucius, I didn't think you'd crack the moment you're away from him." Matilda replied.

Lucius ended up passing out and was put in a room to rest, the two woman were now sitting in the cafeteria.

It was mostly Socorro freaking out by herself while Matilda watched her, the confident woman from earlier at the meeting has evaporated as soon as the two women were alone.

"Are you judging me?"

"Hardly ever Socorro, Ned is my best friend, I've seen him in a state like yours before...I know you hate crowded areas, so I suggest we leave for a bit so you'd calm down."

"Leave where? I can't just leave Lu." Socorro replied, she didn't notice her phone started ringing.

"I got Lucius under my name, he'll be in good hands and near his mom.

You need some air and I know just the place... let's go coconut."

"Just because I admire you, doesn't mean I'm going to follow you anywhere, and please stop calling me coconut."

As Socorro's phone kept on ringing, "Fair enough Miss that your phone ringing? it's been going off for ages." Matilda said.

"Huh?!" Socorro searched for her phone and found it in her dress's pocket, "Hello, this Belmonte speaking ." she responded without checking who called.

And while Socorro spoke on the phone, Matilda noticed two people passing by that weren't supposed to be in the hospital, so she left Socorro and went to follow them.

Muriel: Coco! Are you alright Dear? You sound a bit off!

Socorro: I apologize, but I'm not at the office currently...

Lucius received a call, his mother is hospitalized, he's a train wreck and passed out at the moment...I feel awful.

Muriel: oh my goodness! we are coming to see you!

Socorro: What?! no need to cut your day off! I'll handle everything I can handle-

Muriel: Enough is enough Coco, you are The one who is going to take a day off instead, where are you now?

Socorro: in Ned's hospital-

Muriel: I know, I am here as well but where in the hospital.

Socorro: the cafeteria, why the hell are you here?!