Being related is no guarantee of love.

"You are correct, this guy and I would seem to be twins.

I do not know him however...I was adopted After all." Faunus replied staring at the picture Ned showed him, "What was his name again?" he added asking.

"Fernando Bardales, some of us call him Freddie...

Not because we like him though." Ned answered.

"Is this why that poor boy ran away from me?"

"You have no idea how much trauma Tacito endured on Freddie's hands."

"To think there is someone out there with a face like mine, causing harm and pain to much dangerous is he?"

"Too dangerous, let's hope you guys never meet...

Hey, You mentioned a family trial, right?" Ned asked, him and Faunus were just outside the room talking, but they could hear Leonard constantly begging Muriel to help him.

"If you do wrong in this family, everyone gathers for trial, much like the ones in real courts...

We present evidence and make accusations based on it, and once we find someone guilty, we decide the best punishment for them." Faunus replied.

"When Mallory came back here with Leonard, she didn't meet the whole family, only the one who's the chief of police..."

"Yes, our family is very secretive, we only trust each other so when Muriel's sister came with the facts.

Only One person talked with her, 'Henrietta' the chief of police was the one to talk with Mallory because she is actually Leonard's adoptive parent."

"What? he's the chief's son?" Ned said.

Faunus felt as if Ned was pretending that he didn't knew, he ignored it, "Yes...after everyone knew what Leonard has done, They turned their backs on him.

They actually wanted to kick him out, but I convinced them to give him a second shot..."

"You seem to care about him so much."

"I understand Leonard's pain, being adopted by the Styles Seems like a dream at first, but they only love you as long as you are a law abiding citizen, abiding their law that is...

Once you cause harm of any sort to the family, like a scandal or something, they will treat you like a criminal." Faunus explained.

"I can't really blame them, I know I won't abandon my kids, but I would be hella mad if one of them ruined someone's life." Ned said As the sounds from inside grew louder.

"Please Muriel, tell him to let me go!" Leonard said begging Muriel, "Can you free him Faunus?" Muriel asked seeing Faunus who was Walking back inside the room with Ned.

"Muriel darling, I cannot Free Leonard though I wish to.

The family do not want to risk it, this is not the first time he caused us trouble...

Leonard has lost his freedom by his own hands, and he has yet to learn any lesson from his punishment." Faunus said.

"I'm begging you just take off these chains I won't run again! this is getting ridiculous!

Please Faunus! I swear I won't hurt anyone again! I never meant to hurt Muriel in the first place, I love him!" Leonard said "Love him?!...I kinda feel sad for you." Thorn said scoffing.

"YOU DON'T GET TO TALK TO ME LIKE THAT YOU LIZARD! I DON'T NEED YOUR PITY." Leonard shouted, "Lower your voice Leonard, if you do not wish to anger me any further." Faunus said.

"Lizard? look at you! you look like an Abused animal Leonard, and it's my fault I actually felt bad For you!" Thorn said not making any Attempts to hide his smirk.

"YOU! why are here Thorn?! did you come just to mock me you snake!" Leonard replied baring his teeth at Thorn.

"Be Careful with how you address Thorn, Leonard." Muriel spoke, "Know your place." he added.

"My love...I swear I won't hurt you ever again, I was going to propose to you! that's how much serious I am about us!" Leonard said, "Save it dear, there is no 'US' anymore." Muriel replied pointing for Leonard to look down.

Leonard's eyes followed where Muriel's finger was pointing, " that." Leonard said glaring at the mark glowing on Muriel's naked foot.

"Let me help you understand Leonard." Thorn said sticking his tongue out so Leonard could see his mark.

Leaning to Ned's ear, "Muriel found his mate?" Faunus asked whispering, "Yeah, Thorn." Ned responded, but much to his surprise Faunus smiled.

"You seem happy." Ned whispered, "Because this should cut all ties Muriel has with Leonard...if he and Leonard have nothing between them, it will be a fresh start for both of them." Faunus said.

"You're odd Faunus."

"My name should be enough of an indication that I am not your average normal guy."


"So this is Fernando's workshop." Yurei said inspecting the place, he couldn't get inside the shack nor the shed besides it, it was guarded by magic and he couldn't even teleport inside, but as soon as Tacito touched the outer walls of the tiny house, the door flung open.

"He even built...the same way... just like in...Derora." Tacito said walking inside, "Is this where he made your new body?" Yurei asked.

"I think so...and it looks... just like I was... raised in it the place."

"Do you think those 'Styles' were aware of this place existing near their mansion?"

"I doubt's heavily enchanted...only mother and...I...can find it.

And now you... because you're...connected to me."

"Jesus, this Fernando guy is so creepy he's making me religious."

"I must is weird...I don't understand...why it's the same...area as the...Style family mansion."

"Beats me, we should question that Faunus guy at least, I'll do it since you're freaked out by him." Yurei said, "What are you...going to ask...him?" Tacito asked while kneeling down to check a dusty violin case he found on the ground.

"Ned wanted to ask him why he hired me and why he kept refusing to meet him in person, I want to know what's his relationship with Fernando, as if it's not that obvious just by looking at his face and this place."

Getting back up, "I don't think...he has any...relationship with Yurei please...let's just leave...this place for...good.

I don't think...questioning these a good...idea." Tacito pleaded with him.

"We can't just leave! not without answers!" Yurei said walking outside, "Yurei...I'm terrified isn't!" Tacito replied following him.

But The moment they stepped outside, the door slammed shut on its own, giving them both a big scare.

"What the hell is this place!"

"Yurei...let's go back...please."

"Taci, I'm done hiding and I'm done running away from our coming here wasn't just Ned being curious, this is our fate."

"This isn't fate!...I want happily's the fate...I want."

"I don't think We can be happy when that murderer gets to live three times without punishment."

"No we can!...Let's just leave...all of this...behind...we can start...over somewhere else."

"Not before I make Fernando pay for ruining both of our lives." Yurei said, "Give me your hand Tacito, let's go."


"You know you should've been a writer Jade, maybe that was your call."

"Garrick, everything that came out of my mouth is nothing but the truth, and I will prove it to you."

"Really? I can't wait to see your proof."

"Oh you're going to like it, come with me." Jade said getting-up, she walked to the cashier paying for the many rounds of coffee they drank.

"Where we going?" Garrick asked following her, "I'm not a Valentino if I'm not ready for action." She responded then confidently flipped her hair as she walked away.

...Few minutes later...

"A DNA TEST? I can't believe You've took my DNA behind my back to get it tested!" Garrick said angrily, They were standing now outside a DNA testing center.

"I'm sorry about that! I'll make it up to you! Just get inside, And btw take off your glamour and wear these instead." Jade said handing him a pair of reading glasses.

"Really?" Garrick said skeptical, he took off his glamour and wore the glasses she gave him, "What are these for?"

"So people won't recognize us, just in case!"

"Jade are you serious? what kdrama have you seen This from? Glasses? really?"

"Dumbass! they are enchanted! Jasper made these, they cause people to be unable to remember your face after meeting them, my genius brother made two pairs for me because I'm clumsy and I break stuff.

Luckily, I didn't break any pair yet." She explained.

"Now we know who the family disappointment is." Garrick said smirking at his own joke, "Hey! you didn't just say that!" Jade replied offended.

"I did! now let's get inside this place, I want to get back as soon as possible." Garrick said before going inside the building.

The two walked for few seconds before they got to a waiting area, "Stay here I'll be right back." Jade said then walked away from Garrick, "Seriously, can't believe she went as far As resorting to a DNA test behind my back!

There's no way it's gonna say that I'm her father." Garrick whispered to himself before sitting down.

The waiting area was almost empty, except for one old man sitting next to Garrick, and Garrick noticed how tensed-up the older guy was, "Are you okay sir?" he asked.

"Oh, yes! I'm just waiting for my daughter to come back." The old man replied, "So is that girl that just left your sister? she looks a lot like you." the old man asked.

"Oh yeah, my younger sister... supposedly." Garrick lied, "We met few months ago, And thought nothing like science to confirm whether we're truly related or not." he added.

"What a crazy world! I just met my daughter a month ago too! we tested a while ago, and we just got here to get our results." the old man replied.

"What if she doesn't turn out to be your daughter?...And I'm sorry if that's a rude question sir." Garrick said, "So what? life goes on!

The truth is that I've been looking for my daughter for seven years now...

I've met so many girls that didn't end-up being her...because I'm well-off, some girls even tried to scam me, hoping to get money out of this." The old man replied.

"Doesn't that bother you sir?"

"It does young man, but I cannot blame those girls, lots of them were trying to survive in this merciless world...and it's been so many times already, it hurts less for me with each time."

"What do you mean?"

"If this young lady didn't turn out to be my daughter, she's just another girl I crossed off the list.

I will try again! since it happened before, it won't hurt as much as the first time." The old man said smiling, "Wow, you're quite positive sir." Garrick said.

"Time helps with such things, it doesn't heal your wounds completely but it helps you get used to the pain..." the old man said stood amd walked over to a girl who was coming his way.

Garrick watched as the girl jumped on the old man hugging him and cheering so loud, after showing him the results.

Seeing them cry in pure joy, "He found her...good for him." Garrick said smiling.

"Hey! Helloooooooo?! can you hear me?" Jade said while waving in front of Garrick.

Startled, "Holly shit! where the hell did you come from?!" Garrick Asked.

"I got our results Rickie, wanna see it now? I won't open it unless you say so."

"Can I keep it Jade? I want to open it on my own, when I'm alone."

"Ok I guess." Jade said handing him the enveloped document.