Sunday morning.

[Disclaimer: slight mentioning of toxic/abusive relationships.]

"Why are You going so early in the morning? I am going to miss you Nedu!"

"It's not that early it's 10am! and Faunus! Stop calling me Nedu!"

"Nedu Nedu Neeeeeeeduuuuu!"

"So childish, seriously stop! are you drunk or something?!"

Faunus shook his head with a no, "Should I call you Mother then? alright mother is better anyways since you are older than me!

I wanted to treat you like a sibling because we look around the same age, but I guess you prefer being respected more." Faunus said hugging Ned's arm, "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU! LET GO OF ME!" Ned shouted but Faunus still clung onto him smiling.

"Pfttt! He's calling him Mother now? Faunus sure took a likening to Ned, he's attaching himself to him since yesterday." Thorn said amused, "Umm That's because...he saw Jasper's... pictures on Ned' last night." Tacito spoke.

Tacito knew what was going on because last night after dinner, Faunus gathered the others three Omegas, Ned, Muriel and Tacito in the garden to have like a tea party after dinner without the Alphas and Yurei.

"I don't get it? what happened at your little omega party? I forgot to ask yesterday since I was tired from stopping Thorn and Leonard from killing each other." Yurei asked.

Faunus forced Leonard to take Yurei and Thorn to the cinema room in the mansion, so Yurei and Thorn ended up watching a movie together with an unwilling Leonard.

But after the movie ended, and as they walked back to their rooms, Thorn mentioned that Muriel is pregnant, and a fight between him and Leonard broke out, Yurei and eventually Faunus had to interfere to stop them.

Scoffing at him, "Tch, No one stopped me! if I wanted to...I could've killed That green demon easily." Thorn said.

"Yeah right." Yurei sarcastically replied, "Stop mocking me!" Thorn said, "Father-in-law, for an old man, you sure lack wisdom and maturity." Yurei replied.

Tacito giggled at their interaction, "You two only... get along if...there's football (soccer)...or Muriel involved." he said.

"I don't know what you're talking about, but Yurei is right about Faunus acting weird." Thorn said, "Seriously what happened? Faunus was already clingy towards Ned from the start, but today he's being extra." Yurei said.

"Faunus thinks he' love with... Jasper...after he saw... Jasper's pictures." Tacito said making Yurei burst out laughing, "The fuck? he just looked at his picture and fell in love? does Faunus know that Jasper is an omega like him?" Thorn asked.

"He knows that!...Faunus doesn' a Alphas.

He admitted yesterday...that he's only... attracted to other...omegas." Tacito responded.

"Ahh! that's why he was so clingy to Ned! he liked Ned first then saw Jasper's pictures and ditched Ned for his son." Thorn said smiling and Tacito nodded at him, "When Ned said...he had a...Destined mate already...Faunus got Muriel mentioned...Jasper to him."

"BAHAHAHAHA! SHUT-UP! *gasps* I can't stop laughing!" Yurei cried out, but Thorn rolled his eyes at him.

"Not gonna lie, Jasper is a fine dude, he also gives off the appearance that he's an alpha, since he's tall and a bit masculine like Ned, compared to you and Muriel." Thorn said.

"Yes...Btw...I heard Ned, Fernando... and Jasper are... usually your come...You liked Muriel?" Tacito asked, "Sounds crazy right! idk what happened, I met him, I kinda hated him at first because I was jealous, then I felt bad for him.

I ended-up wanting to help Muriel, and make him laugh, it was then when I realized I had feelings for him!" Thorn said while looking at Muriel who was talking with Leonard in the corner, away from them.

He felt uncomfortable, letting Muriel and Leonard talk by themselves, but Muriel convinced Thorn to stay out of it until he's done.

"Muriel...Listen." Leonard tried to speak but Muriel cut him off again, "After meeting Orlando, I came here to get revenge on you somehow...I cannot believe I ended-up pitying you." He said.

"Please...Nicolas and I were never serious! I admit it, I was a piece of shit for cheating on you with Blue the first time, but afterwards when I tried to end it with him, he started blackmailing me."

"Leonard, let us imagine that the other piece of shit Nicolas Blue, did blackmail you into sleeping with him...

What about my medicine? did he blackmail you into killing me as well? Huh? if you ever loved me, you wouldn't do that!"

"Muriel I can-!" Leonard said, "No let me wanted me to remain sick and fragile, so you can keep me home in bed, right under your thumb, you made me unable to fight you back Leonard." Muriel spoke.

"I didn't want to hurt you that bad, we were going to get married! I love you Muriel I Still do! You shouldn't be carrying that lizard's baby, THIS BABY SHOULD'VE BEEN MINE!" Leonard shouted so Muriel slapped him across the face.

The slap shocked Leonard so much it made Muriel half smile, Everyone else turned their attention to them, even Yurei stopped laughing as well.

"What? surprised? you slapped me so many times before Leonard? is it weird that I did the same for you?!

Oh right! that was normal for you! you would slap me, call me a whore and force me into bed with you, then wake-up next morning begging for my forgiveness and showering me with kisses, so I would forgive you and you'll do it all over again." Muriel said.

"I did not tell anyone about the physical abuse, I kept it hidden...they only saw the psychological side of it.

People thought I was not aware you were being abusive, because no matter what you did, I did not fight you back.

Lucky for them, they never saw what happened behind closed doors." Muriel added.

"Muriel please..." Leonard said as he fell dramatically to his knees, crying.

"I loved you at first Leonard, I really did you ugly hearted demon...

I held onto you even when everyone around me begged me to get rid of you, why do you think i endured everything you did to me? you really think your spell was the only reason?" Muriel said before walking away.

"Muriel!" Thorn called out, following Muriel behind.

"I tried explaining last night to Leonard that Muriel is a mated man now, but he would not listen, how stubborn." Faunus said regaining his seriousness, "I wish you all a safe trip.

I will go take care of my demon cousin." Faunus said releasing Ned before walking back to Leonard.

Suddenly, "in life you make choices...sometimes good and sometimes bad.

And when you make bad choices, you risk loosing everything you love, including your lover...Mr.Green made a bad choice, one he cannot undo." Yurei said catching his mate's attention, "What are you...talking about Yurei?" Tacito Asked, "Those were Muriel's own words." Yurei replied.


"Thanks for coming to jog with me on a Sunday morning Matilda!"

"No problem! Thank you for actually agreeing to play the role, I feel grateful since it was on a short notice."

"I'm the grateful one! I wasn't sure when I was going to get my next big job! I'm going to be playing a dream role, I can't wait to hop on the set!" Kimberly replied with hands waving in the air.

"Hehe okay! I love that enthusiasm!" Matilda said smiling, "We still have a problem with the other role though... Socorro was supposed to help find someone to play the other main character."Matilda added, her smile dropped remembering Socorro and the events of the day before.

"Right, you and your mate are working together." Kimberly's smile also dropped, remembering that she'll probably be seeing Socorro as often as she sees Matilda when they start filming.

"Socorro's making me worried, she's not responding to my texts, or answers any of my damn calls."

"Huh? did you guys fight?"

"Idk what happened! we were talking normally, then she dropped a glass and it shattered and got her cut, so I tried to help her but she screamed at me and kicked me out!"

Kimberly frowned, "What made her drop the glass? did you say anything to upset her?"

"Nothing that I can think of!" Matilda said, "We were just casually talking."

"I don't know what to say...give her some time to cool off, you're recently mated right? maybe that's why she's not doing well!" Kimberly said, "Maybe, but I feel like she's hiding something from me." Matilda replied.

"Alright enough grumpiness! we are going to lift her mood today, leave it to Kimberly to make people happy!"

"What do you mean Kim?"

"Let's surprise her with some books, you said she loves reading right?"

"Yeah, but she reads Alot, I bet she knows every famous book out there." Matilda said skeptical, "Do you know if she likes letters?" Kimberly asked.

"I don't know about that, probably...why?"

"There's a special book store I know around here, it's supposed to be a secret because it's literally magical!

The shop owner can write you a letter specially for you, just by looking at you!" Kimberly said, "I tried it myself! and you don't have to even tell her your name, she can Guess it by herself." she added.

"That sounds crazy!" Matilda said "Something like this exists?!"

"It does! my cousin took me there, The bookshop owner wrote for me a letter and asked me to open and read it when I get home.

I cried that night so much after reading it, that letter was so heartwarming and encouraging, and it came perfectly During my darkest time." Kimberly replied.

"Do you think Socorro is going to like it?"

"She'll definitely love it Matilda!"

"Will a picture work? I have her photo on my phone." Matilda said, "Yeah! let's go! I'll lead the way!" Kimberly said wrapping her arms around Matilda's.


As Jade sat down staring at her phone, she felt something hot press on her neck.

Startled, she turned around to find Garrick holding a coffee in his hand for her.

"Take it." he said shaking the cup, "Thanks." she replied accepting the coffee.

"So, do you have any plans for today Jade? Sunday plans?"

" you?"

He smiled at her, "I was thinking about, a father-daughter day together." Garrick said making Jade smile big, "So you believe me now?!"

"It's kinda hard to argue with a DNA test, besides I started to get a feeling that you were being honest, seeing how sad you got.

You're a loud girl Jade, for you to be this bummed and quiet, it felt like something wasn't right." he replied.

"Did you talk with mom?" she asked, "No, let's keep this a secret for now...By the way my friends know, I showed them the results." Garrick replied.

Jade chuckled, "So much for keeping it a secret." she said.

"Crazy to think, I died then came back to life...when do you think I'll get my past life memories back?" he asked, "idk, I really don'"

"For the meantime, let's act stupid, it's best if you keep calling me Garrick." he said, "Fair enough, so...wanna go somewhere Garrick? get more coffee or something?" she asked.

"I have a better idea, how about we go shopping first, Then we eat."

"I can't shop with a limit on my card! I've been using it too much!" she whined, "How much money do you have left? maybe I can help you." Garrick asked.

"Around 10k I think." Jade said making him smack the back of her head, "OW! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!"

"Walk in front of me you spoiled brat! I'm not buying shit today! you're paying for the both of us." Garrick replied angrily.